The Atlantic’s Ron Fournier nails it: “A TV embargo would starve Trump’s ego, feed his vast insecurities, and rob him of the biggest crutch in his campaign—free media. It would bend him to the public’s will.”
Stop paying his surrogates, stop giving him free media, stop paying any attention to him at all until the “business candidate” shows us the one and only thing about his record that can be scrutinized: his tax records.
how can we help make this happen
I put the link up on my facebook page and Mr. Cracker’s
I didn’t realize you could link from here
cleveland plain dealer: Economist at DNC correct that Donald Trump paid no federal taxes for five years: DNC 2016 Fact Check
According to multiple media outlets that obtained reports filed by Trump, he didn’t pay federal taxes for two out of five years covered by a 1981 report Trump submitted to New Jersey gambling regulators as part of his application for a casino license for a proposed hotel-casino. Page 33 contains the information Trump’s income and taxes for 1975 through 1979. It says he paid no taxes in 1978 and 1979 because he lost money those years.
In 1975, 1976, and 1977, Trump claimed $76,210, $24,594, and $118,530 in income, respectively, paying $18,714, $10,832, and $42,386 in federal taxes, according to the document.
In 1984, he also didn’t pay any taxes, according to the Daily Beast, which reported on two tax appeals Trump filed in the 1990s. (He lost both cases.)
Likewise, Trump paid zero or near zero in 1991 and 1993, also because of losses disclosed in records submitted to New Jersey gambling regulators and reviewed by Politico.
McCain granddaughter is voting for Hillary.
“Loyalty to party can never trump loyalty to country. And loyalty to party means nothing when the party has been poisoned.”
I posted this on Huffington Post. we really got to get the drumbeat going on this
tyler morning telegraph:
“There’s a precedent for a presidential candidate releasing his returns even as an audit is ongoing,” Suderman writes. “In 1973, Richard Nixon was embroiled in a tax scandal over a charitable donation on his personal tax returns. As a result of the scandal, according to tax historian Joseph Thorndike, Nixon’s taxes were scrutinized by the Joint Committee on Taxation, which found that he owed nearly half a million dollars more than he had paid. The IRS eventually agreed. Despite all this, Nixon still managed to make his tax returns public. That’s how shady Trump is: He makes Nixon look like a model of transparency and accountability.”
For the record, Donald Trump called on Mitt Romney to release his tax returns in 2012. Here’s his reasoning, as he explained on Fox News: “I think Mitt was hurt really very badly by this whole thing with the income tax returns. I believe he should have given them April 1, but I didn’t think going into a little bit of detail without going into a lot of detail was positive thing.”
In other words, Romney made a political mistake by delaying the release of his returns.
and here’s part of the mentioned above peter suderman article in reason magazine
There’s lots of speculation about why, exactly, Trump won’t release the information. Would it show financial connections to Russia? Would it reveal that he paid no taxes, or that he made very little money? Would it suggest that Trump is not nearly as rich as he says he is?
These sorts of guessing games, while interesting, don’t get us far. But the refusal to release the returns is telling enough. It’s more evidence that his word isn’t worth a damn, and neither are his excuses.
Trump’s vows to release his tax returns, like so many of his promises, were totally worthless. And his stated reason—that he is under audit by the IRS—doesn’t hold up either.
Now we’re cooking’ Patd. If the media assumes and reports the worst, the only way Trump can deal with the fallout is to release his returns. Personally, since he appears to have never had any serious aspirations to really run for President, I bet his returns are a bloody mess.
craig, good for you but better be prepared for incoming flack…. from flacks.
Well the word all over Napa County is the tax returns show cosmetic surgery of a type to correct his short fingers and what they represent
Besides the tax return issue – he and the media have a very dysfunctional relationship he treats them like crap -and they come running back for more
this is the last week anyone with a pretense to journalism will be able to say it’s a horse race
anyone we know as described by this from mayo clinic:
Many experts use the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, to diagnose mental conditions. This manual is also used by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment.
DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:
Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
Exaggerating your achievements and talents
Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
Requiring constant admiration
Having a sense of entitlement
Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
Taking advantage of others to get what you want
Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Being envious of others and believing others envy you
Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence, it’s not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.
538 has Hillary back on top with an arrow
and Clinton is up 9 in pa hardly a tossup msnbc
hint hint to above question re npd symptoms
Not only shouldn’t the media be covering him until he releases his taxes they should stop pretending he has a chance in hell of winning
ok 20%
“Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it”
hint, frigging hint!
The Mind of Donald Trump from the Atlantic
“this is the last week anyone with a pretense to journalism will be able to say it’s a horse race”
KGC, I wish I was sure of that. The convention knocked Trump off the front pages and out of the news cycles. From here on out the playing field levels again. Trump is a master at making himself the story be it good or bad. For that reason this will be a hard ugly contest.
Think about the debates where Trump will try to do to Hillary what he did so successfully to the rest of the republican field. The more asinine he is the more coverage he will get. In this day and age where everyone, especially the press has to have a winner and a loser the headlines could well read ‘the night belongs to Trump’.
Hope I’m wrong but it worries me more than a little.
Missouri is a swing state
All right – I’m not doing this to try to be unfair, but this is an honest observation. This has been bugging me ever since Trump started to run a year ago. Have you ever seen the videos of Mussolini giving a speech to the Italians. The way he bobs his head, nods, looks completely self absorbed and satiated? Every time I see Trump I remember the Mussolini videos and see a stark similarity.
Every singe time! It’s driving me nuts. Make it stop – please!
It was stopped with his execution. These pictures and historical notes will provide closure, but you should not view them alone.
Ooops, forgot the link to the poll
There is no way that the media is going to boycott trump although they should. The Washington frigging Post – whose reporter was denied press credentials, forced to leave computer and cell phone in his car, frisked, then denied entry through general admission to one of Pence’s events had more trump in it today than you could shake a stick at. Hell, they published his fukking tweets sent during Clinton’s address last night.
Craig, would you please tell your buddy Chuck that when he has manafort on MTP Sunday, ask him why trump won’t release the tax returns for xxxx-2014 since he said he gets routine audits yearly? Those are NOT UNDER AUDIT (as if being under audit means a damn thing).
Hellary! Show us the transcripts of your paid speeches to Wall Street!
Hellary! We’d love to those ~personal~ emails you deleted to avoid the FOIA.
Hellary! Why are you now saying those deleted emails are a national security risk?
Hellary! What will they find in the new pay-for-play investigation of the Clinton family bank account -er, I mean, Foundation?
She is the most untrustworthy candidate I have ever had the privilege to vote against. Can’t wait to do it, again. Do you suppose she and her corporate overlords can put their thumb on the scale, again?
By the way, as long as the IRS doesn’t have a problem with his tax return, what’s the big deal? What are you gonna do if the worse thing in there is a charitable donation to an organization his new party (remember, he used to be a Dem…like me) might not be too keen about?
Not sure where you are going with this. Transcripts of speeches and tax returns are like comparing apples to oranges.
The ultimate false equivalency. We wouldn’t even know about those speeches if HRC had refused to release her tax returns.
Are you suggesting that Trump get a pass that neither Hillary or Bernie got? Just curious.
Your obvious dislike of Hillary would seem to suggest that she should be held to one standard and Trump another.
Trump may be the nominee, but he is hardly vetted. Hillary on the other hand has been being vetted for going on 30 years.
Big Difference.
Another meme I made.
I swung by Missouri, once.
Roger Ailes gone and Fox news getting their nose rubbed in it for an entire week. Some weeks are just better than others and this one was great. All the more so because it was so long overdue.
Roger was what ailed us.
a pbs newshour short segment re New York Times political reporter has been covering Hillary Clinton since her run in 2008. Through the good times and bad — from losing the Democratic primary in 2008 to becoming the first female presidential nominee for a major party in 2016. Chozick gives us an up-close-and-personal look at what it was like to be at the Democratic nominee’s side through it all.
be sure to click in at 1:20 for her observation re covering Obama & Hillary in 2008 : “this guy is incredibly charming to a crowd of 50000 and Hillary is incredibly charming to a crowd of five”
Half of the electorate barely has a 5th grade education. Evidence of them in these threads. The Republican candidate speaks their language- 5th grade English. You’re not going to reason with them. They like bullies- they are bullies. Culture war is the new American normal.
Yes, of course emails of the SOS are more important. Yes, paid speeches to Wall Street are more important. The tax returns are already known to the IRS and will be to voters in due time.
She is a deceiptful, political creature.
She knows people don’t think she’s trustworthy. How is going to fix that? Lie better? Well, that is the Clinton thing to do.
The Hellbots give her a pass for every outright lie or lie if omission. Why? Because she’s a woman and they want a woman in the WH so badly. Whatever happened to the “content of their character”?
She’s a liar. She moved left to try to get Bernie’s supporters because her views were so unpopular. Even her buddy, Terry McAuliffe, says she’ll flip on TPP if elected. She thinks there is such a thing as “safe” fracking.
How is she going to fix the CORRECT perception that she’s nothing but a self-serving liar?
I’ve had the same image plus all the comedy caricatures of Mussolini always feature that nodding in agreement with himself while pursing lips as if kissing the air. It is a wacky image to have every time Donald appears.
OK – so now we have a lying, untrustworthy, deceitful creature. Anyone care to talk about comparing the candidates ideas? Their platforms? Their job qualifications?
I don’t vote for the person who is called the least nastiest name / insult.
The name calling is getting oh so old!
Meanwhile, your resident troll: “Convince me, convince me! Me me me me me me me me me me.”
Spot on with your Mussolini comparison, dvitale. Exact same arrogance. Now go give half the electorate a history lesson.
dv, don’t despair. as bink indicates above now and then a troll inhabits one of our usually sweet & gentle trailsters. kinda like what happened to the little girl in the “exorcist”…. ignore the spinning head etc. and watch out for the green slime spew.
Emails! Transcripts! DNC! Emails! Transcripts! DNC! Emails! Transcripts! DNC!
Ronald Reagan was NO Ronald Reagan.
I need a post for tomorrow. Anybody?
I am a white redneck from SC and I will most happily vote for Mrs Clinton
That’s all I know.
There is a picture of GW Bush making that classic Mussolini face…….
its a precious photo because it shows two different monkeys making the very same face…….
A face which means disaster for all the other monkeys.
I bet there’s a picture of Trumpf making that face too……
Hi, nice to read you. Yep, it got old a while back.. The commenter has become a true NASTY Troll.. Everything now is name calling and accusations..Of course all of it is backed up with no links or proof of said nastiness.. Many of us here have provided many many links to refute all of it to no avail.. The commenter knows us all very well and has chosen this route. Its not about demanding group speak its about spewing unsubstantiated lies…We have heard it all from her about Hillary but she just continues in a frankly a sick manner. I haven’t seen a troll like this since 2008..
I’m glad you’re here and please stick around..
maybe this will help:
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te…cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare…Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis…Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine…quem inferi tremunt…Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.
Wow, I feel fantastic, all of a sudden.
Thanks Tony and Patd.
Craig – Since this weekend is the big weekend after the conventions when the true campaign begins – maybe a discussion comparing and contrasting the strategy and message of both campaigns against each other?
No, he wants one of us to write one.
Looks like you have your topic!
Just wanted to say, before Vlad and Donnie’s trolls start coming out of the woodwork and start polluting the conversation and ddos’ing the site, it was fun participating, again. Cheers!
Perseids have been great this week, fyi. I was watching at least 3 meteors a minute, last night. Take a breather from the shit-show tonight, and look up, if you have clear skies and the time.
Clinton Rallies Democrats Around the Flag & American Patriotism
Taylor Marsh
Man, i’m really glad you’re back..??
Blue’s refused to support any of her vitriol for months. Claims her phone won’t do it. Bullshit. Unless it’s a 10 year old flip phone, that’s either ignorance or willful misrepresentation. After lo these many months of false equivalents and outright lies, I’ve quit engaging. Unless you simply like wrestling with pigs, I’d suggest you do the same. As sturge said, this ain’t Ms. Blue.
Sturge, I’m just a Redneck from Alabama and I’m happily voting for Hillary, warts and all. Can’t risk a SCOTUS swung right again.
I will – dinner in a few – then I’ll do some research and put one together
Trump confuses ex NJ governor Tom Kean, now 8p year old buddy of his during the 3 year failed USFL venture, witH Tim Kaine, senator from Virginia and running mate of Hillary Clinton. What a goddam moron. I bet his sister is an avowed thespian. *
* The above link was provided on a phone.
Dv, a couple or three links, a paragraph or two of opinion, a photo dropped in by Poobah, et voila, you are a star.
Haha…..noted thespian
That Hillary by Connie Schultz
There will be so many women who feel the touch on their shoulders saying “I” Those women who are now gone, touching their daughters and granddaughters while saying “remember the ladies”. “I”
Now we are casting out demons? Is there nothing this crowd can’t do.
Hint to Blue: If the source is Drudge, Breitbart, World Net Daily, Newsmax, or Free Republic … They are lying to you. They are ALWAYS lying to you. Quote if you like but understand they NEVER TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ANYTHING.
Tin Foil chapeaus for everyone entering those sites.
Done – Craig, let me know if you didn’t get it.
OMG if you missed Bill Maher closing tonight, tape or watch later or get on You Tube whatever. I was between oh my and do it Hillary. but it was funny.
“Whatever happened to the “content of their character”?”
If the content of their character was the issue, Trump wouldn’t be a blip on the radar.
Don’t confuse the content of their character with the content of your predispositions.!
The first record I can find of my grandmother voting is 1928 in California. As far as I know she didn’t vote in either Arkansas or Oklahoma before moving to the Golden state. My mother registered and voted in 1940 as she had turned 21 in December of 1939. I voted for the first time in 1965. My daughter voted in 1982. My granddaughter first voted in 1997. Three of us are still alive and there will be three votes for Hillary.
Oh and I vote for all three adults in my family residence so the son and grandson will be voting for Hillary as well. 🙂
Thanks a lot Blink! Now I’ll never get rid of this. BTW (and I feel ashamed saying this), but did you notice his ‘tiny’ hands? ;o)
Lawrence O’Donnell interviewed the mom and dad of Humayan Kahn tonight on his show. The link points to the 15 minute interview in which Mr. Kahn praised Mitch O’Connell and Paul Ryan on their patriotism, but dragged them across the carpet for not standing up for what is right and taking on Trump. This interview is really worth watching.
Screw his hands. Watch his facial expressions. Pure Trump.
Translation: I’m going to hit them so hard that their heads will swim.