It’s Really Happening

Like it, love it, hate it, or deny it, Donald J. Trump becomes president today. Here’s your thread for Inauguration Day.

Last night, for the grinding garage band concert at the Lincoln Memorial you had to wonder if Abraham was wishing he had never left Springfield.

Nevertheless, here we are. For the sake of America here’s hoping Trump is not the stark raving lunatic he has (hopefully) pretended to be to get elected.

The peaceful transfer of office, even if to someone you despise, is the higher ideal worth honoring this day in the long run.

Dismissing, dishonoring or ignoring this day because you don’t like the outcome is a rejection of our Democracy, which might be a valid choice.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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7 years ago

Put me in the “hate it” and “shit, I  thought it was a bad dream and then woke up this morning and found that it was real ” camp.

And Poohbah, here’s hoping your hope that trumps not the stark raving lunatic that we’ve all come to know is true. But one of the sayings I learned in grad school in counselor education and tend to take the heart is that the best predictor future behavior is past behavior.

Today I am a resident of Missouri. Show me. Better yet, prove it.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Trailmixers, if you put your ear close to the ground, you can hear the gates of hell opening.  Unfortunately, trumpence is not like the likable Lucifer on Fox…expect broiling and skewering of dem Americans for four years.  The misery will spread and expect shortages of everything including morality and class.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

This inauguration has the nixon smell to it and just in time for the big day, finally some sunlight on the trumpence campaign’s ties to the ruskies investigation.  Given their heavy workload ending with the demise of Clinton, the fbi has time to focus on the time sensitive russian intrusion that started many months ago until its crescendo in the the 3 weeks before the election.  It has become obvious that the russians aided in the elevation and eventual election of our 45th.  Clinton may have had her private server problems, but trumptower was humming with them all the way to… Read more »

7 years ago

With the leadership of the media, we had a circus and not an election.  Therefore, today we swear in a showman instead of a statesman. He’ll tweet, he’ll snarl – none of this will change.  He’s not a republican though, and was used by the conservative right to get the WH.  Once he pushes back against the radical right attempts to kill medicare, social security, healthcare, etc. – he’ll get kicked to the curb and impeached.  Expect it to happen about 2 years and 1 day from now.  Imagine the dirt the GOP has on him. Great material and fodder… Read more »

7 years ago

Ode to a Toad

There is a pall on the Mall/ An Orange guy has the gall/ To stand before Abe in that great, hallowed hall/To call himself Prez and throw himself a ball/We know his name, y’all/ And that he’s heading for a fall/ Meantime, we must  stand tall/ Resist, resist, don’t be in thrall/All America do we call/He’s a Russian idiot. 

7 years ago

Even my Nixon candle isn’t quite himself today.

7 years ago

The peaceful transfer of government to misanthropic goons.  Nothing to be proud of.

7 years ago

It’s like telling a bullied child to be proud of having his lunch money taken, peacefully.

7 years ago

I honor none of it….


7 years ago

Today belongs to Mr Trump and others of his ilk.

Tomorrow, we move Our Country to being ruled as the Republic in the manner that it was predestined: “A government of the People, by the People, for the People.”

That is how we reward Mr Obama for his years of stellar service.

7 years ago

I just read that this will be the first inauguration in modern times where no poetry will be read. Hmmm.

On the other hand, there is “fashion.” KellyAnne CondoneThis and her $3,600 No, She’s Not a Paul Revere or a Raider’s Gucci wool coat.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

oh my does it have a matching hat

7 years ago

I have it on excellent authority that the actual Revolutionary uniforms were blue and tan rather than white. Practicality ruled.
Flatus, SAR

7 years ago

We’ll see if the antichrist gets to the end of the ceremony. What happens if he has a heart attack and croaks before saying I do ? Does punypence get sworn in, or do we get martial law while another election is organized ?

7 years ago

Guess who is at the Inauguration:  Tucker Carlson’s “Bigot” That No One Wants to Be Seen With

For those who remember the OJ Trial and knew anything about that division of LAPD.  This was the racist who tried to frame a guilty man and whose testimony got him off.  Then he moved to Idaho to be with his own kind.

7 years ago

And may God bless you that prey

7 years ago

Just got a school email to not stream the swearing in cause it might crash our internet.  Blessing from god.  I didn’t want the kids to see my crying and cursing at the same time.  Can get ugly ;o)

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

I think Chuck Schumer just called Dems to arms

ugh Clarence Thomas

7 years ago

I think the swearing in is symbolic.  Constitutionally I believe it’s automatic at noon.  Just like when a President dies, the VP is Pres immediately.

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Hail to the thief

….the snorting thing is back.  Winning and tiger blood and jobs and borders, yada-yada.  Nothing for science or Mother Nature.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Is he melting?

7 years ago

What do you bet Native Americans did a rain dance? And Mother Nature is a woman, pulling rank. Take that, you Orange Goo!

7 years ago

Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
‘Cause it took so long to bake it
And I’ll never have that recipe again
Oh no!

There as if your day isn’t ruined enough now you’ve got an obnoxious earworm


Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

god bless white christian America  the worst coming together speech ever

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

Mr. D-dog….conway’s outfit made her look like the head majorette….auntie sam.




7 years ago

KellyAnne does have a matching red, cloche style chapeau and blood red gloves. I suppose that will allow her to roam DC and stab people in the back. Practical GOP attire. Sack ’em cloth.

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

The Condom choose Nixon as her style guru

7 years ago

Twitter Image To Love

7 years ago

how will “buy American. hire American” impact business and especially how will “hire American” impact agriculture?

“starting here and starting now”…  no more green cards? no more migrant workers?


Blonde Wino
7 years ago

from the above comment — major typo for me

“conway’s outfit made her look like the head majorette….auntie sam”

Should read ‘auntie scam.’

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

one more comment on the speech…it was rude.  His comment on ‘do nothing’ politicians? Applied more to his repug comrades with whom he shared the dais rather than the past presidents.

7 years ago

Add Al Franken.

7 years ago

His Verbosity made a speech. Allow me to translate it for you, who were to busy to listen that long :

Ein Volk;

Ein Reich;

Ein Fuehrer.

Sieg Heil !

Katherine Graham Cracker
7 years ago

Ewwwwwww Trump is signing things

Blonde Wino
7 years ago

dems better attach themselves to a populist movement like cannabis legalization….push industrial hemp.  In our state, the repug gov vetoed our industrial hemp bill — repugs are very negative on the product.  A populist issue will help energize the dems and they need to take kushners advice on computers and the digital revolution to garner an electoral win.  From Forbes.  It is time to push policy and see who can lead that policy — not the other way around.  Dems need to be careful as the issues will be very different four years from now…the middle class spiel?  May not… Read more »

7 years ago

Ms Wino, I was thinking the same thing. he laid the blame for America being a basket case like Greece or Syria at the feet of everyone around him, who besides Prezzes Obama, Clinton, and senile bush, included fellow Usurper babybush, all of whom, with the help of lott, blunt, lyin’ ryan, mcconnell, prebus, and Chief Justice Roberts, stole power from the people and gave it to themselves, just so they could divide, naysay, and do nothing.

It was the worst inaugural address ever given north of the Rio Grande.

7 years ago

Also, Ms Wino is correct in her 1:25 pm post.

The election to prepare for, organize for, to work hard for and win in a national landslide comes on November, 6, 2018. We have only 21.5 months to get’er done !

Take back the Senate. Take back the House. Take back America !

7 years ago

When do the mice come up for air?

7 years ago

I understand the appetizer for lunch is live monkey brain.  They’ll take the table cloths off and will reveal tables with circular noose things that the monkeys head fits in before they say the skull off.  Sick, but interesting.

7 years ago

The theme for the next election should be, Sweep corruption and cronyism out of the Capitol and the Capital !

7 years ago

Mr. 300,

Imported monkey brains served by undocumented Hispanic workers, who shall be deported just before payday ?

7 years ago

If trump has the highest iq of any occupier of the White House, why is his vocabulary smaller than Coco the Gorilla’s ?

7 years ago

And some endangered Lizard tartare from the Galapagos!

Kelly Anne looks like a fool in that outlet.