So long as Cruz and Rubio stay viable Trump wins. His rivals did just that in the debate last night, landing punches that will encourage their donors.
The best news for Trump is that Cruz might win his home state of Texas next week. And that Rubio is the darling of establishment Republicans who despise Trump and Cruz.
Two-thirds of GOP voters don’t want Trump, but so long as they are split between his rivals his one-third keeps him on top. If Trump can keep these two humming while he whistles past them he will be the presumptive nominee by late March.
A trinity is more stable than a split personality. The rip up’s unholy trinity of 1. the guardians of the 1% of the 1% are the First Person, 2. the primitive Christian Flat Earther is the Second Person. 3. The Third person hates brown and black people, who cause our diseases, commit rape and murder, and steal our precious businesses. This third person is the klansman/neonazi, and this person incites violence for the fun of it.
Because the ripper party is a trinity rather than a simple split personality, it probably won’t split. Therefore, this election is going to be a lot harder for the Dems than I had believed earlier. Damn it.
I dunno XR. The alignment strikes me as 1 alpha being challenged by two whippersnappers. It’s not like three even length legs to a stool.
goper trinity
note to mr pong: last night you said mine was a “weak post on the reason the obamanation has little respect” and i’ll accept the criticism for my poor performance and beg forgiveness. the basis for it, the element of hatred for a black man being in the white house, however should not be dismissed. it is very evident in a major swath of the country and reminiscent of the prelude to kristallnacht. it is underscored by the ready acceptance of scalia’s originalist interpretations by otherwise thoughtful people. imho obama is dissed, ignored and denigrated by most of the goper groupies because he’s black not because he falls short of presidential competence.
Best part of last night. Lindsey Graham went and told the truth. He may never work in DC again. Best line which harked back to our discussion here of Julius Caesar: “If Ted Cruz were killed in the Senate and the perpetrator were tried in the Senate, no one would vote to convict.”
Graham Jokes About Bat Ship Crazy GOP
In 2012, many pundits waxed eloquent about how deep the Republican bench strength was. And, there was some justification given the broad range of State and local offices that were held by the GOP. If what we have seen in this primary campaign is indicative of that strength, god help us all. Too bad, though, that the Democratic field is so narrow and flawed.
GOP Senators Run, Hide To Avoid Questions Over Supreme Court Blockade
Your post last night was spot on.
I thought your post was spot on.. Of course Ping is not going to admit his party has lots of bat shit crazy racist people in it.. When i told Grace in 2008 her party was filled homophobes she said , no way.. I said your party is against gay marriage and civil unions, yes she said they have a right to believe how they want too.. Ugh..
Why Black People Remain in Hillary Clinton’s Corner
Well… that debate was truly something to behold.
I agree with Pogo… I saw it as a couple of kids trying to throw punches at the adult who was just standing there and saying “whatever”. I know the pundits are saying that Rubio had a good debate. But I saw the constant smacking of his lips and nervous smile and giggle as akin to a 12 yr old.
For me best line of the night… Ben Carson… “will someone please attack me.”
I haven’t watched Blitzer in years…. OMG… what a lame ass host he was…
2008 Republican Platform:
Here is the major Republican problem with the Black community
The Reps have used this phrase so often as a dog whistle that everybody except for the most clueless whites spot it. It is GOP boiler plate and is highly offensive to the black community.
Yes Jamie, exactly.. In reading that, wow, they will never change.. Even after the Republican autopsy in 2008, nope traditional marriage it still is.. Being against gay marriage is being a bigot.. Seeking second class status for any peoples is wrong.. I tell Grace, it’s not about believing what you want too, it’s about equal rights and equal protection under the law..
Def agree, Jack, its an assault on the black community.. Few minorities are left unscathed by Republican policies that are anti gay, anti Latino, anti black, anti women, anti muslim and the list goes on and on..
Why do you folks insist on watching those dysfunctional repugnant candidates stone each other rather than watch our wonderful Gamecocks women’s basketball team whup Mississippi State? It was a wonderful game. The women are now 14-0 in the SEC and finish the season on Sunday. Yours truly will of course be there. I will do my best to keep on the good side of Officer Mitchell.
we’re junkies flatus!! such a well coined phrase these days. the GOP debate was nothing but junk.
Tony, nice piece. Thanks for the link.
Yup… not only is the Republican Party broken, but so isn’t the media. After reading around the net this morning, it’s obvious that the media has finally become aware that they have helped with the creation of Trump as a viable candidate. So now they are rallying around the meme that Rubio was the “big winner” in last night’s debate.
what maroons…
Trumps Birther Libel
Redefining what it means to be “American” and not for the better.
If I could come up with a few million bucks, even I could be president some day.
Saturday scatter-day
It is clear the repug base wants to be entertained rather than governed. I was highly amused last night.
For the lost pundits who can even declare a winner last night? They need to do more research. Look to the day after Super Tuesday for the crystal ball will be much clearer after that!
Here is Trump’s detailed horoscope. Start reading to understand the man and who he is! I will be researching the numerology for March 1st, Super Tuesday. If only I could get a hold of his bio-rhythms. Predictions and forecasts….the real future is in there somewhere.
sung to the tune of
new anthem for the donald:
On the cell phone as I twit, thinking brother, dear, of you and the white and happy home our goal to be. And the tears they fill my eyes, in spite of all that I can do, though I try to cheer my comrades and be me.
Trump, trump, trump. The boys are marching. Cheer up, comrades, we’ll overcome. And beneath the starry flag, we shall breathe the air again, of a gay-free land where women stay at home.
In the battle debate we stood, when their fiercest charge they made, and they swept us off, a hundred quests or more. But before they reached our lines, they were beaten back, dismayed. And we heard the cry of victory o’er and o’er.
Trump, trump, trump. The boys are marching. Cheer up, comrades, we’ll overcome. And beneath the starry flag, we shall breathe the air again, of a gay-free land where women stay at home.
Wapo 3 psychics predict from last June.
Trump has announced his run six days earlier. From the tarot cards…
Trump? “I get him really being up there!” she said. “This is a very confident card.”
The reporter did not photo the card as no one thought Trump had a chance…he should have gotten that card.
What a move for Sturgeon the Cabinet Maker! And, we knew him when 🙂 I want secretary of nodding off
former prez. fox best lines at end saying trump is not a republican….he’s not a democrat. he’s just himself, an egocentric.
BW, the winner is the one who looks best – its like scoring a boxing match – blows landed with effect. Who needs research to count punches? And yes, next Wednesday things will be clearer – on both sides.
Then, in an amiable, unhurried tone, with gentle waves of his hands, Mr. Clinton reached for a metaphor to describe the hopes and anxieties of voters in presidential election years.The American people are like a great composer — the words are always the same, but they are rearranged like notes, and they write a new melody and then they decide who they want to sing it,” Mr. Clinton said.
Love my Big Dawg!
Flatus – Gamecocks women’s basketball team whup Mississippi State?
Sigh. A few of us Bull Dogs do have some Maroon and White feelings or currently black and blue.
About the show last night. I fell asleep and missed it. Woke up around 11pm and went to bed to finish another hour or so.
From the descriptions I have bothered to read it looks like the man who does not vote punched the bully in the nose. I am enjoying the stills of Trump looking pissed off. It is about time.
Trump’s acceptance speech was an “eloquent” series of non sequiturs and randomness claiming that in his pre-politics life he was greedy for money, grabbing it all for himself. “Now we’re going to be greedy for the United States,” Trump said. “We’re gonna grab, and grab, and grab.”
“What is he even saying?!” Noah exclaimed. “Roargh! Roargh! Roargh!” Noah growled while gesticulating wildly. “That’s not a speech, that’s the battle cry of a pirate.”
Noah continued, saying that Trump’s campaign has descended into madness. “Grab and grab? Are you running for president or PacMan?” He’s decimating everyone, even Marco Rubio who lost “so hard” that he didn’t even stay up for the final results. “Clearly, he knows that the only place he’ll ever beat Trump is in his dreams.”
Even though people are now predicting a Trump presidency and prancing around saying they have always been right in the past and their model never fails — learn to live with failure. He is not going to be president and if the Republicans allow him to be their nominee – soon they will be divorcing one another and be three parties
Trump party – The Sound Bite People
The Country Clubbers — David Koch
The People who don’t understand separation of Church and State
racist robo calls story as reported by latin times:
The xenophobic robo calls were produced the American Freedom Party, a pro-Trump PAC and white nationalist group, according to Fox News Latino. Trump has shrugged off support from white power groups in the past, saying of KKK and Neo-Nazi support “ a lot of people like me.” The calls were reported in Minnesota as well as Vermont, the home of Democratic senator Bernie Sanders.
usatoday rundown on choices for Obama scotus appointee. a lot of good folks on this list
Remember the Pat Buchanan a rally when he ran for president–there were cries of racist! racist! from the audience and those were his supporters
Chris Christie just endorsed Donald Trump. The Mafia will be hosting a meet & greet at whichever casino has not yet failed.
Donald Trump said the IRS targets him because he is a strong Christian. I’d like to hear from his own church’s pastor. Do he and his wife belong to the same church?
morning joe does hillary
more mojo and hillary
be sure to watch starting 5+ minutes in when they talk about working with the other side
Pat, yes, she was excellent.. Hard to believe Hillary was in enemy territory she’s so graceful..
It was such a shameful event that it reflected badly on the US and the entire Western World.
I heard on “Bernie Sanders Now” (formerly Democracy Now) with Amy Goodman that largest demographic in illegal immigration are Asians. Where is Trump going to put that wall.
tony, thanks for that jon favreau piece. good to see a once-enemy say nice things based on actual experience with her. here’s how he said she responded to “Why are you doing this? What truly motivates you?” and his concluding paragraph:
“I want this campaign, and eventually my administration, to be more about inspiring young people, and older ones as well, to find that niche where kindness matters, whether it’s to a friend, a neighbor, a colleague, a fellow student—whether it’s in a classroom, or in a doctor’s office, or in a business—we need to do more to help each other.”
You think it might be another cynical ploy. But this turns out to be a theme that she’s repeated throughout her life. In her announcement speech, Hillary talked about being raised to believe Methodist founder John Wesley’s admonition to “do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, for as long as you can.” In her 1969 Wellesley Commencement, she called for a “mutuality of respect.” After working at the Children’s Defense Fund, she would often cite Marian Wright Edelman’s quote that “Service the rent we pay for living. It is the very purpose of life and not something you do in your spare time.”
As First Lady, Hillary spoke about the need for “a new ethos of individual responsibility, “a great renaissance of caring in this country,” and “going back and actually living by the Golden Rule.” In the State Department, she’d talk about Alexis de Tocqueville’s “habits of the heart,” and says in Hard Chocies that “I’ve also returned again and again to this question of universality—how much we all have in common even if the circumstances of our lives may be different.”
If nothing else, you’ll notice that Hillary Clinton’s words are the very antithesis of the mean-spirited, xenophobic bile that spits from the mouth of Donald Trump.
At stake in this election is control of a Tea Party-run Congress, at least one Supreme Court vacancy that could tip the balance for a generation, and the very real chance that a highly unstable demagogue could become the 45th President of the United States. So while I may not have imagined myself saying this a few years ago, I certainly believe it now: It’s far more important to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016 than it was to elect Barack Obama in 2008.
KC, Mine SF Bay, LA Harbor, Seattle Sound? Get the Pacific Rim countries to pay for it? Prolly cheaper than a wall.
Pat, yes, excellent piece and definitely explains Hillary well..
Well that will certainly be a problem for pleasure craft, ferry service etc not to mention shipping channels but could mean fireworks all year long
Get ready to laugh. Here’s Alexandra Petri’s summary of the ‘pugn boxing match.
My administration will have many heads nodding…….
This week has been a wonderful week. I received good news at work, a TDY around the corner to a different division (I will be staying in my same cube though). I learned how to
pick locview the world in a better way. Once again I missed all that is from another, and apparently very warped, universe. Save from a vivid and wonderful review by Ms. Petri.Something fun is watching the daylight hours grow longer. It gives great hope that spring is near and summer around the corner. My cats are getting a bit strange. They want out, even the cat that does not like “out”, she just thinks she does. Out means wind and cold and wet paws. She is not into that at all.
And, I started feeling the urge to write again. Maybe I will finish Red Line to Shady Grove and Red Light on the Green Line. Maybe. Of course my autobiography, version #72, is in the milieu. When you write your own biography you can write whatever you want. It is like your family tree. If someone has a better branch, go ahead and put it in your own. It is your tree, you can decorate it the way you want.
Nod today– fight tomorrow….or the next day…….
this had to send a bit of a chill thru folks (and especially the international folks) when trump bragged
“It’s hard for me to turn down money because that’s what I’ve done in my whole life; I grab and grab and grab. You know I get greedy. I want money, money,” Trump said, explaining how difficult it is for him to reject campaign donations from his wealthy friends. “Now we’re going to get greedy for the United States — we’re going to grab and grab and grab.”
prez trump white house see mashable article for interior makeovers
Christie shows contempt for government by endorsing Trump
You got my vote Sturge!
On the eve of the South Carolina Dem Primary, this must be appropriate. Compliments of my Air Force.
Sturg, I’m in charge of nodding–nod any time you feel like it, sir.
Flatus – Compliments of my Air Force.
And, mine too. They do play well.
New Thread
Watching the local reporter interview Rubio. Get that man an I-V, stat!
Or, just dump Gatorade on him.
OK, the audience for Trump inFt. Worth was not all old, white folks. Just watching the news, it was diverse.
bId, did you see me~~~? 🙂
Ha. Sorry, no. I just meant it wasn’t homogeneous and there were some kids there that I would have assumed though they were lining up for Bernie…but they were wearing Trump shirts.
new thread