The Scariest Showman On Earth

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted at 3:28 PM on Sun, May 17, 2020:
“The Obama Administration is turning out to be one of the most corrupt and incompetent in U.S. history. Remember, he and Sleepy Joe are the reasons I am in the White House!!!”

[Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.]

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted at 4:14 PM on Sat, May 16, 2020:

… From the people who brought you Pizzagate

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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4 years ago

4 years ago


4 years ago

Trump has been called incompetent so often that he has now memorized the word and uses it every time he mentions Obama.  He was in full projection mode yesterday with one tweet after another mixed in with retweets of the trolls and bots.  It could be worse.  He might actually spend some time doing his job rather than just firing the latest person looking into him or the cabinet.


4 years ago

US has stopped issuing passports except for emergencies

Hope no one wants to leave town in a hurry.  

4 years ago

Did anyone else watch CNN’s “ScandaloUS” last night.  It was an interesting history of the National Enquirer over decades.  Only the last part was how before the most recent sale Pecker helped put a dick in office.


4 years ago

So did we crest 90000 deaths overnight?  Johns Hopkins website is acting up and I can’t get it to load. ~~~ Maybe SFB or McENinny will tell us this morning ~~~

4 years ago

89,932 as of yesterday so probably yes. 


4 years ago

For what it’s worth, I skip the day here when there are any photos of the WH squatter. Like many, I have a viscerally intense negative reaction to its image or voice. Bad enough that it dominates practically every website I visit because every single fucking thing it does needs to be reported and discussed. I don’t find it necessary to look at its image and I don’t have any fucks left to give for the rest of the outrages we’ll be forced to endure until it can be removed from office.
See ya when the pic clears the page.

4 years ago

Haha kinda like avoiding the virus by just “not going there”. 

4 years ago

I find myself fascinated by his reptilian proclivities. 

4 years ago

Like being in The Reptile House down at the zoo.   Our city doesn’t have a zoo.  Got an aquarium, but no monkeys and reptiles.  And the circus never comes to town anymore. 

4 years ago

Thousands of clowns out of work, roaming the streets hoping against hope that somewhere somehow they’ll get to do at least just one more sight-gag in front of the kiddies.

4 years ago

How fares the Sports Industrial Complex?

4 years ago

Travis… I can’t watch the turd on tv any more.  But I have no problem with that picture…   and I adore patd’s cartoons!
Craig…   so many of us just want normal…  but it’ll probably get boring after a couple years.  The comedians won’t know how to make political jokes.  Seriously…  there was plenty to talk about and joke about during Obama’s 8 yrs.   I say… bring it on!

4 years ago

Sports memorabilia in the hands of private collectors will go thru the roof.
The owners will let their inventory seep out to keep the price up…..if they don’t lose it in bankruptcy court.
Will even the yahoos continue to go out to the old ball game in the face of rising numbers of infected?

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Anyone seen Pence lately?  The bobble-head seems to be rather shy and not appearing in public.  That little bit of self-isolation is interesting now.

4 years ago


The Bronx Zoo is closed, but the web cams can still show you the reptiles and monkeys


4 years ago

Sarah Cooper

4 years ago

Jamie, cool…..but virtual is just not the same as having the monkeys throw their crap at you. 🙂

4 years ago

I did a few months in 72 with Joe Savage, the Snake Man. He had 3 anacondas which he used in his night club act so we got to observe them close up for awhile.  Part of his act involved his running thru the audience wearing nothing but a Tarzan loin cloth and 2 big snakes wrapped around him.  You never heard so much panicked screaming in yer life…..
Huge strobe light, the band hammering out frenetic jungle noise at high volume, two large torches burning on the stage front , house lights dimmed, dry ice smoke machine, and Joe with his two snakes running full blast thru the crowd. People would totally freak over the snakes. lol, Snake Man

4 years ago

Well I just returned from the valley of the shadow of death. That’s right I went to my doctor’s office. There is something to be said for having a doctor tied to a hospital, unless you are in the middle of a Covid-19 pandemic and the hospital is the go to place for treatment.  Oh well, I filled my spray bottle with Everclear and spritziest the hell out of things. I left everybody there with a smile on their face. 

4 years ago

BTW, that old man don’t scare me, I just faced down my doctors receptionist after I told her I left my insurance information at home. 
I told her and she ask, “What are you going to do?”  In a voice only those folks can use. 
My answer, “damnifino, all I know is cancel and send me home”  At that she did an about face and figured it out, I guess they need the money.

4 years ago

i agree with Travis %110.  

4 years ago

I liked snakes when I was a kid. They do keep the rats & mice down. Some are gorgeous. And if you’re into graceful, you just can’t beat a snake.
But they stink. Bad. Besides which, they are all 100% carnivorous, which makes them expensive to keep, unless you have houseful of other vermin. Not a single snake on this planet is omnivorous, let alone a vegan. 

4 years ago

Joe would periodically stock up on white mice and small bunnies.

4 years ago

Just remember how Jamie said to respond with the latest nonsense from SFB and his racist followers:  ObamaGREAT
Saturday night’s widely-broadcast highlight of Obama taking a a well-crafted jab at you-know-who, his administration, and his mob/famigilia has him spitting mad.
Here’s the deal.  He has always used the is-he-crazy-or-crazy-like-a-fox MO to distract folks.  It doesn’t work any more.  Yep, we talk about it for 2 seconds, but it’s more like a volcano is erupting and then a skunk sprays.  Everyone notices the stench, but they don’t forget about the erupting volcano.    
Trump is toast. Also, he’s the skunk.

4 years ago

I can’t stand the sound of the crazed, racist, rapist russian mole’s voice. The sound of c3rm makes my stomach heel over. It’s not sea sickness, exactly. I’m relatively immune to sea sickness, especially if I can see where I’m going. But his voice hits me abeam like a shear wind, and my poor stomach shows its keel, before I can react. 

4 years ago

SFB does live on attention.  Any kind of attention.  I do love calling a turd a turd, though.    There’s plenty of time to pay attention to Joe.  The  convention (hopefully, virtual) is months away and we will have a veep nominee to celebrate, as well.      No, I think we continue to talk about what stinks (his daily rant/distraction), as well as the bigger problem that is Donald J. Trump.   

4 years ago

I do hit the mute when he’s on TV.    Is Pence sick with the ‘rona?

Jeez, I hope not. The snowman is headed to a nursing home in Orlando! After he’s been exposed? Dumbass!

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Today kissass Bill Barr announced neither Obama or  Biden are under criminal investigation 

4 years ago

Whoa, Ms Cracker ! Jabba the barr could be fired for an offense like that.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Jabba the lame probably won’t get a discount on next year’s X-mas party

4 years ago

what an asshole

guaranteed lie too cuz that stuff is lethal, if only we were so lucky

4 years ago

Why doesn’t anybody ever ask him to name 3 sources, when he claims, he’s heard it from a lot of people ?

4 years ago

Great as a drink, injection or enema ?

4 years ago

The crazed racist, rapist russian mole really is out to kill Americans.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Someone should tell him double the dose is even better
Does this mean that he an Whitey White White have the virus?

4 years ago

trump is creating an environment where i’m getting harassed A LOT for taking safety measures in public.  A cashier deliberately coughed on my products today because i was wearing a mask, they were all loudly joking (at me) how it’s a hoax, yada yada…
America’s toast, just chock full of morons, and led by one.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Stay safe Bink  get a face shield  and remember they will all be dead soon

4 years ago

Bink – It’s happening here and in Iowa, too.  Instead of those not following rules being shamed, it’s us.  Here it’s mostly men who refuse to wear masks giving dirty looks.   Cashiers were ALL wearing masks at the store. 
Trump is either still trying to sell hydrocloroquine (maybe to help that company’s stock go up and get a little taste for the house) or he’s trying to kill off his followers.  He hates folks like that, so maybe it’s a passive-aggressive thing.  Either way, that’s what he wants folks to pay attention to instead of the volcanic, sh\ storm that is the a Trump mafia.

4 years ago

He ain’t takin’ nuthin but BP meds and cholesterol meds. Lying sack of shit. 

4 years ago

Thanks- i broke my own rule and went out in a retail environment after 9AM, should have known better, won’t make that mistake, again.

4 years ago

Either way, that’s what he wants folks to pay attention to instead of the volcanic, sh\ storm that is the a Trump mafia.
BiD…. exactly….  just another shiny thing to distract us….

4 years ago

RIP Eddie Haskell.     
Ken Osmond 76

4 years ago

Whether he’s taking it or not kinda irrelephant….obviously distraction and bump the price for his own ends. 

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

If SFB is really dumping in a heart killer med something had to have gotten to him.  We know we cannot rely on his words, but if he is taking the stuff when did he start taking it?  He has no concept of time so it could have been the day he was told his white supremacist Machiavelli Miller’s wife had the virus and his valet had the virus.  At the same time Pence learned he was going to semi-quarantine.  Well the bobble-head has disappeared so I posit that SFB is outputting bricks and finally told the boy who says “Mother” to go away.  Since we are very sure that the medication he says he is taking does nothing to stop COVID-19 he is either very lucky or we just have to wait out incubation times.
And –
SFB considers anyone who is disabled, ill or less than healthy inferior, watch for him to announce that Pence is not his running mate.  His disdain for women is deep inside his fat, so I tend to discount him picking Haley but, if Hope says to do it, he might.  Otherwise look deep inside him and there are not many names.  If the Vice-President was not in the Constitution, ah hell he does not care about that, he would not name one.

4 years ago
BB – The Abominable Snowman is scheduled to reappear at a nursing home in Orlando in two days.  

4 years ago

He’d be scared of Haley–she’s got more/bigger balls than he ever had–proved it as our governor here in South Carolina.

4 years ago

And, Lo, all the goobers in Goober Nation rushed out to buy vast quantities of the miracle chloroporcupino (quinn) to store in their Super dooper airtight bunkers against that time when the sky might crack open and crumble to the ground. 

4 years ago

Flate…….that “i’ll be there” video was cool, and the accompanist was great…..I got a kick outa that one

4 years ago
Here’s some thick, lava flow from Mount Sh/+storm that Stinky Trump is trying to detract from with his  hydroxy-whatsit stink bomb today. 
(Do the still make Hydrox cookies? )

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

bId – I am waiting to see if that happens.  At some point there is going to be a leak out of the WH about all this. 
flatus – I do think he, in his low intelligence scrambled egg brain, has two issues with women.  First he has to degrade women, often with sexual encounters. That makes him feel powerful so he can brag to real men about his conquests.  Second, is his attempt to overpower women, and as you say, Halely has to scare more bricks out of him than other women.  When women, probably like Hicks, do not accept the first part and then “seduce” him with making him feel like he did get his jollies he ends up under her attractive spell.  Smarter than he is (so is a blob of ear wax), and way better looking.  Although much normalized, the guy is off his rocker in a different world, many say.  If he was out of the east side of Detroit, he would never be a gang leader.  He would have ended up in the Detroit River swimming to Cleveland.

4 years ago

Sturg – Will they  knock back those pills with giant, glasses of bleach?

4 years ago

Poobah, I’ll do one tonight. Maybe later than you like, but I’ll submit one before dawn. 

4 years ago

Ok, Poobah, done. Might be a tad different, but I won’t charge you. 😉

4 years ago

If others want to discuss something else, they could always write a post talking up Joe or about an issue.    We never stay on topic, but it would be out there for awhile. 

4 years ago

booted up youtube and the algo offerings were , Tame impala, Carlos Santana, Johnny Cash, Frank Zappa, Duke Ellington and CPE Bach. 
Just to start.

4 years ago

Some one on twitter posted a recent picture of Little Richard with out his makeup, he looked like a nice quiet polite old man, not at all like this

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

So, if you are a carrier, are you one forever?  Like Typhoid Mary.

4 years ago

Two sailors on the carrier who were alleged to have C19 and recovered, apparently have the damn plague again.  

4 years ago

If a little hydroxychloroquine is okay, then a lot should be great. By mouth, subcutaneously, rectally, as a nasal spray, a lavage of the bladder and in the bone marrow. Now, isn’t that nice ?
Plus remember to pour Lysol on your corn flakes, as a mid-morning pick-me-up, at noon as a relish for your Big Macs, as a mid-afternoon delight, in a cocktail for an aperitif, and as a dip for the shrimp. Finally, take a big warm draft of it at bedtime. The next morning, you’ll be the best trump that you’ve ever been. I guarantee it.

4 years ago

lol.      Let’s hear it for morbidly obese.