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5 years ago

sturge, looks like you got a lotta work cut out for you there.

5 years ago

for Jamie et al

5 years ago

Interesting buzz about the Sistine jury foreperson. Trumpites claiming bias because she has a Twitter account and dislikes trump. The only bias I’ve seen any indication of is bias against a black female. So if they are righ we should expect judge Jackson will hail her into court and hold her in contempt?  Her anti- trump tweets won’t be a basis for a mistrial unless they show a bias against Roger Stone that she lied about in voir dire. Stone’s lawyers undoubtedly did juror research before the striking process began. Surely they did in depth research that would extend to social media platforms. Join the real world. 

5 years ago

at least some are speaking out against rash slimeball’s nastiness
Elizabeth Warren

These homophobic attacks against @PeteButtigieg are hateful and offensive. We will not tolerate this in the Democratic presidential race, and we will fight together against the hate and bigotry that Donald Trump promotes and rewards. https://apnews.com/117be4fd845592a09fe8bd16f0e8112f 


and from the hill:
Former Vice President Joe Biden also came to Buttigieg’s defense this week, saying that it reflected “the depravity of this administration.”
“Pete and I are competitors, but this guy has honor, he has courage, he’s smart as hell,” Biden added.

5 years ago

excerpts from above:

In response to Amanpour quoting a Fox News interview from November in which Trump claimed that Ukraine is known to be the third-most corrupt country in the world, Zelensky pushed back and said Kiev fights corruption every day.
“That’s not true. When I had a meeting with President Trump, and he said that in previous years (Ukraine) was such a corrupt country, I told him very honestly and I was very open with him, I told him that we fight with corruption, we fight each day,” Zelensky told Amanpour during the town hall interview.
“Please, please, stop saying that Ukraine is a corrupt country, because from now, it’s not true. We want to change this image,” he added.


“I want to thank the President, and the USA, and ordinary American people for supporting Ukraine, especially now when we have war. Thank you for your help… We feel it, we feel it with our hearts, with our body,” Zelensky said.


Zelensky quipped that he always wanted to be popular in the US. “In my previous profession, when I was a producer, scriptwriter and actor, I wanted to get an Oscar, I wanted to be popular in the USA… Now I am very popular in the USA,” Zelensky told Amanpour.
“If this way will help Ukraine, I am ready for the next call with Mr. Trump,” he added.

5 years ago

Coming soon to a continent near you:

The End of Australia As We Know It


5 years ago

Sturg…   wow…  busy beaver!
Didn’t bother to watch Bill Maher last night.  It was advertised last week that one of this week’s guest would be Alan Dershowitz. Didn’t want to watch the bullshit that would follow.  Guess he was a no-show.  Will have to watch it later On Demand.

5 years ago

holy smokes Matt Drudge reporting Bloomberg considering Hillary as running mate, would move to one of his homes in another state since both can’t be from the same state

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Omg. I hope that’s a joke

5 years ago

 ”since the electoral college makes it hard for a POTUS and VPOTUS from the same state… Developing..“ -drudge
What the hell does that mean?  A real wordsmith, that Drudge…

5 years ago

Who did he have to **** for that exclusive?  lol

5 years ago

hmmm…  both the right and the left have been pounding on Bloomberg over his former “stop and frisk” policy as NYC mayor.  All of a sudden…  a whisper…  about Hillary may be his running mate.
Touche…  Mike…   you play the media like a fiddle! 

5 years ago

RR, good catch. I think that’s exactly what’s going on. Like an old political saying goes, if the media is chasing a green frog, show them a red frog.

5 years ago

not so fast crediting mike with the distraction ploy.  IMO it’s IMpotus-ites just adding to damage him on basis that mention of their favorite hate obj would do in Bloomberg.

5 years ago

“sources close to Bloomberg campaign” 

5 years ago

patd…  IMO, it’s more than just a distraction.  It keeps the media talking about Bloomberg… only now he’s controlling the message.
ps… added benefit… it makes Trump’s head explode.  Trump is too stupid to realize that every time he tweets about Bloomberg he keeps Mike in the news cycle.  Watch how this news and any back and forth tweeting become the Sunday morning news shows main topic.

5 years ago

‘Sources close to Bloomberg Campaign’, if you can believe drudge.

5 years ago

“Matt Drudge”
Ok, Stop right there. 
god you folks are so easy to own,
Drudge is a troll, what do you do with trolls? You ignore them.  And absolutely don’t promote their craziness.

5 years ago

xrep – You May get your wish about TX, since half of California has moved her.  At least, it feels that way.  Soooo many people.
Gotta love Mike.  He took to social media, showed a pic of SFB hauling his giant, tightly-whitey clad behind into Marine 1 and captioned it: “We are going to vote you out in November.” 

5 years ago

Jamie, the Times article is heart wrenching. Then I got to the final couple of lines and put the thing in the perspective of KumCho and my 1966 exploration into emigration to that country (I had just returned from Vietnam and she was a freshly sworn American.)
In any case the article says, when the recommendation of foreign help on the ground is suggested, “…Mr. Gallagher listened without interrupting. “I hadn’t thought of that,” he said. “I could support that.” In 1966 Mr Gallagher would have added, but don’t send any Orientals.
Those cruel words ended any thoughts of our emigration. For years I’ve tried reconciling that policy with the history of their earliest Brit immigrants and of their bravery in the wars in which they were our allies. I failed.

5 years ago


Agree.  Anything sourced from Drudge or Breitbart isn’t worth your time without two or three more sources.  

5 years ago

Interesting re: George Washington.   I am torn between wanting history to forget SFB, or,  using his exploitation of the office as a cautionary tale.  

5 years ago

Actually when Drudge does a rare exclusive of his own they’re usually correct. He broke the Monica story after all. And he’s only saying it’s being “considered” – – Bloomies probably playing him but don’t think he made it up. 

Trumpco should be nervous Drudge is listening to Bloomberg sources, they’ve already been complaining Drudge site not favorable enough to them.

5 years ago

OMG!  Bloomberg has an ad of Donald John Trump making crude, bullying comments, interspersed with clips from movies; the bully from “A Christmas Story,” “Mean Girls,” etc.     Mike is fighting fire with fire…and this will drive SFB crazy, not that he isn’t already BSC.

5 years ago

Craig , a blind sow will find an acorn once in a while  too. He is a troll. The times he is correct is usually a piece of dirt that the opposition wants to get out that real  folks won’t touch. 
Jamie, as in this silliness with HRC, not worth the time to check him out.
But you all do what you want to do. I’m back to housework.

5 years ago

And he’s only saying it’s being “considered”

There you go, troll bait. 
Now I really am out of here. 

5 years ago

Nevada’s ballot ranks candidates.  But, you must pick 3 or it won’t be counted.   

5 years ago

people talk politics on a politics forum🤷‍♂️

Isn’t floating possible VP-picks to the media to gauge popular sentiment a rather common practice?

Also, concerning media-manipulation by the Bloomberg camp, yeah sure, but there’s already new dirt on him, today. He can’t pass the liberal purity test so he needs to appease the base, somehow.

5 years ago

BiD, Hillary in oct 2016 likening trump to those movie bullies.  maybe mike bought it from her.

5 years ago

Hillary is not going to be veep.  Mike may not even be the nominee.  The Clinton’s have too much baggage (yes, they are politically-conjoined twins) ,  and, if you wanna see Bernie’s folks vote for anyone else, it will not happen with Hillary on the ticket.      It’s doubtful that Mike’s folks floated her name as anything other than something to screw with SFB.   Klobuchar, Mike, Warren, Yang, Pete, Biden, Booker, Harris, Bernie…pick any two for Nov.  

5 years ago

BiD, was that Bloomberg ad about bullies that you saw & told us about like the one from Hillary’s old tweet above  or was it better, updated & with more commentary?     

5 years ago

ooh, ties in with the theme, sort of…

5 years ago

Well, I guess anything over 1 billion makes you a billionaire, even though you have less than two.   Even Trumpsky’s billionaire friends are poor compared to Mike Bloomberg.   Poor, worthless SFB.   I still want to see Trump’s taxes.   

5 years ago

patD – Mike’s is much better produced, and, it’s not touchy-feely at the end.  It isn’t about Mike in comparison, like that one was about Hillary; it’s just about Trump.  Mike’s ad may possibly be just to enrage Trump.
Plus, Mike has the advantage of footage of Prez T vs just footage of candidate T.
I think Drudge made up the whole Hillary thing to sew division.   She’s not relevant right now.  This is about the half dozen still running.  
A ballot that ranks candidates will help Warren, as Bernie folks will likely pick her as their second choice.   Warren folks, I believe, are more likely to choose Klobuchar as their second choice.  
The good thing is, they have to pick three or their vote won’t count.   I think they can have one choice as uncommitted, so they still have to pick at least one person other than the candidate they are backing. I really like that idea.