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4 years ago

FDR &  Winston Churchill use to refer to Stalin as “Uncle Joe.”

given the Russian attack on our elections and Vlad’s ongoing efforts on behalf of sanders, that sobriquet as applied to Biden and NOT to Bernie and to Don the con seems discordant however affectionately meant. 

4 years ago

4 years ago

something different

John Oliver talks about India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, why he’s popular, why he’s controversial, and where things are headed for the largest democracy in the world.

4 years ago

Online is anonymous?  They ask for the name of your employer.  They have your email and IP addresses or phone number if done by mobile.   Granted, the resources to trace it/verify it all would be monumental.    Not looking forward to Joe on the debate stage with Trumpsky.  He’s gonna get buried in an avalanche of lies and hyperbole; he’ll come off looking more like a doddering, old grandpa than a slightly creepy uncle.   I’ll vote for him, but I think it will depend on his veep to put him over the top.  Klobuchar?  

4 years ago

BiD, so too will Bernie on the debate stage with Trumpsky…

get buried in an avalanche of lies and hyperbole; he’ll come off looking more like a doddering, old grandpa…”


4 years ago

on Bernie’s dark money, from Washington times last month:

Bernie Sanders says he doesn’t want a super PAC. Instead, he has Our Revolution, a nonprofit political organization he founded that functions much the same as one.
Like a super PAC, which is shorthand for super political action committee, Our Revolution can raise unlimited sums from wealthy patrons that dwarf the limits faced by candidates and conventional PACs. Unlike a super PAC, however, the group doesn’t have to disclose its donors – a stream of revenue commonly referred to as “dark money.”
Now, with less than one month to go before the Iowa caucuses, Our Revolution appears to be skirting campaign finance law, which forbids groups founded by federal candidates and officeholders from using large donations to finance federal election activity, including Sanders‘ 2020 bid.
But while Warren has come under fire for courting wealthy financiers in her past Senate campaigns, Sanders and Our Revolution have largely avoided scrutiny during the primary, even as he has accelerated his criticism of others, among them Biden, for relying on super PACs founded by their allies.

4 years ago

Push coming down to shove.  Our ballots just arrived and must be returned by 3/10.  I plan to wait for Super Tuesday.  Depending on results, I will either go ahead and vote for Klobuchar or if it is another massive take away for Bernie, I will vote Biden.



4 years ago

pat, the sobriquet for Stalin was a bit before my time since he died before I was 2, FDR died 6 years before I was born and while Winnnie was PM until I was 4, I am sure he wasn’t talking about Uncle Joe at that time.  I may just have to make a contribution to our Uncle Joe.  I sure as hell don’t think Bernie will come off as an effective foil to SFB – sputtering angry old man is not a great look. 

4 years ago

pogo, it’s my any excuse way to bring up Russia & vlad BFFs  connection.  he who really is behind BS’s “revolution”  & the  b.s.-er at the WH. 

4 years ago

Merde…  merde….  MERDE!
Just when you thought that maybe….  just maybe…   the Democrats would have a clue this time around. And then they don’t.  Yeah I can give money….  but I still feel helpless.

4 years ago

Has God put her finger on the stock market scale via a virus? Stock markets crashing today, taking the air out of the crowing dictator.  Could help the election in a positive way.  

4 years ago

Katharine Johnson has passed away at 101 

If you haven’t seen the film “Hidden Figures”, highly recommended.


4 years ago

Just discovered this guy

4 years ago

He’s hip, I tell you.

4 years ago

But this is what I went looking for:

4 years ago

Uno mas

4 years ago

“if it is another massive take away for Bernie, I will vote Biden.”  Throwing your vote away?

4 years ago

tiptoe, a vote for a still viable candidate prior to convention is not a throwaway vote. it’s after the convention and the nominee is named that unity is vital to oust IMpotus.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Biden is a weaker candidate then Sanders in the general

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

If Trump can win so can Bernie
not my preference but I prefer Bernie over
a compromising liar and someone who takes credit for other people’s work
Biden would compromise my issues in a NY minute

4 years ago

What is 3rd degree rape?

4 years ago

If Bernie wins the nomination, we should put some bets together on how many times Trump uses the word Socialism and Communism!
Also – if Bernie has a program that he does not know how much it costs, and if he is refusing to release his full medical records – that’s a non-starter for me.

4 years ago

Dems should run on combatting “socialism” and harp on gop examples of it.

4 years ago

No, you’re right KC – ~~~better to stick with an uncompromising liar against tRump.~~~
Oh, and about your issues that Biden would compromise – fat chance with those under a Sanders presidency – Bernie doesn’t have coattails and down ballot candidates (e.g. Mark Kelly) are distancing them selves from him.  My prediction is that if Bernie wins there is no way in hell we take back the Senate and we’ll be lucky to hold the House.

4 years ago

“Socialism”is already becoming a mantra like purple band-aids and swift boat shit.  You’ll have to take it away from them. Wrest the issue from their sweaty little hands.

4 years ago

Liz looks more like the “smart choice” every day.

4 years ago

Hmmm, I wonder if any of Bernie’s doctors that issued the letters saying he’s healthy enough to be president has ever been doctor to a president?  Just wondering.

4 years ago

It’s the label and name game and it works.  The word socialism has to be taken away from them.   

4 years ago

Liz is the choice. Long haul, baby.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

To beat trump it’s all about turnout
Sanders will turnout not Biden
Biden is a loser. Stop repeating the baloney of the herd of sheep passing reporters

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

so. Supposedly the Bernie health care for all was bad news for culinary workers and they would go for Joe.    Not so much
wake up.  People want big change not some loser whose goal is getting it done regardless of who gets screwed

4 years ago

The other Dem candidates have the chance to take down Bernie in this week’s debate.   The one who needs to “step aside” is Tom Steyer; buying the black vote.  *Tom, You are NEVER going to be POTUS.  Be useful and use your money to back any other candidate except Bernie.*   Maybe Mike Bloomberg will be able to put an end to Bernie.   Pete keeps trying to use his snark bring down Bernie, but that just makes Pete extra annoying.patD – Bernie wouldn’t look like a doddering, old grandpa; he’d look like an agitated/yell-y, old grandpa next to Trumpsky (who looks like a demented, old grandpa). 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

At least Sanders will fight as opposed to your choice and he has no base except for the firefighters and building trades. Basically the white guys unions

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

To be clear Sanders is not my choice but he appears to be the choice of most Democrats. Too bad your loser of a candidate can’t win without someone’s thumb on the scale

4 years ago

”To beat trump it’s all about turnout”
…it had better be because there is no way in hell the least vicious trump-voting associates i know will even consider Sanders.  

4 years ago

Sanders has just scammed three of the Liz “I have a plan for that” programs put out months ago without giving her any credit.

Just another example of Sanders shoving or slapping women out of the way and stealing ideas to get elected after which he does absolutely nothing except collect cash and take bows. 


4 years ago

Hey! Mike as an anti-Bernie ad today.   Bernie and the NRA.    I hope it’s the first ad of many.  

4 years ago

…not sure why KGC is going for your throat, Mr. C, but i don’t understand how/why you fall in love with Liz every time she makes an appearance, and then promptly dismiss her the next day.
My ranked ballot:
1. Warren
2. Klobuchar
3. Biden

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Biden will be out after sc.  Better find a new Bernie Buster

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Steyer. Hard choice

4 years ago

Bink, maybe, but let’s talk next Wednesday about who it looks like the smart choice will be.  
A shout out to “Mad” Mike Hughes, the latest candidate for the Darwin Award.  At least his craft pancaked rather than augering in.

4 years ago

Steyer made a lot of good points in the last debate in which he participated and i will concede he was unfairly mocked in the Mainstream Press.

4 years ago

”Bink, maybe, but let’s talk next Wednesday about who it looks like the smart choice will be.”
Next Wednesday?! That’s kinda late for that discussion, i prefer to have it, now.

4 years ago

4 years ago

KC, you may hope I will stop talking about Biden – and I might at some point – but your offensive comments won’t encourage that.  Numbers after next Tuesday will go a long way, though, if they put the handwriting on the wall.  Sanders will not bring out hoards of young people in the swing states in numbers sufficient to turn those states blue.   And I won’t buy that black voters will support him if he doesn’t beat Biden in the deep south states next Tuesday.  If he has sufficient black support there he might have a slim chance against SFB in purple states with significant black populations. 
Thumb on the scale – just repeating Bernie!’s complaints from 4 years ago or is there an echo in here?

4 years ago

After a great debate performance and the praise of every major newspaper, tv outlets, and many internet sites…   all Liz could manage was 4th place in Nevada.  Not too encouraging.

4 years ago

Correct me if i’m wrong but weren’t 75000 ballots cast in Nevada before Liz destroyed all pretenders in that debate?

4 years ago

and those 75,000 early votes were cast before the public heard about vlad helping Bernie.    the bern made sure of that by not saying anything (like disavow the help.  no thank you, vlad) until a month later and only when asked.


some of those votes would have been moved from the sanders column to the warren one in nevada

4 years ago

…brokered convention, Liz all the way

4 years ago

Bink, feel free to make a case for a candidate.  My only point is that the field will be winnowed after next Tuesday and we won’t likely be talking about aspirational candidates without sufficient support to go forward with any hope of getting or even affecting the nomination. 
As for me, I don’t have time in the next 3 or so days to do much of anything regarding this (unless our Supreme Court of Appeals lets me know its’ granted my motion to continue).

4 years ago

Biden’s more “aspirational” than Liz, good Sir, you’re ignoring all the trends and data that project Biden not faring well, and i know you see all that data.

Good luck in your case, Go Liz.

4 years ago

I’m still going to vote for Pete on Saturday. I think many South Carolinians, especially those of Color, have been on the receiving end of politicians’ fabrications; how in the World could any of us vote for the charlatan from Vermont?

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

The media is the enemy

4 years ago

This coming Saturday will tell all.  As now everyone knows about Sanders and Russian help and Liz’s debate performance.  No more excuses.
BTW…  leaving for the wild wooly north on Saturday.  Don’t care if the stock market tanks…  we’re gonna have fun and spend what we want.  Can’t wait to get to LaHouts!

4 years ago

hmmm, didn’t IMpotus say that first, KGC?

4 years ago

Laziness and apathy are the enemy

4 years ago

Does it really matter who the fk runs against Trump? The democrats have so screwed the pooch.
Ah fk never mind, it is not like it matters to me. Cause I got mine. Which is kinda remarkable given how much Mrs Jack and I fucked shit up in our lifetimes. It must be easier than most folks believe. 
That may also explain why I think both Bernie and Trump with their fantasy mindset,  are equally dangerous to the future of this country. So I may just set this one out and let you all decide which road to hell looks like the most fun.
BTW, Bloomberg is sending out mailers taking about crime. Just got one in the mail.

4 years ago

”Ah fk never mind, it is not like it matters to me. Cause I got mine.“
Then why is anything you say relevant?  Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

i’m following (you know whom).

Ok try to have a nice day, you beautiful bunch of loons.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

If it’s true.  It’s true doesn’t matter who said it first

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

It wouldn’t even take til LaborDay for Biden to wish he’d dropped out like he did three times before

4 years ago

Craig, remembering the last goaround, it seemed as if you and your candidate had been stomping for months and months before you arrived in South Carolina. I seriously admired the effort you put into it.

4 years ago

Boss, who are the Dem bosses this time around. Would they be people that someone like me would trust?

4 years ago

Poobah, Bernie! would be PISSED at you for being in favor of thumbs on the scale!!!  He pissed and moaned about super delegates the last time, so you know that he’ll be gunning for them in July. That’s gotta be what’s behind his plurality bullshit – he knows that as popular as he isn’t with the party he stands almost no chance of substantial cooperation with other campaigns that are still standing when the convention rolls around and that his likelihood of getting the majority of super delegates is somewhere just south of zero.

4 years ago

Craig, I’d go along with Pelosi–she’s today’s replication of Eleanor R.

4 years ago

Pogo, my late sister and her husband moved to Vermont soon after they married in ’58. They were insufferable. I can just see them teaching the Sanders how to play bridge.

4 years ago

South Carolina Republicans (and there’s a lot of them) have already telegraphed their intentions to manipulate the SC open-primary (in favor of Sanders, of course), so i won’t use those results to draw any conclusions.

4 years ago

Poobah, I agree.  And really, Socialist – Communist – does it really matter to your average voter? 
Bink, like I said – next Wednesday.  That’s where votes and campaign finances will meet.

4 years ago

Just saw a local race ad…”let’s take the fight to the socialist democrats.”  Repugz are trying to label the entire party socialist.   

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Gee what happened to I’ll support whoever wins the primary

4 years ago

No one has won the nomination yet….  geez….  have a good glass of wine or 2.
BiD….  yeah…  calling the Democrats socialists is what the repugs have done my entire life….  
what’s new.

4 years ago

Write a cogent appeal to the base and use your influence to get it cross-posted on HuffPo, maybe?🤷‍♂️🇺🇸

“…only another week or so to stop Bernie at the ballot box. No time for wine.“

…not sure how the two preclude each other. Cheers!

4 years ago

Most inspirational thread ever!   
Craig Crawford’s Sunshine Factory!

4 years ago

Let’s hope Clyburn still has some clout in SC and can help Biden.   Unfortunately,  Tom Steyer is taking some of Biden’s votes in SC.    Tom needs to get out. He’s never gonna be prez.  

4 years ago

Got our early ballots today. Two AZ votes for Liz go in the mail tomorrow. We don’t have a second choice, so if it isn’t Ms Warren then we’re resigned to filling in the bubble for whomever becomes the nominee.
We’ve contributed to Mark Kelly’s senate campaign. He’s up 46-42 over McSally with 12% undecided. 

4 years ago

Hoo-Ray, TravisC and friend!  Thank you!❤️🇺🇸

4 years ago

Well, Bernie!’s cluelessness is epic. Suburban housewives gave dems the House in 2018, he’s willing to piss that away. 

4 years ago

If we’d been smart, we’d have deluged India with emails and blog posts prior to trump’s arrival there. The nut of the message would be, “trump eats cows three times a day.” 
He’d have been reduced to a reddish grease spot on the tarmac before he got to hug mass murderer modi.

4 years ago

Hell, even Bloomberg can beat trump.  One more time :
Which Dem candidate can weave the longest coat tails.

4 years ago

XR, it ain’t Bernie!  

4 years ago

Interesting all because the COMMUNISTS are RUSSIA and CHINA, remember, both RED??
The dictator and Russian  puppet’s spreading that Putin wants Bernie! LMFAO! Do they think they’re opaque?  That we can’t see through their transparent propaganda?  OMG!
I don’t care who….all I care about is preserving the republic! I hope we can!

4 years ago

Why is bernie! so negative about hitler, the man who destroyed the 3d reich ?

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

So. Roger Stone couldn’t alter his Nixon tattoo so he’s decided to have a tattoo of SFB’s butt on his face

4 years ago

There are so many posts on this thread that I had to speed read to get through them, and did not see any comments about Biden not knowing where he was or what he was doing.  He was giving a speech and thought he was running for the Senate.  This was not a “mis-speak.”  Come on people, have you ever had a relative who suffers from dimenta or alzheimers (sp?); they don’t know where they are or what is going on around them.  We can only hope that the man has someone who will hook him off the stage and get him to quietly depart.