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5 years ago

Maybe Bloomberg will take down Bernie.  That link on the OT about Mike’s debate persona is mild-mannered with a quick, viscous sting.  Bernie will go after Mike’s money and that won’t make him blink.  I think Mike will help clear the deck, and, that will help Klobuchar.  

5 years ago

NBC’s lectern game is strong!

5 years ago

Bernie looks like he’s having a health issue.  Short of breath.  His nose looks blue.  

5 years ago

Pete, Bernie isn’t in charge of the Russian, and probably also Republican trolls, who are trying to throw a spammer into the world for Dems.

5 years ago

I dislike Pete more every time I hear him speak.  He should stick with mayor-ing.

5 years ago

Bernie’s coming across as the angry, mean old man he is. Lizzie is trying to match him. Not a good o look for her IMHO. 

5 years ago

do it Liz

5 years ago

Pogo,I agree. Let’s see if Bloomberg can come up with that one liner that leads the news tomorrow morning. 

5 years ago

Lizzie’s on fire. Unfortunately coming across as a schoolmarm. Bernie, STFU. 

5 years ago

is it too late to move this debate to ABC?

5 years ago

Amy just got broad-sided by Warren- i support them both but Amy needs to step up ASAP

5 years ago

I love Liz’s fire tonight.  I don’t find it  school marm-y at all.    
I hope they go after Trumpsky instead of each other after the pee break.  

5 years ago

ok thats a start, nice answer Amy

5 years ago

i think Pogo just had a traumatic experience with a schoolmarm once

5 years ago

Bernie is actually starting to charm me, i like listening to him

ok shutting up for a while, i promise

5 years ago

Liz on Mike’s taxes: “Pay overtime  and get it done. “ Ha! Mike’s slogan is “Mike Will Get It Done.”   

5 years ago

Can we have Liz and Amy on the ticket in November?  I think they’re both amazing!

5 years ago

Creepy Uncle Joe schooling Mike.  Ha!

5 years ago

Bink, nope. The worst experience I had with a female teacher was having to go to the cloakroom for misbehaving. Her son was my college roommate for 3 years. She was a lovely woman. Schoolmarm is a joking term I use from crappy old westerns. 

Bernie is beyond angry. I’m expecting him to blow a jugular. 

5 years ago

Pete is such a schmuck. Mayor of a not-so-big town.

5 years ago

Has the stage forgotten that whoever wins the Dem nomination will be running against SFB. 

5 years ago

The next SNL cold open is going to be outstanding! 

5 years ago

Yes, they have forgotten about Trumpsky. 

5 years ago

OMG….  this debate sucks!  They’ve all forgotten about running against trump.

5 years ago

Ha!   We had the same thought…

5 years ago

Pie fight!  Trump is going to have a field dat with this. 

5 years ago

Renee, imagine that.🙄😎

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

Wo Who
4 more years!
This is better then SNL

5 years ago

I’m glad they took a break.  I was exhausted just listening.
Bernie is doing better then Bloomberg.  I still like Warren, but….

5 years ago

I think mayor Pete reminds  MS Amy of her of her teenage son at his obnoxious worst. Did she ever slap him down.
But really Mayor Pete had the best line and I agree with him, It would be nice to have a Democrat at the top of the ticket.

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

The fact is our carbon output in the USA is DOWN…  WAKE UP BERNIE.. YOU ARE AN IDIOT
This is a Global Issue- Go after China – Join with Trump on attacking China and India and and

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

Bloomberger is not showing well

5 years ago

Pennsylvania has a proud tradition of destroying the environment for a quick buck🇺🇸

5 years ago

Well, Bloomberg and Bernie both have 2 stents. Joe had some brain thing, as I recall, a long time ago. Pete is willing to be transparent with his medical report.  LMAO!!  He’s half all their ages.

5 years ago

Loving all these comments … meant to log on at beginning of debate …. I like that Warren came to defense of Amy by stating that forgetting a name is not a critical matter in this situation …. I like Amy

5 years ago

I don’t think Bloomberg can take down the dictator in a debate.  Bernie would do better.

5 years ago

Yes, Joe said the CEO’s should be sued.  Same with bankers, etc.  

5 years ago

Bloomberg does not debate well, but I fear that some will think that since he is not shouting, he is not showing angry moodiness, he is not getting riled, that it will be interpreted as being “the best” on the stage …. I hope not.

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

This is such a joke.  The 4th estate conspiracy and shallow questions are such a dis service to our country.
OH   Hey China slowing down?  Bloomberger you are such a joke to cover your investments in China vs India 
Trump   Four More Years !!  It is done !!

5 years ago

Bloomberg is good when he’s on topic and not interacting with others.  Don’t think he’s a people person.

5 years ago

tiptoe, I so agree.  T will walk all over Bloomy in a debate ….

5 years ago

contrasting CC, i think Biden is having another good performance, maybe his best yet this season

5 years ago

Warren needs to rest her voice for a few days … she is getting hoarse.

5 years ago

Joe is better tonight.

5 years ago

Joe seems the only one who has a grasp on what it’s like to run a country. He seems more focused

5 years ago

 Already voted for Amy… but I would love to see Joe debate trumpty dumpty.

5 years ago

Initially my dream team was Amy/Kamala in any order.  Amy/Liz would do as well.  Men keep belittling women, after 240 years it’s time the women came in and cleaned up the messes they have made.  

Bernie looks like we may lose him before the end of the debate. 

5 years ago


5 years ago

Dv, I agree. What’s with this fucking raised hand shit?

5 years ago

I wish someone would point out to Bloomberg that IF he were giving his money away to public schools, to pay off student loan debt, and to pay for health insurance for thousands of people, his money being given away would be better spent that on TV ads running for pres as a man with the same past treatment towards women that T has.   AND the R’s I know who support T will have a field day pointing out Bloomy’s sexism, horrid record on how he treats women.

5 years ago

Counting all the liver spots on that stage.

5 years ago

Jamie, he only looks white from straight on. He’s purple from any other angle.  

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

this is a blast

5 years ago

I’m sure you’re loving it ping. 

5 years ago

NY prick Bloomie v NY sexual predator Trumpsky.   Wouldn’t that just be an embarrassment of riches?

5 years ago

Bernie got it right.  Trump, et. al. get socialism for the rich!  

5 years ago

I like Joe’s line “we should be rewarding work, not just wealth.”

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

Hey Pogo,
Yup!   Not game over…. There is no game here

5 years ago

Pete is smarmy & Liz just called him on it! 

5 years ago

I do not like, or think it is a good idea for her to do this, Warren attacking the others on the stage 

5 years ago

I’m back on team Warren.

5 years ago

Good quote from Twitter,

“Bloomy saying he deserves all his money was a massive unforced error. All he had to say is “I give a lot of my money away, if our tax system was fair I wouldn’t have to”. Christ, he’s really wasting his money if he hasn’t hired a decent debate prep team.

Most of the reps on TV that I have seen, have this problem.


5 years ago

Whew!  Amy just got pissed at Liz.  Is mud wrestling next?


5 years ago

Joe put on his poverty badge for you, BiD

5 years ago

Liz will make you earn it💪

5 years ago

Talked to a Trumper who says they like Amy.   I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.  (Yes, they were sincere.) 

5 years ago

Jamie… yes… when one of them debates trump.  That is… unless he doesn’t have the balls.

5 years ago

Ping,  you remind me of my best friend here in by god … We’re 180 degrees apart politically but love to pick at each other. And we have a blast doing it. 

5 years ago

What do you stand for today, Pete?

5 years ago

Bernie seems to have forgotten about that 3rd house. 

5 years ago

I’m cool with it if i get a cabin, too

(and i want Ping’s taxes to pay for it- TIA Ping)

5 years ago

Pete’s gonna start speaking in tongues.  Show off! Ha!

5 years ago

Amy has angry tears. Not good.

5 years ago

Amy got mad!

5 years ago

Go Amy!

5 years ago

Amy just g;igged on Pete for spouting talking points.


5 years ago

Lol Amy likes Pete less than me

5 years ago

They’re all mad.  Even their dogs are mad!  This was intense.  I wish someone would have listed the dictator’s stuff, beginning with that he’s a dictator!

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

If I had to make a choice it would be Amy.  No question.  She is genuine and not a crazy loney.  So one more BnDallas.
Love you Pogo

5 years ago

I like it- let’s get fired up, people!🔥

5 years ago

Ok, best one liner of the night?  I’ve got mine. Already keyed up and ready to hit “Post Comment”.

5 years ago

Liz has a great night.  I think I was expecting too much from Amy, based on the last debate.  Joe knows his stuff.  Mike can outspend Trumpsky; he’s done himself few favors by debating, but he can persuade a lot of people with those ads.  Bernie is consistent; no surprises there.  Pete needs to go back to South-wherever-it-is.  I miss Yang.

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

Yup,  Amy could bring people like me

5 years ago


Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

Mike,  You should write a check to Amy and move on 

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

No Depth Mayor Pete.  Love Amy’s line that he has memorized his lines.

5 years ago

Ooh Amy just had one pogo “won every election since 4th grade- a lot of boasting, here, tonight, so ill say that”

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

Elizabeth the STORY Teller.  You can not trust her.  Bla Bla Bla
Vote Amy

5 years ago

Yay total bloomberg flop, top to tail

5 years ago

Those bots Bernie?  Fuck you. 

5 years ago

Bink, same speaker. Different line. 
Amy Klobuchar – “I’m offended by that PostiIt remark. PostIts were invented in my state.”

5 years ago

What were the protesters yelling?

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

to all ,  Have a good night
And get ready for 4 MORE YEARS of Winning and growing your 401K and more jobs and real income growth and troops coming home and protecting the innocent and ending unjust prison sentence for all.
TRUMP 2020

5 years ago

…strong closes for Liz, Joe, Amy, and Bernie 

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

Thank you Craig.  You in O Town?

5 years ago

Have fun putting innocent children in cages, Ping, nice to see you, here

My cabin will be much cheaper than trump’s golf bill, btw, thx agn

5 years ago

I wish I didn’t feel that this vote was SO important!  Would be a lot easier.  *sigh*

5 years ago


There isn’t that much Adderal in the world.  His appearance in AZ was completely incomprehensible. 

Ping Pong
Ping Pong
5 years ago

The kids in the cage started with Barack and Biden.  The bigger issue is to end the fools candy that draws the dangerous, deadly and ugly journey.  The good thing this is being fixed with the Trump policy.   
To all a good night.  An early morning for me tomorrow

5 years ago

NBC reporting cordial discussions between Liz and Bloomberg on-stage despite competitive rhetoric 

5 years ago

Did you see Pete turn toward Amy at the end? She breezes right by him.  Actually, she didn’t stop for anyone. tiptoe – I’ll probably flip flop between Warren and Klobuchar a hundred times before I vote on Saturday.  So many candidates I’d like to vote for, some of whom aren’t even running anymore.   And then there’s  Pete. 
Well, the convention should be interesting.   

5 years ago

Craig, yep. “Bernie left stage unharmed, advantage his. “

5 years ago

What happens to those fancy, plexiglass lecterns?  

5 years ago

…they collapse and go in a box, were used in a previous NBC debate, this season

omg i missed the first 15min and didn’t hear Liz’s one-liner about Bloomberg’s misogynistic remarks, she crushed it tonight, such a good candidate

pardon me, as always, thx for the forum CC ✌️

5 years ago

I don’t see how this debate helped anyone. Bernie got more marginalized, Joe was more Joe,  Pete just looked like a condescending obnoxious jr high twit. Liz keep lecturing with a bit of self righteous “me too” thrown in. Amy was just pissed and Bloomberg wondered around clueless. But Bloomberg is the only one not making calls begging for money post debate so I guess that makes him the winner. Warren said she raised 1 million dollars while the debate was going on,  Bloomberg yawned and said “yeah, me too”

5 years ago

“OH   Hey China slowing down?  Bloomberger you are such a joke to cover your investments in China vs India ” – Mr Pong
Mr Pong is confusing Bloomberg for trump or vie versa. 

There’s a difference. One is a self-made & successful B!LL!ONA!RE. The other is one of putin’s bell boys.

“4 more years” – Mr Pong.

Na. Give him 20 years to life.

5 years ago


Liz the Billionaire-Slayer⚔️

5 years ago

Bloomberg / Warren
Too Northeast, white, privileged. That ticket can’t carry anything west of the Hudson river or  south of  New Jersey.
Bloomberg is so white that he has to get somebody to balance the ticket that is  down home country black. The only one out there  is Stacy Abrams.
The other counter might be Ms Amy who is so northern Midwest that you expect her to show up at these events with a hotdish.

5 years ago

I kinda like that edit button.

5 years ago

Craig, alll warren can do is draw votes from Bernie, not a bad thing imo, if she can get his delegate count below 30% I’m all for her. Right now guesses are he comes out of super Tuesday with 40%. enough that he will demand the nomination.

5 years ago

Whom do you support/dislike the least, Jack?

5 years ago

Hot dish. It’s heartwarming to see that you’re picking up our language, Mr Jack. 

5 years ago

Well Bink, I really wish Joe and Bloomberg had just stayed home and told all the youngsters how it was in the good old days. If they had then we might have seen a healthy debate among the next generation, there was a nice crop out there that never got a chance.
Liz needs to go back to Harvard, create a thinktank and push for her ideas that way. She has not been able to do anything as Senator or running for President.
I guess the left wingnuts need somebody and Bernie is a warm body. At least today he is. 
Mayor Pete? hey it sucks being a small city Democrat in a state that is Republican. Best thing he can do is take the name recognition, the money contacts and build something back home. I suggest he looks at what the Kansas Democrats are doing.

Of the pile tonight, there are 3 who I would trust to be president. 
Who ever beats Trump is going to take over a severly damaged government. Repair and healing are going to be in order. That means we can’t wait as we did with Obama or Clinton for them to figure out who they want to run the various departments. 
Joe has been there long enough that he can name them off right now. Also he will do a fair job. 
Amy will be a little slower but she has enough connections   and a no nonsense attitude that  would make things move. 
The third one I just added today, that is Mike Bloomberg. I was watching the latest video his team put out. It was great, it was a clip of Biden praising Bloomberg. It sounded like an endorsement. With all these videos and opening up offices around the nation. It occurred to me, Bloomberg has one remarkable talent. He knows how to hire good people, give them a minimum direction and get out of their way.  Who ever replaces Trump is going to need that talent. As to his political beliefs? He will have to compromise because after all he doesn’t really have a party behind him.
As to who I will vote for? damn if I know. May be a coin flip when I get there. Do they make a three sided coin?

5 years ago

Ah, cool, tyvm for answering my question with sincerity. 

5 years ago

you run across all kinds of ethnic folks in my world, I had a Mormon couple turn me on to fry sauce. Not something you put on hot dish.

5 years ago

Bloomberg vs trump depresses the female turnout, which hurts Dems far more than it hurts rippers. Women are by far the largest Dem demographic. If Democrats don’t put up a candidate that women feel comfortable with, we might as well all trade in our Stars and Stripes for hammers & sickles.

5 years ago

Xrep, I suspect they are more pissed at Mayor Pete right now then they are at Bloomberg. The “me too” bashing of Bloomberg won’t be as damaging as some are hoping. You can only go to that well so many times.

5 years ago

Mr Jack,
1. Alas, I’m not a hot dish kinda guy, cuz they usually have milk or cheese in them. Then I die inside.
2. Regarding the 3 sided coin, I use a die. 1 & 2 are one ‘side,’ 3 & 4 are the second ‘side’ and 5 & 6 make the third ‘side’. Best of luck to you on rolling a great new president for us ! If you come up with the next FDR, we’ll be very grateful.

5 years ago

I’m having trouble loving George Washington right now.
The thought makes me sick.

5 years ago

G’night, Ms J.

5 years ago

Good night, Mr Jack.

5 years ago

Liz/ Amy/ Kamala
Long Story Short.

5 years ago