
Blaming the media for a virus? Next, it’ll be Obama’s fault.

Trump tweet: “Anti-Trump Network CNN doing whatever it can to stoke a national Coronavirus panic. The far left Network pretty much ignoring anyone who they interview who doesn’t blame President Trump. Media refuses to discuss the great job our professionals are doing!”

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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4 years ago

trevor continues to update us on covid 19  (aka cofeveve for you maga-ts out there on the trail)

As coronavirus continues to spread, the stock market tanks, the public panics and runs out of protective masks, and the CDC recommends shaving facial hair to wear a face mask.

4 years ago


4 years ago

If the coronavirus doesn’t make ya sick, the red on 401(k) statements may do the trick.  
They can tell folks to stick up on their meds, but insurance doles it out in small increments.   The plan is to be at the grocery store when it opens tomorrow, as I have a feeling the other hoarders will be there, too; hoping some like to sleep in.
Thinking back to my Y2K grab-n-go knapsack makes me chuckle.  I filled it back up on 9/11.   I did finally eat all of that peanut butter.  
Nobody wants to feel sick, and yes, coronavirus is more deadly than the flu, especially to those with weakened immune systems.  The silver lining seems to be that most who get it will recover.   So, maybe preparedness shouldn’t make folks freak out even more. 

4 years ago

BiD,  never a bad idea to prepare for emergencies given the crazy weather patterns lately, utility grid failures now and then (note Houston’s busted water main flood & frequent internet glitches) and the current insanity in the WH. 

4 years ago

Maybe teh markets wil settle down today and over the weekend (I hope)  I’ve got some money in a 401K but that’s not where the bulk of my retirement planning has been.  And to put a little shine on this turd – the market is where it was 3 months ago, so If you felt good about the performance of your funds then, you really haven’t lost much of anything although there is a lot of Henny Pennying going on.
So Coronavirus appears to be doing very well in the Asian areas but so far (knock on wood) its growth in the US has been very slow.  That said – we are only about 1 month beyond the first reported case here, 2 months beyond the first reported case in China.   It is early yet, but it appears that it will be deemed more contagious and more deadly that Seasonal Flu.  We should call SFB and see whether we really need to worry (and of course if we can’t get through maybe we can call his idiot VP).  I’d post the graph, but it’s too large. It’s here at NYT if you’ve got access.
And in other news, MSNBC was reporting having talked with 93 Dem party insiders, all of whom are superdelegates, and they all said they were very skeptical about giving Bernie! the nomination if  he comes into the convention with a plurality but lacks a majority of delegates.  So if the other 400 or so SDs feel the same way, Bernie! may end up foisted on his own petard.  And it doesn’t look like Mike is going to roll over, so better pop the corn, crack open your favorite beverage and settle in for the Spring.

4 years ago

World map showing countries with COVID-19 cases

Here’s CDC’s teeny weeny version of the map showing COVID-19 locations. the CDC site address is here.

4 years ago

Haven’t had the flu since the 1968 pandemic.  Almost lost my daughter to that one.  

he 1968 pandemic was caused by an influenza A (H3N2) virus comprised of two genes from an avian influenza A virus, including a new H3 hemagglutinin, but also contained the N2 neuraminidase from the 1957 H2N2 virus. It was first noted in the United States in September 1968. The estimated number of deaths was 1 million worldwide and about 100,000 in the United States.


4 years ago

And if you’re interested, here’s the WHO report on the virus.

4 years ago

The hits just keep on coming.  DJIA opened down 656 points.  Could be a rough ride today.

4 years ago

Shit, Dow’s in free fall – now it’s down 971 – if this holds that wipes out all gains since about Jan. 1, 2019.  Think about that – 14 months o f stock market gains wiped out by a reaction to a virus and a feckless response by SFB.
From Jennifer Rubin (fast becoming one of my favorites at Wapo – now that she’s not spending all day, all night bashing Obama)

Trump’s forte has never been actually solving problem or providing quality; he excels at spin, exaggeration and shameless lying. Naturally, then, his response to a burgeoning health crisis and an economic earthquake is to muzzle those who might undercut his happy talk.

The Times reported: “The White House moved on Thursday to tighten control of coronavirus messaging by government health officials and scientists, directing them to coordinate all statements and public appearance with the office of Vice President Mike Pence, according to several officials familiar with the new approach.” The White House insists “the goal is not to control the content of what subject-matter experts and other officials are saying, but to make sure their efforts are being coordinated, after days of confusion with various administration officials showing up on television.” Nevertheless, you do get alarmed when “Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, one of the country’s leading experts on viruses and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told associates that the White House had instructed him not to say anything else without clearance.”

On the Senate floor, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) practically pleaded with Trump: “The president must stop trying to minimize the nature of the coronavirus threat. His attempts at spinning the facts are just not credible, and they are harmful to the federal response.” He continued, “In order to prevent overreaction by the public, it is essential that the federal officials, especially the president and vice president, level with the American people. Telling the American people the truth — and then coming up with solutions to solve it — is the way to calm people down. … So let’s let the science and the facts guide us. The American people do not need or want uninformed opinions or spin from its leaders. They want the truth.”

When the administration demonstrates an effective approach to the health crisis and can be regarded as trustworthy, the markets should calm down. The bad news is that may be beyond the capacity of this president.

We could be in serious trouble.

BTW, the DJIA wayback machine has us at December 23, 2018 at the moment.

4 years ago

On a positive note, we won’t have to worry about cannibalism.

(…that’s always been my greatest post-apocalyptic fear)

4 years ago

Watching the Dow, I keep wishing for some spare cash.  It looks like a great fire sale.


4 years ago

What if we erect thousands of miles of face-mask along the Pacific coast?  Will that keep coronavirus out?
Just trying to think like a Republican🤷‍♂️

4 years ago

I’m not sure how to feel.  I don’t like seeing the stock market continue to tumble.  But…  if it means the end of trumpty’s reign…  I might not mind losing a few shekels.  But I don’t want to lose what we’ve worked so hard to earn either.   Our money is being managed and so far the brokerage house has done a fantastic job.  Just holding tight for now.

4 years ago

Pogo…  the weather isn’t going to be very cooperative next week.  We are expecting rain for most of the week here in NH…  and yes…  even up north.  It looks like Rick will see more of the hot tub than the ski slopes this time.  Oh well…  lots of great restaurants and shopping too.
oh yeah….  Lahouts has bought out 2 other store fronts in Lincoln that went under with the last recession.  So we have 3 of them to shop for bargains.  Still love the original store the best.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Biden is not 20 points ahead.   Around 4 points for reality based folks and that before all the goopers vote for Bernie
Good bye Joe

4 years ago

Tuesday is supposed to be a washout here.  

4 years ago

Garth Brooks played a concert at Ford Field last weekend in Detroit. He wore a Barry Sanders jersey (former Detroit Lions running back) during the concert. He posted a pic of it on social media and people thought he was supporting Bernie Sanders in 2020 and he received a bunch of backlash from stupid people.

4 years ago

So basically, Bernie has ruined life for anyone named Sanders.    It’s just a good thing the Colonel isn’t around to see this. 

4 years ago

BiD…  I’m going to assume that rain in Texas in March is normal.  It’s not so in northern NH.  This has been the strangest winter I think I’ve ever experienced here.  It’s even going to be too warm at night for the maple sap to flow next week.  The first 2 weeks of March is supposed to be prime sap season.
hope it doesn’t rain enough to cause flooding where you live though…

4 years ago

i enjoy when Republicans say “trump could cure cancer and he’d still get criticized”, as if that’s a possibility.  
i’ve noticed it’s a talking-point, also, and a way to attribute impossible goodness to trump, without trump actually doing anything.

4 years ago

I blame the dictator for this virus.  It’ll be forever known as “Trump’s virus”!
The stock market is down 13% which is more than a correction.  Now’s the time to buy.  That’s why the rich get richer!
Mabbe Rummy will run in with a 3 page fix for this. And then we’ll have another TARP!  Sweet, eh?

4 years ago

RR, no sap?  Another causality of climate change!

4 years ago

keep thinking how true this has become

4 years ago

patd….   best book I’ve read about trump.  I read it last year on our ski trip vacation.  And this year I have Rick Wilson’s latest book… Running Against the Devil.  I’ll start it tomorrow…  can’t wait… Wilson is a hoot!

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

The way things stand now Bernie could take the entire delegate load in California. 400plus

4 years ago


Did Californians take a stupid pill after I moved away?


Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Apparently and a lot of them live near me
Hillary carried Cal last time but now it’s
Bernie Bernie Bernie

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Bernie has a lot of Hispanic support

4 years ago

leon panetta just endorsed biden on CNN.

said, when asked if Bernie becomes the nominee would he vote for him,  that he will vote for anyone against trum but that he’s concerned Bernie will cause dems to lose down ballot.

4 years ago

Poobah, bun in the oven.  Feel free to insert appropriate artwork.

4 years ago

With the virus popping up in unexpected places, could something more than a dirty bat bbq be going on?

4 years ago

Bless Biden and anyone else who can reclaim democracy for the USA, before the Trumps pull us into the abyss.  

4 years ago
A bit of fun.  Gotta love Amy (and even Bernie) for including Hy-Vee grocery store in the mix.

4 years ago
Must offload both Lindsey and Trump, because Donny will just give the little suck-up another job.  

4 years ago

Retails could be “empty by April.”  ~Well, that won’t cause a run on water and canned goods.~

4 years ago

I just wish these devoted Bernie people could realize the difference between the programs and the person.

Bernie is Elmer Gantry not St. Francis


4 years ago

Yep, the coronavirus’ll be Obama’s fault – and he’ll try to pin the stock market “adjustment” on him too.  Oh, and it will be Obama’s fault that SFB gutted the guys in Homeland Security, DHS, NSC and all the other departments that should be coordinating response plans for coronavirus.  

4 years ago

He already caused 9/11, the Civil War and the Fall of the Roman Empire.

4 years ago

No one will ever confuse Colonel Sanders with Bernie.

4 years ago

Some miserable miscreant forged access to my PayPal account creating a separate, unrelated, identity. I noticed by ‘cash’ being withdrawn from my checking account. Contacted PayPal this afternoon talking them thru what had occurred. Their light-bulb finally turned-on. After changing my password, the ball’s in their court. Their rep said I should be made whole by the end of next week. Y’all keep an eye on your accounts.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Happy Leap Year in honor of the sc primary 

4 years ago

Flatus, you are right. No confusing the two.  Col. Sanders was a friend of Poobah’s dad. Col. Sanders offers chicken and donuts – which, god willing … Bernie stands no chance. 

4 years ago

Someone actually DID make a Colonel Sanders joke about the Garth Brooks “Sanders” jersey. They said, “Popeyes 2020!” LOL!

4 years ago

The Lake Oswego School District has notified parents the patient is an district employee working at Forest Hills Elementary. School at FHE has been canceled through March 4th.

Quote Tweet

Rob Manning

According to #coronavirus press conference. The Oregon person with the virus is in Washington County and is a case of “community spread” (the person had not traveled or been in touch with a traveler). The person has been to Forest Hills Elementary School in Lake Oswego SD.

The Lake Oswego School District is a suburban district located approximately ten miles south of Portland, Oregon. Our schools serve most of the city of Lake Oswego and the city of River Grove.

4 years ago

that was just Garth trying to have it both ways.  After all nobody remembers Barry Sanders.  Not even old Garth Brooks fans. 

4 years ago

Favorite tweet

1, I’ve never had the coronavirus 
2. I’ve never Attended a Trump rally.
But if the first happened then I would like to do the second.

With that a little monty python seems to fit the mood.


4 years ago

4 years ago

And if nothing else

4 years ago

Eric, what a hoot. And Barry Sanders?  Detroit remembers. Believe it.