Putin again plotting how to draw progressives away from Dems if they do an all moderate corporate ticket 2016 redux.
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted at 10:55 AM on Wed, Apr 29, 2020:
No, I think Amash would make a wonderful candidate, especially since he is way behind in his district and has no chance of maintaining his Congressional seat. He almost always votes for the Do Nothing Dems anyway. I like him even more than Jill Stein!
Amash/Gabbard would be Putin’s dream ticket for siphoning away enough votes from Biden to reelect Trump.
at 2:06 minutes in on this video, fmr Sen McCaskill also speaks of the WH delight over amash jumping into race.
Rep. Justin Amash, I-Mich., said Tuesday that he has launched a committee that would explore a presidential run under the Libertarian Party. The panel discusses. Aired on 4/29/2020.
Gabbard for running mate? Putin’s dream team.
A snippet from Glenn Kessler’s trip through SFB lies about his COVID 19 response.
And there are more…
GOPers are at it again throwing stones at joe while living in glass houses of their own peccadillos
the hill:
okay, mitch, let’s compare what the new Yorker last week said about you:
” Once McConnell was elected, according to two sources, he made a sexual advance toward one of his female employees. Although his spokesman says that this didn’t happen, one of the sources told me, “It’s the God’s honest truth.”
pogo, a cartoon to go with your 7:39 comment
PatD, priceless update. If trends hold it looks like he may have overestimated the solidity of his support. Oh please, oh please, oh please.
Florida keeps death rate lower by not counting non-residents, who also are not counted in their home states, so completely off the books.. https://t.co/1bVNox3W06
Nope. Amash won’t pull Bernie voters. He stands in opposition to Bernie. Plus, we already know that Trump is scared shitless of facing Joe. Pooh-tin sent medical aid to the US and now doesn’t have enough for his own subjects. Thirty million unemployed Americans. Inadequate testing. Daily diet of lies from Trump. Donny didn’t deserve one term and he damned sure won’t get two. He’s a loser, just like his daddy always knew.
Gabbard for VP?… so that’s why someone down the street has resurrected their Gabbard 2020 sign on their front lawn. She kept claiming she wasn’t Putin’s pawn…. hmmmmm.
I’m curious how many people they had to screen out to get their 650 Bernie supporters.
Given that in January Bernie’s polling average was 20% of likely Democratic voters and lets say 50% give or take will vote as Democrats. Then we are talking about 10% of the electorate are Bernie supporters.
Of them 22% or 2.2% of likely voters are uncertain that they will support Biden.
8% or .8% of the electorate are persuadable.
12% 0r 1.2% of the electorate are not voting for Biden
So given those numbers to me it looks like everybody is on board those left are always going to vote contrarian.
After all the green party always gets 1 or 2 %
So I think we can safely ignore that 22% or 2.2% of the electorate, they were never going to vote democrat anyway.
I looked up Amash on wikipedia. He’s NOT going to get many “progressive/moderate” votes. He’s a not really a “libertatrian.” He’s typical socially conservative Republican. For example, he’s pro-life, anti-marijuana legalization, etc. The only difference between him and the other Republicans is that he hates Trump.
MSNBC reports that Trump is furious because he is polling well below Biden in the swing states.
This got me thinking … now that he’s dropping in the polls (and given the fact that the economy is going into a very BAD recession, is this the time when (at long last) many Republicans are going to start “distancing” themselves from Trump?
Might we hear some criticism of him from Republicans who face tough re-election races? Could some of these Republican governors (when the new infection cases explode) abandon re-opening, and ignore pressure from Trump to do so?
Perhaps some brave Republican, regarding his handling of the Covid-19 crisis might say to Trump … “You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
With leads outside margin of error in 4 of 6 decisive battleground states (tied in other 2: Wisconsin and North Carolina) Joe Biden is now the frontrunner.
Economists at JP Morgan (a Wall Street investment bank and definitely NOT a liberal institution) are predicting that unemployment in the USA will soon reach 20%.
The unemployment rate in the depths of the Great Depression of the 1930s was 25%.
In October, airlines will be free to lay off huge numbers of employees. The airline bailout won’t save the industry. Only a vaccine will do that. Payroll protection loans for SBA requires employees to be rehired by June 30th. The loans will be forgiven if they keep employees on the job for eight weeks. So, if business doesn’t pick up, or, if owners can figure out a way to consolidate jobs, around Labor Day you may see folks back on the unemployment rolls.
The UK wasn’t counting Covid deaths unless they happened while in hospital. They have changed that method to include nursing homes.
not counting non-residents, who also are not counted in their home states
craig, new koan: if a snowbird falls unresponsive in a florida and there’s no one there that counts him, is he really dead?
“Operation Warp Speed”
Don’t we have actually need to HAVE a viable vaccine before production can be ramped up?
Lt. Trail Boss Flatus, please report to your post. Forthwith!
Failure to show up for duty or otherwise be absent without leave is unacceptable.
Your wisdom is highly esteemed, greatly needed at this time of crisis and sadly missed.
bId – I saw the headline that SFB was going to get a vaccine in Warp Speed. Yeah, like the stable genius would even know what a lab is and how it operates.
“Excess deaths” Number of deaths v expected death rate. The numbers are probably higher.
Trump is planning to start holding his massive campaign rallies again.
This should be an excellent demonstration of Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection.
One fifth of our workers have filed for jobless benefits.
Take Harris off the short list.
Harris: ‘I believe’ Biden accusers https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/437107-harris-i-believe-biden-accusers
Gabbard is a veteran, dropped out, and endorsed Biden. Kinda silly to imply she’s a willing pawn of Putin.
Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection doesn’t account for human civilization’s support of “useful idiots”.
Four year ago today we argued about how to deal with ripper lies about Hillary Clinton in a topic presented by Ms Jamie.
The argument has relevance to the accusation again Joe Biden. As an example of how we fell out, Ms Cracker wanted every rotten lie denied. Mr Jack felt that we waste resources if we counter every little fib. Mr Crawford counselled that if it’s a lie, deny it, and if it’s the truth keep quiet [ or change the subject ]. By the Crawford protocol, we can figure that Biden is guilty, when we know damn well that he isn’t. 4 years later I say, Biden should say flatly that the story is false, and bring up the zervos, ivana, and carroll assault and rape charges against trump.
Consumer confidence won’t come back until we have a vaccine for this virus, and, healthcare for all.
Bink, you got a point there about natural selection, but “useful” in that process is up for debate when it comes to humans. I’d say the folks who believe and believe in SFB are useless idiots, and they and their offspring would be on the short list of the weak part of the species. I wouldn’t sleep well if I were them, but then again, most probably don’t believe in evolution, so they probably haven’t given it a thought.
They reviewed the details of the shifting complaint made against Joe on The View. My question: Where was she when Joe decided to run? She says she’s a Dem, but which candidate does she support? The optics of a charge at this late date is that it looks like she is working for Bernie, although Dick a l’orange and the Repugz are using it. They’ll have to tread carefully, lest the dozen or so claims against Trump get litigated in public. Who benefits if Joe isn’t the nominee? The candidate with the next, highest number of votes? That would be Bernie, if the DNC lets it happen. If Bernie is the nominee, that will also benefit Trump. Warren is the way out and up, but the charges against Joe won’t give Warren the nomination, and, she may not want her name on the ticket with… Read more »
craig, look more closely at that harris story. “she believes women who say they felt uncomfortable” about inappropriate touching is different than saying she believes he sexually assaulted them. joe himself (as did al franken) said he believed the women, acknowledged and apologized for the unwanted pats and hugs.
and here we go off on another shiny distraction – diddling while rome burns
remember this segment with judy woodruff and david brooks on pbs newshour in april a year ago: judy woodruff on “the view” interview most recently, the women who accused Joe Biden of being too familiar, touching them when they didn’t ask to be touched. Judy Woodruff: I wanted to just quickly show an excerpt of what he had to say when he talked — when they talked about it. Joseph Biden: I’m really sorry if they — what I did in talking to them and trying to counsel, that, in fact, they took it a different way. And it’s my responsibility to make sure that I bend over backwards to try to understand how not to do that. Question: Nancy Pelosi wants you to say, I’m sorry that I invaded your space. Joseph Biden: Sorry I invaded your space. I am. I’m sorry this happened. But I’m not sorry… Read more »
People who know that they haven’t evolved probably haven’t. They seem to be a different species. Perhaps, Homo Nascarensis ? Homo Nascarensis, Morlock, being the dominant stock originating in northwestern Europe that migrated to central North America in search of white bread, potato chips, and loud, smelly, fast shiny things.
I’m sorry if you were offended is not an apology.
Moving on, Pence is headed to a GM plant in Kokomo to continue spreading the virus, apparently.
Nuance aside Pat, the headline all GOP needs for an ad:
Harris: “I believe Biden’s accusers.”
Then what does she say when asked, if he picks her?
I getting some different tea leaves.
That woman in Michigan! Could she be veep?
I’d approve that woman in Michigan, but I’d really like that lady from New Zealand
Article on Biden was from 2019 “Biden, who is considering running for president”. On the latest charges from Reade, the story keeps changing including verbiage from a porn novel written by her father.
patd…. thanks for the trumpengeist video… and all the funny stuff you post! With everything that’s going on… it’s important not to forget one’s sense of humor…. unless you don’t have one.
as the tag line says:
flush the turd on November 3rd
Who was lurking downstairs, disguised as Joe Biden ?
Joe reminds me of an old friend. The man had been married for umteen zillion years with not so much as a hint of a scandal. He was also one of those men that if you were anywhere within reach, you were going to be HUGGED. He patted. He kissed cheeks. He was a walking, talking teddy bear. In all the years of this behavior he was first made very unhappy in the early 80s when some woman complained he was “inappropriate”. It simply never occurred to him that generous affection was “inappropriate”.
While I am more that willing to listen to a believe a woman’s story. I’m not willing to immediately convict the man, until some level of proof is supplied. And, yes I’m still pissed off at Gillibrand for losing Al Franken.
Gillibrand thought she was going to be leader of a movement…..instead she crapped in her mess kit. No hearing. Despicable.