Terrorists Are Losers

nycbomberKudos to NYC law enforcement for capturing the bombing suspect so quickly. And let’s take a moment to assert that this coward, or any others out there, will not undermine us, ever. This episode thankfully left no one dead. Others to come might. Still, someday maybe these would-be killers will get it, that they will always fail in their ultimate objective to destroy us. No matter how many innocents they take, they are the losers every time.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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8 years ago

hats off to nypd, fbi, eliz nj pd et al!!! well done.

oh yes, and the guy who owns the bar and called the cops.

8 years ago

abc news: Report: George H.W. Bush to Vote for Hillary Clinton

The 92-year-old Republican 41st president and member of a conservative political dynasty that spans several generations will vote against his party, or so says the scion of another family at the center of American politics.

Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, a former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy, posted to Facebook “The President told me he’s voting for Hillary!!”

Townsend told Politico she met with the former president in Maine on Monday, where he told her about his preference in this year’s ballot. “That’s what he said,” she told Politico.

“The vote President Bush will cast as a private citizen in some 50 days will be just that: a private vote cast in some 50 days,” a spokesman for Bush told ABC News. “He is not commenting on the presidential race in the interim.”

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Still think he was hired by the Trump campaign

8 years ago

bbronc, one more for your thread

raw story:

Mentioning that Trump had recently visited the show, the host said that the GOP nominee had left a few things behind in his dressing room, with Fallon pulling out a rumpled brown paper bag.

Lifting  out a heart-shaped photo frame, Fallon said, “This must be a framed photo of his wife, isn’t it? Oh, no, it’s not.”

8 years ago

raw story: Sam Bee: You can’t scare NY with a dumpster bomb after we lived through the Trump dumpster fire


Blonde Wino
8 years ago

trumplicans will bring back the color code terror alert system…found on the side of trump wine and steak packing, of course.   gwb effectively used the ‘baboon red’ alert before the 2004 election and the current SOS crumbled under its weight.  Since trump is already orange…we can use his baboon face as the color scale.  Be very scared of the political terrorist — the evil media woman killer and abusers —  ailes, bossie, bannon ad conway, not the criminals who litter our daily lives.

rancid, the RNC party leader, is really creating an exclusive club of pugs.  kasich will vote for Hillary, his wife and daughters are going to vote for sanity over might.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

I fear trump more than any terrorists.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

trump,jr’s seed hasn’t fallen far from trumptree…skittles are innocent.  The little, colorful candy has become the symbol for racism —  from the killing of Trayvon Martin to poisonous refugees.  repugs, took a fine candy and wrecked it!

Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy. We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing.”
the pr pros at Mars?  They see how trump gets free press and their last sentence is beautiful.  Only the nuanced will see that as a dig to trump.  he is a slob of a human.


8 years ago

bw, just think how they could  sell tootsie rolls

8 years ago

a really really good segment on pbs newshour last night. worth watching the vid or reading whole transcript. here’s introduction:

JUDY WOODRUFF: Almost everyone agrees American politics has become more chaotic in recent years, that it’s changed, and not always for the better.

Scholar Jonathan Rauch has a theory about why, and he shares it in a recent article for “The Atlantic” magazine.

JONATHAN RAUCH, The Atlantic: The article is about what I call “chaos syndrome.”

And that is the steady decline in the ability of the political systems to organize itself whether in campaigns, or in government. People think that politics just somehow magically organizes itself. It doesn’t work that way. You need to assemble these huge coalitions of 535 politicians on Capitol Hill, and tens of thousands of interest groups, and tens of millions of voters, and assemble all those in government to get stuff done.

8 years ago

Though the media has pretty much brushed Trump’s latest incitement of violence under the rug, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren isn’t letting the Republican nominee off the hook so fast.
On Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s ‘All In with Chris Hayes’, Warren blasted Trump’s dangerous rhetoric, saying it disqualifies him from being president.

Warren said:
This is Donald Trump saying, ‘Hey, there’s another way to deal here.’ Again, this goes back to this question of what kind of a human being are we talking about? So, he’s losing to Hillary Clinton and his answer is to say somebody should get out there and do violence? Look, I get it, campaigns are a time of heated rhetoric, people can get excited, they can overreach, they can say things they don’t mean. But Donald Trump has now done this twice and he’s been called out for it both times. And when you do it twice, it seems to me pretty clear what your motivation is here. So I think it’s just one more example of why Donald Trump not only shouldn’t be president but is truly disqualified to be president. 

In any other election year with any other presidential candidate, Donald Trump’s repeated calls for violence against his opponent would be on the front page of every newspaper for weeks. Instead, he calls for Clinton opponents to violently rebel against her – not once but twice – and it doesn’t get more than a day or two of coverage.
Apparently, Trump implying that Clinton should be assassinated isn’t as bad as Clinton’s largely accurate assertion that a good portion of those supporting Trump’s candidacy are “deplorable” bigots, because it was the latter comment that got the most negative media attention.
Hopefully, more members of the press and more Democratic leaders continue to hold Trump’s feet to the fire, like Warren did, about this inflammatory rhetoric that doesn’t just make America’s political environment more toxic but also encourages those on the fringes to actually think violence is an appropriate means of expressing political beliefs.
I understand that Donald Trump’s bar is about as low as possible, but that doesn’t mean he should so easily get away with things that no other political figure ever would.

8 years ago

“I fear trump more than any terrorists.”

bw, so do I…. we’re now beginning to see more and more hatred out in the open. example of what he hath wrought in today’s

wapo: ‘You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake.’ Fliers like these are showing up on lawns across the U.S.

8 years ago

21 years ago a 7 year old boy came to the US, became a naturalized citizen, and 21 years later made a dumpster bomb that injured less than 30 people in a very large city in a nation of over 300 million people.

Because of this act, the cowardly and ignorant Donald Trump want us to kill thousands of Muslims in a foreign country and obliterate the Constitution of the United States.  Anyone who thinks this is a sane response to the situation, really needs to examine their ethics, decency, and general knowledge of the world.

8 years ago

Richard Cohen absolutely nails the lying orangutan in today’s WaPo.

The Economist, a fine British newsmagazine, is rarely wrong, but it was recently in strongly suggesting that the casual disregard for truth that is the very soul of Donald Trump’s campaign is something new under the sun. The technology — tweets and such — certainly is, but his cascade of immense lies certainly is not. I’d like to familiarize the Economist with Adolf Hitler.

I realize that the name Hitler has the distractive quality of pornography and so I cite it only with reluctance. Hitler, however, was not a fictional creation but a real man who was legally chosen to be Germany’s chancellor, and while Trump is neither an anti-Semite nor does he have designs on neighboring countries, he is Hitlerian in his thinking. He thinks the truth is what he says it is.

While Cohen knows he’s playing with the plutonium, he’s right.  100% right.

8 years ago

pogo, it takes folks across the pond to keep warning us about the drumpf. they lived the horror or at least heard about it at their parents knee and know the danger.  

cbs: U2’s Bono on social activism and 2016 race

8 years ago

and more to your point is mother jones, pogo:
Trump Files: Donald’s Big Book of Hitler Speeches
We did Nazi this coming.
…but one anecdote in particular stands out: that Trump owned a copy of Adolf Hitler’s speeches and allegedly read them for inspiration:

Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.

“Wow,” you’re thinking. “But did Trump also respond to this allegation in a shady and kind of revealing way?”


“Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” I said.

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)

Later, Trump returned to this subject. “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”

8 years ago

Terrorists Are Losers?

boss, I sure hope so.

I consider the drumpf a terrorist who uses words as pressure cooker bombs and hope to heaven he loses.

8 years ago

from cnn’s Hillary Clinton prepares for unpredictable Donald Trump at debate:

To knock Trump off his game, people advising Clinton have been looking for a one-line retort that will be a memorable moment from the contest.


suggestion for hil:

“donald, i know vladimir. though you wannabe, you’re no putin”

8 years ago

I just read a longish…  but oh so interesting and well worth the read piece on the media and it’s coverage of this election.  It was published a few days ago on Wapo.  I found it on another blog that I read daily called Dagblog.

Conversation on critique of the media by Chris Cillizza and Norm Ornstein (be sure to read the comments afterwards).

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Chris Sillizer is a hilary hater

8 years ago

Because there are those of you who visit other blogsites – presumably where they continue to perpetuate the trump lie about birtherism starting in the 2008 Clinton campaign, here is the Mark Penn memo that supposedly started it all. It did no such thing. It’s a .pdf and I’m just too lazy to convert it and post the portion that refers to Obama’s lack of American roots, but that appears on page 3.  The bottom line is that the memo does not question whether Obama was born in the US.  In fact it makes no reference to the geographic location of his birth. It contrasts what Penn saw (wrongly in my opinion) as a values difference between Hillary’s Midwest roots with Obama’s Hawaiian and Indonesian upbringing.

8 years ago

RR, thanks for that link.  Very good read, even if as you noted, longish.  Cillizza simply ignores the fact that the political press gravitates to the spectacular and fixates on it.  Lots of reasons for that – it’s easy is the first that comes to mind.  Research into the more arcane actions of public figures is harder and requires skillful dumbing down to explain the results at a 6th grade level.  Looping “emails” and “Clinton Foundation” is so  much easier.  Compare Cillizza’s columns to Eichenwald’s Newsweek article or CC’s to Ornstein’s emails and you can kind of get the picture.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Mrs. Greenspan needs to retire she doesn’t look good and her reporting is bordering on idiocy

8 years ago

renee, my thanks too for that.  in addition to what pogo noted above, cillizza also showed the flaws by declaring readers weren’t interested in her issue plans and platforms but only in the personal stuff.  no wonder they don’t see her as a change agent. they never read or listen to the changes she proposes to make and the most obvious change that a woman (not a man for a change) will be taking a different route to execute the plans.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Chris Sillylizard makes Norm Orenstein look reasonable that should tell you everything

he has taken every cheap shot possible   whenever possible.

8 years ago

horsey at latimes makes a good point: Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition — or President Trump

….no one did expect the Spanish Inquisition or any of the innumerable calamities that periodically befall human societies. Ancient Romans did not expect the Visigoths. The native tribes of North America did not expect the Europeans and the deadly germs they brought with them. Europeans did not expect an Austrian archduke’s assassination to spark a horrific world war, nor a mediocre artist who served as a corporal in that Great War to morph into the German dictator who killed six million Jews.

It is not easy for humans to accept the possibility their pleasant lives can be completely upended by ominous rumbles on the dark horizon. Denial is much more comforting. That is why so many Americans choose to believe climate change is a hoax concocted by godless scientists and that glaciers and polar ice caps are melting for no particular reason. 

8 years ago

KGC…  IMO, Ornstein is reasonable and astute.  I love how Ornstein mopped the floor with Cillizza and the rest of the media.  I love that Ornstein isn’t in Hillary’s camp…  that he isn’t in anyone’s camp.  I love how he doesn’t take the right wing bait as so many lazy “reporters” do today.  IMO, he is an example of what the media should be…  he’s unbiased and reports the facts.  And yes…  that means that sometimes he criticizes Clinton.  IMO, she’s not perfect… I do however, think she is the best candidate for the job of president.

8 years ago

renee, for a minute there I thought you were talking about our fearless leader instead of Ornstein  🙂

8 years ago


I read that the other day and thought about making a blog post about it. It was truly interesting.

I will agree with all of the comments so far. Let me add this. I found it interesting that Ornstein gave a broad critique of the media. Where as Cillizza jumped to defend only his treatment of HRC and fixated on that. Which means to me anyway that his attitude is deliberate and not a blind spot on his part. In other words he is trying to be the wolf in sheeps clothing in regard to HRC.



Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

For the debates, I don’t think she should try to one up him on cute quips — there is no audience — she needs to stick to issues and ones that are sure to make him to appear the moron he is.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Norm Ornstein doesn’t hve to take rightwing bait because he is about as rightwing as possible

he is not  reporter (although he pretends to be)  he is the American Enterprise Institute  about as rightwing as you can get

8 years ago


Which tells you how off the rails  this election currently is, when  right wingers are defending HRC against the press.



8 years ago

Well, RW or not, ornstien’s taking the press to task for shitty unfair coverage of insignificant bullshit about Clinton  and giving drumpf a blowjob and a pass while repeating his stupidity as if it’s important stuff.  In this contest he may not be in Clinton’s camp, but he’s definitely not in drumpf’s. For today I’ll take that.

8 years ago


I just occured to me.

beware the echo chamber

Go read the article, just because it is from a rightwinger ………..



8 years ago

KGC…  IMO, you are doing to Ornstein exactly what you accuse Cillizza of doing to Clinton.  Instead of making comments on the merits of the article that I linked to, you are trying to defend your dislike of personalities.  However, you are correct that Ornstein isn’t a reporter, but a member or AEI….  I was wrong on that.  However, I still listen when Ornstein talks.  IMO, he frequently has something interesting to say.

8 years ago

I just found out Hugh Hewitt blocked me on Twitter.  I must have said something very, very right 🙂

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago


I’m familiar with Norm Ornstein’s work and I’m going to let my remarks stand.  I thought he took Chris Cillizza to task and I still think Cillizza is a Hillary Hater.




8 years ago

Jamie, congratulations.  Quite an achievement.  My guess is he couldn’t respond to whatever your last tweet or series of tweets were without sounding like the partisan hack that he is.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

MSNBC’s  is either lazy, stupid or incompetent or trying to help trump — there coverage of the skittles tweet leaves out the background of the candy metaphor


Trump Jr’s ‘Skittles’ tweet is based on two different white supremacist memes — and Nazi propaganda


Donald Trump Jr. (Facebook)


Donald Trump Jr. drew widespread condemnation for comparing Syrian refugees to poisoned candy — but his analogy isn’t a new one, and it’s based on two separate white supremacist memes with roots in Nazi propaganda.
READ MORE: Donald Trump Jr. stole Skittles image from photographer who fled Middle East as child refugee

Trump — the Republican presidential candidate’s eldest son and a top campaign surrogate — tweeted the image Monday evening in an apparent response to the dumpster bombing over the weekend in New York City, which his dad inaptly linked to the refugee crisis.

“This image says it all,” reads the text. “Let’s end the politically correct agenda that doesn’t put America first. #trump2016,″ accompanied by the official Donald Trump/Mike Pence campaign logo and slogan. The analogy isn’t new, and has been used for years by white supremacists to overgeneralize about various minority groups. “It is often deployed as a way to prop up indefensible stereotypes by taking advantage of human ignorance about base rates, risk assessment and criminology,” wrote Emil Karlsson on the blog Debunking Denialism. “In the end, it tries to divert attention from the inherent bigotry in making flawed generalizations.” A spokeswoman for Wrigley Americas, which makes Skittles, whacked Trump’s dehumanizing comparison. “Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy,” said Denise Young, vice president of corporate affairs. “We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing.” Joe Walsh, a single-term congressman from Illinois and now a right-wing talk radio host who’s been booted from the airwaves for using racial slurs, bragged that Trump’s meme was nearly identical to one he had tweeted a month earlier.

8 years ago

Good news! The three poisonous Skittles have been identified!!

8 years ago

village voice: Rightbloggers Finally Go Off Birtherism — Once Trump Blames It on Hillary

Will it matter? At this point one is tempted to say, LOL Nothing Matters. But that may not be true; what’s more likely is, in a battle of aged hack versus blowhard outsider without historical precedent (yeah, I know, folks, but the cops are watching and I don’t want to get a Godwin’s ticket), polls are not good indicators of how the race is going, and the effect of a major Presidential candidate fobbing the blame for the bullshit that got him the nomination in the first place onto his opponent is literally immeasurable. We may just have to batten down the hatches and wait for actual votes, taking notes meanwhile just to fulfill our debt to Clio, and to future generations, assuming we have any.

8 years ago

8 years ago

more of lizzie on the rampage

8 years ago

boy, am I glad I didn’t have her as a law professor…. tough lady.  altho’ anyone who takes her courses and passes will surely be a better lawyer for it.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The Tulsa shooting looks bad for the cops

8 years ago

us mag: Donald Trump Jr. Calls Refugees Poisonous Skittles; The Internet (and the Candy Company) React
of the twitter responses they reported, I liked this best:

“Around 3000 Americans die every year from choking on food. Zero have been killed by refugees. So I’d be more worried about the Skittles”

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Trump = Hitler with a little bit of Nixon/McCarthy

8 years ago

mother jones: Hillary Clinton vs. the Press, Part 5,348
Hillary Clinton has an icy relationship with much of the press. Here’s why:
[3 stupid tweets from drumpf and andrea quoted here]
Clinton’s icy relationship with the press corps is really no surprise. What’s surprising is that she’s managed to refrain from smacking them silly. Isn’t it long, long past time for national reporters to cut the crap and stop enabling Donald Trump’s idiot tweets? I know he’s entertaining. But this is a presidential campaign, not Access Hollywood.

8 years ago

also from today’s mother jones:

Trump Foundation Involved in Yet More Corruption
Donald Trump’s foundation is in the news again:


Donald Trump spent more than a quarter-million dollars from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses, according to interviews and a review of legal documents.


Sorry Donald. You’re not allowed to use your charity to pay off your business obligations:


“I represent 700 nonprofits a year, and I’ve never encountered anything so brazen,” said Jeffrey Tenenbaum, who advises charities at the Venable law firm in Washington. After The Post described the details of these Trump Foundation gifts, Tenenbaum described them as “really shocking.”

“If he’s using other people’s money — run through his foundation — to satisfy his personal obligations, then that’s about as blatant an example of self-dealing [as] I’ve seen in a while,” Tenenbaum said.

8 years ago

I wouldn’t call norm Ornstein a right winger, just conservative republican in the old gerry ford vein. Nowadays, he’s considered a rino by the ripper establishment, and a country club commie by the ‘alt’ right.

Norm and I both attended the U of Minnesota in the ’60s, and we took many of the same classes and at least one seminar together. He is presently on the advisory board of the U of M law school. It’s been 12 – 15 years since we last talked, but I don’t think he has changed much. We’re both argumentative fuddy-duddies now. He is very earnest.

By right wing, I mean the classical definition derived from the way the French Assembly arranged itself. On the right sat the monarchists, Catholic clerics, and aristocrats, that is to say, men who supported a hierarchical organization of society.

Norm is a social liberal. While he isn’t a leveler like I am, his hierarchy would be based on merit not wealth or accident of birth. This seems to flavor his economic thoughts, which tend to favor small business and competition. He actually believes in value of the old virtues.

Norm spent much of his time with the AEI conducting and interpreting nation-wide polling of political opinion.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

The Wells Fargo corporate bad behavior is indeed outrageous.  A lot of their victims were older folks who didn’t always understand what they were getting from the bank..especially since they had not made any changes.  The entire executive class should have fired itself

8 years ago

on same post story with tongue firmly not in cheek but buzzing vibrantly is wonkette:

Donald Trump Used $258,000 From His ‘Charity’ To Pay Legal Fines. Impeach Hillary Clinton!
In yet another indication of exactly what a financial genius Donald Trump is, the Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold has uncovered yet another creative way Trump made use of funds from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, the alleged “charity” Trump set up to distribute money from the sale of his dumb book — and to which he hasn’t contributed his own cash since 2008. In addition to using it (accidentally, he swears) to make political contributions, Trump also used over a quarter-million bucks from the foundation “to settle lawsuits that involved the billionaire’s for-profit businesses,” if you can imagine that. We’ll give you a moment to recover from the shock.

Says Fahrenthold,  

Those cases, which together used $258,000 from Trump’s charity, were among four newly documented expenditures in which Trump may have violated laws against “self-dealing” — which prohibit nonprofit leaders from using charity money to benefit themselves or their businesses.

In one case, from 2007, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club faced $120,000 in unpaid fines from the town of Palm Beach, Fla., resulting from a dispute over the size of a flagpole.

Damned neighborhood associations and their stupid rules. So what Trump agreed to, in order to settle the suit, was to make a $100,000 donation to a veterans charity specified by the city. That was supposed to be paid out by Mar-a-Lago, but of course it wasn’t: Trump “donated” the money from the Trump Foundation, which is funded almost entirely by donations from other people. Lookie, here’s the check!


Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

“over size of his flagpole”  what was that about tiny hands

8 years ago


[cont’d from above same link after picture of check and accounts]

Oh, and there’s more! Trump settled a lawsuit involving one of his damn golf courses with an agreement to make a donation to a charity chosen by the plaintiff; that one, too, was paid for with a $158,000 donation — not from Trump’s damn golf course, but from his damn foundation. That and the check to the veterans group were the two biggies, but Fahrenthold found some others, too:

The other expenditures involved smaller amounts. In 2013, Trump used $5,000 from the foundation to buy advertisements touting his chain of hotels in programs for three events organized by a D.C. preservation group. And in 2014, Trump spent $10,000 of the foundation’s money for a portrait of himself bought at a charity fundraiser.

Or, rather, another portrait of himself.

Several years earlier, Trump had used $20,000 from the Trump Foundation to buy a different, six foot-tall portrait.

[wonkette goes on here in detail for a few paragraphs]

There’s more, and we hope you’ll read Fahrenthold’s full piece, which is a model of covering all the bases in doing an investigation of a guy who refuses to answer any uncomfortable questions about his finances, except with lies and threats to sue.

Fitzgerald was right. The rich are different from you and me. They have far more options for committing massive fraud.


8 years ago

Norm was also an extraordinarily handsome teenager.

8 years ago

hero of the hour! knight of the night! maybe journalist of the year!

sir fahrenthold of wapo

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

dark curly hair

8 years ago

Eichenwald, too. But Fahrenthold is going to precipitate the grand jury investigation & indictment.

8 years ago

the 2nd portrait according to national post

8 years ago

the peter McManus café/tavern is offering the trump sandwich:

hard to swallow, white bread, full of bologna, russian dressing, small pickle.  🙂

8 years ago

We are  doing our annual end of the summer celebration at the park, also doing a ground breaking in anticipation of construction starting this fall.

So I ask one of my neighbors who works for a produce wholesaler to grab the makings  for pico de gallo. He did plus 4 cases of Roma tomatoes that were going to be thrown out. They still look good to me but they distribute to restaurants. So now what do I do, can’t let them go to waste.

So in addition to all the other stuff I’ve been doing I’ve got to find a good home for these tomatoes.



Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

msnbc in the tank for trump  the ridiculous Kristin Welker asks the fatuous sarah huckaliar  about the trump foundtion and she lets fatmouth run on and lie and not talk about the trump problem

Kristin Welker learned everything she knows from Mrs Greenspan and not in a good way

We are supposed to go to a debate watching party –i’m not sure we should go

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Jamie – “I just found out Hugh Hewitt blocked me on Twitter.” Well, well,  well.  I would say too bad.  But. . . Well sometimes good things come from ucky things.

My days are long and busy.  It is always fascinating to me that if I make a boo boo it can affect or interrupt international trade.

I was going to put a picture of a sewage lift pump in action to compare the bloater and his group to the stuff flowing through.  I decided against such nasty image.  There is no way anyone should compare the stuff that is in sewage to the bloater and his followers, it would be making sludge feel bad.  Therefore, no picture and no description of what the bloater is.

Life is good.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

Trump’s plan is to put more po-lice on the streets and arrest anyone who disagrees with him; or might disagree with him

8 years ago

Must comment on Norm Ornstein.  There is no greater living historian on the US Congress than Norm Ornstein. He is a walking encyclopedia on all things Congress. He is probably the most quoted authority on Congress and is cited in just about every political science textbook used in the past thirty or forty years. No, I do not know him personally, but would love to have a long dinner with him to pick his brain for any of my imaginary class lectures in the future.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

For the debate  I THINK SHE SHOULD keep saying  could you please explain otherwise except to correct him on the facts she should ignore him

8 years ago

Either he is a good business man or he isn’t. ”Isn’t” could include mediocre or poor.

Here is a Q for a ‘debate’ :

Mr trump, you either know what’s going on in your business or you don’t. Assuming that you do make the decisions in your business, what did you know about the bribes and embezzlement*, and when did you know it ?

* If trump used a 501c3 money to pay bribes, he’s in YUUUJE trouble. If he used a 501c3 money to pay company debts, he’s in YUUUJE trouble. No wonder he doesn’t want to reveal his tax forms. He may be the subject of a grand jury investigation or three as we speak. I doubt it, but it is a definite possibility.

8 years ago

MSNBC/surveymonkey puts Clinton UP 5%. la times/usc puts trump up 5%. Why don’t I trust the times anymore ?

8 years ago

jennifer rubin of all people !  http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/the-gop-has-become-a-pity-party-for-white-males/ar-BBwoOjD

8 years ago

jack, make salsa.  all you need are jalapeño, onions, cilantro…  and a lot of chopping stamina

8 years ago

Here is why the ‘normal’ safeguards didn’t work at WFC.

I bank there. It’s my local bank. I also use Armed Forces Bank for my primary checking account and USAA for insurance and other stuff. I keep enough on deposit at WFC so that I never have had a service charge on anything. There is no incentive for any of their low-level employees to rip me off. Had I been victimized, or someone in my circle victimized, I would have raised a stink that would have been smelt all the way to San Fran. I think that’s the case with many of the more affluent account holders.

Stumpf, the chairman, may have really been unaware of the magnitude of what was happening because he wouldn’t be receiving phone calls from those in his social and professional circles warning him of what was going on. But, I’m reasonably sure that there would be abnormally large numbers of clients leaving the most affected branches; that should have been senior managements’ red flag.

In any case, senior management should have known that something was wrong by crunching the numbers. They didn’t. No bonuses for them for the foreseeable future. For any employee, line or management, who was culpable or who didn’t blow the whistle, out the door without a recommendation.