Here is our thread for the vice presidential debate, 9-10:30pm ET. Sure, it’s easy to write off running mates, but remember, there’s no other presidential decision a presidential candidate makes than choosing the person in line to become president. In my opinion, there’s no better test than evaluating that choice.
Woo hoo am I, and what am I doing here ?
Present & Accounted for.
On the VP choice issue: Kaine thinks about others. Pence thinks about himself. Good matches for their prospective Presidents.
RNC time traveler declares pence the winner complete with future press release.
time traveler reveals pence plan to rock the economy and highlight Hillary’s scandals…will 90 minutes be enough?
Trump’s final list – Newtie, Christie or Pence
Pence was available because he is a loser – couldn’t get re-elected.
kaine should take a wire brush to pence’s homophobia tonight, just sayin
I guess Mike will put in his two pence worth.
I guess Pence was the least failed on the long list of failed republican governors.
gotta say that massive eagle on the debate commission stages is so off broadway
Save some of that wire brush for shutting down Planned Parenthood that led to all those AIDS infections not to mention depriving women of necessary medical care.
yep Jamie, i think Kaine should make this less about Trump and more about Pence’s huge liabilities
party color switcheroo on the ties!
Kaine looks like a Norman Lear sitcom character, I mean that in a nice way. Pence looks like Max Headroom.
Where is Kaine going? Is he going to answer the question?
Pence does mean side eye well. Downright creepy.
children of the corn?
jamie, like a wall-eyed pike.
Pence knows the talking points. He should they’re eight years old.
She’s been working on serving others for 30 years. The talking points are bound to have some moss growing on them.
pence eye roll and head shaking….jaw dropping to follow.
Kaine looks nervous.
Pence out with the nasty first. Totally unrelated to the question.
What’s that on Kaine’s lapel?
Any time Trump is attacked immediately switch to Hillary for obfuscation. Facts interfere with actual discussion.
Good exchange for Kaine. Pence opened the door and and Kaine stepped through it.
Looks like the Marine Corps Globe but that usually has a red background. His son is in the Marines.
Disappointed with Kaine thus far, gulping water, shifting eyes and shoulders, head bobbing, get it together dude.
Kaine needs to hit hard now. Pence just left himself wide open on the economy.
Is it the blue star service pin?
dunno Blonde, they put a pin on him I cannot see
stop drinking water Tim, please!
You’re right. Found a closeup
Pence simply is unable to articulate any thing other than trickle down policy.
Kaine landing solid hits on taxes, but too easy, moderator cut it off
Hate that lie
The Social Security Fund WILL NOT run out of money. The amount coming in from younger generations will not equal the money being paid out unless Congress returns the money it has stolen from the fund.
There they go again…dud.
Elaine Quijano doing a good job.
Moderator cuts off the discussion, changes subject, every time Kaine calls bullshit on Pence
the pin is for his son in the service
Kaine hitting a stride on gun violence
Kaine is being too snippy and disruptive. He needs a calm, in-charge, demeanor. Coming off as a barky pomeranian, imo.
Thus far, I have been watching with sound off…Kaine seems happier…Now the sound goes on…
kaine good rebound
JGC, then he should say so because to the audience it looks like a gravy stain
must agree XREPUB, Kaine is coming across uncomfortable and awkward
Kaine looks like the corrupt politician in a Batman movie.
I don’t agree with some of the things Pence is saying (like being pro-coal…but, hey, Obama was the “clean coal” cheerleader), but Pence seems much more capable of governing.
There are two more veep candidates who should be there tonight.
this is much better than stop and frisk is unconstitutional
pence looks like the man from glad in the old tv commercials
bid…eat a snickers bar.
Pence looks good because he is lying and evading.
Blonde Wino…you nailed it!
I am distracted by the camera set-up…
Pence is kicking ass!
Kaine is a loser
Nail Pence on being a homophobe…
Oh no, Kaine gulping more water
this is terrible
if no taxes are paid, how will we pay the upkeep of the border wall even if we get mexico to pay for it.
Excessive thirst is a sign of lying. Look it up. Shades of Marco Rubio.
Kaine is weak
Pence is an absolute horror when you look at his real record. He is another one who absolutely has no business near legislation of any kind.
Happy Anniversary Rick and Renee!
So if you came here illegally you automatically turn to crime.
trump drank mucho aqua last debate
Death penalty for anyone who hires an undocumented migrant. That’ll solve the ‘problem’. The wall is a russian commie-style solution.
We are so much more in danger
Thanks Hillary the one who created a dangerous world
Ping and bId…you both are in charming moods tonight…
The terrorist threat has increased because of Obama/Clinton foreign policy. For pity’s sake, Timmy, she wasn’t part of freakin’ Sesl Team Six.
Syria is coming apart at the seams, refugees are pouring into other countries & terrorists are coming in with them, as we saw in Paris.
And then Hillary went to bed
Kaine on a good riff now, unraveling Pence
If the red line held the line
and Kim Kardashian was robbed…bound and thrown in a bathroom in Paris…Paris is a hell hole anymore.
Maybe Timmy should get checked for the diabeteez.
Pence recovers, Kaine failed to go in for the kill
more revisionist history
Nope Craig
Pence Laughs AT Loser Kaine
If we put the wall on our side of the river, we cede the Rio Grande to Mexico, and none of that water will go to watering So. TX fields and orchards.
We’ll $pend $1TR!LL!ON to build a berlin wall, and the cartels will dig under it for $1.29.
Kaine WEAK
Kaine looking at his notes too much
Kaine did well on terrorism. Trump has no clue and Pence can’t spin it.
bring-up the nightmare speculation of pence and the syrian refugees…
Can we keep Hillary out? She’s a danger to the US.
Maybe Pence is better at this because of his talk show background. According to Wikipedia: Pence left the Indiana Policy Review Foundation in 1994, when he began a career in talk radio. He hosted The Mike Pence Show, which was based in WRCR-FM in Rushville, Indiana. Pence called himself “Rush Limbaugh on decaf” since he considered himself politically conservative while not as outspoken as Limbaugh.[14] The show was syndicated by Network Indiana and aired weekdays 9 a.m. to noon (ET) on 18 stations throughout the state, including WIBC in Indianapolis.[15] From 1995 to 1999, Pence also hosted a weekend political talk show out of Indianapolis.[16][17]
Kaine is rude loser
Kaine is a lier
How do you vet a seven year old entering with their parents who 20 years later decides to shoot up a room of dancers?
Virtual wall, just like on the Canadian border to keep drugs coming in over their southern border.
Pence has certainly out-slicked Kaine, which makes me think Pence is a complete phony.
Our fore father’s fought and died for our freedom
Support those in the world that will do the same
Trump did a better job of picking a vp than Clinton did.
Kaine is for TPP, too.
There are 380 million people in the US. More people are killed daily on the freeway than all of the terrorist attacks (outside of 9/11) put together.
All this be afraid be very afraid of anyone with a tan is really getting boring if it weren’t so ugly.
Kaine could use a more assholian edge. Pense has assholian in spades. Elaine needs to shut Pense’s ramblings down.
Liberal media
Clearly in favor of Hillary
Timmy,The voters get to decide the rights & wrongs of Hillary’s use of a private server, wiping & then destroying devices. She should be in jail.
Oh get off it Blue. Pence is a right wing, woman hating, Gay bashing creep
More killed in Chicago under failed liberal Democrat policy
Wake up
Trump didn’t pick- Pence he was the only option Pence was looking for away out of his losing campaign
the man is a bigot
putie is running pence and trump’s rust belt brexit campaign
more killed in Chicago because of failed Republican policies and the blocking of national gun laws
Blue, bullshit. Pense hates women and their rights. He’s nothing less than a RW anti choice asshole who repeats lies and denies that drumpf said what he said.
I thought the NRA were the gun lords…not the liberals…more killed by guns…that is the key word. What is the third amendment, pence?
Hillary and Obama authored the failure of our policy with Russia
What happened to the reset
Must say, Kaine came across as a whining lap dog. Pence as a Nixonian bull shit artist.
Blue NO the voters don’t get to decide. I know the Hillary hater memes would like to do away with the justice system, but until Trump & his ilk are goose stepping down Broadway, we get to have laws about such things.
BTW the law regarding devices no longer in use for classified materials is that they are to be destroyed. That includes taking hammers to Blackberries no matter what you might have read on BREITBART always WRONG.
This a stupid debate because Pence is a liar just like his boss
Look who pulled the trigger
This format sux.
Goose stepping down Broadway…I liked that Jamie…Tony are you out there?
putie is a nationalist…assange failed to deliver, gucifer failed again…putie wants his sanctions lifted and trump would do that…he hates Clinton, the globalist. You are correct, Obama and Clinton are hurting putie with the sanctions. Brexit vote is part of the plan to weaken the EU…mock Merkel, Germany.
all I’m hearing is yada yada yada
There he goes, again. Hillary was not in Seal Team Six, Timmy.
pogo – At last we agree. This format foes suck.
ping — charleton heston? wayne lapierre? Who?
Pense obviously went to the Hannity school of debate. Dismiss whatever the other guy sez and spout talking points. Wonderful.
Pense’s answer – nunh unh. Problem is the right answer is uh huh.
Kaine is doing better
Pence is living in Trump world
again the post-debate fact checking will make the difference
Kaine is not vp material. Press Secretary, maybe, but not vp.
I’ll leave him to play his drinking game, interrupt & lie.
Pence is the clear winner.
Still, would’ve been nice to have all 4 vp candidates debate.
Pence = a tale told by an idiot.
I see you read the RNC future press release, bid.
Jamie – Yes, the voters DO get to decide by NOT voting for Hellary.
Inaccurate. Utter bullshit.
mccain told the elevator that putie is a murderer and a thug.
Pence is so much stronger
Kaine and Hillary are so weak and stuck on a single talk track and they are failures and Losers
Pence apparently has met yet another Donald Trump from the rest of us
Haha, Pence Quixote is going to disarm North Korea. OK.
Uhhh, Mike, did you understand the question? What SPECIFICALLY would YOU do ….?
Bottom line
World is so much more dangerous, thanks Hillary
I’m hoping that all the Hillary Haters leave the country when she is elected
blame trump…he paid no taxes while we all did for GWB’s wars
Weren’t the polls great today…
Clinton foundation is one of the least effective ever given the value of the donation
Fortunately the Citizens of this country are smart enough not to allow these guys to take over the government. They will not be electing their current Grand Kockup, Donald Trump.
Get used to choking on Madam President.
I’m pretty sure the questionwas about North Korea. Didn’t hear anything about the Clinton Foundation.
Now Kaine is nailing drumpf.
I’m very eager to see our country to reject the nastiness and spite demonstrated by invectives such as that.
Kaine totally rallied in the last half hour, found his game. Pence ran out of steam.
OD, yes, they were. 🙂
I enjoyed the debate.
Pence is a homophonic hater and anyone who supports him is too..
Blue In Dallas
You should vote for Trump/Pence, their a perfect fit for you.. Haters unite..
Poobah, yes. He did. Kinda like the first pres debate.
Watching Kaine get stronger in the final minutes of a 90 minute debate tells me this is a dude who can go the distance. Pence lost it after the first hour. Very telling.
The Clinton foundation spends its money on programs very little on admin you have no idea what you are talking about
Pence is wrong google it
Ping Pong
You’ve been reading the same places as Blue. The Clinton Foundation is one of the highest rated global Charities with more than 90% of all proceeds go to active programs to wipe out disease and assist children.
Fortune Magazine
What are you watching? Kaine mice guy.
Pence is kicking his weak liberal……
And Jamie. So WEAK your post, sad
Craig…I agree…Kaine got better as the evening progressed…
Faith…save me from religion guiding government. Sanctity of life. (Human incubators). BS
Ping…take a deep breath…relax…
stop and frisk, abortion….where is Khan with the pocket sized constitution?
ping and bid, eat a snickers bar.
I download the tax return and fortune is wrong
And I am sick and tired of Hillary using the Methodist Church. That is history not today
Kaine just nailed it
argue with a priest!
If I had a dollar for every time Pence shook his head “no”, I could take a friend out to a very expensive dinner…
Pense is trying to ice Donnie’s words. Nice try. Pense is foundering.
Relax…breaths in, breaths out…
OD, I’m game…:-) Pense doesn’t support life. He wants to force women to be incubators.
what about the LGBT community in Indiana?
Ever since Trump began running for president using his were not “pc” excuses the bar has been lowered.. I see it around this little town i live in with the Trump signs coupled with the Confederate flag.. ALso the bumper sticker’s are vile.. That word for Hillary is on bumper stickers and yard signs.. “Trump the Bitch”, “Hillary for Prison” Hillary being dragged by a motor cycle with Trump driving..
I sometimes wonder if this is all going to end up with violence perpetrated against HRC.. Hope not
Kaine won this thing at the end, fascinated at how much better he got as the night wore on, and how Pence wore out.
I agree with Craig, Kaine has gotten better as the evening has progressed. But I wish he would not interrupt so much or smile so much.
Good night everybody…thanks Craig…
Mike, how will YOU unify the country? I hear nothing but bullshit.
Kaine is a closer.. Exactly what we need at this time..
I would also like someone, Kaine? say to Pence “you say you support life and respect life …. then why don’t you support funding for women’s clinics so that poor women can’t get free prenatal care? Why don’t you support funding for Head start so that all children have a chance to prepare for Kindergarten? Why don’t you support a single payer health care system so that everyone can have an opportunity to have the best life possible? ….”
MJ, he smiles. Whatchagonnado?
You are correct Pogo… It would be good if Ping would relax…
Here come the pundits…Kaine finished very strong. pence, the full nixon throughout.
Rachel Maddow is saying “contentious and at times incomprehensible”
Good point Pogo … he does smile a lot in every conversation
Kaine all negative to keep away from the failure of Hillary and why the world is more dangerous today
For about the last 37 minutes Pense was living in OZ. Kaine was too polite on abortion he should have ripped his ass off, but the exchange was Kaine all the way. No movement on that demographic needle for Pence. The slime ball factor finally proved pivotal.
Craig, yes Kaine got stronger and Pence never defended Trump, just kept saying that is not true or Trump never said that. Blonde Wino, thanks for making me laugh out loud. BID and Ping, yes definitely you should vote for Trump, and BID, you never make any sense with your comments, but sometimes you too make me laugh as you are so ridiculous.
Good night all!
Are you talking about the Clinton Family Foundation or the Clinton Global Initiative Foundation?
In both cases, the whole focus is on doing good for others. No one in the Clinton family takes a dime in the administration. The majority of the funds go to providing direct services while a small percentage goes goes to other charities to dispense for their services.
The work done is and has been magnificent and the right wing lies are disgusting.
Trump/Pence they hit the wall
Hillary is a church going Lady and a member of the Methodist Church
the only candidate with a phony religion is Trump
Kaine chased the Indie viewers away early by being disruptive. I’ll bet few were still around when Kaine started scoring heavily.
I hope I see the commercial I’d write for Hillary. “…” “I didn’t say that.” “…” He didn’t say that. “…
Mike Pense attacks on LGBT
Hah! Schmidt saw the denials.
Ms Cracker, I believe the deadbeat is a pious believer in the trinity : race, money, and fate.
Welcome home, Bink ! Glad to read you again.
Mike Pence is literally arguing that women should be forced to have children so they can be given to childless couples.
Come to think of it, the whole argument against the ROE V WADE decision didn’t really kick into high gear until adoption agencies starting running out of white, baby boys.
Guess the GOP wants breeding farms.
Its just like with Grace.. The woman told me the Clinton Foundation was a personal slush fund of cash for the Clintons.. I want to know where all the money goes she said.. I get busy send here the Clintons taxes in regards to the Foundation and rating from Charity Watch.. Grace never read it, unless it was on Fox she would’t believe it.
What they want is the talking points and they don’t care about the truth..
Pence is a big fat liar
In his RW religious world, Jamie, pregnant woman = incubator for childless couples. Best unanswered question – “Why don’t you trust women to decide..?”
For first time in 128 years, the Harvard Republican Club will not be endorsing
Thanks, xr. One more month of this baloney, then we can all chill.
Can there be any question that Pence threw Trump under his 2020 bus tonight?
The MSM is so in the tank and on the nipple of the liberal Democratic Hillary party that there is no un biased analysis in the world today. Wow Look how polarized we are, thank you for the last 8 years of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
We live in a world that is much more dangerous today, thank you Hillary and Barack Obama. Our country is a much more disorder today, thank you Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Get religion out of politics.
*tips hat*
“We live in a world that is much more dangerous today”
Yeah, Ping, because the GOP Bush admin destabilized the region with two bullshit wars. Some spineless Dems went along for the ride, to be fair, but your boy Cheney was driving, and we all remember.
*re-adjusts hat, tips again*
And as I understand from listening to The Economist we are in somewhat of a false economy, our national debt is out of control! And yet we don’t hear any discussion about these issues!
And why doesn’t the New York Times or those that stole illegally the tax returns and Donald Trump report the prior Year’s? I am astonished at the failure of the response that where did that substantial amount of money come to make the significant investment that did create the jobs come from?
The ignorance in the mainstream media and the political world is so amazing.
There’s no argument with your statement. Why do you think the bushes are rallying behind Hillary Clinton. To protect his legacy. He made a good decision may be on the facts he had. But it was certainly flawed. Donald Trump is correct. Your statement certainly supports the election of Donald Trump. Thank you very much
We will also forgive Hillary for her substantial support for that war effort.
“thank you for the last 8 years of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”
I’m sure your welcome. You should be thanking them as an American. Obama righted the ship that was sinking when Bush left office. Umm, unless somehow you are forgetting the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression and 2 unpaid for wars?? Hillary, you can thank her for much but start by being thankful she repaired our countries image after 8 long years of torture and wars.. I can start on the Iran deal but you get it..
I did not go as far as calling Hillary a spineless dem, but I will not argue with her with you as I believe you are somewhat correct. She is not an honest person and I do not trust her and I don’t think most of America trust her either
Why do you think the bushes are going against Trump? That is because Trump is calling out the failed policies of the Bush administration
And the fact is Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the same failed policies.
My theory: Kaine didn’t attack Pence personally because they know he means to undermine Trump and launch his 2020 campaign.
The Iran deal is like the restart with Russia oh my God we are going to all be dead in about 4 more years. Maybe it’s 10 more years when they can have a nuclear bomb. It is a very failed and weak weak weak action
I think Marla Maples released her tax returns
That’s very interesting but I do not see that. Pence was simply stating the content and avoiding the context of many of the discussions.
Good for Marla, nice try to redirect. That still does not answer the restart with Russia that was a significant failure! We are not a safer country or world today thank you Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for your substantial failures in our foreign policy
Trump has only called out what he thinks works politically for him..
I think the Bushes like most of the establishment Republican’s find trump mostly vile. Its apparent they don’t support Trump but i haven’t heard a great deal from them… GWB and Jeb haven’t said they will vote for HRC.. Romney hasn’t said much only that he will not vote for Trump.
Obama and Hillary’s policies are nothing like GWB policies.. Its Trumps Tax policy that is GWB on Steroids.
Nice to hear from you Ping Pong. I think you just did the impossible, creating a bipartisan hashtag: Thank You Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Good to use in either praise or snark.
If we’re throwing poo the biggest target should be the Senate & Congress. Deliberate obstructionism & gridlock ain’t cool.
And let’s go back to the New York Times and get the full prior 5 years to the one tax return they focused on. Their ignorance and are clearly in the bag for Hillary The NYT style is an insult.
The New York Times is to report the news and not created. They are a disgrace to our country
Trump is a charlatan, Ping, and none of my statements will ever support his election, full stop.
I/m sure the times or any other paper would be happy to print any tax return the tax cheeto would like to release
Mr Crawford,
Your theory of Pence undermining his Running Mate is wicked & I love it. Good for a plot on one of those behind-the-scenes melodramas.
How does it play out? Stabbed in the back, one big public implosion or a dead hooker (conveniently) found in Running Mate’s bed? Please, no spoilers.
You can believe your lying eyes or the fact checkers. Pence did not do well tonight. Can’t tell if he or Trump are running for prez.
for GOP the truth was in short supply tonight. Not unusual, but glaring none the less.
“Mike Pence can’t believe Tim Kaine would insult Donald Trump by quoting him.”
87% of republican voters now believe their ticket should be flipped over : pence for prez and the deadbeat for vp.
Ala mode bratbite, the doily collar, and fox ‘news’, I just made that figure up.
Tax breaks will bring us back together. My. Foghing. Cod.
Pence on optics; Kaine on substance. Tie with slight nod to Pence.
Historians and the media will look for one or two good jabs and the rest of the debate will mean little or nothing a week from now and after the two heavy weights duke it out on Sunday. Maybe a couple of thousand people will cast their vote for president based on vp debate, but it won’t be near enough to change the outcome of the election in 34 days. Political entertainment!
Glad Kaine mentioned the Irish! Will he be the first Irish Catholic VP?
Craig- I don’t understand why you are allowing the resident troll to continue her haranguing this late in the election- you didn’t in the past. Her rabid diatribe is not sane discussion or representation of GOP thought – simply antagonizing tirades.