User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Labor Day Throwback: Union Maid
Peggy Seeger with Jack Warshaw (10/27/2012)
Song credit: Woody Guthrie
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
This may be heretical but any folk pioneers will always be prefaced by the movie A Mighty Wind, starring Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Harry Shearer.
And also that scene in Animal House involving the oh-so-earnest folkie & his, uh, guitar.
union nostalgia for some reason always makes me think of tom joad’s speech in “grapes of wrath” by Steinbeck: Tom: Well, maybe it’s like Casy says. A fellow ain’t got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody, then… Ma: Then what, Tom? Tom: Then it don’t matter. I’ll be all around in the dark – I’ll be everywhere. Wherever you can look – wherever there’s a fight, so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever there’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad. I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry and they know supper’s ready, and when the people are eatin’ the stuff they raise and livin’ in the houses they build – I’ll be there, too.
according to wiki, peggy seeger (pete’s sib) has had quite the life. example:
In the 1950s, left-leaning singers such as Paul Robeson and The Weavers began to find that life became difficult because of the influence of McCarthyism. Seeger visited Communist China and as a result had her US passport withdrawn. The US State Department, which had been opposed to Seeger’s 1957 trip to Moscow (where the CIA had monitored the US delegation), was vigorously critical about her having gone to China against official “advice”.
The authorities had already warned her that her passport would be impounded, effectively barring her from further travel were she to return to the US. She therefore decided to tour Europe – and later found out that she was on a blacklist sent to European governments. Staying in London in 1956, she performed accompanying herself on banjo. There she and Ewan MacColl fell in love. Previously married to director and actress Joan Littlewood, MacColl left his second wife, Jean Newlove, to become Seeger’s lover.
In 1958, her UK work permit expired and she was about to be deported. This was narrowly averted by a plan, concocted by MacColl and Seeger, in which she married the folk singer Alex Campbell, in Paris, on January 24, 1959, in what Seeger described as a “hilarious ceremony”. This marriage of convenience allowed Seeger to gain British citizenship and continue her relationship with MacColl. MacColl and Seeger were later married (in 1977), following his divorce from Newlove. They remained together until his death in 1989. They had three children: Neill, Calum, and Kitty. They recorded and released several albums together on Folkways Records, along with Seeger’s solo albums and other collaborations with the Seeger Family and the Seeger Sisters. [….]
The documentary film A Kind of Exile was a profile of Seeger and also featured Ewan MacColl. The film was directed and produced by John Goldschmidt for ATV and shown on ITV in the UK. [btw her hubby maccoll wrote fearless leader’s fav song “1st time ever I saw your face”]
The problems of labor have had a long hard slog. Most of you may have seen the article I wrote about one of my ancestors testimony before parliament on child labor and a family heritage that brought them to the US in 1926 due to the mining strike in Scotland. For those who haven’t, you can read it here:
more re wedding of convenience by peggy and alex campbell (scottish folksinger alluded to in my post above) from wiki
On 24 January 1959, he married her in Paris. Seeger’s USA passport had been withdrawn, and this marriage prevented deportation, and was, according to Seeger “a platonic relationship”. Seeger has described the wedding ceremony as “hilarious”: at the time she was seven months pregnant with Ewan MacColl‘s baby and the officiating priest lectured Campbell about his forthcoming lifetime commitment to “the poor girl whom he had got into so much trouble”. The following day, Seeger returned to London and settled down with MacColl. Campbell himself settled down with his eventual wife, Patsy, and had two sons.
Motley Fool: “How the Decline of Labor Unions Led to Stagnant Wages — Wages have flatlined even as productivity has gained. Could lower union membership be to blame? … Without unions to enforce the sharing of corporate profits, those at the top have made the most gains, while all others see little or no improvement in their compensation levels.”
HOUSEKEEPING: On the road Orlando and Kentucky this week (we’re going to Dad’s 1945 high school reunion) and only taking my semi-smart phone, so any help from Trail Bosses with thread posts would be much appreciated.
Worked in Arizona most of my life. 30 year career there with company. First 15 years I was in non-management, a union member and steward for a number of those years. Last 15 years I was in management, sometimes working while the union was on strike, etc.
We have Ronnie Ray-Gun to thank for a lot of the issues we have today around wage inequality. I remember the crap he pulled with the control tower workers.
I will say however, my overall thoughts about labor unions in those days is that most companies got the union they deserved.
Jamie, thanks for linking that tale of two scandals piece. did ny times ever react to that fact check put down by wapo? any apology or retraction or expansion or mention even of drumpf bribe?
The best (pay) summer job I had was at a meat packing plant — they fired all the summer people before we could qualify for the meatpackers union. I worked on the coney line –using a water peeler to remove the casing…wet and cold and I worked the swing shift. but the pay was great.
My father was an organizer for the Office and Professional Workers when he was younger and both he and my mother were members of the NEA . The teachers went on strike and my father had a heart attack and died on the picket line.
Every campaign I have ever worked on has included organized labor as part of the coalition. We always look for the union label.
Given the media’s faux scandal fixation, why in the world should Hillary Clinton hold a news conference?
When vital issues such as healthcare, college student debt, climate change, foreign policy, trade policies and a fair tax system are all but ignored, why would Clinton waste her time?
Maybe once she is elected president, the media will finally get around to substance at her first news conference in 2017.
wapo editorial board: The Post’s View Donald Trump’s bet: We are all chumps AS THE presidential campaign enters its final stretch, this seems like a good time to ask: Will American voters allow themselves to be insulted, taken for granted and made fools of?
Donald Trump seems to be betting that the answer is yes. How else to judge his assumption that he can be elected without sharing basic information? He has released no meaningful health records. He has put forward virtually no serious policy proposals. Unlike every other major-party nominee of the modern era, he refuses to release his tax forms. [….] Ms. Clinton is not always a paragon of candor. But she has released far more information about her health; far, far more information on her policy goals; and decades of tax returns.
I think the story the media has missed or chosen to ignore is the death of the Republican Party. In California the two final candidates for the Senate are both Democrats. Despite Liar Trump’s claims to the contrary he has not grown the Republican base and when he loses there is going to be a war and when the war is over there will be nothing left worth keeping
Blake Farenthold fat pig congressman from the joke state Texas thinks the polls didn’t get Brexit right -keeping telling yourself that you delusional moron -only the bookies got it wrong not the polls. So on election day perhaps you will be so shocked that you will resign.
Common thread among Trump supporters – allegations of sexual harassment – only a woman with no respect for herself would work for Trump or someone who is a opportunist with no soul Amarosa is the perfect example –and of course the condom
The sexual harassment case against Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, halted Wednesday because an agreement was reached by the two parties.
The details of the resolution that led to the parties’ suggestion the case be dismissed, which was first reported by the National Law Journal , are unclear. The lawyer for Lauren Greene, the former staffer who alleged harassment and discrimination, and Farenthold’s office, did not respond to requests for comment Wednesday night. In December, Greene, who worked as Farenthold’s communications director, filed a lawsuit in District of Columbia court, alleging that Farenthold sexually harassed her, discriminated against her because she is a woman, and retaliated against her for complaining about the harassment.
– See more at:
I had only heard Old Crow Medicine Show’s version of that song. My cousin works for a union; he & his family have great health insurance. It’s service-oriented, so no way to ship his job anywhere else. You physically have to be there; can’t do it virtually.
A friend whose hubby worked at Maytag HAD great insurance until they shipped the jobs to Mexico. One thing they were asked to give up was their magnificent health benefits. The union refused and that was the end. I wonder, though, if they wouldn’t have kept squeezing the union to give up benefits & wage increases & then gone to Mexico anyway. Caving may have bought them a little time, but that’s it. Of course, it hurt all of the local businesses in the area, not just the folks at that plant.
Online volunteers seeking to help Donald Trump by making phone calls might be signing up for more than they bargained for.
To sign up on Trump’s website, potential volunteers must agree to a 2,271-word non-disclosure agreement in which they also promise they won’t compete against or say anything bad about Trump, his company, his family members or products – now and forever.
The agreement is a required part of the sign-up process for Trump Red Dialer, an online call system that connects volunteers for the Republican presidential candidate with potential voters.
But requiring an online volunteer to sign such a document is a requirement unique to the Trump campaign. The campaign website for his rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, requires no agreement for online volunteers to sign up and make phone calls.
Since Trump’s appeal to minority communities are written by stupid white people and aimed at other stupid white people it is not surprising they are insulting and the defense of them is even worse
and of course the complicit and compliant media covering it as if it wasn’t one of the biggest cases of pandering ever
The light blue-and-white plane sat on a Westchester County Airport tarmac well away from the general terminal Monday morning and took off shortly before 11 a.m. ET to fly Clinton to events in Ohio and Illinois with her press corps. The airport is about 8 miles from Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y.
The new plane has Clinton’s slogan “Stronger Together” on the side and her “H’’ logo on the tail.
Clinton has mostly traveled by private jet during the primaries and the summer but was being accompanied on the plane by journalists for the first time.
Greeting reporters traveling aboard her plane before takeoff, Clinton said: “Welcome to our big plane! It’s so exciting.”
She said she had a good Labor Day weekend, calling it “the last moment before the mad dash.”
Asked her Labor Day message, she said, “If you want more happy Labor Days you know who to vote for.”
Clinton has been pressured by media critics and Republicans alike to hold a news conference for the first time in 2016. She has not held a formal question-and-answer session with reporters since one in Iowa in early December.
Clinton arrived in Cleveland to attend the Labor Day festival alongside running mate Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Later Monday, she is scheduled to join labor leaders in the Quad Cities community of Hampton, Ill., across the Mississippi River from Iowa.
Wonder what’s worse… working the mills, or kids being sent to viet nam…..I guess there’s no comparison, really…….it just rabbited thru me old noggin……
Clinton boarded her new, personalized plane at the Westchester airport Monday morning, before taking off for a campaign event in Cleveland, Ohio with her running-mate Tim Kaine and union leaders. Clinton took a moment before the departure to welcome the press pool, which is traveling with her for the first time this election cycle. “I am so happy to have all of you with me,” she said to her media tormenters travelers. “I have just been waiting for this moment.”
Soft Soap was not Bar Soap. You could pump it out of the bottle. Later on some marketing person(s) came up with “anti-bacterial”. If it has alcohol in it, it will have some anti-bacterial properties, but that is not the usual “anti-bacterial” soft soap.
It is nice to get things put back where they belong. There were a lot of heavy winds along the Atlantic and Bay.
She was horrid when I first met her more than 30 years ago. Apparently nothing ever changed for the better. Hope her family & friends aren’t too unhappy.
Ike read a speech in which he warned about the military-industrial complex. The speech was written by Malcolm Moos. I’m not sure Ike understood the implications. I know that v.p. nixon was not an admirer of Moos.
JFK on the Bigger Bombs ticket, and the speech was, in part, a thumb in Kennedy’s eye.
This may be heretical but any folk pioneers will always be prefaced by the movie A Mighty Wind, starring Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Harry Shearer.
And also that scene in Animal House involving the oh-so-earnest folkie & his, uh, guitar.
union nostalgia for some reason always makes me think of tom joad’s speech in “grapes of wrath” by Steinbeck:
Tom: Well, maybe it’s like Casy says. A fellow ain’t got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody, then…
Ma: Then what, Tom?
Tom: Then it don’t matter. I’ll be all around in the dark – I’ll be everywhere. Wherever you can look – wherever there’s a fight, so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever there’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad. I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry and they know supper’s ready, and when the people are eatin’ the stuff they raise and livin’ in the houses they build – I’ll be there, too.
and sally field’s stand in “norma rae”
and this one from “matewan”
“we’re the workers, dammit, and we take care of each other”
and this quote on my favorite tee shirt
according to wiki, peggy seeger (pete’s sib) has had quite the life. example:
In the 1950s, left-leaning singers such as Paul Robeson and The Weavers began to find that life became difficult because of the influence of McCarthyism. Seeger visited Communist China and as a result had her US passport withdrawn. The US State Department, which had been opposed to Seeger’s 1957 trip to Moscow (where the CIA had monitored the US delegation), was vigorously critical about her having gone to China against official “advice”.
The authorities had already warned her that her passport would be impounded, effectively barring her from further travel were she to return to the US. She therefore decided to tour Europe – and later found out that she was on a blacklist sent to European governments. Staying in London in 1956, she performed accompanying herself on banjo. There she and Ewan MacColl fell in love. Previously married to director and actress Joan Littlewood, MacColl left his second wife, Jean Newlove, to become Seeger’s lover.
In 1958, her UK work permit expired and she was about to be deported. This was narrowly averted by a plan, concocted by MacColl and Seeger, in which she married the folk singer Alex Campbell, in Paris, on January 24, 1959, in what Seeger described as a “hilarious ceremony”. This marriage of convenience allowed Seeger to gain British citizenship and continue her relationship with MacColl. MacColl and Seeger were later married (in 1977), following his divorce from Newlove. They remained together until his death in 1989. They had three children: Neill, Calum, and Kitty. They recorded and released several albums together on Folkways Records, along with Seeger’s solo albums and other collaborations with the Seeger Family and the Seeger Sisters. [….]
The documentary film A Kind of Exile was a profile of Seeger and also featured Ewan MacColl. The film was directed and produced by John Goldschmidt for ATV and shown on ITV in the UK. [btw her hubby maccoll wrote fearless leader’s fav song “1st time ever I saw your face”]
peggy also wrote this
thanks PatD, for the Peggy rundown, all I know is that she was a folksinger who lived in England
Patd – Love that song. Probably should plaster it all over the internet.
The problems of labor have had a long hard slog. Most of you may have seen the article I wrote about one of my ancestors testimony before parliament on child labor and a family heritage that brought them to the US in 1926 due to the mining strike in Scotland. For those who haven’t, you can read it here:
more re wedding of convenience by peggy and alex campbell (scottish folksinger alluded to in my post above) from wiki
On 24 January 1959, he married her in Paris. Seeger’s USA passport had been withdrawn, and this marriage prevented deportation, and was, according to Seeger “a platonic relationship”. Seeger has described the wedding ceremony as “hilarious”: at the time she was seven months pregnant with Ewan MacColl‘s baby and the officiating priest lectured Campbell about his forthcoming lifetime commitment to “the poor girl whom he had got into so much trouble”. The following day, Seeger returned to London and settled down with MacColl. Campbell himself settled down with his eventual wife, Patsy, and had two sons.
Found this an interesting read … explanations within:
Moshe Marvit: Five myths about labor unions (Allentown PA Morning Call)
Moshe Marvit, a labor and employment lawyer and a fellow at the Century Foundation, is co-author of “Why Labor Organizing Should Be a Civil Right.”
Motley Fool: “How the Decline of Labor Unions Led to Stagnant Wages — Wages have flatlined even as productivity has gained. Could lower union membership be to blame? … Without unions to enforce the sharing of corporate profits, those at the top have made the most gains, while all others see little or no improvement in their compensation levels.”
HOUSEKEEPING: On the road Orlando and Kentucky this week (we’re going to Dad’s 1945 high school reunion) and only taking my semi-smart phone, so any help from Trail Bosses with thread posts would be much appreciated.
Craig re above
•Myth No. 5: Unions are a bulwark against globalization.
boss, some music for your upcoming trip to the hinterlands
Who will end up the “Paper of Record”?
Washington Post Fact Checks the New York Times
Worked in Arizona most of my life. 30 year career there with company. First 15 years I was in non-management, a union member and steward for a number of those years. Last 15 years I was in management, sometimes working while the union was on strike, etc.
We have Ronnie Ray-Gun to thank for a lot of the issues we have today around wage inequality. I remember the crap he pulled with the control tower workers.
I will say however, my overall thoughts about labor unions in those days is that most companies got the union they deserved.
Not just Florida, Trump also bribed (through his foundation sic) the ag of Texas
Good for the Post….Clinton Foundation no proof plenty of proof about Trump
but no story still the majority of the press whining about Clinton not talking to them
well this would be a good reason why
Jamie, thanks for linking that tale of two scandals piece. did ny times ever react to that fact check put down by wapo? any apology or retraction or expansion or mention even of drumpf bribe?
I just found a place selling innuendos at half price. To whom should I have them sent?
The best (pay) summer job I had was at a meat packing plant — they fired all the summer people before we could qualify for the meatpackers union. I worked on the coney line –using a water peeler to remove the casing…wet and cold and I worked the swing shift. but the pay was great.
My father was an organizer for the Office and Professional Workers when he was younger and both he and my mother were members of the NEA . The teachers went on strike and my father had a heart attack and died on the picket line.
Every campaign I have ever worked on has included organized labor as part of the coalition. We always look for the union label.
kgc, looks like this latimes ltr to ed agrees with you:
Given the media’s faux scandal fixation, why in the world should Hillary Clinton hold a news conference?
When vital issues such as healthcare, college student debt, climate change, foreign policy, trade policies and a fair tax system are all but ignored, why would Clinton waste her time?
Maybe once she is elected president, the media will finally get around to substance at her first news conference in 2017.
wapo editorial board:
The Post’s View
Donald Trump’s bet: We are all chumps
AS THE presidential campaign enters its final stretch, this seems like a good time to ask: Will American voters allow themselves to be insulted, taken for granted and made fools of?
Donald Trump seems to be betting that the answer is yes. How else to judge his assumption that he can be elected without sharing basic information? He has released no meaningful health records. He has put forward virtually no serious policy proposals. Unlike every other major-party nominee of the modern era, he refuses to release his tax forms.
Ms. Clinton is not always a paragon of candor. But she has released far more information about her health; far, far more information on her policy goals; and decades of tax returns.
Kelly Ann Condom –liar for Trump Big League
I heard someone on msnbc say this morning – the national polls mean nothing -it’s about the electoral college
finally. It’s great now if they would talk about about the circumstances of the Trump Foundation and the payments to organization
tied to the attorneys general of states were Trump U was being investigated because of consumer complaints. Odd that the states
that didn’t pursue the investigation were the ones that got gifts from Trump.
I think the story the media has missed or chosen to ignore is the death of the Republican Party. In California the two final candidates for the Senate are both Democrats. Despite Liar Trump’s claims to the contrary he has not grown the Republican base and when he loses there is going to be a war and when the war is over there will be nothing left worth keeping
Blake Farenthold fat pig congressman from the joke state Texas thinks the polls didn’t get Brexit right -keeping telling yourself that you delusional moron -only the bookies got it wrong not the polls. So on election day perhaps you will be so shocked that you will resign.
Once upon a time: 60 yrs ago we had Eisenhower, the last GOP POTUS to balance a budget w/a surplus. How was that GOP different?
Beware of the military-industrial complex -Ike
watch out gopers, he’s off his leash again. the twit’s twitter finger twitching once more
azcentral: Why was Donald Trump bashing Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake on Twitter?
Common thread among Trump supporters – allegations of sexual harassment – only a woman with no respect for herself would work for Trump or someone who is a opportunist with no soul Amarosa is the perfect example –and of course the condom
The sexual harassment case against Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, halted Wednesday because an agreement was reached by the two parties.
The details of the resolution that led to the parties’ suggestion the case be dismissed, which was first reported by the National Law Journal , are unclear. The lawyer for Lauren Greene, the former staffer who alleged harassment and discrimination, and Farenthold’s office, did not respond to requests for comment Wednesday night. In December, Greene, who worked as Farenthold’s communications director, filed a lawsuit in District of Columbia court, alleging that Farenthold sexually harassed her, discriminated against her because she is a woman, and retaliated against her for complaining about the harassment.
– See more at:
I had only heard Old Crow Medicine Show’s version of that song. My cousin works for a union; he & his family have great health insurance. It’s service-oriented, so no way to ship his job anywhere else. You physically have to be there; can’t do it virtually.
A friend whose hubby worked at Maytag HAD great insurance until they shipped the jobs to Mexico. One thing they were asked to give up was their magnificent health benefits. The union refused and that was the end. I wonder, though, if they wouldn’t have kept squeezing the union to give up benefits & wage increases & then gone to Mexico anyway. Caving may have bought them a little time, but that’s it. Of course, it hurt all of the local businesses in the area, not just the folks at that plant.
Safe travels, Craig.
Online volunteers seeking to help Donald Trump by making phone calls might be signing up for more than they bargained for.
To sign up on Trump’s website, potential volunteers must agree to a 2,271-word non-disclosure agreement in which they also promise they won’t compete against or say anything bad about Trump, his company, his family members or products – now and forever.
The agreement is a required part of the sign-up process for Trump Red Dialer, an online call system that connects volunteers for the Republican presidential candidate with potential voters.
But requiring an online volunteer to sign such a document is a requirement unique to the Trump campaign. The campaign website for his rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton, requires no agreement for online volunteers to sign up and make phone calls.
The taco truck thing was such a stupid thing to say — for at least twenty years salsa has been more popular than ketchup
People here like their taco trucks and it’s lots of fun to see the response.
Since Trump’s appeal to minority communities are written by stupid white people and aimed at other stupid white people it is not surprising they are insulting and the defense of them is even worse
and of course the complicit and compliant media covering it as if it wasn’t one of the biggest cases of pandering ever
…loosely fits the theme:
Hillary Clinton showed off a new Boeing 737 campaign plane on Labor Day.
The light blue-and-white plane sat on a Westchester County Airport tarmac well away from the general terminal Monday morning and took off shortly before 11 a.m. ET to fly Clinton to events in Ohio and Illinois with her press corps. The airport is about 8 miles from Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y.
The new plane has Clinton’s slogan “Stronger Together” on the side and her “H’’ logo on the tail.
Clinton has mostly traveled by private jet during the primaries and the summer but was being accompanied on the plane by journalists for the first time.
Greeting reporters traveling aboard her plane before takeoff, Clinton said: “Welcome to our big plane! It’s so exciting.”
She said she had a good Labor Day weekend, calling it “the last moment before the mad dash.”
Asked her Labor Day message, she said, “If you want more happy Labor Days you know who to vote for.”
Clinton has been pressured by media critics and Republicans alike to hold a news conference for the first time in 2016. She has not held a formal question-and-answer session with reporters since one in Iowa in early December.
Clinton arrived in Cleveland to attend the Labor Day festival alongside running mate Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Later Monday, she is scheduled to join labor leaders in the Quad Cities community of Hampton, Ill., across the Mississippi River from Iowa.
Katy Tur just said out loud they aren’t covering the Trump U story because Republican operatives told her the story wouldn’t make any difference.
Really she said that outloud as the reason not to cover the bribery story
Wonder what’s worse… working the mills, or kids being sent to viet nam…..I guess there’s no comparison, really…….it just rabbited thru me old noggin……
sturge, or kids being strapped in a bomb vest or alternatively drowning in a sinking raft on the way away from such things
or kidnapped and raped
bink, that song sure is reminiscent of wayfarin stranger
from ny mag:
Clinton boarded her new, personalized plane at the Westchester airport Monday morning, before taking off for a campaign event in Cleveland, Ohio with her running-mate Tim Kaine and union leaders. Clinton took a moment before the departure to welcome the press pool, which is traveling with her for the first time this election cycle. “I am so happy to have all of you with me,” she said to her media tormenters travelers. “I have just been waiting for this moment.”
Soft Soap was not Bar Soap. You could pump it out of the bottle. Later on some marketing person(s) came up with “anti-bacterial”. If it has alcohol in it, it will have some anti-bacterial properties, but that is not the usual “anti-bacterial” soft soap.
It is nice to get things put back where they belong. There were a lot of heavy winds along the Atlantic and Bay.
Atlanta has new born pantas!
My phone not working, can’t somebody submit a post for tomorrow?
Craig, I have one I can throw up simply because it is several years old, but Hugh O’Brian just passed away at 91. Let me see if I can update it.
And worse still. The donation — from Trump’s Section 501©(3) charitable foundation — was illegal. And never reported to the IRS. Tax-exempt charitable foundations areprohibited from engaging in political activity. That’s for Trump and the IRS to work out. But how the hell could a prohibited transgression like that go unremarked for nearly three years by its recipient, Florida’s chief legal officer? How was it that the very attorney general failed to check the provenance of her $25,000 donation?
Which only adds another sleazy chapter to Bondi’s history of bent ethics. In 2014, The New York Times reported that a Washington lobbying firm specializing in influencing state attorneys general had lavished considerable attention on Bondi, showering her with gifts, exotic junkets and campaign contributions. Meanwhile the Florida Attorney General’s Office lost interest in pursuing fraud allegations dogging the firm’s various clients.
Despite the ethical conflicts, Bondi is scheduled to appear with Trump at a campaign rally in Tampa Saturday. When Donald Trump buys himself an attorney general, he gets his money’s worth.
Fred Grimm:, @grimm_fred
Read more here:
KC, it was a BRIBE. Even drumpf doesn’t report bribes to the IRS.
Jamie, that was the last time the Republican party gave a shit about the country.
craig, there’s one up for review. hope you can use it.
I put one up as well. Should keep him for a few days.
Thanks all. Will que them up in order received.
On this Labor Day I proudly wrote my yearly check for retired membership in NEA and the Oregon Education Association! H’16
Phyllis Schlafly has finally bitten the dust
She was horrid when I first met her more than 30 years ago. Apparently nothing ever changed for the better. Hope her family & friends aren’t too unhappy.
Press Shopping Trip
Ike read a speech in which he warned about the military-industrial complex. The speech was written by Malcolm Moos. I’m not sure Ike understood the implications. I know that v.p. nixon was not an admirer of Moos.
JFK on the Bigger Bombs ticket, and the speech was, in part, a thumb in Kennedy’s eye.