“Strike while the iron is hot” — This expression is recorded in Richard Edwards’ The excellent comedie of two the moste faithfullest freendes, Damon and Pithias (circa 1566).
By Dvitale300, a Trail Mix Contributor
As I watch this ‘debacle’ — the American Healthcare Act — move through the House like a pig that has been slathered in grease, as the AMA, AHA, AARP oppose the legislation (haven’t heard from the NRA yet), it is often advantageous in understanding WTHIGOH to examine motive.
With that in mind:
Motive #1: This is a dodge, a scam – an effort to draw attention away from the Trump administration’s liabilities with ties to Russia. (Covering Trump’s behind)
Motive #2: This is a dodge, a scam – an effort by Republicans to kill any chance of the promised Obamacare repeal; so that Republicans won’t have to deal with the millions of pissed off voters that will lose coverage or even health care. (Covering their own behinds)
Motive #3: This is an honest attempt to reform/improve Obamacare while taking credit for killing it at the same time. (Staying in office – Covering their own behinds)
Motive #4: This is an honest attempt to stop freeloading loser Americans from suckling at the teet of the government (you know – get off of their bootstraps), while at the same time funneling billions of dollars to the top 1% of the public. (Paying the rich back for their support)
What say ye? 1, 2, 3, 4 – or perhaps there’s another motive I haven’t listed.
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