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4 years ago

LOL, Craig!

4 years ago

With the recent shut downs nation wide 1 in5 house holds have experienced a layoff
I was just thinking about what has happened here in the last 2 days, all bars closed,  schools closed anyplace crowds can gather. Restaurants down to a small kitchen staff for the few to go orders,.  The next round of employment numbers are going to be ugly,  look for the stock market to have another 10%+ down as that reality soaks in. 

4 years ago

Jack, you’re probably very right.

4 years ago

We are not “done” until Biden has enough delegates to win on the first round of voting in the convention.
Sanders should not withdraw from the race unless he hears a solid public commitments from Biden on Medicare for all. 
If Biden still will not support that, why should Sanders concede?  He should keep in the race until the convention.  He needs to keep the pressure up on Biden to move to the left.
There is no justifiable reason why this nation can’t have universal government financed health care system like EVERY other developed nation.   The Democratic party has been controlled for too long by financial conservatives in Congress.  They all have government financed health care but they want to deny it too millions of low income people in the USA.  It is despicable. 

4 years ago

Nash, despicable, yes. But it would be a gargantuan undertaking that has not gotten enough support to lift either candidate endorsing it to the head of the ticket among Democrats. That’s not the sword to die on in 2020, unless you like the president we have now. Public option has always seemed to be popular. I’d think a commitment to that is as far as Joe might go. Bernie’s run has ended, and further extending it will diminish what leverage he has to shape the platform of a party he’s not a member of. At least that’s the way I see it. 

4 years ago

remember this from 2008.  should be co-opted by a biden PAC, updated (sans sarah) with a more positive bent including covid19 and IMpotus idiocy. good project for Bloomberg’s ad guys.

4 years ago

nash & pogo,   joe can adopt wholehearted a universal healthcare stance without using the M4A label and without abandoning the pragmatic Obamacare baby steps.  they need to come up with better name, medicare terminology reeks of old folks  so title it “everybody in the pool” or something really humorous for the campaign trail.  goal is same eventually as Bernie’s and lizzie’s.  

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Watching a few minutes of news this morning gave a unified response to why people voted for Biden, he is stable.  At some point the SFB cult will peak through the orange-brown fog and see that their savior is out of his mind and the garbage he has been spewing is killing them.

4 years ago

would like to see more talk of moratoria being declared by gov. such as megen mccardle reiterated yesterday in wapo:

In this unprecedented situation, the government will need novel, creative policymaking to minimize the damage — and not just the same old predigested ideological programs. The first priority should be laid-off workers, who need secure access to what financial guru Dave Ramsey has dubbed the “four walls”: food, transportation, rent or mortgage, and utilities. That will mean, in part, putting cash into the hands of individuals who have been laid off or quarantined, first through checks, then through unusually generous unemployment insurance and some sort of federal sick-leave program. It will also mean declaring a moratorium on evictions and utility shutoffs, like the one Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) has already put into place. Vehicle repossessions and residential mortgage foreclosures should be added to the list.


I would add to that moratorium on medical/insurance bills, student loans, rent & car payments.  need for people to be able to concentrate on just the basics during the pandemic – food, housing & way to get back and forth.

4 years ago

The ONLY thing that matters in the upcoming national election is getting rid of trump.  Well…  and hopefully flipping the Senate.  Democrats need to stay focused.  Republicans do… that’s why they win so much.  No more fucking purity tests!
Go, Joe….  GO!

4 years ago

My coworker has a relative in the military who has said to get what you need now, it’s about to get bad.   Another one went to shooting range to renew concealed carry & there were 17 others there.   

4 years ago


UNIVERSAL health care is a great objective.  Medicare for All is probably one of the worst ways to achieve it in a country of our size and population.  You are right that the majority of developed nations to have a healthcare system to service all of the population as a right, but they are complicated systems that combine the Beveridge and Bismark systems ideas with insurance and various levels of control.  ALL involve MANDATED involvement by everyone in the pool and that involves high tax levels.

Five Countries – Health Care


4 years ago

RR, damn Skippy. WADR to KC & Nash, Bernie’s quest for a revolution is being rejected by voters who supported it 4 years ago.  Starting on Super Tuesday he’s drawing about 60% of the support he got against Hillary in 2016.  

I can’t see Joe agreeing to seek universal healthcare that involves significant tax increases. Public option is the only concession I expect to see as an olive branch, and it needs to be extended now, and if it’s  not accepted Joe needs to say OK, you won’t get this offer again.  

4 years ago


If we had a currently sane government, I wouldn’t agree with you, but we have Trump and company.  Currently they are mumbling about some sort of replacement funds getting out somewhere near the end of April if at all.  Many thousands of people live paycheck to paycheck.  Most of those have less than $500 in reserve for emergencies.  

Scared and hungry people do dangerous and stupid things.  I would hope that your gun toting buddies would concentrate less on self defense and more on helping people in need who might go off the rails if they get desperate.


4 years ago

Have you ever noticed that in times of crisis, the workers we describe as “low skill” are the ones we seem to need the most?  

The ones making the most money are often the most totally useless to others.


4 years ago

Faiz Shakir, Bernie Sanders Campaign Manager: “The next primary contest is at least three weeks away. Sen. Sanders is going to be having conversations with supporters to assess his campaign. In the immediate term, however, he is focused on the government response to the coronavirus outbreak.”

4 years ago


“Let me be clear: We’re not doing no-strings-attached bailouts that enrich shareholders or pay CEO bonuses. Period,” Warren said on Twitter.
Here are Warren’s eight conditions:
Companies must maintain payrolls and use federal funds to keep people working.
Businesses must provide $15 an hour minimum wage quickly but no later than a year from the end
Companies would be permanently banned from engaging in stock buybacks.
Companies would be barred from paying out dividends or executive bonuses while they receive federal funds and the ban would be in place for three years.
Businesses would have to provide at least one seat to workers on their board of directors, though it could be more depending on size of the rescue package.
Collective bargaining agreements must remain in place.
Corporate boards must get shareholder approval for all political spending.
CEOs must certify their companies are complying with the rules and face criminal penalties for violating them.

4 years ago

Ha, I love the Warren and Sanders statements. They go right in in the same box as the statements from my jr senator Hawley and Rand Paul, just powerless senators pumping wind to sound important.
Nancy Pelosi on the other hand, has played things to perfection.

4 years ago

Just got back from grocery shopping…  lots of empty shelves.  But we did manage to get everything on our list with a few substitutions.  For instance…  got plenty of crackers, but no low-sodium….  got Teddy peanut butter, had to take the organic jar…  wanted a 2 stick butter carton, had to take a 4 stick one instead.  Wasn’t too crazy… but we went early.  We told every worker we encountered that they were doing a good job.

4 years ago

Yesterday Mitch told his bunch to shut up and vote for Pelosi’s house bill. Why because the Republicans have caught their tit in the wringer and  Pelosi’s bill offers their only means to escape.  And it will cost them. Right now Pelosi is the most powerful person in DC because only she has the power and ability to drive the conversation in the direction she wants it.
The Senate has shown it is a bunch of bumbling idiots and SFB and his bunch are clueless in the ways of governing.
That leaves Madam Speaker.

4 years ago

Nash…  I’m sure that everyone here agrees that our current healthcare system is a travesty.  I, for one, would LOVE to see a system where everyone is covered…  including nursing home stays.  But… and you knew that was coming 🙂 …  we must overturn this republican administration to get anything done no matter the issue.  If Bernie stays in the race, I predict he will keep getting more irrelevant.

4 years ago

That is much what I encountered. I told people I was lucky I eat weird stuff so it was still on the shelf. 
One thing I did notice,  people seemed  more in a mood for extended conversations. Part of it is that I was feeling chatty myself but usually when that happens they just smile and nod then go on with what they were doing. But yesterday people seemed to stop and talk. Kinda like we were all at the scene of this disaster and we needed to talk to make sure we were all connected.

4 years ago

Yes, Jack, thank the gods for Nancy Pelosi!  And Gov. Cuomo!

4 years ago

Single-payer or GTFO
i’m trying to stay chatty, but continually find myself backing away from those to whom i’m speaking.   “6 feet, buddy!”

Oh, and Warren’s statement, posted above, is great, Jack. Don’t understand your disdain for her.

4 years ago

If all this had occurred a year ago we would be talking about President Cuomo. 
But he isn’t the only Governor showing leadership, seems to be bipartisan as DeWine gov of Ohio is too, It may be a product of the office, as governor you are expected to solve problems and you are closer to the people you serve, so it is harder to ignore their needs.

4 years ago

Can you imagine trying to keep voracious teenagers fed, right now?

4 years ago

Those never Trumper Republicans at the Lincoln Project have a new ad out. They love it because they are all nostalgic about the Reagan years.  I’m not sure it works that well. 

4 years ago

Jack, yes.  You’re right about other governors. 

4 years ago

“Let me be clear: We’re not doing no-strings-attached bailouts that enrich shareholders or pay CEO bonuses. Period,”
Bink, because in this statement, she is just pumping air.  She can’t deliver on that statement and everybody knows it. That is why I put her in that group. And that is where she will stay until she starts building coalitions.
Her predecessor, Ted Kennedy was much the same for the first half of his career.  But he changed and doing so was able to accomplish some of his goals. But it took Bill Clinton to show him the way. By the time the Nineties were over Kennedy was every bit   as good a triangulator as Clinton. Both moved the progressive agenda farther than it has moved in the last 20 years since. Or the 20 years prior for that matter.

4 years ago

jack, here’s another

4 years ago

BTW, Bink  thanks for showing me the trick with getting youtube commercial free. No doubt a hole they will plug if it becomes too common. 

4 years ago

Change your paradigm; Covid-19 will change it for you should you be reticent to do so.
You call it “hot air”, i call it “the way forward”.

4 years ago

shhhhhh you’re welcome shhhhhh

^Here’s a whole day’s worth of blugrass/newgrass👍, can listen to the entirety right from this page

4 years ago

Done, thanks,
I did open up a new window for commenting and reading, now if I can just remember to not use the old one.

4 years ago

Jack, we are of the same mind on Liz. Great heart, great wonk, very little power to deliver. After all, she’s in the minority and has one tool to bring to bear – delay. 
Watching the daily delusion. What a fucking moron. And I’m sure the Chinese tchotchke makers are watching to model their Pence bobble heads. 

4 years ago

I’m lucky I have vacation to take (will take another day tomorrow), as those without are already being asked to cut hours.  I wish my company manufactured needs instead of wants. 

4 years ago

I think they are on to us. I accidently shut down my browser and your stuff disappeared. BTW it was good stuff. 
oh well,

4 years ago

All US auto makers have shut down. Look out below the knife is falling.

4 years ago

Reading all the Bernie in Bernie out comments brought to mind this oldie



4 years ago

The WayBack has now traveled back to the2nd week of December, 2016, 6 weeks before SFB took office. Great job President Dumbass. And stupid shit says that in addition to the airline Industry, arguably essential to our economy, that the cruise ship and entertainment (a.k.a. Disney and Universal, and that would include the Wynn and Adelson gambling operations) industries, arguably not essential or even desirable sectors, are prime bailout candidates. Oy vey. 

4 years ago

Maybe the stock market should shut down for 3 weeks & everyone should stay inside for 3 weeks.  Essential personnel only on the streets.   Give the virus a chance to fizzle out.  Don’t lose more money.  Fifteen minute shut-downs on WS and lower staffing at offices isn’t doing the job.

4 years ago

So now trump claims he thought it was a pandemic from the beginning (of yesterday). Gone is the “like a cold”, the “hoax, the “15 cases now and none in a few days,” all shoved down the memory hole. 

4 years ago

That bluegrass you tube channel is wonderful.  

Really like this one

4 years ago

Worth repeating :
Have you ever noticed that in times of crisis, the workers we describe as “low skill” are the ones we seem to need the most?  
The ones making the most money are often the most totally useless to others.  – Jamie
F’rinstance, mnuchin & ross would make better birdfeeders. trump, pompeo & barr would make fine suet cakes. rant pol would be okay as an alarm clock, and moscow mitch could play a terrific russian mole. However, you wanna ask youself, are they really worth all the perfectly good air they pollute ?

4 years ago

If it weren’t for Ron Paul, Rand would be running a Denny’s somewhere.

4 years ago

Gillian Welch is fantastic

4 years ago

I just ordered that Harrow and Harvest album.   Amazing songs.


Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Medicare for all is cheaper than Biden’s plan.  Kaiser Family Foundation has done several studies.  Once you eliminate the pirates in the insurance industry. Actual dollars for health care way less than the profits of the insurance industry.  But I guess some would rather pay extra then be called.  A socialist.   People in England are happy with their healthcare regardless of the lies others wish to tell.  

4 years ago

“I just ordered…”

Awesome, thanks for supporting the artists.  Glad i waited to dig into the Avett Brothers, enjoying them, now.

4 years ago


The problem may be calling it Medicare for All and insisting on that being a one and only plan.  Kaiser is already one of the outlets for the ACA as is Multicare and Community Health care here in WA.  It is more a question of who pays the bills and through what mechanism.  The goal is Universal Healthcare.  How you get there is the important part.  

4 years ago

Your kids are part of NatPlan 6-months before they’re born. And they’ll be covered, as are you, until the day they pass. No strings attached.
NatPlan— Life-long healthcare for Americans. No Strings Attached!

4 years ago

NatPlan looks good to me.
It sure beats CRAVE, a head-on collision of CRAdle & graVE. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Single payer, universal healthcare. Call it whatever. Just don’t call it more expensive.

4 years ago

what was behind NOT doing this a month ago?  a week ago?  even yesterday? 

seems to me the wanna be dictator would have grabbed at the chance to look magnanimous and all powerful.


The president said at a White House briefing that he would invoke the Defense Production Act, a Korean War-era law that authorizes presidents to take extraordinary action to force American industry to ramp up production of equipment needed for national security “just in case we need it.”
While the law is typically thought of applying to military equipment, the administration could use it to force factories to ramp up production of desperately-needed medical supplies like ventilators, respirators and other protective gear for health care workers.


4 years ago

also at NYT


And while the acute shortages are global, not just in the United States, some European governments are deploying wartime-mobilization tactics to get factories churning out more ventilators — and to stop domestic companies from exporting them.
The United States, by contrast, has been slow to develop a national strategy for accelerating the production of ventilators….
Hospitals in the United States have roughly 160,000 ventilators. There are a further 12,700 in the National Strategic Stockpile, a cache of medical supplies maintained by the federal government to respond to national emergencies.

4 years ago

jack, looks like maybe IMpotus read lizzie’s 8 pt list (or one of the minions lifted it from our trail suggestions)


4 years ago

“I hereby announce that I am suspending my candidacy for President of the United States, effective immediately,
“I am immensely grateful to all the patriotic women and men who have stood with me during the past eleven months in our effort to bring better government to Washington, D.C.”

bill weld

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Bloomberg should have run in the GOP primary

4 years ago

After 30 minutes of messing around on WordPress, I finally got the avatar I wanted: Karl Marx.
Actually, I consider myself a “Groucho” Marxist. 
I am slightly to the left of Bernie.

4 years ago

…put a MAGA hat on him in photoshop

4 years ago

What do the 2 have in common?
Suspending HUD foreclosures for the duration of the epidemic is cheap (if the epidemic doesn’t go into next year). From the most current HUD info on google Foreclosure rates run at around 1%.  

4 years ago

I happen to work on the Tesla line at work. Elon’s stance of “Tesla is essential!” was news to all of us. We are now going to be the one department that is still building parts after the big 3’s announcement today. Our line isn’t exactly the most sought after line to work on (because of the people), but suddenly, we’re quite attractive to a lot of people. Go figure!

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Shopping report, earlier today I went over to the Naval Academy commissary and exchange.  There was the familiar sight of all paper products, except for paper plates, being gone.  The same for chicken and beef.  There was a decent supply of lamb and pork.  All freezers were empty as was the butter and most of the yogurt.  I got everything on my shopping list except for hand sanitizer, which I need because it is difficult to wash my hand in a cast.
Now that SFB has declared war on something else he cannot see (at least the virus can be seen as opposed to marauding brown people) he needs some sort of uniform.  Suitable for combat with viruses and useful in luring in cult members.

4 years ago

It’s not me saying M4A is more expensive, in fact from a monetary perspective it should be close to just as you say, KC, although Medicare payments do not cover the cost of medical care, but that’s another discussion that requires more information than I have at my disposal.  I’m looking at what I believe Joe will agree to support. 

I’m curious- what prompted the Bloomberg comment?

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Just got it – M4A is not a highway in England.

4 years ago

3/18/2020 : The 30th Anniversary of the Gardner Museum Heist !
Also, Happy Birthday to Grover Cleveland, Charley Pride and Queen Latifah.

4 years ago

Send us a check and a swab at home test.

4 years ago

Corey -I got to ride in a Tesla in January.   It’s as close to riding in a spaceship as I’ll ever get.   Very cool!

4 years ago

For any opera lovers out there, the Met is streaming old performances.   @MetOpera for details.      Think I’ll just have Dwight Yoakam CD night.   I had a nice nap at the Met during Don Juan about a dozen years ago.   Not my thing.  

4 years ago

McMertle needs to institute Shut Rand Paul the Fuck Up rule, forbidding him from blocking votes on any legislation. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

The fact that William Weld ended his campaign

4 years ago

Commander In Chief Bone Spurs.   
 I hope Republicans take this seriously now that one of their own has the cofeve.
Doc Cassidy, R-Louisiana, was on PBS.   He knows the score; he told the truth.  

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

We are under lockdown until 4/5 Allowed out for essentials only.
I went into Guerneville the nearest town  InGuerneville the5& dime is open.  All the liquor and wine bars. All the restaurants have big take only sign and all the pot dispensaries are open. I had to get propane at the hardware store.  

4 years ago

My niece got back from NYC.  Two weeks quarantine.  

4 years ago

caption contest?

4 years ago

The Lost Art of Deep Listening

What’s your favorite album? When was the last time you listened — actually listened — to it from start to finish? With intention, like you were watching a movie or reading a novel.


4 years ago

If the Coronavirus were a person.

4 years ago

So, it’s the classic “the check is in the mail” lie.   Free testing and paid sick leave and paid FMLA.   This does nothing to blunt the economic impact to 95% of Americans…and it will be that many when this ripples through in a few weeks, as business after business cuts employees or just go out of business.   

4 years ago

Ok, i like it, BiD.  Try not to get too negative, please.  
i propose a 1:1 happy thought to negative thought in all forums, henceforth!

4 years ago

here’s one:
i’m kinda stoked about eating all this yummy, juvenile canned food i have that i swore i’d never eat, again.

Chicken ‘N Stars for days!🇺🇸

4 years ago

Dallas county halting evictions for at least 60 days.   

4 years ago

The ex-half governor of AK infected the Repugz with the Tea Party, which led to the fanaticism the gave us SFB.     I stand by my caption:  If Coronavirus were a person. 

4 years ago

i feel like that’s a 1:1, so good job

4 years ago

Pink Marabou on a Pig.

4 years ago

lol xrep
…mine, of course, is a simple “Drill, baby, drill”

4 years ago

Ben Sasse is gonna get tarred & feathered when he goes back to Nebraska.   WTF?  

4 years ago

^enemies of the human species
Thx for the list, CC

4 years ago

Well, here come the tornadoes.   

4 years ago


4 years ago

COVID Barbie. 

4 years ago

if i use this “donate” link, will CC see my personal info?

4 years ago

How about:

Hey Honey, could you come in here for a minute…?


4 years ago

…dance like nobody is watching (they’re all too scared shitless to watch)

(it’s time for all you mixers who swore you’d never comment again because of past equivocations to drop it and come hang)

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Sometimes a picture is better than a sentence.

4 years ago

bink, a tie award IMO should go to BiD & pogo on the viro-sapien photo contest.  

4 years ago

Well, the dictator said he didn’t want to give money to .coms that had stock buy backs and then he said he’d help the airlines, didn’t he?