User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Barr Works For Putin
An Attorney General essentially pardoning a Russian operative, Michael Flynn, says it all.
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
Doctors in several hospitals, including some that have seen surges in people with covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, say they cannot get access to remdesivir for their patients — and that they don’t understand the process for obtaining the drug. In Boston, Massachusetts General Hospital said it is in line to receive the drug, but two other large teaching hospitals have been denied supplies without explanation, doctors said.
The thing that is upsetting is the process at the federal level. There’s no transparency. We don’t know who made the decision, or how it has been done. The process is just a staggering injustice,” Benjamin P. Linas, an infectious-disease doctor at Boston Medical Center, which treats large numbers of African American and Hispanic patients on Medicaid, said in an interview.
Linas noted in a tweet this week that the hospital has the second highest coronavirus case count in Boston: “Today, the family of a dying patient asked me why we do not have [remdesivir]. What am I supposed to say?”
The White House, the president’s coronavirus task force, the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) — which is coordinating distribution of the drug — and the Department of Health and Human Services, ASPR’s parent agency,did not respond to questions about the physicians’ complaints Thursday.
There does not appear that anything that the SFB administration can’t screw up.
Someone should do a very simplified TV show connecting the dots from Moscow to DC, so that it is clear to everyone exactly what has happened, and, continues to this day.
The Russians parachuting into Colorado in “Red Dawn” is not how the takeover of America is happening. The Russian virus has been among us for quite some time.
PS – What do they have on Barr to make him play along?
And Biden’s sexual assault accuser’s lawyers are a Trump supporter and an ex Putin propaganda flunky.
As Rick Wilson said on twitter, “They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.”
This is at least the third time Barr has tried to overrule career prosecutors who tried to quit, judge wouldn’t let them, asked tough questions and then he backed down – – that was the pattern in the census case and Roger Stone sentencing. Could play out here.
How about the dismal jobs report for April? SFB continues to set new records. I suspect he’s spending his time trying to rationalize them away or at least put some sort of positive spin on them – polishing that turd so to speak.
Tara Reade tells her entirely made up story on tv replete with sniffles and modest glances. Her supporters and attorney have the imprint of Trump’s butt on their faces.
What does she do now? Where has she been? What is she getting out of this?
I think k the Dems should ask Kirsten Gillibrand to investigate. The one thing is not to let this drag on and having it still be a discussion point in November.
I think I would have preferred another candidate but this a crap story and Dems need to stand up to the story and make Reade prove. Nothing she has claimed has turned out to exist.
Is she claiming Biden sexually harassed her? Maybe he was doing his touchy feely thing I think it is out of character for him to have said what she claims
Does anyone know why I’m only remembered half the time here even when Remember Me is checked? I have to log in from time to time!
BiD I like your TV show idea.
I don’t understand why this dictator crap keeps happening. I know h’es stuffed the courts and apparently being IMPEACHED just didn’t do it, either. BUT, isn’t there something else? The 25th amendment or anything?
How can this country have just a through, hideous president? I can see many people losing trust in democracy now.
A question for anyone who is an economist, or acts as one on television – What is the possibility of deflation?
With a possible worldwide depression could we have something like that happen? I saw an article wondering about stagflation occurring again, but with the world affected I wonder more about deflation.
Where was that Reade-loves-Putin link? On a recent thread. How long did she adore Putin? How long have there been Russian plants in Congress? We know about McConnell and Nunez, but what about staffers?
Oh, I just got the details on the Covid death of a former coworker’s husband. They had been isolating, but he went to CVS to pick up a RX. He was fine until he wasn’t. Hypoxia without symptoms. He fell to the ground calling for help because he couldn’t breathe and, of course, his heart went and he was gone immediately. That’s some scary stuff. Not feeling bad, but wasn’t getting enough oxygen.
some veep staffers who had been exposed to positive case were taken off plane that veep later got on to go to iowa. were all the handrails, seat backs and papers they touched while on board cleaned/sanitized? how’s the airfilter on that plane? who’d they sit by or talk to waiting to board & on board?
TT… I have to sign in here from time to time… it’s no big deal.
The Democrats had better study the Repubs play book. They need to be just as ruthless. That’s why I don’t care if the likes of Rick Wilson and whoever else is on the Lincoln Project are former Republicans. They’re on our side now. And they know how to play hard and dirty. I say… bring them on!
Greetings from the desert. Follow-up to the Ducey Administration sidelining covid researchers from ASU and UofA. After one day of shit storms on the governor’s social media accounts, Ducey and the Director of HHS reversed themselves and put the researchers back on the job. To the credit of the researchers, they said they were going to publish their findings regardless of what the Ducey Administration decided. I think the governor quickly discovered that SFB’s message that FEMA was going to do the research instead he realized FEMA was a major part of the problem and wouldn’t help Arizonans learn the truth about the disease and what was happening to our neighbors. The state is still going to open up over the weekend and next week even though the number of cases and deaths are steadily climbing daily. I’m staying in shelter.
I think Rachel Maddow blew the whistle on ducey’s attempt to hide the data from Arizonans. ducey had to reverse course or face cyber-mobs of protesters besieging his office.
TT, checking the “Remember me” box just changes the size of the ID/PW boxes based on what I’ve observed. I have never been able to discern any pattern of remembering/forgetting me by the WP platform.
eProf, or maybe he recognized that the WH is directing what CDC releases. Thank god someone got the 14 page document to the media before all traces of it disappeared.
Yes, Rachel did her opening story on Ducey last night. It always makes my skin crawl when I see such negative stories, and there are many, about how backward we are here in AZ. We are last or near the bottom in just about every social indicator. It’s offset by our natural beauty and geographic diversity. Pogo, Ducey is a big supporter of rTump as is McSally. Ducey isn’t on the November ballot but indications are that McSally is behind Mark Kelly, the former astronaut. While I got a good laugh from XRep on ways to get rid of SFB, I’m pretty sure we’ll have to put all of our efforts in to November. Vote Blue.
Barr has now established anyone at DOJ who sees Russia interfering in our election right now better keep it to themselves. That’s the whole point of this.
Craig – during these last years I have been wondering where the intelligence community has been. The US IC does not have to leak, but there has to be others with the same information which can be leaked.
bbronc, they’ve confirmed that veep press person (miller’s wife) is positive. wonder boy miller might be that virus super spreader in the oval in more ways than one.
Covid-19 in semen of recovered patients. Yep, now it’s an STD, too. This virus can do it all. It’ll eventually kill everyone. I can’t go through work life like this; the past two days were harder than the ten years before. I don’t feel like I had any time off at all. TGIF
So, Rutgers has developed an at-home, saliva test for Covid. Apparently, you can only get it through a doc or facility connected to Rutgers. The rest of you will have to have a gloved hand stab at your brain through your nose with a giant Q-Tip. Hey, Rutgers!!! Can we all just effing share the knowledge for the new test, please???
Well bummer
We were going to celebrate our anniversary tomorrow playing socially distanced bean bag with our neighbors but now they can’t come because they are in contact with someone who is waiting for covid 19 test results. We are very sad. It would have been our first social event. Masks and gloves and we would been outside.
The legendary Blues artist, Robert Johnson, was born this day in 1911 in Hazlehurst, MS. He influenced Muddy Waters, Elmore James, Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones and oh just about everything else that came after him.
I wanted to know the timeline from the 1918 pandemic. If this were a research paper, I’d reference it. But it’s casual just for me, but I thought I’d share it. It shows that nothing lasts forever.
1918 Pandemic “Spanish Flu” or “La Grippe” – cause unknown. Death toll 20 million to 100 million victims worldwide. First appeared in Oakland in early October. Duration = April, 1917 – Summer, 1919. or January 1918 – December 1920
April, 1917 – Outbreaks of flu-like illness are first detected
October 1918 – pandemic virus kills an estimated 195,000 Americans during October alone.
January 1919 – A third wave of influenza occurs in the winter and spring of 1919, killing many more. Third wave subsides in the summer.
February 1919 – nfluenza appears to be nearly eradicated in New Orleans as number of reported cases drops.
April 1919 – U.S. President Woodrow Wilson collapses. Some historians speculate he was weak from influenza, which was still rampant in Paris.
By the summer of 1919, the flu pandemic came to an end.
The Economy
That the impact of the influenza pandemic on the aggregate US economy was mild should be surprising. The economy did eventually go into a recession in 1921, but by then the decline in output had all to do with a collapse in commodity prices when post-war European production finally recovered.
So why is the current crisis having such a large impact on the economy, while the Spanish flu did not? One possible explanation lies in the social distancing measures that the US and other nations have directed in order to flatten the curve and slow down the spread of the virus. While many jobs can now be done remotely from home, many cannot. Social distancing also cuts the demand for many goods and services (Muellbauer 2020). As a result, some sectors in the economy have come to a halt. However, even in 1918 local governments implemented similar restrictions on public gathering to contain the disease. There was a war then.
The Roaring 20’s
Came in the wake of the war and pandemic. The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of novelty associated with modernity and a break with tradition. The most popular dances throughout the decade were the foxtrot, waltz, and American tango. Later eccentric novelty dances were developed. The first of these were the Breakaway and Charleston. And then Lindy Hop.
End of the Roaring Twenties – October 29, 1929, also known as Black Tuesday, stock market Crash & great depression. August 1929 – March 1933
References include: Vox, Wiki, Forbes, Nat Geo. etc.
Crackers – Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. Crackers, tomorrow. Go outside, anyway. Maybe you can play bean bags against each other? Hope everyone is OK. Celebrate 🎊 any way you can.
Many jobs won’t come back. Many more will be lost. I suspect many companies (possibly mine) will restructure things/reduce staff due to lost revenue. Dominoes fall from manufacturing, distribution/retail, consumers. You can pump money into big businesses like airlines, but if you can’t put butts in seats, it’s pointless. Feed the root system!
Tens of thousands of Americans are dead, and thousands are dying every day. And there’s a huge republican coverup to prevent people learning what’s really going on, how bad it is and how many have died.
Your federal government has decided your life doesn’t matter. i’ll bet you disagree. Therefore, maintain the protocol- i know washing your groceries and shoes and wearing masks and standing 20’ away from your friends sucks, but you have to double-down, now, because trumpco ain’t gonna do a goddamned thing to protect you. Keep your mind right.
Thanks for your concern, Mr Bink. We love you, too.
I’m not taking a lot of risks, but I’m not worried either. If I die, well, I’m waddling off in that direction anyway. This old cat has already lived 9.75 lives. Don’t want to be eating, breathing, drinking, peeing, draining and getting meds through tubes. Not again. Of course, the morphine & methadone are always very nice . . . .
Honest to god. TRumpco is falling apart right in front of us. Now the WH is fucking up the distribution of Remdesivir.
There does not appear that anything that the SFB administration can’t screw up.
Someone should do a very simplified TV show connecting the dots from Moscow to DC, so that it is clear to everyone exactly what has happened, and, continues to this day.
The Russians parachuting into Colorado in “Red Dawn” is not how the takeover of America is happening. The Russian virus has been among us for quite some time.
PS – What do they have on Barr to make him play along?
And Biden’s sexual assault accuser’s lawyers are a Trump supporter and an ex Putin propaganda flunky.
As Rick Wilson said on twitter, “They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.”
This is at least the third time Barr has tried to overrule career prosecutors who tried to quit, judge wouldn’t let them, asked tough questions and then he backed down – – that was the pattern in the census case and Roger Stone sentencing. Could play out here.
How about the dismal jobs report for April? SFB continues to set new records. I suspect he’s spending his time trying to rationalize them away or at least put some sort of positive spin on them – polishing that turd so to speak.
Tara Reade tells her entirely made up story on tv replete with sniffles and modest glances. Her supporters and attorney have the imprint of Trump’s butt on their faces.
What does she do now? Where has she been? What is she getting out of this?
I think k the Dems should ask Kirsten Gillibrand to investigate. The one thing is not to let this drag on and having it still be a discussion point in November.
I think I would have preferred another candidate but this a crap story and Dems need to stand up to the story and make Reade prove. Nothing she has claimed has turned out to exist.
Is she claiming Biden sexually harassed her? Maybe he was doing his touchy feely thing I think it is out of character for him to have said what she claims
Does anyone know why I’m only remembered half the time here even when Remember Me is checked? I have to log in from time to time!
BiD I like your TV show idea.
I don’t understand why this dictator crap keeps happening. I know h’es stuffed the courts and apparently being IMPEACHED just didn’t do it, either. BUT, isn’t there something else? The 25th amendment or anything?
How can this country have just a through, hideous president? I can see many people losing trust in democracy now.
A question for anyone who is an economist, or acts as one on television – What is the possibility of deflation?
With a possible worldwide depression could we have something like that happen? I saw an article wondering about stagflation occurring again, but with the world affected I wonder more about deflation.
Vice President Mike Pence staffer tests positive for coronavirus
Where was that Reade-loves-Putin link? On a recent thread. How long did she adore Putin? How long have there been Russian plants in Congress? We know about McConnell and Nunez, but what about staffers?
Craig, it’s OK. Pence doesn’t know that staffer and has never seen him/her much less been near them.
Oh, I just got the details on the Covid death of a former coworker’s husband. They had been isolating, but he went to CVS to pick up a RX. He was fine until he wasn’t. Hypoxia without symptoms. He fell to the ground calling for help because he couldn’t breathe and, of course, his heart went and he was gone immediately. That’s some scary stuff. Not feeling bad, but wasn’t getting enough oxygen.
some veep staffers who had been exposed to positive case were taken off plane that veep later got on to go to iowa. were all the handrails, seat backs and papers they touched while on board cleaned/sanitized? how’s the airfilter on that plane? who’d they sit by or talk to waiting to board & on board?
BiD, that is scary for that man.
TT… I have to sign in here from time to time… it’s no big deal.
The Democrats had better study the Repubs play book. They need to be just as ruthless. That’s why I don’t care if the likes of Rick Wilson and whoever else is on the Lincoln Project are former Republicans. They’re on our side now. And they know how to play hard and dirty. I say… bring them on!
Oh boy fat ass and the whitest man are going to get it
Greetings from the desert. Follow-up to the Ducey Administration sidelining covid researchers from ASU and UofA. After one day of shit storms on the governor’s social media accounts, Ducey and the Director of HHS reversed themselves and put the researchers back on the job. To the credit of the researchers, they said they were going to publish their findings regardless of what the Ducey Administration decided. I think the governor quickly discovered that SFB’s message that FEMA was going to do the research instead he realized FEMA was a major part of the problem and wouldn’t help Arizonans learn the truth about the disease and what was happening to our neighbors. The state is still going to open up over the weekend and next week even though the number of cases and deaths are steadily climbing daily. I’m staying in shelter.
I think Rachel Maddow blew the whistle on ducey’s attempt to hide the data from Arizonans. ducey had to reverse course or face cyber-mobs of protesters besieging his office.
Here’s the CDC Interim Guidance report that trumpco suppressed:
If impeachment and A25 don’t work, there are two other ways. One will take until Jan 20. The other is illegal but quicker.
XR, who knows, a non-symptomatic virus superspreader might bring in the next big mac to the big maga-t any day now.
A coup d’état by the navy seals would be quick and effective.
The usual lone crazed arquebussier gambit would not be as likely to work, and I wouldn’t recommend it.
Botox in the BIG MAC ? Bleach in the diet croake ? Kentucky Fried rat poison ?
ZyklonB in a whoopee cushion ? A pussy with poisoned punji stakes ? Brassiere cup pistols.
The 2 M!LL!ON amp golden poop seat ? (As he sits down he lights up like a grease fire, killing all the C19 in & on him.)
Golf cart that self-crushes into a small metal cube? The Air Force 1 ejection seat ?
Maddow reported the story but the whistle blowers were in Arizona
Ms Cracker,
Yes. God bless those whistleblowers.
Or maybe someone could throw a bucket of water on him
TT, checking the “Remember me” box just changes the size of the ID/PW boxes based on what I’ve observed. I have never been able to discern any pattern of remembering/forgetting me by the WP platform.
eProf, or maybe he recognized that the WH is directing what CDC releases. Thank god someone got the 14 page document to the media before all traces of it disappeared.
That CDC doc almost disappeared down the memory hole. A Goldsteiner saved it.
The White House comment : Doubleplus ungood !
Fat Bruther iz wadgin yoo.
Yes, Rachel did her opening story on Ducey last night. It always makes my skin crawl when I see such negative stories, and there are many, about how backward we are here in AZ. We are last or near the bottom in just about every social indicator. It’s offset by our natural beauty and geographic diversity. Pogo, Ducey is a big supporter of rTump as is McSally. Ducey isn’t on the November ballot but indications are that McSally is behind Mark Kelly, the former astronaut. While I got a good laugh from XRep on ways to get rid of SFB, I’m pretty sure we’ll have to put all of our efforts in to November. Vote Blue.
Rumours are spreading that WH S. Miller wife has COVID-19. “don’t know her. Must be coffee girl”.
lol @ “Fat Brother is watching you.“
How Orson-Wellesian!
Barr has now established anyone at DOJ who sees Russia interfering in our election right now better keep it to themselves. That’s the whole point of this.
Craig – during these last years I have been wondering where the intelligence community has been. The US IC does not have to leak, but there has to be others with the same information which can be leaked.
Barr is biggest fraud at DOJ since Hoover dressed like a woman to persecute gay people.
bbronc, they’ve confirmed that veep press person (miller’s wife) is positive. wonder boy miller might be that virus super spreader in the oval in more ways than one.
Miller probably got it at a vampire meet-up and gave it to his wife.
Covid-19 in semen of recovered patients. Yep, now it’s an STD, too. This virus can do it all. It’ll eventually kill everyone. I can’t go through work life like this; the past two days were harder than the ten years before. I don’t feel like I had any time off at all. TGIF
So, Rutgers has developed an at-home, saliva test for Covid. Apparently, you can only get it through a doc or facility connected to Rutgers. The rest of you will have to have a gloved hand stab at your brain through your nose with a giant Q-Tip. Hey, Rutgers!!! Can we all just effing share the knowledge for the new test, please???
It would be great if Miller turned out to be a carrier
BB – With regard your deflation, everything on Star Trek eventually comes true. The Federation stopped using money.
Crackers – Like everyone on Team SFB, he’s infected with evil. That sh/+ spreads, too.
Well bummer
We were going to celebrate our anniversary tomorrow playing socially distanced bean bag with our neighbors but now they can’t come because they are in contact with someone who is waiting for covid 19 test results. We are very sad. It would have been our first social event. Masks and gloves and we would been outside.
The legendary Blues artist, Robert Johnson, was born this day in 1911 in Hazlehurst, MS. He influenced Muddy Waters, Elmore James, Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones and oh just about everything else that came after him.
RR, thanks. And I wholly agree with you about the Lincoln Project. I’ve always said the Dems are just too damned nice! They need to be more bastardly.
Oh, so sad. That ghoul, Steven Miller’s wife is the one who’s COVID-19 POSITIVE! Anyone sending thoughts & prayers?
If the dictator & Pence are Incapacitated , NANCY is in charge!!!
I wanted to know the timeline from the 1918 pandemic. If this were a research paper, I’d reference it. But it’s casual just for me, but I thought I’d share it. It shows that nothing lasts forever.
1918 Pandemic “Spanish Flu” or “La Grippe” – cause unknown. Death toll 20 million to 100 million victims worldwide. First appeared in Oakland in early October. Duration = April, 1917 – Summer, 1919. or January 1918 – December 1920
April, 1917 – Outbreaks of flu-like illness are first detected
October 1918 – pandemic virus kills an estimated 195,000 Americans during October alone.
January 1919 – A third wave of influenza occurs in the winter and spring of 1919, killing many more. Third wave subsides in the summer.
February 1919 – nfluenza appears to be nearly eradicated in New Orleans as number of reported cases drops.
April 1919 – U.S. President Woodrow Wilson collapses. Some historians speculate he was weak from influenza, which was still rampant in Paris.
By the summer of 1919, the flu pandemic came to an end.
The Economy
That the impact of the influenza pandemic on the aggregate US economy was mild should be surprising. The economy did eventually go into a recession in 1921, but by then the decline in output had all to do with a collapse in commodity prices when post-war European production finally recovered.
So why is the current crisis having such a large impact on the economy, while the Spanish flu did not? One possible explanation lies in the social distancing measures that the US and other nations have directed in order to flatten the curve and slow down the spread of the virus. While many jobs can now be done remotely from home, many cannot. Social distancing also cuts the demand for many goods and services (Muellbauer 2020). As a result, some sectors in the economy have come to a halt. However, even in 1918 local governments implemented similar restrictions on public gathering to contain the disease. There was a war then.
The Roaring 20’s
Came in the wake of the war and pandemic. The spirit of the Roaring Twenties was marked by a general feeling of novelty associated with modernity and a break with tradition. The most popular dances throughout the decade were the foxtrot, waltz, and American tango. Later eccentric novelty dances were developed. The first of these were the Breakaway and Charleston. And then Lindy Hop.
End of the Roaring Twenties – October 29, 1929, also known as Black Tuesday, stock market Crash & great depression. August 1929 – March 1933
References include: Vox, Wiki, Forbes, Nat Geo. etc.
Crackers – Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. Crackers, tomorrow. Go outside, anyway. Maybe you can play bean bags against each other? Hope everyone is OK. Celebrate 🎊 any way you can.
we can do that
Many jobs won’t come back. Many more will be lost. I suspect many companies (possibly mine) will restructure things/reduce staff due to lost revenue. Dominoes fall from manufacturing, distribution/retail, consumers. You can pump money into big businesses like airlines, but if you can’t put butts in seats, it’s pointless. Feed the root system!
BiD, sounds correct!
A thank you note from Covid to humans.
Ms Cracker, congratulations to you and your Mr. Cracker Day !
I’m going to have a glass of Shiraz in your honor. Right now.
You two have made a nice start.
So, here’s a killer story :
Tens of thousands of Americans are dead, and thousands are dying every day. And there’s a huge republican coverup to prevent people learning what’s really going on, how bad it is and how many have died.
Key Words : republican coverup; thousands dying.
…waiting for the hammer to drop sucks.
Although, not as much as the hammer actually dropping. So, i guess i’ll enjoy tonight.
We might as well have delayed locking down until later than opening up early. It’s gonna be a real shitty summer.
To my older friends:
Your federal government has decided your life doesn’t matter. i’ll bet you disagree. Therefore, maintain the protocol- i know washing your groceries and shoes and wearing masks and standing 20’ away from your friends sucks, but you have to double-down, now, because trumpco ain’t gonna do a goddamned thing to protect you. Keep your mind right.
…not a single Trailmixer
Thanks for your concern, Mr Bink. We love you, too.
I’m not taking a lot of risks, but I’m not worried either. If I die, well, I’m waddling off in that direction anyway. This old cat has already lived 9.75 lives. Don’t want to be eating, breathing, drinking, peeing, draining and getting meds through tubes. Not again. Of course, the morphine & methadone are always very nice . . . .
Good night and happy dreams, all.
It’s all yours, Mr Dexter