Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
It was easy for me to vote for HRC in 2008 in our Ohio Primary but this time I voted for Bernie because I have waited a lifetime for a candidate I was completely in-tune with. Now with HRC becoming a sure-thing last night, I just cannot vote for her in November. From saying she is sorry that she “got it wrong” when she became a mouthpiece for Bush43’s aggressive war to what Craig identified as saber rattling towards Iran, Hillary is too much a loose cannon and warmonger , and she must not be elected. I never vote for repuggs, ever. Here’s hoping for an earthshaking Lake Erie seiche during the convention at Cleveland and a repugg emerges that is not Cruz, The Donald, or anyone like them. It appears I’ll be voting for an independent in 2016.
Sorry,,situation not comparable. Hillary had popular vote. DNC gave half of delegates to Obama for 2 states from primaries that he intentionally wasn’t on the ballot. She dropped out in June, graciously. Then went on to make 150 plus appearances, stumping for Obama, in the general. There is nothing gracious about Bernie, he is the biggest brat of all.
Hillary lead by 2.5 million votes yesterday, don’t know how much it is now.
The ONLY thing that is the same is the rampant SEXISM and MEDIA BIAS.
Unfortunately Peter Daou is having a terrible time with the bernie brats- below are his tweets- his address there is @peterdaou . didn’t post entire tweets as too many links appear.
“One thing I’ve learned today:does not police harassment and threats. Which is why legal action is necessary.”
“15 years of battling conservatives online — and now the most heinous attacks against me have come from the left. No words.”
You go!! You’re absolutely spot on.. I remember it all so well.. Of course the woman is held to a different standard it’s still a white straight male dominated world and i’m afraid the rest of us will never measure up..
This purity test Bernie started and set up so only he measures up, yep you bet another straight white male hurdle.. Hillary will prevail..
They sound like the GOP generated PUMAs of 2008 who threatened to stay home which was what the GOP wanted us to do. The REAL Hillary voters followed her lead and even though disappointed cheered for the cracks in the glass ceiling and voted Obama.
Utah’s percentage of Mormons is more than double the proportion in any other state: Idaho ranks second with 24 percent of its residents belonging to Mormon church.
Why the Turnout in November Should Help Hillary Clinton by MARGARET Talbot
“Democratic voters shouldn’t be complacent, not in this election. The Party will have to do its best, for example, to insure that younger voters who are still excited about Sanders don’t drop out of the picture in November. But the enthusiasm gap between the two parties that some commentators have detected shouldn’t be sending Democrats to their worry beads, either. For one thing, they have demographics on their side. With the Electoral College map laid out as it is, bigger voter turnout tends to benefit Democrats. (It won’t make a difference if, for example, Trump runs up the score in Mississippi.) And it’s quite possible, McDonald told me, that “we’ll be looking in November at one of the highest turnouts we’ve seen in a hundred years of American politics.”
“You get a sense of ‘authenticity’ when you hear Sanders talking truth to power, but there is another kind of authenticity, which may not feel as good but is vitally important, when Clinton speaks honestly about what change really requires,”
Jamie thanks for the Rolling Stone piece. This from the piece as well..
“On the other hand, Hillary Clinton is one of the most qualified candidates for the presidency in modern times, as was Al Gore. We cannot forget what happened when Gore lost and George W. Bush was elected and became arguably one of the worst presidents in American history. The votes cast for the fantasy of Ralph Nader were enough to cost Gore the presidency. Imagine what a similar calculation would do to this country if a “protest vote” were to put the presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court all in the hands of the extreme right wing that now controls the Republican Party.”
Sobering for many. Its why i voted Obama in 2008.. Thankfully by 2012 i was firmly in the Obama camp..
jamie, thanks for telling us about the rolling stone endorsement. am glad they mentioned authenticity and honesty in the same sentence in a positive way about her. folks need to hear more stuff like “… there is another kind of authenticity, which may not feel as good but is vitally important, when Clinton speaks honestly about what change really requires”
truthiness isn’t much good without some toothiness behind it
Despite GOP efforts to make him look as incompetent as their candidates, the President really can walk, chew gum, pat his head, and rub his belly all at the same time.
(a) Jeb felt he was between the Devil and the deep blue sea or
(b) faced with a dilemma between bad on the one horn and worse on the other, he chose to grab the bad horn rather than pass between them.
Regardless, other than encouraging those 2 donors to his PAC who haven’t decided between Kasich and Cruz, his joining two other losers (Perry and Fiorina) in support of Lyin’ Ted, I can’t see where that endorsement will swing anyone to support Cruz. (At least Cruz now has one semi-adult loser endorsement).
House Speaker Paul Ryan is planning to deliver a repudiation of the “disheartened” state of American politics in a speech on Wednesday, an address that comes amid the increasingly toxic Republican presidential primary.
pogo and dex,
wonder how many in the families of the 4,487 dead and 32,226 wounded U.S. service members due to dudya’s war wish no one had voted for the indy candidate (out of principle or to make a point or to just feel good and holy) in the 2000 election.
Money got Scott Walker an *. This year it seems to be the Personality that carries more weight than the bank account. True, more money = longer shelf life. It’s still up to the consumer to buy or reject it, no matter how much advertising or celebrity endorsements are spewed forth.
from nytimes: Shortly after publishing, then deleting, a menacing Twitter post about the wife of Senator Ted Cruz, Mr. Trump quickly corrected himself late Tuesday — by adding more colorful language and punctuation to his threat. “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from G.Q. shoot in his ad,” Mr. Trump wrote in the slightly revised message. “Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!” Mr. Trump appeared to be referring to a recent ad from the “super PAC” Make America Awesome, which showed Mr. Trump’s wife Melania, a former model, posing nude. The ad, which was targeted to Mormon voters, has no ties to Mr. Cruz’s campaign. But the text beside an image of Mrs. Trump reads: “Meet Melania Trump. Your next first lady. Or, you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.” Less than 30 minutes after Mr. Trump’s post, as primary results trickled in, Mr. Cruz responded. “Pic of your wife not from us,” he wrote. “Donald, if you try to attack Heidi, you’re more of a coward than I thought. #classless.”
sjwny, speaking of moneybags that keep loser candidates in races, here’s newtie’s sugar daddy from last time:Mega-Donor Sheldson Adelson Says “Why Not?” When Asked If He Would Support Donald Trump
on morning joe
Joe: Ted Cruz could not have it more wrong
2016 presidential candidate Ted Cruz stated that police need to ‘patrol’ what he called Muslim neighborhoods to combat terrorism. The NYPD responded to Cruz’s comments and the Morning Joe panel discusses. … Duration: 9:51
That’s certainly the case for drumpf. Spending money isn’t necessary for him to get exposure. All the other candidates have to spend money for their exposure compared to drumpf. Money dries up, candidate goes bye bye. Bush just decided to be the exception I suppose and go bye bye with money in the bank. (I am assuming he still had money in the bank but could read the writing on the wall.
yep, he’s setting the stage to run “Looking around at what’s taking place in politics today, it is easy to get disheartened,” Ryan said on Wednesday. “How many of you find yourself just shaking your head at what you see from both sides? Now, a little skepticism is healthy.” But Ryan cautioned that “when people distrust politics, they come to distrust institutions.” He also said that while leaders can acknowledge a loss of faith in government, they can’t accept it. “And we can’t enable it either,” he added. [….] On Wednesday, however, Ryan struck an optimistic tone. “So I have made it a mission of my Speakership to raise our gaze and aim for a brighter horizon,” he said. “Instead of talking about what politics is today, I want to talk about what politics can be. I want to talk about what our country can be.”
brokered convention, here he comes, the shiny new knight on white charger
But Ryan cautioned that “when people distrust politics, they come to distrust institutions.” He also said that while leaders can acknowledge a loss of faith in government, they can’t accept it. “And we can’t enable it either,” he added.
OMG… did he actually say that with a straight face or with a Republican smirk…
Who the hell needs Alice in Wonderland when we have the GOP.
I’m with Dex. I will not be voting for Hillary; she is a mouthpiece for Wall Street, she is a warmonger, she was an inept SOS who also saw fit to bypass the gov’t email system and who seems to have forced someone into the whole private-server mess (it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up), and, she continually changes her position depending on the audience (would she be saying half of this if it hadn’t been for Betnie’s popularity?) or avoids really answering the question. How does she really feel about Keystone, TPP, etc.? Which way is the wind blowing today?
I don’t care if we do have the same chromosomal set-up, she is not fit to be prez and I am not being sexist by saying so. I’m not saying it because she is a horrible woman, but because she is a horrible POLITICIAN.
And, I am starting to question why people starting calling “sexism” when it seems apparent that Hillary’s flaws and LIES are being glossed over BECAUSE some want to finally have a female prez.
I do not agree with Hillary and BERNIE with regard to the Iran deal. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate, but by golly, Hillary has tried to shapeshift her way into being just that. She is untrustworthy. I’d put her on par with Ted Cruz in the trust department.
patD – That pic of Ted gave me both the heebies and the geebies!
However, I do understand that there are some issues about which folks feel so strongly, and, there is the idea floating around that Bernie can’t beat a Repug. So, I understand if that’s where fold are coming from, although I think Bernie would actually do better than Hillary in the general.
That said, I am just as afraid of an HRC administration as I am of a Cruz admin, and, less afraid of Trump than either of those two.
So, when the TX numbers show up on election night in November and it shows 212 write-in votes for Sanders, one of those gold will be me.
blueid, you sure see a different person than i do. the hillary you (and the gopers) describe is unrecognizable to me. must be my glasses ’cause the hillary I see now and have seen over the years is the same caring, intelligent, hardworking person and lest we forget excellent attorney she’s always been. yes, at times she comes across too cautious, stilted and even shapeshifting… but as any lawyer will tell you, we sound like that to most folks. the price of professionalism (and I don’t mean the oldest one) is having to see both or more sides to issues and sometimes having to tack left and then right and then left again to clear the storms and get the folks in the boat safely to shore.
as for untrusTED and the drumpf, they are devious showmen, bully boys and probably tyrants when given power. in any case, neither are worthy of leading this nation.
even if it’s wanting and imperfectly formed due to my own limitations that’s my personal opinion… and only my opinion… which I hope you respect my right to have as much as I respect yours.
As long as Sanders can keep pulling Clinton his way on Wall Street regulation, taxation, education, and health care, he will continue running.
That said, it is important that Sanders dismiss the unfair accusations against Clinton made by people who pose as his followers (including some who are on his official team). After all, come January, Clinton will be the most important person who can advance Sanders’ ideas.
I’m hoping that one of the 3 Stooges has an anti-terrorism plan that incorporates the Strategic Villages concept of the Viet Nam War. That seems rather cruz-ish.
While I’m day-dreaming, how about kasich proposing that henry kissinger negotiate a peace deal with isil ?
You make so much sense, excellent advice.. Lol, i listen to Stephanie Miller and this morning a so- called Bernie supporter called spouted all Bernie’s Purity nonsense then made the charge Hillary stayed with cheating Bill.. Enough said, troll…
Trump’s female problems: Donald Trump’s attack on Ted Cruz’s wife proves he’s too sexist to stand a chance against Hillary Clinton
Trump sneers at Cruz’s wife, showing why he’s not just going to lose female voters, but a lot of male voters, too
Amanda Marcotte
Six out of 10 female voters think Trump is an embarrassment, but it’s also true that 4 out of 10 male voters think that. Just wait until the general election, where his sexist antics will get even more attention (as hard as that may be to believe) than they are getting now. This is a man who can’t crack 50% of Republican voters, even in Arizona, where his xenophobic campaign should be going over like gangbusters. On a national stage, against a female opponent whose very existence counters Trump’s reductionist attitudes about women’s worth, Trump is going to look even more like an embarrassment.”
The 2000 election was a travesty, thrown to a right wing SCOTUS and given to that incompetent Bush. I voted for Al Gore.
In 2004 John Kerry mysteriously refused to come to Ohio and hit the trail hard in the last days of the campaign, and Sec’y of State, Ohio , Ken Blackwell worked his evil ways and got polling places closed early and had voting machines tagged as broken to slow down Cleveland and other big cities’ voting , and Kerry lost Ohio and so the election to Bush.
Craig and many of you folks convinced me HRC was the best candidate in 2008, but Obama prevailed, and I twice voted for the President, in 2008 and 2012.
Hillary Clinton’s statement on 100% blind backing of Israel was just another reason I can never vote for her. Israel, USA ally, has very harsh policies regarding Palestinian movements and in 2006 destroyed Lebanon with constant bombing, which I considered way overboard. I was accused by some of you folks of being anti-semite but you can be assured there are many residents of Israel who disagree with Netanyahu on many issues. Netanyahu is an extreme right-winger and sorry, I have always been against oppressive forces and governments …now Hillary seems to want to be in bed with Netanyahu , unconditionally. But as Bernie constantly reminds us, Hillary Clinton supported every single one of Bush’s funding requests for the wars, and she was an avid supporter of the wars for years. Now she simply says “I was wrong.” Too bad. No vote here. And who’s to say what kind of appointee she will bring forth for vetting for SCOTUS? Bernie Sanders is history already, and those repuggs are all repulsive, so I am hoping for a better candidate to emerge as an independent. Remember what Craig said in 2008 when BHO was elected? Something about we were promised change and we got the status quo. Which we did. A Clinton presidency? Status quo.
And dont forget that with Hillary as potus……..Netenyahoooo….will be getting a new construction partner……he will provide free palastinian lands…..even if he has to roll bulldozers over sleeping children to get those lands (as he has done all along)……and she (WE, WE THE AMERICAN TAX PAYERS) will be providing the money to keep building illegal communities…….
I don’t know at what point the Clintons changed….but they are not the ones that I used to like when they were fighting tooth and nail with the gop, the large corps, the Pharms, wall st……….they are now one and the same…….
Israel, USA ally, has very harsh policies regarding Palestinian movements and in 2006 destroyed Lebanon with constant bombing, which I considered way overboard. I was accused by some of you folks of being anti-semite but you can be assured there are many residents of Israel who disagree with Netanyahu on many issues. Netanyahu is an extreme right-winger and sorry, I have always been against oppressive forces and governments
dexter, no way would I accuse you of being anti–semitic because of what you said above. I agree with it; however, I disagree with your idea that “now Hillary seems to want to be in bed with Netanyahu , unconditionally.”
she said at aipac: We can’t be neutral when rockets rain down on residential neighborhoods, when civilians are stabbed in the street, when suicide bombers target the innocent .” don’t you agree with that? that doesn’t mean she’s in bed with bibi. and certainly not “unconditionally” no way, no love there*. protecting Israel’s sovereignty from iranian missiles is no different than protecting ukraine’s from Russian missiles or south korea’s from baby kim’s .
*she made it clear she’s for the two state solution which bibi isn’t.
I have a major problem with the far left idealists and that is that they are lazy. About 40 years ago, the far right and the Evangelicals joined hands and started handing out “voter guides”in churches to get their people on school boards and city councils. They took over existing Republican Groups and then turned them into hotbeds of Conservative action committees. Then they aimed for county boards of directors and then climbed up the ladder to State office holders. They grabbed every opportunity to draw Congressional districts and then steadily built up a presence in the House. They haven’t quite taken over enough of the Senate to totally destroy the government but they have managed to cripple the Supreme Court. It is now 40 years later and now they are aiming for the big prize by trying to install a Ted Cruz in the Presidency.
Rather than making a move towards the future to try to cure things with a moderate or slightly left leaning Hillary Clinton, the Bernie folks would rather cheer everyone of his noises and then vote third party because unicorns, rainbows, and magic wands don’t exist and their feelings are hurt. He actually did it the right way except for being too much of an egoist to bring others with him. He went from marcher to mayor to Congress to Senate.
You want a Democratic Socialist government? Go get elected to a school board and I’ll see you in 40 years.
“I have a major problem with the far left idealists and that is that they are lazy”
I tell my friend Seth a left idealist that all the time.. Being an idealist doesn’t win squat.. It takes work to make a leftist revolution happen and Bernie has had 30 years to make a dent.. I will take an evolving left of Center realist politician every time.. Oh and one who takes all the money for their campaigns too as that’s our system until such time as that changes..
That’s exactly the way I felt about the demonstrators of the ’60s. A few folks organized : trotsky communist mitch perlstein and eldridge cleaver. In twenty years they morphed into ‘conservative’ repubs. All they changed were their clothes.
patD – Yes, I respect everyone’s right to have a different view of things.
The only candidate on either side that I feel certain of what they stand for is Bernie. (Actually, I’m pretty sure of Ted, too, but that’s just terrifying.)
RR – It’s gonna be a jam-packed summer with Repug & Dem conventions, followed by the Zika games (Olympics). We’d best all pace ourselves on the popcorn. 🙂
I read a couple of articles on Mook Mafia. Nowhere ANYWHERE does it say they are involved with Hillary. It is the usual Faux Spews style litany of “may” “possibly” “people say” and hints of nefarious doings in and around. At absolute worst it says “supportive of Hillary Clinton”.
This is the whole story this year … Take all the right wing accusations and throw the mud at the wall in hopes that something might stick but with a complete absence of proof of any kind.
Virtually everyone who has actually met her, dealt with her, worked with her has only the highest praise of her abilities. You may disagree with actions, but please don’t fall for these phony memes made up of right wing cotton candy.
For the caucus, who knows. Bernie made quite an impact with the youngsters here in WA. Whether or not there is a GOTV organization to get them to spend the day fussing with other people is up for grabs. I’ll let you know.
Yes, There is a paper that is filed in advance stating that due to work, health, school etc (lying through your teeth) you declare your first, second, and third choices at your precinct. These are held and counted by folks running the caucuses. I’ve already filed for son and grandson. You do have to fill it out, sign it and actually put it in the mail.
There are days when I believe Chris Matthews reads this site. Today he was discussing why Muslims in Belgium felt so alienated and it came down to jobs. There is a 40% unemployment rate among the young men. They believe there is nothing for them there as there was for their parents who originally moved there for work.
The Disappearance of work all around the world is going to cause more and more of these problems. People without purpose and feelings of achievement become divorced from society and can become dangerous. The American Dream is dying for the simple reason that aspiration of a better life is dying.
” After all, come January, Clinton will be the most important person who can advance Sanders’ ideas.” Good point X, I understand he is running for Sen. again, he should be more mindful of the future.
I twice attended Trotskyite Workers World conferences in NYC in the mid-1970s. A good friend was a member of the party and I was his guest. I noticed nearly every member had their own copy of the NY Times with them. I mentioned this to my friend, and thought it meant they were really bent on keeping well-informed.
No, he said, not really…”they talk revolution but keep a closer eye on their stock exchange investments.”
I understood completely…even hardcore commies have kids in college and babies to feed and clothe.
Now in 2016, 40-some years after my visits to Manhattan, a Democratic Socialist ran for President. I was with him 100% at what I consider the end recently. I love his message and we all realize this will never happen again.
Earlier I did post I could never vote for HRC. Now that Bernie has no chance, I do have to have an alternate choice. My hope of a savior springing up to save the day, ala Mighty Mouse, isn’t likely to happen. So, like HRC on her statements about getting Bush’s war wrong, I now can say in all likelihood I will vote for HRC.
Hey, in 2016, is there anybody here who’s vote could be swayed by choice of veep?
rahm emanuel for veep would give me dyspepsia. I could understand the selection as a security move to would insure the President’s safety, but he’d still be damned hard to stomach.
rafael eduardo will want lt. general kellogg on the tag end of the ticket. trump will settle for his son eric.
My on ly worry about HRC is that she is too liberal and won’t follow the middle of the road policies of her husband.
There has been much rewriting of the Clinton administration history by both the left wing nuts and the republicans. But The nineties were the damnedest times I have ever seen. Good times truly reached down to everyone. Instead of unions restricting access so you had to know someone to get a good job , they were begging for workers to apply. It was a strange time that the gen X folks think as normal and that the mellennials all believe was the way of the world for all of us.
The reality is that the golden years of the 50’s and 60’s left a lot of folks out. the nineties didn’t. So my hope is HRC brings back the policies of the nineties because so far in the last 20 years the Clintons seem to be the only people who understand we are in the 21st century.
so if you want to go back to the 60’s vote for Bernie, if you like the 1920’s vote for trump or if you like the 13th century vote for Cruz.
I would ask for a halt to the politics of personal destruction but then both the left wing nuts and the righties have been in love with it for years so never mind have at it.
With luck the Reps nominate Trump. Of course Bernie runs as an independent( as the gieco commercial says “because that is what they do”)
Political wise, HRC has a goood chance of winning as many Republican vote as Democrats and forging a centrist coalition. the big looser will be the wing nuts in both parties. And the lonliest person in Washington DC will be Bernie.
Look for the White House to be renamed, the Trump White House. All male TWH employees will wear tuxedo uniforms. All female employees will wear low cut gold lame gowns. Lapel pins and brooches will designate the employees ranks in the hierarchy. Otherwise, one wouldn’t know the Secretary of Defense from a busboy, or a maid from the First Lady.
If I was advising HRC, I would advise her to implement the Clair McCaskill strategy when she first ran for Missouri Senate. Early in the campaign go out in the country districts and pry as many votes as you can. you will get the city votes and contest in the suburbs but rural votes will be gold. So start the Rural Revival Initiative, use some of the ideas that the Clinton foundation has been promoting. peel off those votes make the Republicans spend time fighting you there.
I’m certain that Sanders won’t run for president as an Indie, although trump might. Sanders is pushing hard on the issues of foreign trade and Wall Street corruption, and is simultaneously running for re-election to the Senate.
And, the McCaskill tactic sounds right to me, especially if she promotes the House candidates. She’s going to be president, and she’ll want the House packed to the ceiling with gratefully devoted Dems.
” Not content to imply that he’s for torture, he embraced it outright. He insisted that it could have helped prevent the attacks in Belgium. Speaking of Salah Abdeslam, the terror suspect captured last week, Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “Well, you know, he may be talking, but he’ll talk a lot faster with the torture.”
But a new terrorist episode was not enough to induce Trump to back away from his statements to The Washington Post editorial board on Monday denigrating the United States’ commitment to NATO. At a moment when we should be declaring solidarity with our European allies, Trump seems ready to do the opposite.”
The Case for Trump Over Clinton Is a Loser
Al Hunt
“As for the states, a Siena College poll in New York State this month showed Clinton running more than 20 points ahead of Trump. A Pennsylvania poll gave her an eight-point advantage.
Occasionally, a presidential candidate does enlarge and even slightly alter the electorate. Ronald Reagan did it in 1980 as did Barack Obama in 2008. More often, promises to do that are the cries of candidates about to lose. Think of Barry Goldwater in 1964 and George McGovern in 1972.
As of today, and if he’s the nominee, Donald Trump is likely to join the Goldwater-McGovern ranks.”
Paul Ryan’s cowardly neutrality on Trump
By Dana Milbank
“At the moment, the man Ryan refuses to denounce is warning to “spill the beans” about GOP rival Ted Cruz’s wife — threatening an unspecified smear — after a group unaffiliated with Cruz issued an ad featuring an old fashion photo of Trump’s wife. Trump is also supporting Cruz’s proposal that the United States “patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods” while also reiterating his support for torture and for banning Muslims from entering the country.
Yet the Swiss Ryan this week disagreed with those who say Trump is authoritarian. Trump reported that Ryan, in a private phone call, “couldn’t have been nicer.”
North Carolina Governor Signs Bill Banning Cities From Protecting LGBT People (UPDATE)
“This is a direct affront to equality, civil rights, and local autonomy.”
by Mollie Reilly
craig, thanx, it’s working now. btw, when I clicked on the link you posted at 8:06, the drudge report came up and would not leave without turning off trail.
Why Republicans Should Learn to Love Bernie Sanders
Liz Peek
“Republicans should do everything possible to keep Bernie Sanders in the race. He is doing what no one else can do–by pushing Hillary Clinton further to the left, Sanders could render her unelectable.
In running against Sanders, Clinton has dubbed herself a progressive, and embraced ever-more liberal positions to fend off the popular socialist. Once nominated, Clinton will undoubtedly want to tack back to the center. That’s the Clinton playbook, and it worked for her husband Bill, who successfully ran as a Centrist Democrat in 1992. Only 26 percent of Americans consider themselves “liberal” – far fewer than the 38 percent who self-describe as “moderate” and below the 33 percent who say they are conservative. Playing to the progressive minority could be a losing game.”
young people are such whinie babies…suck it up bernits you lost
Yep, KGC, they sound like Hillary voters circa 2008.
sadly i was an edwards voter in 2008
It was easy for me to vote for HRC in 2008 in our Ohio Primary but this time I voted for Bernie because I have waited a lifetime for a candidate I was completely in-tune with. Now with HRC becoming a sure-thing last night, I just cannot vote for her in November. From saying she is sorry that she “got it wrong” when she became a mouthpiece for Bush43’s aggressive war to what Craig identified as saber rattling towards Iran, Hillary is too much a loose cannon and warmonger , and she must not be elected. I never vote for repuggs, ever. Here’s hoping for an earthshaking Lake Erie seiche during the convention at Cleveland and a repugg emerges that is not Cruz, The Donald, or anyone like them. It appears I’ll be voting for an independent in 2016.
Ms Cracker and I were the Edwards subcaucus in 2008. sigh.
I suppose the Samoa results will be arriving via a message in a bottle.
G’night you three.
Sorry,,situation not comparable. Hillary had popular vote. DNC gave half of delegates to Obama for 2 states from primaries that he intentionally wasn’t on the ballot. She dropped out in June, graciously. Then went on to make 150 plus appearances, stumping for Obama, in the general. There is nothing gracious about Bernie, he is the biggest brat of all.
Hillary lead by 2.5 million votes yesterday, don’t know how much it is now.
The ONLY thing that is the same is the rampant SEXISM and MEDIA BIAS.
Unfortunately Peter Daou is having a terrible time with the bernie brats- below are his tweets- his address there is @peterdaou . didn’t post entire tweets as too many links appear.
“One thing I’ve learned today:does not police harassment and threats. Which is why legal action is necessary.”
“15 years of battling conservatives online — and now the most heinous attacks against me have come from the left. No words.”
of course utah and idaho voted for bernie. he’s a he. they don’t let women run things there.
right pat, no surprise, more angry white men that don’t wanna break their 227 year run.
You go!! You’re absolutely spot on.. I remember it all so well.. Of course the woman is held to a different standard it’s still a white straight male dominated world and i’m afraid the rest of us will never measure up..
This purity test Bernie started and set up so only he measures up, yep you bet another straight white male hurdle.. Hillary will prevail..
They sound like the GOP generated PUMAs of 2008 who threatened to stay home which was what the GOP wanted us to do. The REAL Hillary voters followed her lead and even though disappointed cheered for the cracks in the glass ceiling and voted Obama.
Thanks loads Dexter. Eight more years of a right wing SCOTUS is all this nation needs.
tony and sea, those two states are special when it comes to the he/she thing.
from lvrj citing a recent gallup survey Mormon population: 60 percent in Utah
Utah’s percentage of Mormons is more than double the proportion in any other state: Idaho ranks second with 24 percent of its residents belonging to Mormon church.
Why the Turnout in November Should Help Hillary Clinton
by MARGARET Talbot
“Democratic voters shouldn’t be complacent, not in this election. The Party will have to do its best, for example, to insure that younger voters who are still excited about Sanders don’t drop out of the picture in November. But the enthusiasm gap between the two parties that some commentators have detected shouldn’t be sending Democrats to their worry beads, either. For one thing, they have demographics on their side. With the Electoral College map laid out as it is, bigger voter turnout tends to benefit Democrats. (It won’t make a difference if, for example, Trump runs up the score in Mississippi.) And it’s quite possible, McDonald told me, that “we’ll be looking in November at one of the highest turnouts we’ve seen in a hundred years of American politics.”
Rolling Stone Endorses Hillary Clinton
“You get a sense of ‘authenticity’ when you hear Sanders talking truth to power, but there is another kind of authenticity, which may not feel as good but is vitally important, when Clinton speaks honestly about what change really requires,”
Daily News: The “War on Drugs” was actually a political tool to crush leftist protesters and black people, a former Nixon White House adviser admitted in a decades-old interview published Tuesday.
Elizabeth Warren
“The way I see it, it’s our job to make sure Donald Trump ends this campaign every bit the loser that he started it.”
Jamie thanks for the Rolling Stone piece. This from the piece as well..
“On the other hand, Hillary Clinton is one of the most qualified candidates for the presidency in modern times, as was Al Gore. We cannot forget what happened when Gore lost and George W. Bush was elected and became arguably one of the worst presidents in American history. The votes cast for the fantasy of Ralph Nader were enough to cost Gore the presidency. Imagine what a similar calculation would do to this country if a “protest vote” were to put the presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court all in the hands of the extreme right wing that now controls the Republican Party.”
Sobering for many. Its why i voted Obama in 2008.. Thankfully by 2012 i was firmly in the Obama camp..
I see Jeb Bush donned his nose clamps and endorsed Cruz
jamie, thanks for telling us about the rolling stone endorsement. am glad they mentioned authenticity and honesty in the same sentence in a positive way about her. folks need to hear more stuff like “… there is another kind of authenticity, which may not feel as good but is vitally important, when Clinton speaks honestly about what change really requires”
truthiness isn’t much good without some toothiness behind it
Despite GOP efforts to make him look as incompetent as their candidates, the President really can walk, chew gum, pat his head, and rub his belly all at the same time.
Obama Visit Affirms Argentina’s Shift To The Center
wonkette: Cruz to Invade Dearborn
beware rampant vulgarities in article but be sure to check out their colorful caption under the above picture..
Lol, Craig
It must have taken some extra heavy clamps to endorse that Cruz ball.. Poor Jeb, still suffering from low energy i imagine.. :0)
What exactly is a Jeb Bush endorsement worth to an electorate expressing anti establishment sentiments, except to appease the Party elite?
Marquis St. Evremond, Madame Defarge would like to show you her knitting. Is that your family crest she’s working on? The one shaped like an elephant?
Money about all a Jeb endorsement might bring in
Not sure whether
(a) Jeb felt he was between the Devil and the deep blue sea or
(b) faced with a dilemma between bad on the one horn and worse on the other, he chose to grab the bad horn rather than pass between them.
Regardless, other than encouraging those 2 donors to his PAC who haven’t decided between Kasich and Cruz, his joining two other losers (Perry and Fiorina) in support of Lyin’ Ted, I can’t see where that endorsement will swing anyone to support Cruz. (At least Cruz now has one semi-adult loser endorsement).
from marketwatch:
House Speaker Paul Ryan is planning to deliver a repudiation of the “disheartened” state of American politics in a speech on Wednesday, an address that comes amid the increasingly toxic Republican presidential primary.
Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, has tried to steer away from the primary in public comments. The Washington Post writes that advisers view the speech as a chance to firmly establish the 46-year-old speaker as the adult in national Republican politics and to get activists focused on the emerging agenda he is trying to craft. Ryan has rejected the possibility of being a unity candidate if the Republican presidential convention is contested this summer.
“ryan has rejected the possibility”? isn’t that critter-speak for “no no don’t throw me in the briar patch, brer fox!”
Better take a pen with you in November – you’ll need to write in that independent candidate.
pogo and dex,
wonder how many in the families of the 4,487 dead and 32,226 wounded U.S. service members due to dudya’s war wish no one had voted for the indy candidate (out of principle or to make a point or to just feel good and holy) in the 2000 election.
Money got Scott Walker an *. This year it seems to be the Personality that carries more weight than the bank account. True, more money = longer shelf life. It’s still up to the consumer to buy or reject it, no matter how much advertising or celebrity endorsements are spewed forth.
from nytimes:
Shortly after publishing, then deleting, a menacing Twitter post about the wife of Senator Ted Cruz, Mr. Trump quickly corrected himself late Tuesday — by adding more colorful language and punctuation to his threat.
“Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from G.Q. shoot in his ad,” Mr. Trump wrote in the slightly revised message. “Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!”
Mr. Trump appeared to be referring to a recent ad from the “super PAC” Make America Awesome, which showed Mr. Trump’s wife Melania, a former model, posing nude. The ad, which was targeted to Mormon voters, has no ties to Mr. Cruz’s campaign.
But the text beside an image of Mrs. Trump reads: “Meet Melania Trump. Your next first lady. Or, you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”
Less than 30 minutes after Mr. Trump’s post, as primary results trickled in, Mr. Cruz responded.
“Pic of your wife not from us,” he wrote. “Donald, if you try to attack Heidi, you’re more of a coward than I thought. #classless.”
and untrusted knows classless for sure
sjwny, speaking of moneybags that keep loser candidates in races, here’s newtie’s sugar daddy from last time: Mega-Donor Sheldson Adelson Says “Why Not?” When Asked If He Would Support Donald Trump
on morning joe
Joe: Ted Cruz could not have it more wrong
2016 presidential candidate Ted Cruz stated that police need to ‘patrol’ what he called Muslim neighborhoods to combat terrorism. The NYPD responded to Cruz’s comments and the Morning Joe panel discusses. … Duration: 9:51
That’s certainly the case for drumpf. Spending money isn’t necessary for him to get exposure. All the other candidates have to spend money for their exposure compared to drumpf. Money dries up, candidate goes bye bye. Bush just decided to be the exception I suppose and go bye bye with money in the bank. (I am assuming he still had money in the bank but could read the writing on the wall.
yep, he’s setting the stage to run
“Looking around at what’s taking place in politics today, it is easy to get disheartened,” Ryan said on Wednesday. “How many of you find yourself just shaking your head at what you see from both sides? Now, a little skepticism is healthy.”
But Ryan cautioned that “when people distrust politics, they come to distrust institutions.” He also said that while leaders can acknowledge a loss of faith in government, they can’t accept it. “And we can’t enable it either,” he added.
On Wednesday, however, Ryan struck an optimistic tone. “So I have made it a mission of my Speakership to raise our gaze and aim for a brighter horizon,” he said. “Instead of talking about what politics is today, I want to talk about what politics can be. I want to talk about what our country can be.”
brokered convention, here he comes, the shiny new knight on white charger
But Ryan cautioned that “when people distrust politics, they come to distrust institutions.” He also said that while leaders can acknowledge a loss of faith in government, they can’t accept it. “And we can’t enable it either,” he added.
OMG… did he actually say that with a straight face or with a Republican smirk…
Who the hell needs Alice in Wonderland when we have the GOP.
Heads up Flatus, Sturge: I am now entering your airspace back to DC. 43,000ft, 460kts
By institutions ryan means the War on Druggies, the Military Industrial Complex, and Goldamn Sacks.
SNOW ! Arrrrrrgggghhhh.
XR, 72 degrees, sunny. Ahhhh.
The other Washington: Overcast, 50 degrees, intermittent spitting drizzle
I’m with Dex. I will not be voting for Hillary; she is a mouthpiece for Wall Street, she is a warmonger, she was an inept SOS who also saw fit to bypass the gov’t email system and who seems to have forced someone into the whole private-server mess (it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up), and, she continually changes her position depending on the audience (would she be saying half of this if it hadn’t been for Betnie’s popularity?) or avoids really answering the question. How does she really feel about Keystone, TPP, etc.? Which way is the wind blowing today?
I don’t care if we do have the same chromosomal set-up, she is not fit to be prez and I am not being sexist by saying so. I’m not saying it because she is a horrible woman, but because she is a horrible POLITICIAN.
And, I am starting to question why people starting calling “sexism” when it seems apparent that Hillary’s flaws and LIES are being glossed over BECAUSE some want to finally have a female prez.
I do not agree with Hillary and BERNIE with regard to the Iran deal. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate, but by golly, Hillary has tried to shapeshift her way into being just that. She is untrustworthy. I’d put her on par with Ted Cruz in the trust department.
patD – That pic of Ted gave me both the heebies and the geebies!
However, I do understand that there are some issues about which folks feel so strongly, and, there is the idea floating around that Bernie can’t beat a Repug. So, I understand if that’s where fold are coming from, although I think Bernie would actually do better than Hillary in the general.
That said, I am just as afraid of an HRC administration as I am of a Cruz admin, and, less afraid of Trump than either of those two.
So, when the TX numbers show up on election night in November and it shows 212 write-in votes for Sanders, one of those gold will be me.
Hillary just got a new name. Now all we have to do is learn how to pronounce it. 🙂
trump will appoint his sister to the High Court.
cruz will appoint a Protestant scalito.
Hillary Clinton Live on C-SPAN 2:15 PM ET on Counterterrorism
Interesting factoid:
Latest FEC filings: Clinton Campaign Mgr Mook earned $7,000. Sanders Campaign Mgr Tad Divine earned $810,000. No wonder Tad wants it to go on forever.
blueid, you sure see a different person than i do. the hillary you (and the gopers) describe is unrecognizable to me. must be my glasses ’cause the hillary I see now and have seen over the years is the same caring, intelligent, hardworking person and lest we forget excellent attorney she’s always been. yes, at times she comes across too cautious, stilted and even shapeshifting… but as any lawyer will tell you, we sound like that to most folks. the price of professionalism (and I don’t mean the oldest one) is having to see both or more sides to issues and sometimes having to tack left and then right and then left again to clear the storms and get the folks in the boat safely to shore.
as for untrusTED and the drumpf, they are devious showmen, bully boys and probably tyrants when given power. in any case, neither are worthy of leading this nation.
even if it’s wanting and imperfectly formed due to my own limitations that’s my personal opinion… and only my opinion… which I hope you respect my right to have as much as I respect yours.
Markos Moulitsas: Is it game over for Sanders?
Nice comment and i totally agree with you.. Very well said, thank you!
patd ? ? ? ? ?? ?
She just made a major counterterrorism speech and blasted the right wing ideas of unworkable positions. The lady knows her stuff. 🙂
You can watch from the beginning here:
As long as Sanders can keep pulling Clinton his way on Wall Street regulation, taxation, education, and health care, he will continue running.
That said, it is important that Sanders dismiss the unfair accusations against Clinton made by people who pose as his followers (including some who are on his official team). After all, come January, Clinton will be the most important person who can advance Sanders’ ideas.
I’m hoping that one of the 3 Stooges has an anti-terrorism plan that incorporates the Strategic Villages concept of the Viet Nam War. That seems rather cruz-ish.
While I’m day-dreaming, how about kasich proposing that henry kissinger negotiate a peace deal with isil ?
You make so much sense, excellent advice.. Lol, i listen to Stephanie Miller and this morning a so- called Bernie supporter called spouted all Bernie’s Purity nonsense then made the charge Hillary stayed with cheating Bill.. Enough said, troll…
The 2000 election was a travesty, thrown to a right wing SCOTUS and given to that incompetent Bush. I voted for Al Gore.
In 2004 John Kerry mysteriously refused to come to Ohio and hit the trail hard in the last days of the campaign, and Sec’y of State, Ohio , Ken Blackwell worked his evil ways and got polling places closed early and had voting machines tagged as broken to slow down Cleveland and other big cities’ voting , and Kerry lost Ohio and so the election to Bush.
Craig and many of you folks convinced me HRC was the best candidate in 2008, but Obama prevailed, and I twice voted for the President, in 2008 and 2012.
Hillary Clinton’s statement on 100% blind backing of Israel was just another reason I can never vote for her. Israel, USA ally, has very harsh policies regarding Palestinian movements and in 2006 destroyed Lebanon with constant bombing, which I considered way overboard. I was accused by some of you folks of being anti-semite but you can be assured there are many residents of Israel who disagree with Netanyahu on many issues. Netanyahu is an extreme right-winger and sorry, I have always been against oppressive forces and governments …now Hillary seems to want to be in bed with Netanyahu , unconditionally. But as Bernie constantly reminds us, Hillary Clinton supported every single one of Bush’s funding requests for the wars, and she was an avid supporter of the wars for years. Now she simply says “I was wrong.” Too bad. No vote here. And who’s to say what kind of appointee she will bring forth for vetting for SCOTUS? Bernie Sanders is history already, and those repuggs are all repulsive, so I am hoping for a better candidate to emerge as an independent. Remember what Craig said in 2008 when BHO was elected? Something about we were promised change and we got the status quo. Which we did. A Clinton presidency? Status quo.
And dont forget that with Hillary as potus……..Netenyahoooo….will be getting a new construction partner……he will provide free palastinian lands…..even if he has to roll bulldozers over sleeping children to get those lands (as he has done all along)……and she (WE, WE THE AMERICAN TAX PAYERS) will be providing the money to keep building illegal communities…….
I don’t know at what point the Clintons changed….but they are not the ones that I used to like when they were fighting tooth and nail with the gop, the large corps, the Pharms, wall st……….they are now one and the same…….
Thanks for posting that amazing speech Hillary gave today on terrorism.. Further cements the amazing respect i have for her.. Hillary 2016
Israel, USA ally, has very harsh policies regarding Palestinian movements and in 2006 destroyed Lebanon with constant bombing, which I considered way overboard. I was accused by some of you folks of being anti-semite but you can be assured there are many residents of Israel who disagree with Netanyahu on many issues. Netanyahu is an extreme right-winger and sorry, I have always been against oppressive forces and governments
dexter, no way would I accuse you of being anti–semitic because of what you said above. I agree with it; however, I disagree with your idea that “now Hillary seems to want to be in bed with Netanyahu , unconditionally.”
she said at aipac: We can’t be neutral when rockets rain down on residential neighborhoods, when civilians are stabbed in the street, when suicide bombers target the innocent .” don’t you agree with that? that doesn’t mean she’s in bed with bibi. and certainly not “unconditionally” no way, no love there*. protecting Israel’s sovereignty from iranian missiles is no different than protecting ukraine’s from Russian missiles or south korea’s from baby kim’s .
*she made it clear she’s for the two state solution which bibi isn’t.
I have a major problem with the far left idealists and that is that they are lazy. About 40 years ago, the far right and the Evangelicals joined hands and started handing out “voter guides”in churches to get their people on school boards and city councils. They took over existing Republican Groups and then turned them into hotbeds of Conservative action committees. Then they aimed for county boards of directors and then climbed up the ladder to State office holders. They grabbed every opportunity to draw Congressional districts and then steadily built up a presence in the House. They haven’t quite taken over enough of the Senate to totally destroy the government but they have managed to cripple the Supreme Court. It is now 40 years later and now they are aiming for the big prize by trying to install a Ted Cruz in the Presidency.
Rather than making a move towards the future to try to cure things with a moderate or slightly left leaning Hillary Clinton, the Bernie folks would rather cheer everyone of his noises and then vote third party because unicorns, rainbows, and magic wands don’t exist and their feelings are hurt. He actually did it the right way except for being too much of an egoist to bring others with him. He went from marcher to mayor to Congress to Senate.
You want a Democratic Socialist government? Go get elected to a school board and I’ll see you in 40 years.
“I have a major problem with the far left idealists and that is that they are lazy”
I tell my friend Seth a left idealist that all the time.. Being an idealist doesn’t win squat.. It takes work to make a leftist revolution happen and Bernie has had 30 years to make a dent.. I will take an evolving left of Center realist politician every time.. Oh and one who takes all the money for their campaigns too as that’s our system until such time as that changes..
That’s exactly the way I felt about the demonstrators of the ’60s. A few folks organized : trotsky communist mitch perlstein and eldridge cleaver. In twenty years they morphed into ‘conservative’ repubs. All they changed were their clothes.
Jamie – Look up ‘Mook mafia.’
By the way, I really do hope you have fun working for Hillary this weekend, and, I hope there aren’t any “Bernie Bros” acting like idiots.
patD – Yes, I respect everyone’s right to have a different view of things.
The only candidate on either side that I feel certain of what they stand for is Bernie. (Actually, I’m pretty sure of Ted, too, but that’s just terrifying.)
Hey… I’m sitting here watching this discussion while munching on popcorn… anyone want some…
RR – It’s gonna be a jam-packed summer with Repug & Dem conventions, followed by the Zika games (Olympics). We’d best all pace ourselves on the popcorn. 🙂
I read a couple of articles on Mook Mafia. Nowhere ANYWHERE does it say they are involved with Hillary. It is the usual Faux Spews style litany of “may” “possibly” “people say” and hints of nefarious doings in and around. At absolute worst it says “supportive of Hillary Clinton”.
This is the whole story this year … Take all the right wing accusations and throw the mud at the wall in hopes that something might stick but with a complete absence of proof of any kind.
Virtually everyone who has actually met her, dealt with her, worked with her has only the highest praise of her abilities. You may disagree with actions, but please don’t fall for these phony memes made up of right wing cotton candy.
For the caucus, who knows. Bernie made quite an impact with the youngsters here in WA. Whether or not there is a GOTV organization to get them to spend the day fussing with other people is up for grabs. I’ll let you know.
RIP Joe Gargiola.
Jamie…under the Washington caucus system, is there a mechanism for someone unable to attend, to participate…
Yes, There is a paper that is filed in advance stating that due to work, health, school etc (lying through your teeth) you declare your first, second, and third choices at your precinct. These are held and counted by folks running the caucuses. I’ve already filed for son and grandson. You do have to fill it out, sign it and actually put it in the mail.
There are days when I believe Chris Matthews reads this site. Today he was discussing why Muslims in Belgium felt so alienated and it came down to jobs. There is a 40% unemployment rate among the young men. They believe there is nothing for them there as there was for their parents who originally moved there for work.
The Disappearance of work all around the world is going to cause more and more of these problems. People without purpose and feelings of achievement become divorced from society and can become dangerous. The American Dream is dying for the simple reason that aspiration of a better life is dying.
Couldn’t be a much better response to the Red tirade than Pat and Hillary’s timely speech. Well put Pat.
” After all, come January, Clinton will be the most important person who can advance Sanders’ ideas.” Good point X, I understand he is running for Sen. again, he should be more mindful of the future.
I twice attended Trotskyite Workers World conferences in NYC in the mid-1970s. A good friend was a member of the party and I was his guest. I noticed nearly every member had their own copy of the NY Times with them. I mentioned this to my friend, and thought it meant they were really bent on keeping well-informed.
No, he said, not really…”they talk revolution but keep a closer eye on their stock exchange investments.”
I understood completely…even hardcore commies have kids in college and babies to feed and clothe.
Now in 2016, 40-some years after my visits to Manhattan, a Democratic Socialist ran for President. I was with him 100% at what I consider the end recently. I love his message and we all realize this will never happen again.
Earlier I did post I could never vote for HRC. Now that Bernie has no chance, I do have to have an alternate choice. My hope of a savior springing up to save the day, ala Mighty Mouse, isn’t likely to happen. So, like HRC on her statements about getting Bush’s war wrong, I now can say in all likelihood I will vote for HRC.
Hey, in 2016, is there anybody here who’s vote could be swayed by choice of veep?
looking forward to the vp discussions…
rahm emanuel for veep would give me dyspepsia. I could understand the selection as a security move to would insure the President’s safety, but he’d still be damned hard to stomach.
rafael eduardo will want lt. general kellogg on the tag end of the ticket. trump will settle for his son eric.
My on ly worry about HRC is that she is too liberal and won’t follow the middle of the road policies of her husband.
There has been much rewriting of the Clinton administration history by both the left wing nuts and the republicans. But The nineties were the damnedest times I have ever seen. Good times truly reached down to everyone. Instead of unions restricting access so you had to know someone to get a good job , they were begging for workers to apply. It was a strange time that the gen X folks think as normal and that the mellennials all believe was the way of the world for all of us.
The reality is that the golden years of the 50’s and 60’s left a lot of folks out. the nineties didn’t. So my hope is HRC brings back the policies of the nineties because so far in the last 20 years the Clintons seem to be the only people who understand we are in the 21st century.
so if you want to go back to the 60’s vote for Bernie, if you like the 1920’s vote for trump or if you like the 13th century vote for Cruz.
I would ask for a halt to the politics of personal destruction but then both the left wing nuts and the righties have been in love with it for years so never mind have at it.
With luck the Reps nominate Trump. Of course Bernie runs as an independent( as the gieco commercial says “because that is what they do”)
Political wise, HRC has a goood chance of winning as many Republican vote as Democrats and forging a centrist coalition. the big looser will be the wing nuts in both parties. And the lonliest person in Washington DC will be Bernie.
Look for the White House to be renamed, the Trump White House. All male TWH employees will wear tuxedo uniforms. All female employees will wear low cut gold lame gowns. Lapel pins and brooches will designate the employees ranks in the hierarchy. Otherwise, one wouldn’t know the Secretary of Defense from a busboy, or a maid from the First Lady.
If I was advising HRC, I would advise her to implement the Clair McCaskill strategy when she first ran for Missouri Senate. Early in the campaign go out in the country districts and pry as many votes as you can. you will get the city votes and contest in the suburbs but rural votes will be gold. So start the Rural Revival Initiative, use some of the ideas that the Clinton foundation has been promoting. peel off those votes make the Republicans spend time fighting you there.
I’m certain that Sanders won’t run for president as an Indie, although trump might. Sanders is pushing hard on the issues of foreign trade and Wall Street corruption, and is simultaneously running for re-election to the Senate.
Where are the contributor posts? I cant do this every day
And, the McCaskill tactic sounds right to me, especially if she promotes the House candidates. She’s going to be president, and she’ll want the House packed to the ceiling with gratefully devoted Dems.
x and jack- good stuff , would make great posts.
Craig- how does one do that? figured it out- have one on deck.
“My only worry about HRC is that she is too liberal and won’t follow the middle of the road policies of her husband.”
jack, yep, that’s very very likely.
“Where are the contributor posts? I cant do this every day”
boss, the bunny hears and sings your plea.
pat- could you please help me? how do you embed the videos so that they show, not just the link?
sea, for some reason it works when I click “cut” instead of clicking “copy” in the share menu for the youtubes
Check it out………
testing comment box
craig, thanx, it’s working now. btw, when I clicked on the link you posted at 8:06, the drudge report came up and would not leave without turning off trail.
Damn you, sohel khalifa, lay own your miserable life for me now.