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4 years ago

Loved the McCain piece last night, as well as Colin Powell.  Peel off moderate Republicans and the military.  tRUMP will only have die-hard racists show up for him.   

4 years ago

We didn’t watch much of it last night….  just a few speeches and the roll call.  All the praise for Biden and the trashing of trump just sounds repetitive.  Don’t want to get burned out…  we will watch Thursday.
KGC…  I am praying for you and yours.  So glad to know that you are safe.  And yes…  I’m sure it sucks!  Try to take care as best you can.

4 years ago

Thanks for the NYT’s piece on Hillary’s speech tonight. A good read and yes, bittersweet.

4 years ago

Trump, Putin, and the emails — Hillary deserves media apology Helping Russia help Trump
Eric Boehlert

It’s not shocking because it’s Trump, it’s 2020, and so much of his anti-American behavior has been normalized. It’s been normalized by the Republican Party, which could not care less about Trump’s treacherous behavior. It’s also been normalized by the political press, whose woeful coverage of the Wikileaks email dump in 2016 helped elect Trump. That’s why the press owes Clinton an apology.
Most in the media have never acknowledged, let alone apologized for, their shameful election performance. The new Senate report though, sheds additional light on that egregious failure. Now, after Trump threatened to defund the U.S. Postal Service so ballots cannot be counted, it’s important to examine the media’s 2016 shortcomings when covering Trump’s authoritarian behavior.
At the time, journalists actively and irresponsibly hyped a Russia dark ops campaign. Despite revisionist claims that they had no idea Russia was behind the email scheme, journalists knew in the summer of 2016 the Kremlin was connected to the hack. Reporters and editors eagerly published and aired the stolen documents anyway, because the target was Hillary Clinton, whom most of them held in contempt. 

4 years ago

Anderson Cooper to MyPillow CEO: How do you sleep at night?

4 years ago

“My Pillow” is $1 worth of foam scraps  in a 50 cent sack sold for an ungodly price. He and Trump are fellow con artist. Look at his ads, he makes no pretense to be more than the huckster he is. He may have morals but I bet like Trump they are very situational.
BTW I may have priced the cost of the pillow too high

4 years ago

Tonight is quite the lineup of hotshots: Barack, Hillary, Kamala, Elizabeth Warren for starters

4 years ago

jack – He’s a recovered coke addict, turned pillow huckster.   Anyone associated with tRUMP has that stench on his business, too.    
That also goes for Republican politicians like McConnell, Nunes, Cotton, etc., who continue to prop up a fascist, wanna-be dictator.   They are unpatriotic, un-American, and,  some are downright traitors.  

4 years ago

Jill’s ex husband on Twitter dredging up a 40 plus year scandal.  Talk about trying to profit on a long held grudge.


4 years ago

Yep, Jack
So many of my Republican clients bought them the minute Trump put him up on that podium. They are clumpy, yes like scraps of foam. A real con indeed.

4 years ago

Schools Touted by DeSantis Now in a Quarantine Nightmare WAR GAMES A week after he joined a superintendent in comparing school reopening to a Navy SEAL mission, Florida’s governor has a disaster on his hands.
Now Resciniti is among three teachers and 95 students from South Fork who have been placed into quarantine based on the strong probability they had close interactions with the teen in question. (Blavett did not immediately respond to an email requesting comment.) 
Looking to contain possible outbreaks at Resciniti’s school, another high school, and three elementary schools, Martin County Public Schools officials have quarantined 292 students and 16 employees since brick-and-mortar schooling resumed last Tuesday, according to district spokeswoman Jennifer DeShazo. Two other school districts in north Florida had also quarantined a total of 10 students and teachers.

4 years ago

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Rob Chappell




Replying to

Trump is threatening Ohio, USA jobs in defence of Chinese made MAGA hats

4 years ago




Ohio voters, you see this? Trump is illegally threatening a large company headquartered in your state. When friends and family begin to lose their jobs, you know who to blame. Vote accordingly.

Quote Tweet



Donald J. Trump


· 4h

Don’t buy GOODYEAR TIRES – They announced a BAN ON MAGA HATS. Get better tires for far less! (This is what the Radical Left Democrats do. Two can play the same game, and we have to start playing it now!).

4 years ago

Big fire in color-raydo also

Feels like the deck is on fire out here too, but it’s just S.C. in August

I surely hope the fire doesn’t get the Cracker house, that’d be terrible

4 years ago

Everybody face west and blow, let’s butterfly effect that fucking fire.

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Hoping all are safe in Colorado and California.  Trying to think of anything good is that the pine beetles are not happy.
Today went well until the media computer went sick.  Not good as it needs to be replaced. For a temporary I put a laptop into use.  Oh the difference between a laptop and a custom built computer!  The graphics is number one.  A very good graphics card vs laptop graphics chip set is very noticeable.  The number one reason for a media computer is for great graphics.  The second is the sound.  Although it feeds from the computer to the A/V media receiver for conditioning, it still sounds a bit off.  And there is a slight delay on starting videos while the HDMI syncs the video and the television.  Yeah, I know – “tough toe nails – I use a tablet for everything”.  I do like my little luxuries.

4 years ago

Are they really dismantling sorting machines at the downtown post office in Grand Rapids?    

4 years ago

Hate to put the jinx on him, but that Schlossberg kid’s got it goin’ on.

4 years ago

DeJoy told Pelosi he wasn’t puttin’’ ‘em back.   

They are being filmed dismantling machines in the parking lot.

Pennsylvania is suing all of them for tampering with the US Mail.

4 years ago

That twitter is a busy little place these days.

4 years ago

Pictures from the California fires, These are really great pictures

4 years ago

I like this one, Wear a mask

4 years ago

The August fires were something I grew up watching.  Of course then it was 15 million people not 45 million and the aquifers hadn’t been drained.


4 years ago

In natura omnis in ignis renovatura est. If you’re fully insured.

4 years ago

Boy, Michigan doesn’t make it easy to vote, except early (45 days) by mail in ballot.   Can community organizers help get folks to drop off ballots?   Voting in person on Election Day looks to be a nightmare.    
Corey, What say you on this matter?

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Mr Cracker built the house by hand.  The in 1978 there was a fire on the ranch and Mr.  Cracker saved his house by himself.  It’s become a local legend.  He has his passport and a bottle of Jack Daniels and a hose.  When they found him the smoke had been so bad his eyes were swollen shut.   He was a lot younger.
Our neighborhood is a voluntary evacuation but I like to go out before the rush. And I don’t really care for Jack Daniels.   And Mr C is to old fighting fires. 

4 years ago

Glad you are okay

4 years ago

crackers – Sending good vibes cuz it’s all I can do. 

4 years ago


This is a refreshing, news sorbet to cleanse the brain. 

Better land use/solar design, bees, solar grazers (sheep).  

4 years ago

Good thoughts your way, I’ve got some of mrs jacks hard earned Hilton points laying around if you need them. I’m not going anywhere for a while,

4 years ago

Covid and the California fires. Seems California is reliant on prison labor to fight fires covid-19  out breaks have reduced this help

As California enters another dangerous fire season, the COVID-19 pandemic has depleted the ranks of inmate fire crews that are a key component of the state’s efforts to battle out-of-control wildfires
This week, state prison officials announced they had placed 12 of the state’s 43 inmate fire camps on lockdown due to a massive outbreak at a Northern California prison in Lassen County that serves as the training center for fire crews.
Until the lockdown lifts, only 30 of the state’s 77 inmate crews are available to fight a wildfire in the north state, prison officials said.

4 years ago