The secret to change is to focus all of your energy

not on fighting the old, but on building the new.  Socrates

Since the start of the shutdown of the world, the talk of certain types was to get it all restarted.  They have no price on human life, it is the “economy” which is dying and requires a restart.  Sure, lives will be lost, but that is normal life, people die every day.

Discussion of what a life is worth was not part of the deal of this pandemic.  The cost of saving civilization was more important.  At least at the start.  Now there are some who no longer care about civilization, only their alternative world civilization (which seems to only have white people roaming around in it).

Other than a few “America only” articles for building things, there is no talk about how the world is interconnected.  Not just Canada, Mexico, U.S. in NAFTA2, but how the U.S. exports to other countries which do work on a product which is shipped somewhere else and eventually returns to the U.S. as a completed product or as a component which ends up in a U.S. completed product. It is about manufacturing clothing or cell phone covers in other countries.

I get to see international trade in a way few others do.  It is eye opening at how components move around the world before ending up in a final product.  The basic fact is the countries of the world are all part of international trade.  Even China imports components and products for domestic use.

To get the “economy” going takes more than a bunch of yahoos running around shouting and waving killer guns.  The U.S. was on the down hill slope due to horrible trade decisions and belligerent, and extremely ignorant, actions of the White House before the noval coronavirus arrived. To get the “economy” going again takes smart people and that may need to wait until January 19, 2021.

Made in America is one thing, I buy American made when I can.  But, due to economic pricing and decades of presidential and congressional actions, only certain products are totally American made.  But, to “bring back” industry takes more than a stupid tariff and yelling.  It also means creating industry where none exists, that is not fast nor is it easy.

It makes little sense to force a complex industry to only create in America with American parts. That was done a long time ago, before modern electronics were created. Now it takes the world to build a cell phone. Some of the components are only available in certain parts of the world, not in the U.S.

We live in a different world than we did January 1, 1930. We live in a different world than we did January 1, 1950.  We live in a different world than we did January 1, 2020.


Author: Blue Bronc

Born in Detroit when Truman was president, survived the rest of them. Early on I learned that FDR was the greatest president, which has withstood all attempts to change that image. Democratic Party, flaming liberal, Progressive, equality for all and a believer in we are all human and deserve respect and understanding. College educated, a couple of degrees, a lot of world experience and tons of fun. US Air Force (pre-MRE days). Oil and gas fields, computer rooms and stuff beyond anything I can talk about. It has been quite a life so far. The future is making my retirement boat my home. Dogs, cats and other critters fill my life with happiness. Work pays the bills.

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4 years ago

“We live in a different world than we did January 1, 1930. We live in a different world than we did January 1, 1950.  We live in a different world than we did January 1, 2020.”

bbronc,  a mantra worthy repeating.  

4 years ago

relative to above cartoon an op ed in NYTimes “Bill Barr twisted my words on dropping the Flynn case. Here’s the truth.” here’s the concluding paragraph and info on author: 

In short, the report of my interview does not anywhere suggest that the F.B.I.’s interview of Mr. Flynn was unconstitutional, unlawful or not “tethered” to any legitimate counterintelligence purpose.

Mary B. McCord, the former acting assistant attorney general for national security at the Department of Justice, is legal director for Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection and a visiting law professor.


4 years ago

Speaking of lying- remember the lie about us not paying tariffs put on foreign (read Chinese here) goods?  China pays them?  Well, no. Because I couldn’t get any locally, I ordered two thermal scan thermometers off eBay. They came directly from China. Two weeks after I received the thermometers, I received a bill from FedEx for 55 bucks, which was the tariff on $80 worth of thermometers. So I literally paid the tariff in real time in clear sight. Thanks to SFB my $40 thermometers cost me $67.50 each.
Bink, fascinating posts about the planets. It was overcast here, so ours – Corona Major – was the only planet I could see. 

4 years ago


Vice President Mike Pence has been self-isolating from the White House following his press secretary Katie Miller’s diagnosis of Covid-19 on Friday, said three people familiar with the situation. A spokesman said he’d be back at the White House on Monday.
Pence didn’t attend a meeting at the White House on Saturday with Trump and top military officials. Neither did two members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who’ve had their own brushes with coronavirus, Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gilday and the chief of the National Guard Bureau, Air Force General Joseph Lengyel.
Gilday has had contact with an infected family member. Lengyel tested positive on Saturday, and later tested negative, a Defense Department spokesman said. He’ll be tested again on Monday.
A rapid-test screening at the White House ahead of Trump’s meeting with military leaders in the Cabinet Room caught Lengyel’s positive status, one person familiar with the matter said.
The ripple effects of Miller’s diagnosis became even more extensive on Sunday, as Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds considered self-isolating because she was in contact with the aide during a White House visit on Wednesday, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Iowa’s state medical director, Caitlin Pedati, accompanied Reynolds on the trip and is already planning to self-isolate, one of the people said.

4 years ago

Festivus will still go on

Jerry STiller has passed away at 92 

4 years ago

Jamie, I saw Ben’s tweet about that. It was very nice. Sorry to see him gone. 

4 years ago

BlueBronc….   CLAP!  CLAP!  Excellent article!
Of course…  the maggot hats think that all trump has to do is wave his magic maggot wand and everything will be alright.

4 years ago

Thanks BlueB, luv your thinking. 

Looking at example of reopenings in South Korea and Germany. Not going well. They’re probably heading back to lock downs. 

4 years ago

Sweden catching hell from their open policy

4 years ago

another op ed on the Flynn debacle.  this time in wapo by atty who resigned from roger stone case:

Three months ago, I resigned from the Justice Department after 10 years as a career prosecutor. I left a job I loved because I believed the department had abandoned its responsibility to do justice in one of my cases, United States v. Roger Stone. At the time, I thought that the handling of the Stone case, with senior officials intervening to recommend a lower sentence for a longtime ally of President Trump, was a disastrous mistake that the department would not make again.
I was wrong.
Last week, the department again put political patronage ahead of its commitment to the rule of law, filing a motion to dismiss the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn — notwithstanding Flynn’s sworn guilty plea and a ruling by the court that the plea was sound.
In both cases, the department undercut the work of career employees to protect an ally of the president, an abdication of the commitment to equal justice under the law. Prosecutors must make decisions based on facts and law, not on the defendant’s political connections. When the department takes steps that it would never take in any other case to protect an ally of the president, it betrays this principle.
Indeed, the department chose to assign these matters to a special counsel precisely to avoid the appearance of political influence. For the attorney general now to directly intervene to benefit the president’s associates makes this betrayal of the rule of law even more egregious.


Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

BB on a roll

4 years ago

It’s a lovely day in East Bumfuck, if you like low  40s and drizzle.  I don’t.  
BB, what RR said.  Excellent post.

4 years ago

Remember “cooties”?

4 years ago

Marius is beginning to drool.

4 years ago

BB – Great post!
What about cheap labor and oil to ship all of those natural resources/components/finished goods back and forth?   There have been human and environmental costs to that, but nobody in power gives a crap.  As the virus now seems to be impacting children, too, there will be more panic. Not just anger.  Panic.
I am quite depressed being back at the office, even though it’s a big office and some are not coming back, a few working from home part of the time.  I just found out that one of our customers in NJ died from Covid.   I can envision a better world, but realistically, there is no way to get there, given the power structure in the world. 

4 years ago

Prepping the base for violence.
”Why, this is violence!”
—Julius, upon first strike of the knife.
Onlooker— “No shit, Sherlockius.”

4 years ago

The pres says:


The great people of Pennsylvania want their freedom now, and they are fully aware of what that entails. The Democrats are moving slowly, all over the USA, for political purposes. They would wait until November 3rd if it were up to them. Don’t play politics. Be safe, move quickly!

Is this not an invitation to violence?

4 years ago

uses subjunctive mood, condition contrary to fact.  Odd, that.

4 years ago

if i post on this forum more than a few times a day, i feel like i’m wasting time.
trump tweets 100x A DAY.  Fucker just sits on his phone, all goddamned day, every day.  He wants YOU to go back to work, though.

4 years ago


4 years ago

He wants you to go back to work for him.

Then you’re free to die

4 years ago

Until there is an actual vaccine, people are going to die from this novel virus and any of its mutations.  All  anyone can do is practice normal safe actions as recommended.  Eventually enough people will contract it and a percentage will die until we reach a herd immunity that will protect most.  

4 years ago

Harris and Klobuchar are my two top choices for Biden VP, but I’ll take anyone under 60 who is verbally adroit.  

4 years ago

No one knows if a vaccine or “herd immunity”  is even possible.

As i’ve said before, genetic vulnerability testing may help guide strategy, and Americans are going to need to be permissive of vulnerable people protecting themselves with PPE in public.

4 years ago

Shanghai Disney is opening!
A 29 year old man in Seoul, S. Korea went night clubbing to several places last weekend and infected 86 people so far. There were 5500 people in that area, and they have tested 3 thousand of them.  That’s the problem with one person being positive in a group.  Evan a group of 2.
The dictator will babble at 3 p.m. CST from the Rose Garden.  Too nice of a place for him.
Katie Miller was seen maskless visiting a nursing home. Stupid and selfish bitch!

4 years ago

Jamie, surely you don’t mean that if the veep pick is lizzie or another old white geezer you won’t support the ticket, do you?  an ancient yellow dog with purple polka dots on either end of ticket will get my vote.

4 years ago

Well, America’s after the Native Americans, again!
“South Dakota Governor Demands Tribe Leaders Remove Checkpoints Set Up to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19”

4 years ago

BB, I heard that too except they guessed 15% immunity. But, they don’t know if folks can get it again, and again.

4 years ago

I draw the line at polka dots.
—Little Richard

4 years ago

Even thought it’s explained thoroughly and often, people seem to think that if they get tested, that’s it.  That’s all they need to do. They just don’t get that all it does is confirm positive or negative, hopefully with few false or either kinds.  It’s a palm to the face kinda thing.

4 years ago

The dictator’s babbling and fauxing, again. If you’re not listening, you’re not missing anything.

4 years ago

Trump just said in Rose Garden, at the very moment we topped 80,000 Americans dead: “We have met the moment and we have prevailed.” 

4 years ago

Yep, he’s lying about how the numbers are going DOWN!  He’s a waste of time.

4 years ago

“Pent up demand”  LOL

4 years ago


4 years ago

The dictator is so NASTY!

4 years ago

Trump flummoxed by media, walks off in anger, lied throughout, proved once again he doesn’t know what he’s talking about on any topic. Archie Bunker would have made more sense.

4 years ago

Found it. 
“Obamagate’ Is the “Newest, Dumbest Trumpian Distraction Bait”  “Let me get this straight: James Comey was so determined to stop Trump winning in 2016 that he…intervened during the homestretch to critically damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign!”
Blah, blah, blah….distraction.

4 years ago

Don’t go away angry, Mr. President, just go away.

4 years ago

Trump just delivered another psychotic performance proving he should resign. 25th Amendment! 

4 years ago

Great post, Blue Bronc.  BB I’d be interested in your thoughts of the adjunct to manufactured international trade, farm products and immigration labor, another huge sector of international trade.  SFB and Peter Navarro are clueless on international trade and labor.  In a Democratic administration come January 2021, I want Paul Krugman as the next Director of Economic Policy.   Be safe everyone.  

4 years ago

Craig, yes the dictator continues to be horrible! 25th is RIGHT!  And now he’s starting this Obamagate thang as a distraction.  He gives men, in general, a bad name!

4 years ago

Joe was polling too strongly, so now SFB has created O’gate because he wants to run against someone who isn’t even running.    Donny’s daddy didn’t love him and now his fragile ego and weak mind are destroying America.    Shame on that entire family for propping up a delusional, incompetent ass.

4 years ago

Trump asked today about U.S. death toll: “Don’t ask me. Ask China.”

4 years ago

America is just too hip to the scene.  No more purple band-aids 

4 years ago

Anyone else see this? 
Netflix announces “Cadet Bonespurs” – a tragicomedic farce about a draft dodging military academy Grad who by myriad deceptions becomes President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US military and has no idea what to do in his new offices. A Netflix Spokesliar said they initially passed on the project as too implausible but after watching televised news conferences of President Trump decided to try it. He said, “What the fuck?  It doesn’t seem so far fetched in retrospect.”
Gotta get LP to show me how to get Netflix up on the TV.

4 years ago

BB – Don’t leave out the big, welfare queens like Archer Daniels Midland, and, Pioneer Seed (owned by DuPont). 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

The ag of Georgia has asked the US justice dept to investigate.  Well that’s a joke. Given their recent record, they will probably suggest arrest the parents of the young man who was murdered.

4 years ago

“I got a lot of problems with you people!”
Every day is Festivus; it starts with the airing of grievances…and ends that way, most days.
RIP Mr. Stiller 

4 years ago

I used to love Stiller and Maera 

4 years ago

Let’s just give trump $1 billion out of the stimulus funds to resign.  Hell, give him $10 billion, it would be the best investment we ever made.  
GoFundMe, maybe? 

4 years ago

Brilliant idea, Mr Bink ! Raise a couple million to give him, if he’ll defect to Moscow. 
Let’s face the truth : that squirrel brain never came closer to $1B!LL!ION than the $469million his daddy left him. He’s managed to turn that into a small fortune.

4 years ago

Bink, the Go Fund Me is a good idea!

4 years ago

Can we call it GoEffU?

4 years ago

Poor Donnie,
All them nasty women reporters are picking on the little fella. If I was him I’d take my ball and go home.
Snark, in case you had to ask,

4 years ago

His ball? He only has one, like Hitler?
Wonder if he’ll be spitting mad about his Covid tweets being fact-checked by Twitter? 

4 years ago

“Can we call it GoEffU?”
…you made me “lol”, good one👍❤️🇺🇸

4 years ago

Shit.  Now i gotta put my money where my mouth is.  I don’t want to be internet-famous!

i would donate my entire stimulus check ($1200) to such a GoFundme, if withdrawal from my account was contingent on trump’s resignation. Will post screenshots if necessary.

4 years ago