By Flatus, a Trail Mix Contributor
The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
“The Nazi invasion of the USSR in June 1941 heralded the beginning of the most titanic battle in the history of humanity. The war ended in complete defeat for Nazi Germany less than four years later with the fall of Berlin on May 9, 1945. Over 20,000,000 Soviet citizens and soldiers died in the struggle to liberate the Motherland from the fascist aggressors.” —
Why in the dickens did President Trump choose, for his special day, this name?
Ah, Flatus, who can fathom the depths of the Usurper’s mind ?
And, Woo Hoo !
After the nazis (Germans) invaded the soviet union (russians, mostly), commies in Britain called for Churchill to open ‘the Second Front’. The reds put up posters all across the country, and daubed buildings with their demand for ‘the Second Front’. Finally, Churchill made a radio speech in which he reminded people that russia was ‘the Second Front’.
In fact, Britain was already engaged on TWO fronts, whereas stalin only had one front to deal with.
oh boy it’s pipeline city Pres Pussy Grabber brings back the keystone and dakota access pipeline
if you were holding on to the idea he would be good on energy issues—you should be disappointed now
As I asked yesterday, what does one DO on drumpf’s NDPD? Face Washington and genuflect? Praise god for giving us Cheeto? Help me here.
ack ack ack
It’s not enough to all the condom a liar –stop putting her on the air and giving the lying sack of shit a platform ROSEN: I don’t think the people interviewing Kellyanne Conway know why they are doing that. Meaning that the journalistic logic of it is growing dimmer with every interview. KAFKA: ’Cause the journalistic logic is, “We’ve heard from one side, let’s ask the other.” ROSEN: Yes. And also, Peter, the logic is, this is a representative of the president. This is somebody who can speak for the Trump administration. But if we find that what Kellyanne Conway… Read more »
Flatus: It could be worse…he could have called it National Day of Presidential Devotion-Really surprising that he didn’t call for a National Day of Trump Devotion! Pat: re his new look(previous thread) I think after all the tweets about his orange hair, his keepers have decided that whiter hair looks more presidential. So, he meets with CIA to talk about National Security and honor the fallen and talks about the numbers attending his inauguration being lies. He meets with congressional leaders and talks with them about the popular vote numbers being lies due to the millions of illegal votes. No,… Read more »
Seems dear leader Kim Jong-un had the same idea as dear leader, only earlier. Due to constant and persistent plagiarism issues with the administration one might be tempted to think dear leader copied from dear leader.
He started changing his hair color during the primaries and also modified the style for the exactly the reason pat mentions –what looks presidential. You all know people who have not changed their hair style ever. Trump is like that – he found a look he thinks works for him, only it was 50 years ago And lets stop that other lie that Trump is not a politician – he has been playing politics for years including his pay for play activities about which he is happy to brag about. He never did any good he was more in… Read more »
Flatus…. because someone who knew a smidgen of history told him it would make a great title…. knowing all along that frump wouldn’t care even if he did know where it came from. After all… it’s not like he respects the troops and most of the WWII vets are dead anyways.
(Photo: Jenna Watson/IndyStar) INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Sen. Jack E. Sandlin is facing a social media backlash for a Facebook post that called the masses gathered for last weekend’s Women’s March “fat women out walking.” Sandlin, a Republican who represents 36th District voters who live between 10th Street and south of Greenwood in Johnson County, took down the message but not before screenshots had been widely shared on Facebook and Twitter. The post in question went up Sunday and showed a photo of a mass of protesters, many in pink hats and carrying signs, with the words “In one day Trump got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in 8 years.” Now… Read more »
Pres Pussy Grabber is creating a few house vacancies which will all be filled by special election the constitution sez so Even though they are safe gooper seats the Dems should mount good campaigns with good candidates it’s an opportunity to discuss issues…I think people will like that even in Kansas I think there are enough people looking for things to do that these campaigns could be a lot of fun and maybe help out someone interested in running for office — and in this case not much expectation of winning but getting some good attention. Bring back the 50 state… Read more »
President Donald Trump is not just lying to you and me—now he’s lying to himself.
Putinists have already infiltrated our government- pointing out that fact won’t put the genie back in the bottle.
NDPD is New Speak for Bow Down Before Trump. Or, maybe the initials stand for something. Not Donald; Putin Dictates. If it is just one day, Inaguration Day, and it doesn’t apply to every January 20th, nor even every four years, what was the point of naming it? Just something crazy to distract everyone? Maybe the media needs to sack up & deal with Trumpco differently. Assume everyone in his coven (apologies to good witches) is lying or trying distract from a real story. Have REAL journalists cover everything but Kellyanne, Spicer, Reince, etc. Let the (as C’bob… Read more »
Democrats should immediately call for an investigation of voter fraud and include in it the improper removal of people from the voting rolls
Good job dems they have their own infra structure and jobs bill
now they need the national service bill 2 years at 18 lots of choices men and women
Trump bars EPA from issuing public grants, media updates
Politics 7 minutes ago
According to the Huffington Post, the Trump administration has instructed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employees to respect a social media blackout as well as instituted a freeze on public grants and contracts awarded by the agency.
soon the only news we will get will be from Mr and Ms Alternate Facts
The irony of trump calling for a social media blackout is just too rich for me.
that gag order prolly is to snuff alerts and helpful info from going out and motivating reaction for these pipeline actions. from nytimes: President Trump moved assertively on Tuesday to resurrect a pipeline in the Dakotas that had become a major flashpoint for Native Americans, while reviving the Keystone XL pipeline, which had stirred years of debate over the balance between energy needs and environmental concerns. The actions were the latest to dismantle Obama era policies. The former president rejected the proposed 1,179-mile Keystone pipeline in 2015, arguing that it would undercut American leadership in curbing reliance on carbon energy… Read more »
Seeing notes on the ‘net stating that the new administration is putting in restrictions on federal employees interacting with the public. The actual notices/emails should be showing up very soon so we can see exactly what is allowed, starting with every contact is not allowed.
Just returned from five hours going between the VA and the State offices helping the survivor of a Navy petty officer navigate the structure that will eliminate the property tax burden on their dwelling and car. He died more than five years ago of his service connected, 100-pct disabling, conditions.
the gag order goes hand in hand with the Holman rule. altho the article is about gov’t outsiders vs gov’t expertise, it does give a little light on that sword now hanging over anyone who talks/tweets. here’s an excerpt from Washingtonian: “How Many Outsiders Does It Take to Run a Government?” In the late afternoon of its first day in session, the 115th Congress reinstated a long-dormant measure known as the Holman Rule. This abstruse piece of law allows legislators to cut funding for individual programs or, even more surgically, reduce the salaries of individual federal workers to a dollar. The… Read more »
and now for the winner. open the envelope please… nbcnews: Controversial conservative firebrand Dinesh D’Souza’s burgeoning career as a filmmaker may have taken a significant hit on Monday. His widely panned recent pseudo-documentary “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party” was nominated for four Razzies, an award that recognizes the worst movies of the year. [….] The Razzies, which also shouted out critically reviled films from last year like “Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice” and “Dirty Grandpa,” nominated D’Souza for Worst Actor, Worst Director (a dishonor he shared with Bruce Schooley) and Worst Picture. Additionally, Becky Turner,… Read more »
Published on Jan 23, 2017
Seth takes a closer look at the new Trump administration openly lying on its first full day in office.
fearless leader on huffpo: Putin’s Art of the Deal While President Trump wasted time griping about coverage of his Inauguration crowd size, Russian boss Vladimir Putin got busy making a heck of a deal that threatens U.S. influence in the Middle East. On Inauguration Day Russia inked a long-term agreement to greatly enlarge its military presence in Syria, more than doubling the space for warships (including nuclear subs) in Russia’s only Mediterranean port and securing rights to a major air base. [….] What’s happening here is the outflow of perceptions that the U.S. is withdrawing from the region under Trump. And… Read more »
Pussy Grabber is a terrible deal maker
since being elected he made very bad deals or taken credit for other people’s work
‘It was a costume inauguration party! All the guests came dressed as empty seats. #SpicerFacts’
tks Pat, I’ve started doing Tuesday columns on HuffPo, toe in the water
I am pondering something. A friend who reads us regularly said that we seem to be a closed community. I don’t really understand that, but I’ve heard it before. How do we remedy that?
Maybe we need a post (or a tag line to the daily post) inviting lurkers to join in the mix.
Now Trump is going to make us rely on hacked info to find out what’s going on?
Perhaps we (me) should be nicer to Ping
Keystone makes no sense, not even in Trump’s bizarro world. Canadian oil cutting through & polluting American land & water to go to Chia-Nah.
No long-term jobs with the exception of a few for maintenance to try plug up the leaks and the clean-up crew.
Craig – Can you see Russia from your house yet?
Maybe designate a long-time-lurkers-first-time-posters day.
Closed community? Hell, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Ping comes by. At least he’s polite and thoughtful. That’s open
And then there’s Jack and Solar……ain’t nothing closed about those two…….
But, I jest.
Craig… I’m with Sturg on that one. I mean…. are you saying if we could only change people’s perception…. the way they think. Well…. yeah…. if pigs could fly.
Maybe it’s because most of us have been around for such a long time that the conversational tone seems clique-y. I think the lurkers just need a written invitation.
How many dudes have to shuffle off this mortal coil before we get to someone relatively-normal in line of succession as POTUS?
This is truly well worth reading
If You Voted For Him
TraderJax was posting here a short while ago.
I’ve been working on some memes.
Glad to see you writing again. I agree an open invitation to the thoughtful and courteous even in disagreement.
One more that I made.
Oh, and I’m waiting for Trump to come up with a national day of giving thanks.
Craig….just checking in…..Ive been trying to warn the trail for the past cpl of months….yes the trail is a very closed community… its taken a few years….lots of Indies and or different minded have not felt very comfortable….I’m stuburn and know and consider all here my freinds…but sometimes its a struggle ….so ive become more of a lurker now…..few years ago we had a few….6/7 Indies around …lots to talk about around the clock… now the conversation stops pretty early……give you an example……ive welcomed all the recent new comers…asked them direct question.s….mada……. carol started a blog …..all Indies…I participated on… Read more »
Corey, thanks. We need some thoughtful humor around here.
Nice blog on Huffpo, Craig. trumpence is changing the geo-political landscape. Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem? Expect massive amounts of money to be sucked from the US to the ME. Meanwhile, china is romancing Mexico and most of Latin America to fill the vacuum trumpence will create by his isolationism. As for a closed community? Your headline almost says as much…’A user supported news commentary.’ Not very inviting…exciting, imo. When you had comments rolling on the side, etc., it acted as more of a tease to read more. Perhaps you should have a lurker’s day…no old timers… Read more »
Come on gang – the only thing that’s happened over the past couple of days that is Trump is the size of the crowd at the inauguration and the assertion that 3.5 million people voted illegally.
Everything else, and I mean everything, is the White Haired-Devil standing behind Trump when he signs the crap: Mike Pence.
Our friend Vanilla Birdies (Arabella) just posted this on Facebook and gave me permission to cross post. So I’ve kept relatively quiet over the last few months on here after the election. Although, like most people I know, I managed very well to alienate and piss off a number of people. I don’t regret that. Many people, whether left or right leaning were very anxious to get the election over with so that they could return to normalcy with friends, family and acquaintances. Sometimes though, that’s not possible. Sometimes there are indeed sore losers…And sometimes there are sore winners. This… Read more »
I forgot to share my Sophie Cruz meme here!
Craig: Glad you’re writing out in the big bad world again 😉 Russia having a big military presence in S.E. Asia/Middle East gives me pause!
Someone (Flatus maybe???) said a few days ago that trump will sign anything they put in front of him. I absolutely believe that’s true. He doesn’t have the mental capacity to have thought through the things he’s already signed. We may be in deeper shit than even I thought possible 😮