Where Is The Denial?

You don’t have to be an expert in interrogation techniques or pscyho linguistics to notice that no one at the White House, his lawyers or Donald Trump himself have yet to utter anything close to saying ‘Of course, the President is not working for Russia.’

Let’s recap:

In Helsinki with Putin at his side Trump sided against his own intel community on the question of Russia’s attack on our election.

Recently Trump defended Russia’s right to invade Afghanistan.

Next, Mueller’s report is bound to find Trump was duped, or worse, by Putin.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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6 years ago

given how so often he and his lie, one would think a “no” would easily have been the first word in response whether or not the real truth.

6 years ago

craig, how goes it?  must be hard on emotions right now going about saying goodbye to the homestead as well as the complications of finding a suitable haven for dad.   any luck with the local area agency on aging or the VA for available assisted living facilities there? 
eventually, as red green would say, “we’re all in this together” so feel free to share the frustrations and unload the emotional burdens.

6 years ago

speaking of our kind friends of the north:
Out of dough? Canada air traffic controllers buy pizzas for unpaid US colleagues

Canadian air traffic controllers have bought hundreds of pizzas for their American counterparts over the past few days in what has become an industry-wide show of support during the US government’s partial shutdown.
Peter Duffey, the head of the Canadian Air Traffic Control Association, said the initiative began on Thursday when employees at Edmonton’s control centre took up a collection to buy pies for controllers in Anchorage, Alaska.
Other facilities across Canada decided to join in, and the idea snowballed.
“The next thing we knew, our members were buying pizzas left, right and center for the colleagues in the US,” Duffey said. “As it stands right now, I believe we’re up to 36 facilities that have received pizza from Canada, and that number is growing by the hour.”

6 years ago

carl’s interesting quote in newsweek:

“This is about the most serious counterintelligence people we have in the U.S. government saying, ‘Oh, my God, the president’s words and actions lead us to conclude that somehow he has become a witting, unwitting, or half-witting pawn, certainly in some regards, to Vladimir Putin,’” Bernstein explained during his appearance on Reliable Sources .
“From a point of view of strength… rather, he has done what appears to be Putin’s goals. He has helped Putin destabilize the United States and interfere in the election, no matter whether it was purposeful or not,” the journalist added. He then explained that he knew from his own high-level sources that Mueller’s report would discuss this assessment.
“And that is part of what the draft of Mueller’s report, I’m told, is to be about,” he said. “We know there has been collusion by [former national security adviser Michael] Flynn. We know there has been collusion of some sort by [Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul] Manafort. The question is, yes, what did the president know and when did he know it?”

interesting in that they’ve played so close to the chest for many many months now so can’t imagine anyone on Mueller’s team leaking info like that.

6 years ago

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt!  Hey someone had to say it…

6 years ago

I want to know what the translator has to say about the meeting between SFB & Putin.  Trump claims (falsely) that the meeting was open to anyone who wanted to attend.  He also said about the transcript of the meeting he couldn’t care less if it was released.  Ummm, Mr. Schiff, perhaps a letter quoting SFB’s “offer” would be in order?

6 years ago

Renee Congrats on the patriots win it looks like they are doing the impossible again this year, uniting  the country.

6 years ago

Trump, speaking at the White House before departing for New Orleans,…
“I never worked for Russia,” he told reporters.
has he ever worked for anyone?  has he ever worked in his whole life? 

6 years ago

Jack… HA!… that map looks familiar.  Only the team that 90% of America is rooting for changes.
Seriously…  congrats on the Chiefs win…  I was rooting for them.  It’s amazing to see Mahomes throwing sidearm with such accuracy.  If they do win the AFC Championship,  I’ll be rooting for them in the SB.
with that said….   Go Pats!

6 years ago

FYI…  trump at one time really wanted to buy an NFL team, but was told by then commissioner Tagliabue he’d never let it happen.  He first tried to buy the Patriots… then passed up on the Cowboys…  then was outbid for the Bills.  The NFL wanted nothing to do with trump and his band of merry thugs.  All that nonsense about players kneeling during the anthem meant showing disrespect to this country and military was trump’s payback.
fucking macaroni!

6 years ago

Pull for who you want, but don’t bet against Tom. 

6 years ago

My apologies for being out of the loop while cleaning up a family crisis.  I’m sorry to hear of your problems with getting dad and household cared for.  Fill in info when you can.  In the meantime, know that we all care about you and always have a sympathetic ear when did.  

6 years ago

Whoa, phuck.

Antarctic glaciers have been melting at an accelerating pace over the past four decades thanks to an influx of warm ocean water — a startling new finding that researchers say could mean sea levels are poised to rise more quickly than predicted in coming decades.
The Antarctic lost 40 billion tons of melting ice to the ocean each year from 1979 to 1989. That figure rose to 252 billion tons lost per year beginning in 2009, according to a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. That means the region is losing six times as much ice as it was four decades ago, an unprecedented pace in the era of modern measurements. (It takes about 360 billion tons of ice to produce one millimeter of global sea-level rise.)

The author of the study doesn’t want to be an alarmist – can you even be one with data like that?

6 years ago

What are “the Chiefs”?

6 years ago

…trying to find the listing for Southern Command.  Would buy if was wealthy 🙁

Do you really need to stay in DC, now that there’s no federal gov’t?

6 years ago

Now it’s time for the WH to panic.  The Rasmussen poll released today has SFB’s approval rating at 43% – down 4 points from its poll released last Wednesday.

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

if he is at 43 in a rasmussen poll he must be about 30 in real life …or even lower

6 years ago

KC, as crappy as Rasmussen is it could be at 54 tomorrow.
BTW, Mark Penn has crossed over and is supporting the RW deep state conspiracy theory. What an utter douche.

6 years ago


Compelled to work without pay, federal employees sue Trump, accusing him of violating 13th Amendment
A group of federal employees working without pay during the partial government shutdown are likening the predicament to involuntary servitude in a lawsuit filed last week, accusing President Trump and their bosses of violating the 13th Amendment.

You remember that one – the one that abolished slavery?

6 years ago

It’s no secret that Trump supporters are very stupid, so if you’re an opportunist with a profit motive and no moral compass, all you have to do is say whatever such morons want to hear, and then you can sell them all sorts of garbage like mugs, hats, shitty books about “killing the SS”, timeshares, pots and pans, buckets of food…

6 years ago

So far, the Pats have sprung the only surprise (for me) in the playoffs. I thought another surprise was brewing when I switched off the Eagles/Saints game, and the Eagles were up 14-0. I don’t understand why teams have to spot their opponents big leads before waking up. Anywhat, the Saints pulled off a win, and I’m glad. 

6 years ago

The Onion has its finger on the pulse of the GOP.

WASHINGTON—Responding to backlash over controversial remarks in which the congressman lamented that “white nationalist” had become an offensive term, the GOP stripped Steve King (R-IA) of his post Monday on the powerful House Segregation Committee. “Despite Representative King’s long and dutiful history on the House Permanent Select Committee on Segregation, given the current situation, we have no choice but to relieve the congressman of his assignment,” said House minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), adding that King’s racially charged comments could potentially derail the Segregation Committee’s mission to keep people of color separated from whites. “This distinguished committee must remain unblemished from this kind of hateful, divisive rhetoric so that it may continue to carry out the important work of subjugating those who are not descended from pure, Western European stock. The American people entrusted us to deliver on our sacred promise to create policies that isolate and disenfranchise minorities, and that’s a promise that we intend to keep.” At press time, House republican leadership, after much internal debate, had narrowed their search for a replacement down to the GOP’s top 25 most racist members.

6 years ago

…our 60-75 year-old post-WWII infrastructure is starting to crumble and these idiots want to spend billions of dollars to pound steel posts in the desert.  

One-way ticket to Mars, please.

6 years ago

XR, it took Brees a while to remember he is Drew Brees.  Same for Mark Ingram.  When they got that straightened out it looked like Foles remembered that he isn’t Drew Brees.  A waiter at our favorite restaurant here got blown up here from NO by Katrina.  Can’t wait to discuss the game with him.

6 years ago

“I don’t understand why teams have to spot their opponents big leads before waking up“

…because the weaker team runs out of steam more quickly.  It ain’t how you start…

Katherine Graham Cracker
6 years ago

we wuz rootin’ for the Iggles