Protect November

Ohio shutting down balloting today raises alarm. Precedent for Trump to cancel election in November.

Congress should require (and fund) nationwide vote drop-off or by mail in November, or something really scary could happen. Congress has an Article I constitutional right to control manner of elections.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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4 years ago

amy & ron to the rescue

On Monday, we will introduce the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act of 2020 to help election officials meet this pandemic head-on. Our legislation will guarantee every voter a secure mail-in paper ballot and help states cover the cost of printing, self-sealing envelopes, ballot tracking and postage. Vote-by-mail is a time-tested, reliable way for Americans to exercise their constitutional rights, and it is the right response to this crisis.

4 years ago

may the corona snakes be driven away

on this anxiety filled st. paddy’s day

Michael Hackmer
4 years ago

I think vote by mail, and social distancing at the polls with wipe-downs will work. No ONLINE voting as no one will ever trust the result. And no offense, Craig, but the President made it clear yesterday on two important points: 1) that he disagreed with Republicans who are urging people to continue to go out and eat at restaurants, and 2) he said elections should not be postponed. He made it clear it was “unnecessary” and said “postponing elections is not a very good thing.” I think in the case of the primary – the state is looking for more time to adopt best practices to ensure people’s safety. The more steps and processes that get developed now – the better shape we will be in for November. NO AMERICAN will accept a delay to the November election. I don’t care if we are faced with zombies crawling the streets – I will personally lead a march to the Capitol and the White House if our politicians ever made that decision… And so far… no one credible is suggesting the elections in November will be delayed.

4 years ago

“The president said…”, “the president made it clear…”

4 years ago

Sturg, you said it best … hahaha. I can only add 😂

4 years ago

SFB is certainly untrustworthy and everyone should be keeping an eagle eye (or an owl eye) on the November vote  protection legislation.

In the meantime, be sure anybody and everybody completes the census.  Too much of government services is based on population for there to be an undercount.


4 years ago

what census?  haven’t received anything about it either thru mail or email yet.   during the current lockdowns, don’t think  they’re not going to be sending flesh & blood census takers out to the boonies either.

4 years ago

BiD, look again. that’s “precedent” not president; which, without having to say it but I will, there’s never been a precedent like IMpotus.

4 years ago

Like I said, I just woke up.  Laying in bed. Used a couple of vacation days this week for no reason.  Not going anywhere, although I looked at airfare for July and it’s cheap.  I ain’t buying, though, in case the job situation changes.    The stimulus package had better be huuuuuge,  because  I won’t be spending a dime on anything I don’t absolutely need for the next umpteen years.     Consumer confidence is nil. 

4 years ago


I got mine by mail on March 11 and filled it on line.   It is supposed to be completed by April 1 though this may be extended due to current virus problems.  If you don’t receive one this week you might call 1-844-330-2020.

On line site is


4 years ago

“No French company, whatever its size, will be exposed to collapse.” -Macron
Wouldn’t you feel better if he were our Prez?   If SFB said the same about American businesses, I would assume he’s lying.  

4 years ago

Jamie, thanks.  will call and go online to make sure I’m counted.  ‘course we in the flyover zone are kinda used to NOT being counted these days.

4 years ago


TALLAHASSEE — Door knocking? Nope. Surrogate stops? Canceled. The bubbly? Corked. Even the candidates will be AWOL.
Florida, a state famed for its weirdness, is preparing for one of its weirdest election days on Tuesday, when Democrats and Republicans will brave a pandemic to cast primary ballots for their presidential nominees.

4 years ago

Voting by mail.  Guess Ivanker didn’t need that voting machine trademark from Chiner, after all.

4 years ago

My vacation day will be filled with movies from the over-the-air Movies! channel.
The Boy With The Green Hair (because…green?)  starring a young Dean Stockwell who you may know from the old, TV show Quantum Leap
The Quiet Man  (the only Irish ☘️ movie among today’s airings)
And, for some reason, Brigadoon (because the mythological, Scottish village can be seen from Ireland every hundred years?)
There will also be mashed potatoes and matcha tea 🍵 because…green, but no cofeve, no stock market, no toilet paper crisis until the evening news.  
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

4 years ago

There was a “prophecy” that Obama would be the last, democratically-elected Prez.   It was propagated by right-wingers who were told Obama was never leaving office.  Actually, it may be true that he was the last, but that Trump was foisted upon us by the EC, and now, Trump May never leave.  He’ll just put in Ivanker, then Junior, the Barron.  Never, Eric.

4 years ago


4 years ago

4 years ago

Don’t wish to disrespect any irishers, but St Patrick’s day itself has always been a giant pain in the ass.

4 years ago

Playing to a room full of drunken sots, usually none of whom are Irish, all wearing green plastic hats.


4 years ago

Millennials are not taking this seriously.   It’s the “Boomer-pocylpse.”     Reports were that it hits smokers much harder, which is why the number of deaths in South Korean women was so low (the report said only about 5% smoke), and, it may be hitting a younger population here.  So, until those little, vaping idiots start dropping, they will see this a problem for the olds.  

4 years ago

CBob, I remember my dad’s ’54 Ford Customline well. It was a 292 v8, the first year with OHV, it had stick shift with overdrive, was forest green four door. It didn’t have the wrap around windows so he traded for a ’55 as soon as they came out. Ford was the car back then.

4 years ago

[grumble grumble]

4 years ago

Except for the red and white ‘56 Chevrolet I’d say you may be right about those ferds.
(Fix Or Repair Daily)

4 years ago

My Irish great grandfather and his brother were in the British army in Canada. At the end of the Civil war, they took their discharges and entered our country via ?Buffalo. One ended-up in the Pittsburgh area and mine around Cleveland. Both married well and made lasting contributions to their respective communities.

4 years ago

Sturg, yes, those Chevies were nice cars starting in ’56 and then the major changes in ’57. I end-up getting an Austin-Healey Sprite in 1960–just in time to join the army. Our next car was a ’65 Rambler American, probably the most practical we/I’ve ever had.

4 years ago

Sturge sounds like a personal problem

4 years ago

My first car was my uncle’s 56 Rambler American.   It was plenty cool and so was he….Air Force demolitions Col. in Puebler.
He had it rigged up with a small wooden boat he’d made which you put on this contraption and then folded up onto the top of the car. I got the boat too.

4 years ago

Jack lol it was indeed personal, and subjective too, even.
If I’d been in an actual irish bar might’ve been different, but I never learned enough Irish tunes for all that…..
But, hey…a little “Danny Boy” goes a long way…..

4 years ago
Here’s your Irish lesson for the day 🍀 

4 years ago

Oh wow… first Nash and now CBob….  happy, happy, joy, joy!
We got our census in the mail and did it online…  really easy.
Yeah… we’d better have an election in Nov.  Can’t wait to mark my ballot for Biden.

4 years ago

BTW…  I did order extra cases of wet food for my cats on chewy.  Today I ordered several bags of their dry food.  The order went through, but chewy (they guarantee 2-day delivery) emailed me to say it might take 5-8 days to get the order as they are behind.   Nice to know that people are thinking of their pets too.

4 years ago

Ahh, Sturg,  first cars…mine was my grandmother’s ‘61 Plymouth belvedere. White top on green, huge fins, huge rear seat :-), rectangular metal flake clear steering wheel, push button gear selector on the dash, … It was anything but cool, but it had a big motor and would burn shit out of the left rear tire when it was pushed – no positraction on that puppy.  I caught more crap about that car than anything I recall as a gawky teenager. Only car I ever made money on. Bought it for $250.  Put about $100 into paint and new seat covers and floor mats, drove it for 2 1/2 years, got into an accident and got a $500 insurance check, didn’t make any repairs and sold it for $250 to a guy at the steel mill who did body work on the side.

4 years ago

I wish I had saved all the hood ornaments.

4 years ago

So the SFB crime family has dick neck Mnuchin on the hill trying to sell an $850 stimulus package.  If this is corporate tax relief without an absolute restriction against stock buybacks or tax relief that put $1 benefit to the top 10% it should not even be taken up.

4 years ago

Just texted a retired friend who is in her late 70s.   She has had a “cold” for a week. The doctor said she had no fever, so nothing to do, when I asked if he tested for Covid-19.   He probably doesn’t even know how to access a test.  She has many health issues.     

4 years ago

c’bob?  Colorado Bob? The dude from Texas (like Forrest Gump)?  I thought he died years ago.

4 years ago

Bob knows how to hang 🙂

4 years ago

I found a pic of a ringer but can’t figure out how to attach it.  damn IPad 

4 years ago

I think Trump will use the pandemic as an excuse to “delay” the November election and then try to usurp dictatorial powers, with the full backing of the GOP.  When the “election” is finally held, it will be fixed in his favor. 
The question is, can this be stopped?  I’d give it just 50/50 odds.  
I don’t have much faith in the American people these days.   Too many of them yearn for a “strong” right-wing dictator whom they think will solve all their problems.   

4 years ago

Oregon went from 39 to 51 cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours.   So far only 1 death.
The “epicenter” of the spread of the disease (15 cases) is a veterans nursing home 10 miles from my apartment.  

4 years ago
So, the bigger you are, the sweeter the deal.   Bail out the airlines.   They may never have customers on vacation, again.  But bail them out.    

4 years ago

One thousand dollars doesn’t even take care of one month’s rent here or in most cities.  That goes to one place, the landlord/leasing company, but not into the local economy.   

4 years ago

The virus is going to “pop back like nobody has ever seen before.”    Pop back sounds like re-emerge, not go away.  He really should learn to speak English.  

4 years ago

OK gotta  break isolation, it is an emergency run, I’m out of Jameson. Wish me luck.
If I don’t make this run I’ll be drinking my hand sanitizer.

4 years ago

If it behaves like most corna viruses (think common cold) when summer comes it will go into hiding then come out and kick ass next winter. 
So get your ass out and vote

4 years ago

I see Tom Brady is moving on, probably be like the time Joe Montana came to the Chiefs. Joe gave it up after he took more than a few hits from playing behind a crappy front line

4 years ago

YouTube is working good I now have a new Irish band to put in the mix. I hadn’t heard them before.


4 years ago

Trump didn’t want to answer the bonus question, so he handed it off to Pence, who pivoted.   So, is the bailout money for airlines and other big businesses going to be used as bonuses for the big guys?    Yep.    That non-answer from them was a yep.

4 years ago

jack – You’ve never had a summer cold?  They’re miserable.   

4 years ago

Hey Bob, Does that west Texas  wind blown sand still taste the same?
Good to see you back amigo. Was just thinking about the bluecorn the other day. 
I was thinking about planting some local heritage seeds in the garden. Have a little to eat as roasting ears, I always like field corn that way.  Then dry and grind  some and have fried mush for breakfast. 
One year I stole a few ears of corn out of a farmers field and ground it with a hand mill. Made the best fried mush. 

4 years ago

Corna viruses are only about half of the various bugs that can give you a cold.  but lets hope that Covid-19 isn’t the summer variety. we will need a break to recover from Trumps ineptness.

4 years ago

OMG! Trump said he always knew it was a pandemic long before the experts said it was.   What a delusional, orange monster. 

4 years ago

Hmmm, lessee.
Can’t get the picture to copy. But the lead picture is a dead ringer for mine, color and all. 

4 years ago

I’ve been watching the COVID coverage this morning. Trump and his bunch are whipsawing between professionals trying to give information and show fealty to the messiah and his lies and dumbass going on extemporaneous rankings about how we are leading in this effort – OK, we’re coming up to speed after denying that this was more than the common cold for two months after the first case arose in the US. 
Luckily there is a St. Patty’s Day Irish bar themed Bar Rescue marathon for a respite from tRump’s self flagellation. 

4 years ago

Congratulations, thanks to a little bit of the rebound that the Dow has enjoyed today, your 401(k) has reboarded the WayBack machine and has traveled forward and its basis has now come back into the trump administration, February 24, 2017 at this point, and out of the Obama administration. Please send your thank you note to President Obama for all of the increases in the 401(k) basis, a.k.a. Dow Jones industrial average,That your 401(k) has enjoyed since 2009. It has benefited not one whit from the administration of Donald J. Fucking Trump.

4 years ago

C’Bob Sturgeone

Loved the news story that the Venice canals are running blue now that the people, motorize canal boats, and cruise ships aren’t around

Now that people aren’t around.


4 years ago

4 years ago

Jack…  when the Patriots won the Super Bowl before last…  and Brady refused to retire, I thought then it was a foolhardy decision…  and I still do.  I wish him much luck.  When the Patriots won the first one I thought… good, now I can die happy.  But no…  5 more to follow.  It’s been an incredible run…  I’m very grateful.
Trying not to pay attention to the stock market and news today…  I need a wee bit of a break.

4 years ago

Jamie, another silver lining might be the reduction in airline contrails polluting the sky as well as a few less factories in china belching smoke.

4 years ago

Jamie, The canals were certainly not running blue when we were in Venice last June. And they certainly weren’t suffering from lack of people, boats and cruise passengers, however I don’t recall a cruise ship being docked in the Grand Canal, but I’m not sure where they dock those things anyway. 

4 years ago

IMpotus says they might break out the m.a.s.h. tents to help out gov. Cuomo. 

A flu epidemic strikes the 4077th leaving only Hawkeye and Hot Lips to care for their fallen comrades and the wounded.

4 years ago


The cruise ships dock in a marina where you can get a car or use a shuttle boat into the canals and access St. Mark’s Square.

Patd – As I continue to obsess, people really aren’t good for the planet.  lol 


4 years ago

that MASH vid above was 1973 season 2, episode 11, described here by imdb:

All the surgeons except for Hawkeye, and most of the support staff except for Margaret, Radar, and Mulcahey come down with the flu. In this Korea-wide epidemic, they can’t even find someone to come in and help with casualties.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

I made an emergency run to a Sam’s Club for a jug of maraschino cherries.  The place was picked clean of napkins, paper towels and TP.  There was nothing left.  All chicken was gone except a fresh load of chicken breasts.  Almost all primal cuts were gone.  Fruit cocktail cups were gone.  What survived were the basics certain people require while in self centered isolation, olives stuffed with pimento strips and maraschino cherries.  I did pick up some hamburger and bell peppers for stuffed peppers, yum.
Sometime in the next month a lot of  people are going to be tripping over pallets of TP in their homes and some stinking ripe meat.

4 years ago

It’s summer in Australia and Covid-19 spreads there just fine.

4 years ago

Want me to really scare the shit out of you?  i wonder if the virus can attach itself to pollen.

4 years ago

Lt. Gen. Russell Honoré, best known for serving as commander of Joint Task Force Katrina responsible for coordinating military relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina–affected areas across the Gulf Coast just described the SFB response to this as slow and indecisive and lacking a leader of the messaging. He said it takes 5 people to answer a question. His criticism was wide ranging. 

4 years ago

Heat doesn’t stop it (so much for dumbass’ theory) and pollen as a vehicle?  That WOULD be frightening.
There is good news coming from China about schools re-opening restaurants reopening, etc. Apparently they feel like they’ve turned the corner to some extent. I’m sure it’s the United States leadership that did it for them.(Dumbass)

4 years ago

 ”As I continue to obsess, people really aren’t good for the planet.”

Here’s the population control you’ve always wanted, Jamie!
Want me to scare the shit out of you even more?  %1 of 6 billion is 60 million. 

4 years ago

Yeah, we’re bad for the planet.  I don’t like the alternative.
McConnell is standing there talking to reporters, as full of bullshit as ever.

4 years ago

As my kid used to say, (she got it from me) “If it kills Grampaw, he’ll just have to die”.

4 years ago

Revenge of the Trees

4 years ago

The DJIA Wayback machine has now moved forward to June, 2017.  Traders are thinking buyback.

4 years ago

Sturg, I like the matter of factness of your kid.

4 years ago

Take Back America (to the early 80’s, economically)!

4 years ago

As long as our governmental policy isn’t completely influenced by big business, we should be fine.

4 years ago


Not really frightened.  Right now we are at about the same state as the Nobles and Serfs before the Black Death.  Afterwards we had a developing middle class.  From then on wars and pestilence kept everything pretty much even.  The human beings with their super sized brains came up with penicillin, vaccines, and automation without bothering to limit family size until it was too late.

The globe was 90% animal and 10% human.  Now it is 90% human and zoos to try to keep the endangered species in existence. 

I figure Mother Nature may have a few more cards up her sleeve.  This time around they are already putting grandma on the ice floe.  It could get worse.


4 years ago

Poobah, with dick neck in charge of this effort you can be on it. Put this into the context that dick neck insisted that large employers be exempted from the house bill. There won’t be any restrictions unless i miss my guess badly.

4 years ago


This is what we did to ourselves


4 years ago

What’s all this “we” talk?  i’m no breeder.

A very apt description, Pogo, will never look at him the same, again.

4 years ago

I have a pair corned beef briskets simmering in my brewing pot right now. They’ll be ready around 1800. I’m going to convert my share into Reuben sandwiches. One of these years I must tell Sue that she’s not Irish. She’ll be 60 in a year and a half—that’s too soon. Maybe when she’s 75.

4 years ago

See you at 1802.  Please, no lasers.

4 years ago

And here I am with no corned beef, no cabbage and no Irish beer or whiskey – I opted for pastrami last week (from Pastrami Queen – one of the ones Anthony Bourdain loved in NYC) and it was incredibly good.  Shoulda been for the price.
Just watched a figure flashed by John Heilman that 74% of republicans trust SFB a great deal or a good amount. Morons.

4 years ago

Do you live in NYC now?

4 years ago

I’m back. 
your information on covid-19 makes me happy I went ahead and bought the more expensive bottle of Jamison, after all if I’m not going to need my nursing home money…….
Stopped by Walmart, not an egg,nor milk, sweet cereal, there was old folks cereal, bran flakes , shredded wheat, plain cheerios.   They did have lots of heavy cream, and  as the epidemic is going to wipe us all out, I might as well enjoy myself and I would much rather have cream on my oatmeal then skimmed milk any way.

4 years ago

Yeah, i had to get cashew milk to cook with, will report back

i’ll be eating all the vegan food i keep around for company, was just about to throw it all away, too

4 years ago

It is kinda one of those things but every time I get out  the Jamison I think of Mr Lardass so I take a sip and salute him. 
Glad I spent the extra $20,  good stuff.

4 years ago

Interesting chart from on the virus progression.  It tracks a number of metrics and is sortable every which way.

4 years ago

Craig – One of the reporters asked Trump about bonuses and he immediately passed the mic to Mike.   Pence did a little dance, pivoted, and, did not answer the question.  Yang has been talking about this, too, and I’m sure Warren and others are well aware of how the CEOs will operate to benefit themselves.  
Bink – If Covid-19 attaches to pollen, everyone in Texas is infected.  Not sure that’s possible. Lots of sniffles here.

4 years ago

Local news is relying on the internet for information.   This morning, they showed a Tik-Tok of black pepper floating on oil, and then showing the pepper rush away from a soapy hand because it “breaks through the fat the surrounds the virus.”  Uh, no.   Black pepper floating in water does the same thing; stick a soapy finger in it and it rushes away.  We did that experiment in 4th grade.    Yes, wash your hands, but don’t couple it with junk science. 

4 years ago

it’s not junk science- soap emulsifies oil that harbors viruses, allowing water to wash it away.  Maybe the dumb anchors didn’t explain it properly, but it’s a good visual demonstration.

4 years ago

Jamie – You realize sicknesses led to keeping the population in check.   ~What we need are more anti-vaxers and close talkers.~

4 years ago

Bink – I stand corrected.

4 years ago

Look at us, posting in harmony.  Who would’ve thought?

4 years ago

Bink, LOL, no I don’t live in NYC, but I did spend time there last week and periodically before that for the last couple of years. If I lived there I probably wouldn’t much mention it. 
And I want to modify my previous post about heat not killing it. I wouldn’t exactly say heat doesn’t kill it, but I would say that it doesn’t seem to thrive as well in hot climates.  Sure, there are cases in Australia and Maylasia, but the top outbreaks seem to be in Northern Hemisphere countries, less in the Southern Hemisphere. If you read the data differently than I do, please point it out. I’m not wedded to this theory.

4 years ago

i’m no epidemiologist.  i’ve read no authoritative assertions concerning this virus’ ability or lack thereof to withstand warmer atmospheric temps, though🤷‍♂️
i hope you’re right, i got summer plans
ok, pardon the over-participation ✌️❤️🇺🇸

4 years ago

My summer plan is
A. Don’t die
B.  Keep working.

4 years ago

My comment about the summer /winter aspects was from experts who were speculating on probable behavior extrapolating from the behavior of other corona viruses. But there is a lot of difference between different corona viruses,  So just as your house tabby and a Siberian tiger are both cats and have similar characteristic they aren’t the same and it is dangerous to assume they can be treated  alike. Which was why last week’s “oh it is just like the flu” comments were so irritating, because there is a big “yes, but” in there.
My worry locally is I don’t think we are testing and where there is testing I’m wondering if it is getting reported. We had a nursing home death last week, the way this virus seems to work we should be seeing a number of infected/ sick individuals. A death from this virus doesn’t occur out of the blue by itself.

4 years ago

Humans have higher stores of vitamin D in sunny areas, so although it wouldn’t prevent someone from getting the virus, maybe their immune system would be stronger. 
Trump said folks were doing so well just four weeks ago.  If things were so good, there would be bigger, personal emergency funds.   Wage stagnation, wage stagnation, wage stagnation.     The top has done just fine at the expense of others. 

4 years ago

I wonder how really small towns are doing?  Are they even concerned because pretty much nobody ventures out?  

4 years ago

Mr Jack,
One of trump’s mutterings last week was “…like having a cold.*” The perv should be arrested for practicing medicine w/o a license.  
Uh. He should just be arrested and sent to that church in FL.

* I think I misremembered the first ime I wrote this.