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Blue Bronc
4 years ago

The Obama’s are a great GOTV team.
Stupid wants the tires ripped off the presidential transport car.  Hilarious.

4 years ago

No more Goodyear.  Does that mean tRUMP wants to re-tire?   
I don’t do the Twitter, but I’m wondering if the toddler tyrant’s meltdown that Jamie mentioned was the result of Obama’s speech?  Did he even know that Barak evicerated him?  If a woman uses big words, his fragile ego can’t handle it. Was it Kamala that set him off?

4 years ago

Yep, if it’s not close, they can’t cheat.  They’ll still try, of course, but cuff SFB and walk him out of the WH. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

How many victims will tRUMP be responsible for by Election Day?

54 days until Texans get to vote.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

A few days ago I replied to a Biden campaign tweet about how Biden hats were made in America.  I pointed out that they are also made in union shops.  That got a look from the @Biden campaign.  Surprisingly, SFB gave me a look too.  I am not sure how much of his tweets are by others, but at least one set of eyes is pro union.

4 years ago

We need to bring it home that sane GOP voters can go back to being GOP voters after they help save the country by voting Biden this time around.


4 years ago

BiD — yes, Man Baby was live tweeting responses during the speeches last night. It’d almost be better if he drank, then we could just say he was drunk. But he does this stuff stone cold sober, which is scarier.

4 years ago

According to Noel Casler he abuses drugs. 

4 years ago

Some one on twitter pointed to a Brit Hume comment that it all the emphasis on voting made it look like the Democrats weren’t certain they could get their people out to vote.  My thought is that what Democrats want is a vote so over whelming  that it buries the Republican party and drives a stake in the heart of Trumpism. Last night wasn’t just an ordinary political speech it was a call to war.  

4 years ago

There is always a friendly doctor willing to prescribe medication to keep your nerves calm. 
I think the important thing is his behavior is as if he were impaired by alcohol, a serious problem if he isn’t drunk or stoned. 

4 years ago

Jack, again according to Casler, who worked closely with him on Beauty pageants and the apprentice he did adderall and even coke constantly, which is responsible for all the sniffling and for having to wear diapers.

4 years ago

About the call to war, In war  normal silly crap that the Susan Sarandon types pull won’t be tolerated.  Especially with the move of suburban Republicans into the party. 

4 years ago

I guess my point was it is the behavior that matters no matter if it is from booze , drugs , or brain damage.
That any Republican would tolerate such behavior disqualifies them from serving in public office. 

4 years ago

Steve Bannon indicted for fraud.

4 years ago

So the New York office is still in revolt, looks like Barr needs to fire a few more prosecutors, evidently they didn’t get the message the first time or two.
Yes that is snark,

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

You have to wonder if anyone would do the body cavity search on bannon?  Either bannon did not do anything on Twitter or he blocked me.

4 years ago

btw, Steve Bannons indictment is what gives me some hope we will survive Trumpism, there are still some good Republicans this indictment was not a safe choice  for political tract prosecutors.

4 years ago

Some one posted a current picture of Bannon. It convinced me that I need to risk covid-19 and get a haircut. He looked like some homeless bum.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Heard from the WH – “Bannon who? Must be coffee boy”.

4 years ago

Jack, roger dat; I concur.

4 years ago

Corey posted this, last night: 

They dismantled 2 machines at the Grand Rapids post office and they started on a 3rd one, before they stopped. The ones they dismantled had the wires removed from them, I think. They will no longer work. I went up north yesterday.

He is describing outright sabotage, not “cost-cutting measures”

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

It is not even noon EDT and already Bannon was arrested by the US Postal Service police for mail fraud and SFB was told to cough up the tax returns.  There is still a lot of time before Biden takes the stage tonight.

4 years ago

Kinda strange, but most of the kids I hung out with 50’s 60’s turned out to be democrats. Most, but not all. lol

Author John Grisham yesterday toured the city with our democrat Rep Cunningham.

4 years ago

Trump said Puerto Rico is ‘dirty’ and its residents ‘poor,’ says former DHS official https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article245087440.html

4 years ago

patd…  thanks for posting both those speeches.  I did watch Obama speak…  but…  I fell asleep shorty after Kamala started.  Yeah… getting old does kinda suck.
Gonna take a nap this afternoon so I can make sure I stay up to watch Biden tonight.

4 years ago

Cavity search BananaNazi? Ew!  Bannon looks like COVID caught a mild case of human.
We are having other issues due to slow mail.  Internet customers are complaining that they haven’t received orders.  So, slowing down cash payments; slowing down commerce.   Jeez, the Republicans are so anti-economy it’s ridiculous.    
What Jamie said, please save our democracy this time.  You can vote Republican in the midterms and for the next presidential election.  If you don’t vote Biden/Harris this time, don’t expect to ever get to vote, again.  

4 years ago

Bill Gates and George Soros poison your Social Security checks with Socialism and pedophilia. Whatever you do, don’t touch them !
Don’t take pain meds, because they might lull you into accepting Bill Gates’ super-leftist socialism. 
If you took your teeth out last night, and finally got some sleep, you figure it out. Take your teeth out and keep them out.

4 years ago

Periodically, the machinery of the nation must be oiled with the fat of the ruling class. 

You know who I mean : the fur-bearing reptiles.

Render them down to their snake oil.

4 years ago

Whassat from, FL in 2016?  I wonder if 113,000 old farts and people of color are pissed off enough at Lardius to vote for Biden.

4 years ago

Better get word to those refugees that they need to register in order to vote. That should be more than enough to swing the election in Florida to Biden. And thank them from the bottoms of our hearts. If Trump doesn’t win Florida there is no way he wins the election.

4 years ago

This is what the repube party has become.
Trump’s Republican Party now has a ballot full of nutters
“Laura Loomer (R-Wackadoodle) won a Republican congressional primary in Florida Tuesday night, becoming the latest of a score of similarly bizarre figures to be chosen as the GOP standard-bearers in House and Senate races coast to coast.
You might think Republican Party leaders would be calling in the white coats. But there was Roger Stone, the Trump confidant whose prison sentence the president recently commuted, at Loomer’s victory party, calling her the “Joan of Arc of the conservative movement.” Loomer told supporters that Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel congratulated her as a “political rock star.” The state and county GOP embraced her publicly.
Trump himself (his Mar-a-Lago property is in the heavily Democratic district in which Loomer has been nominated) issued a series of congratulatory tweets and retweets about Loomer, saying she has “a great chance against a Pelosi puppet.”
This is the new face of the Republican Party. Next week, Republicans, at a convention featuring the couple who waved guns at racial-justice demonstrators walking past their mansion, will renominate Trump, an avid purveyor of conspiracy theories. And the down-ballot nominees show how pervasive the party’s Trump-induced madness has become.

4 years ago

And crickets from Moscow Mitch et. al. 

4 years ago

Bannon picked up.  Who thought that online crowdfunding campaign called We Build the Wall  was ever legit?  CAUGHT!

4 years ago

More Bannon and cronies on The Wall go fund me scam.
It turns out that some of the money was diverted to pay for a million dollar yacht
Which means……..
Wait for it
Just a little more
A clear case of boater fraud
Grin duck and run

4 years ago

LOL jack!

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Here is a good look at the presidential library.

4 years ago

Tip toe, I don’t know what happened after all they had Kris Kobach for a lawyer. 

But Kris Kobach is nota good trial lawyer. And his effort to defend Kansas’s proof of citizenship law in federal court netted him acontempt finding, a judicially mandated stint inremedial legal education, and a$1,000 finefor “deliberately attempting to mislead the court.”

Ya know it is people like Kobach that make me question the value of a degree from Harvard.

4 years ago

Some of ’em.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Yep, jack. The elite, effete Havad.

4 years ago

Hooray for the Post Office!

4 years ago

Child sex trafficking ring run out of the basement of a pizza parlor. Russia or a 400 # man sitting on his mother’s couch in the Balkans thought up the most ridiculous incongruent set of things and then laughed their asses off. Would America buy it?  Yep, dumbed down America, some of ’em, believed it. What mileage they got out of that.
Maybe they had a spin the wheel of assorted stuff and put it together as the wheel spun.  Now they’ve added on cannibalism. 

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Old Man – it is possible the dam is being damaged by the water.  Part of it has buckled.  It will be a huge disaster and a terrible hit to China.  In the early stages there were many legitimate questions about building it in that location.  Here is a review.

4 years ago


4 years ago

The cannibalistic pedophiles.  
The Suburban Housewives..
The Yo Semi-Knights
The Fine People on Both Sides

4 years ago

Lindsay is going the way of all flush.
He’s done.
Dead skunk in the middle of the road. 
Off the road, Toad. 

4 years ago


4 years ago

bannon on a mere $28M!LL!ON boat ? That’s merely the pinnace for a MegaYacht. 
Remember the Spring of 2017 ? bannon was going to take over the world, transform America and then Europe. He was going to be one of the principal oligarchs. Now he’s been arrested, probably trying to escape, in a little $28,000,ooo canoe.

Oh, how the mighty are fallen.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

I went there so you don”t have to.  The far freaking wing groups are all saying a lie – Curt Schilling was arrested with Bannon.  Schilling has not been arrested.  It is interesting how fast a lie spreads in the off the edge of the universe of right wing freaks.

4 years ago

Bannon has been sewing his fascist seeds in Italy, too.


Il Douche

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

An interesting set of sketches of the arrested in court.  Of interest is him with handcuffs on.  Those are never comfortable.

4 years ago

Do we know if the crackers are OK?

4 years ago

So, if tRUMPsky can’t stop mail-in ballots, he’s going to put his ugly mug on them and warn voters they’d better vote for him.   How is that NOT a campaign violation???     A voter can’t wear a candidate’s tee shirt to a polling place.  This is much worse, having it come directly from the fascist campaign to keep Orange Julius in power.  

4 years ago

DISD will start on-line only!   I wish the rest of the school districts would wise up before the numbers spike, again.
Meanwhile, the mass murderer in the WH has decided to classify teachers as essential workers.   They can work on-line, you orange, effing monster! 

4 years ago

I’ve worn campaign buttons and t-shirts to the polls, without any trouble. I’ve also been told to remove them. So, it depends on who’s managing the site. I’m sure a lot of magott hats are going to show up at the polls.

4 years ago

How can actually campaigning on the mail-in ballot not be a campaign violation?   And, at whose expense was that extra printing done?   Lock ‘em all up.  
Bunker Boy is trying to distance himself from Bannon and the wall scam.   

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

I just heard one of Biden’s spokespeople describe this fight for the presidency as “combat. Cutting heads off. . .”  For the campaign people, never refer to this fight or battle as “combat” and especially do not talk about cutting heads off or shooting people.  It is a fight.  Like a street brawl, but not “combat”.

4 years ago

If you get a chance, watch this, again.  About half of it is still appropriate today, amazingly.  I realized that I like this year’s DNC better than the ole days with the funny hats and balloons. It feels more intimate now.
Ann Richards at the 1988 Dem convention.