Pardon me for reliving a nightmare but I am very concerned this campaign could be so much like Carter vs. Reagan in 1980, when we all believed all we needed to do was point out to the nation what a nut job our opponent was, for saying stuff like “Trees cause pollution.” Further, I am uncomfortably reminded of Dukakis believing his superior intelligence wins the day. Hillary’s utilitarian, uninspiring speech last night suggested to me that her campaign is arrogantly relying on a conventional intellectual approach to an appealingly simplistic unconventional foe. Worrisome.
Turn this from a perceived negative to a positive: Secretary Clinton’s remarks = a strong, solid foundation versus Trump’s house of cards/imploding building gibberish. Could be a great visual. Whichever staffer came up with the “Woman Card” should get on this, stat. Destroy Trump not with wonkery but with humor.
Song for trump to use:
you’re a big shot but you’ve gone too far
and you know it doesn’t matter anyway
you can rely on your old man’s money
Cynical much? This isn’t the Republican Reagan of polluting trees in 1980. It is the hopeful, rebuilding America of Democratic Ronald Reagan of the 1949 Screen Actors guild demanding residuals for union members. Last night is what a “Big Tent” actually looks like. In the House I Live in, it is all white boys attacking a another boy getting a lesson in “all races and religions, that’s America to me”. This time it is in peaceful technicolor with girls.
It may be arriving almost 40 years late, but it was the America the boomers wanted to see happen with opportunity for all before they lost their way into the something for everybody vs something for me split of the modern parties. It makes sense that this new edition of the Democratic party is being led by the Boomer Hillary of her commencement speech of 1969.
So yes I’m hopeful. It may have sounded uninspiring to you. To me it sounded like, “It’s damn well about time!!!”
What is America to me?
A name, a map, or a flag I see?
A certain word, “democracy”?
What is America to me?
The house I live in, a plot of earth, a street
The grocer and the butcher, and the people that I meet
The children in the playground, the faces that I see
All races and religions, that’s America to me
A few years ago while searching for some funny quotes on the internet I found this writer on a website called “Goodreads”. I won’t divulge his name, but I thought he had written some really clever things. Most of what I had thought was clever were found in books that he had written. I started following him on Twitter and he followed me back. I have had a lot of interaction with him on Twitter. During this election, especially recently, he has been a very vocal critic of Hillary Clinton. Among the names he has been calling her is “Warmonger”. He also said some negative remarks about Bernie Sanders the other night. From what I’ve gathered about him, he is a Libertarian. Although I’ve yet to see him post anything about which candidate he supports this election. Recently, I’ve been debating about unfollowing him on Twitter because he no longer writes funny, clever tweets these days. Most of his tweets just bash Hillary. Well, last night he went off the rails and he called Hillary a “Murdering b*tch”. He dared Twitter to suspend his account. I decided that I’d had enough of his tweets and I unfollowed him earlier this morning.
How Hillary turns the poetry into the prosaic. Is America as good as Hillary Says It is? “Clinton presides over the party of sanity and decency and whose convention showcased the best of America.”
“this campaign could be so much like Carter vs. Reagan in 1980”
yep, starting with stolen campaign materials and collusion with an enemy
There you go again, Craig. Comparing this election to the 1980 election. 🙂
boss, hate to keep beating an undead horse, but pbs newshour last night seems to see the same thing I fear for hillary and for history.
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination in large part by racking up big numbers with women voters, black voters and Latino voters. But she did worst among one particular demographic: white males. Why is that? Is it her policies? Or is it that she’s a woman?
WILLIAM BRANGHAM: How do we know with some of the other men that you talked to, or just men more broadly, that their beef with Hillary Clinton might be about her policies or her positions? I mean, how do we know that it’s overtly about the fact that she’s a woman?
DANIEL BUSH: On an individual, case-by-case basis, it’s difficult to say, yes, this voter in particular doesn’t like Hillary Clinton only because she is a woman.
And, of course, there are millions of voters across the country, in the primaries, and there will be in the general, who have legitimate policy disagreements, right, with Clinton, whether it’s about health care, whether it’s about taxes, and so on.
But when you really start talking to men — and in this story in particular, we were looking at white men — you see that gender is an underlying sort of current in the way that they think about Hillary Clinton.
see also related stories: Clinton’s Run Triggers Debate Over Gender Bias and The hidden sexism that could sway the election
Thank you Jamie for replying to post so well.
Craig, not quite where or how you could come up with some of your negative view of Hillary’s speech. It was long I’ll give you that but besides the recent bitterness am thinking maybe you aren’t in touch with your feminine side. It brought tears to my eyes for the majority.
boston globe:
On Thursday, the Massachusetts senator took to the Democratic National Convention stage for a second time and praised Hillary Clinton, at the expense of Trump, for knowing “how to fight back against dangerous, loud-mouthed bullies.”
“For 25 years, she’s been on the receiving end of one attack after another,” she said. “But she doesn’t back down. She doesn’t whine. She doesn’t run to Twitter to give people ugly nicknames. And she sure as heck doesn’t quit. Hillary just keeps right on fighting for the people who need her most.”
Warren joined other women senators on stage: Maryland’s Barbara Mikulski, Washington’s Patty Murray, Michigan’s Debbie Stabenow, Washington’s Maria Cantwell, Minnesota’s Amy Klobuchar, Missouri’s Claire McCaskill, New Hampshire’s Jeanne Shaheen, New York’s Kirsten Gillibrand, Wisconsin’s Tammy Baldwin, Hawaii’s Mazie Hirono, and California’s Barbara Boxer.
Craig, not sure I can buy in to your assessment – although I understand your point. The Dem convention was well done and well executed. Part of that will effect the publics perception of preparedness for the Presidency; and on that point Clinton wins.
In 1980, Reagan did not insult and alienate both the largest block of American voters and the fastest growing block of voters.
But alas, the election will not be held next Tuesday, but rather a little over 3 months from now. In October most people won’t remember this week or the convention. Hillary has to continue to perform, solidify her message and win the debate(s). There’s plenty of time to reach out to the blue collar workers – the question is whether she will and not leave that to Biden. Remember, she has on her side some of the best political minds of the past 50 years. I’m sure James Carvel will be whispering in her ear. And of course, she’s married to Bill – who knows how to reach the voter. Trump has on his side, well, er, few ideas and a propensity for the negative.
I thought Hillary’s acceptance was perfect. She had things that needed saying and she said them. There was something there for each of us. I will be more than enthusiastic when I cast my vote for her.
I did not cast a ballot for either candidate in 1980. But, that’s a complicated story with simple conclusions.
Was Chelsea wearing Ms Albright’s beautiful pin during the intro speech?
clinton is tryiing to coalesce the independents, moderate pugs and her loyal dems. Lefties? No so much. She will never get the radicals on either side and she is going to the bloomberg middle.
As for the ghost of elections past? I would agree, except today we are digital…tied to the jungian social network. This one is a nail biter and if I channel Margaret Mead? Nothing in this for males who need a better rite of passage throughout the world. Women socialize better and the angst and anger of the lone white male? I can feel its breath from here. It is more than about the middle class myth and white, single men are no longer the bread winner. Jobs? I look to Colorado….a state of overwhelming number of young, white males. At least they have the growth industry of marijuana. Otherwise, let us go back to the factories of 1980s and back to mines! Another myth by the right.
My only disappointment? No mention of AI or turning us into cracker jack geeks who smoke pot.
Donald Trump is NO Ronald Reagan
Tim Kaine? My brother, a Hillary supporter, dislikes Kaine. He does not like his push of religion into politics. I think she picked him especially for that reason. He is ‘do no harm’ kind of VP. She is vacuuming-up any votes from the other side and in between. A heavy suck, but I admire her for trying…it means she can work with repugs. We need a sane congress so this obstruction doesn’t eat us up.
I think andy griffith is ending soon, I am outta here. Thanks for a safe house for the evening, Craig.
“She had things that needed saying and she said them. There was something there for each of us.”
flatus, and one very important something was:
“I’m not here to repeal the 2nd Amendment.
I’m not here to take away your guns.
I just don’t want you to be shot by someone who shouldn’t have a gun in the first place.”
Clinton said Congress and elected officials should be working with “responsible gun owners” to pass “common-sense reforms” to keep guns out of the hands of “criminals, terrorists and all others who would do us harm.”
“For decades, people have said this issue was too hard to solve and the politics were too hot to touch. But I ask you: how can we just stand by and do nothing? You heard, you saw, family members of people killed by gun violence. You heard, you saw, family members of police officers killed in the line of duty because they were outgunned by criminals.
“I refuse to believe we can’t find common ground here,” she said.
Oh, and peace to us all.
sorry, left out link where I got above quote which went on to observe that: “The National Rifle Association has backed Clinton’s opponent, Republican Donald Trump. It has hit Clinton all day on social media”
There is always the possibility that a candidate will flub up with a memorable mistake that will keep repeating itself like Mike and the tank. I don’t see Clinton doing that, and I don’t think anyone will hold against trump what would be a monumental mistake for any other candidate. It is beyond me how he gets a pass with 42-43% of the electorate for outrageous and stupid behavior and comments. I’d have to say that the 42-43% of the electorate supporting trump is either so pro pugn, so anti Clinton or just plain stupid that what he says and does doesn’t matter to them..
pogo, maybe this helps explain some of that 42% “of the electorate supporting trump is either so pro pugn, so anti Clinton or just plain stupid that what he says and does doesn’t matter to them”
[yeah, yeah, poobah, the dead horse beat goes on]
two years ago from thinkprogress: The Excessive Political Power Of White Men In The United States, In One Chart
White men make up 31% of the population, yet they hold 65% of elected offices in the United States.
According to data released Wednesday by the Reflective Democracy Campaign, which built a database of over 42,000 elected officials, America’s leaders do not look very much like their constituents. Whites, men and white men dominate elected offices. Women and people of color are massively underrepresented.
Elected politicians in the United States are overwhelmingly white (90%) and male (71%). While men of color make up 19% of the population, they account for only 7% of elected officials. Likewise, women of color are 19% of the population, but hold only 4% of elected offices. White women are proportionally slightly better off: they are 32% of Americans and 25% of elected officials.
Most telling sign which convention better, Trump disowns his: “I didn’t produce our show — I just showed up for the final speech on Thursday.” (NYT)
the Australian has an editorial today titled “Russian roulette with Trump” but I keep getting an error message. sure would like to know what they have to say. if you can get to it and it’s worthy of repost, sure would be obliged.
OMG… I laughed so hard reading the last thread… you ladies were tooooooo funny last night!
Craig… IMO… nothing compares to what we are seeing now. Trump is like no one we have ever seen run for office. Hell…. some of the balloons on the arena floor are still inflated and you sound like some old lady worrywart…. party pooper! Still love you though.
IMO, Hillary’s speech was fine. She did what she had to do. Yeah… it could have been 15 minutes shorter and it could have mentioned Trump a little less. But compared to Trump’s speech and the GOP convention, Hillary’s speech and the Dem convention were a home run.
Go Democrats, go!
from bbc: Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump: The messages behind the fashion
Hillary Clinton – pantsuit aficionado…
White for purity, white for angelic, white for new and fresh, white for White House.
But also the colour of the suffragettes, as social media users were quick to point out….
The message: Mrs Clinton breaking through the US political glass ceiling is the modern-day equivalent of suffragettes clad in white, fighting for women’s right to vote.
Donald Trump – Brioni man
One week earlier, her Republican opponent Donald Trump made his acceptance speech in the template for male politicians: A simple blue suit, a white shirt, and a Republican red tie.
For male candidates, choices are simpler, scrutiny less harsh.
All he needed was the colours of the US flag, patriotic in style and colour.
Though not, perhaps, in price tag.
Mr Trump has a penchant for expensive designer suits.
One of his favourite labels is said to be Brioni, one of the world’s most prestigious couture houses.
You may not be able to tell, but his hair is the product of intensive, expensive styling…..
He also appears to get away with wearing labels that are not fully in keeping with his “making America great again” slogan.
Apart from Brioni, he favours Armani and German fashion house Hugo Boss.
Patd, thanks for the facts & figures. If 1/3 of white males don’t support trump then half of his support is from other groups.
What, trump doesn’t wear his own brand? Imagine.
Russian Roulette With Trump
The Australian
Donald Trump has brought neither credit nor credibility to his campaign for the White House with his bizarre appeal to a hostile foreign power — Vladimir Putin’s Russia — to launch an unlawful cyber attack to hack into Hillary Clinton’s private emails.
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Mr Trump said. This referred to emails deemed personal and deleted before Mrs Clinton turned over another 30,000 to the US State Department from the private server she recklessly used as secretary of state.
The context of Mr Trump’s foolhardy request was speculation overshadowing the Democratic National Convention over what are seen as direct attempts by Mr Putin to meddle in US politics. Throughout his campaign Mr Trump has spoken warmly of Mr Putin. To the Kremlin’s delight he has disparaged NATO. He has given Mr Putin hope a Trump presidency would lift sanctions imposed over Russia’s invasion of Crimea and Ukraine.
As the convention began, the Moscow-leaning WikiLeaks released 20,000 embarrassing internal emails written by Democratic leaders. Barack Obama says US intelligence is convinced Russia hacked them. Mr Trump apparently hopes that if Mr Putin obliges by hacking into Mrs Clinton’s private emails, he will be able to damage her further.
Mr Trump is being extremely unwise. His apologists claim he was joking. But that ignores tweets he sent after his news conference reiterating the request to Mr Putin as well as speculation surrounding his relationship with the Russian leader. Son Donald Trump Jr has disclosed that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our (Trump Corporation) assets”. Key Trump campaign aides have major business or political connections with Russia. There is no justification for Mr Trump to turn to Mr Putin for help to discredit Mrs Clinton. Doing so shows his questionable judgment in foreign affairs and raises serious concerns about how he would conduct himself in the White House.
I’m sure Strumpette’s spanx are made in the us
That was weird. It just wouldn’t access via the URL. Had to post the whole article. Since they allow cross posting to Facebook, I’ll assume that giving credit is enough to keep me from some form of copyright jail.
The frugal Warren Buffet gets his suits mail-order from China.
RR, hA — “old lady worrywart” — that’s sexist!
Oh but Jamie, he now says he was just being “sarcastic” — could say that about his whole campaign, maybe we’ll find out he’s not actually running, was just kidding us all along
Jamie, thank you. you’re very brave. hope it doesn’t crash any of your stuff. am suspicious of late about why i experience trouble with only the articles criticizing dt. getting a bit paranoid about it.
Nicole Wallace so disappointed the dems didn’t turn into Romney goopers –she sucks – there must be better disaffected goopers around
she is a Clinton hater and her commentary is worthless she practically gave Jeb a blowjob on the air
CNN has some nifty behind the scenes HRC pics here. Like this one, hope that’s somebody she knows
Jamie, PatD — don’t know if this will help with your pasting issues, but I usually paste first in my plain-text notepad to get rid of wiggly code on a lot of sites.
Judging by the expressions on his face when he says the most outrageous things, I thought a long time ago that my favorite conspiracy was that Donald was a secret Democrat hoping to take down the whole of the GOP. There really are times when everything about his body language is the absolutely insufferable, arrogant, egotist who won’t let you go at a cocktail party until he informs you just how great he is.
I fully expect him to jump up the day after the election shouting “I elected her”
It was one reason Jennifer Granholm’s line “You’re So Vain, You probably think this speech is about you.” worked so well.
So far 9 US Republican Senators have said they’re not going to vote / support Trump (as well as a bunch of Reps and Governors). I think what’s going to be telling as we move down the campaign trail towards election day is how many more will join them, as well as whether or not publicly denouncing Trump saves their jobs and keeps the Senate Republican (I don’t see that happening). Chuck Schumer is about to do his happy dance.
those were the days… sigh…
from the week: 2008, when Barack Obama became the first African-American presidential nominee, his opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), released an ad congratulating him on making history.
“Sen. Obama, this is truly a good day for America,” McCain said. “Too often, the achievements of our opponents go unnoticed, so I wanted to stop and say congratulations. How perfect that your nomination would come on this historic day. Tomorrow we’ll be back at it, but tonight, Senator, job well done.”
On Thursday, when Hillary Clinton became the first woman to ever become the presidential nominee of a major party, that didn’t happen — but this did.
“…hope that’s somebody she knows.”
The Secret Service has the same wish.
Wallace, Dowd, and Mitchell need to find a dark bar together and drown their bitter sorrows
A very low bar that HRC managed to clear.
But it wasn’t a night to meet expectations especially very low ones.
The mark of a true champion is that they step up for the big game. It didn’t get much bigger last night for Clinton. This was her moment to shine.
She dropped the ball.
The most amazing thing about the speech is how poorly crafted it was. It lacked a consistent central theme and when it appeared to be developing one the speech wandered of in the weeds stepping all over any theme it might have had. This campaign can afford to hire the best speech writers in the world, yet it looks as if it were crafted by some intern taking public speaking 101.
As a long time HRC supporter it has me wondering if maybe Clinton isn’t a third rater who got there because of who she is not what she is.
But we’ve got what we’ve got. And to channel Rumsfeld, Ya go with the candidate you’ve have not with the one you want.
What this week demonstrated is HRC is a competent everyday team player. It is also becoming very obvious is that she can’t hit the curve ball.
Yeah… I know, Craig… I’m such a pig… 🙂
KGC… I watched the entire night on CSpan… but did turn on MSNBC to hear what they thought when it was over. I laughed at Nicole Wallace. She apparently thought that Hillary should have tailored her remarks for goopers… HA!
Jamie, you know there’s an lot of “how the hell could we have let this happen” talk going on right now in the upper levels of the G.O.P. They just served themselves a crap sandwich – and everyone is gonna have to take a bite.
last year Peyton Manning’s arm was ready to fall off… but did enough for his team to win the Super Bowl. I’ll take that any day of the week.
jack, your complaint is the same as mine when it comes to democrat mail-outs…they try to cover every issue with too many words. I have a feeling the so-called “pros” put their two cents in at last minute to accommodate Bernie. too little said and they would have accused her of reneging on their deal.
Dear Craig, I have to disagree with you. Even though I’m someone who lost a job because of Reaganomics, (human service agencies took a big hit) I have to say that he at least “had a clue”…and good speech writers. That is the complete scope of my positives on Ronald Reagen 🙂
Trump is a whole different animal and I do think Hillary has what it takes to defeat him. Not only that, but we have to encourage everyone to get on board with Hillary because the alternative is to dangerous to even consider!
I had a wonderful experience last night and I highly recommend it to anyone who may have a chance to do the same in the future. I have a YouTube channel on my big TV and I discovered that there was a live stream of the DNC. I spent the entire night watching WITHOUT ANY TALKING HEADS!!!! What a breath of fresh air! I got to enjoy the wonderful variety and eloquence of all the speakers without anyone telling me what I should think about it. I’m reborn!
My favorite moments were: Khizr Khan, Rev. William Barber, General John Allen and the Women of the Senate. If you missed any of these I can provide YouTube links to their speeches. They are all worth watching. But most of all I loved Chelsea introducing her mother and the speech that Hillary delivered was one of the best I’ve heard. She hit all the right notes and I think may have been the most ‘herself’ that we’ve seen in a while. I hope she stays this course. I like it when she fights like a girl 😉
I have to agree with all the contributors here who mentioned that Hillary being a woman is the main factor in most of the anti-HRC vitriol. One thought I had while watching her speech, and the many little film inserts of different aspects of her life that were shown during the evening, was how very different it is having a woman in this position. Could it be that many men are just so used to seeing a male style of acting, speaking and governing that they simply can’t relate to watching a new style? Women have always had a different way of dealing with the others and being in the world. This is a good thing!
I’ve been part of the women’s movement for a very long time. I’ve marched, I’ve picketed, I’ve collected food donations in front of grocery stores. I’ve visited women in hospitals after someone who was supposed to love & cherish them nearly killed them. I’ve attended funerals when someone succeeded. That job I lost due to Reagan was in a Women’s Center which provided shelter and advocacy to battered women and their children and also rape victims. The first shelter for battered women that I had experience with was actually only the second one in the country back in 1977. At that time I was a volunteer crisis intervention worker. By 1980 I was in back in Massachusetts and when I read of a new shelter/program for women opening up I immediately applied for a paid position. We were actually paid very little, truth be told.
My point is that it’s only been 40 years since we started standing up and saying NO! You cannot consider a woman your property so that you can do whatever you want to her! You can’t beat women and children just because they don’t agree with you or don’t ask “how high” when you say jump! Actually some of the men I dealt with back then would have beaten their wife/girlfriend/child for saying “how high” instead of jumping immediately! And whether you’re married or just dating, NO means NO so just zip it! You’d be amazed at how foreign these ideas were to most people back then.
Yes, women do things differently. We don’t beat and bully people into submission. We use reason, diplomacy, compromise, determination, common sense, and love. We use our minds, our words and our hearts. We get laws changed and find ways to change other people’s minds and hearts. We educated police and judges and the public at large. Slowly, things change. I’ve been there, done that and so has Hillary!
It was mentioned earlier this week that young women seem complacent and not understanding of what a monumental achievement it is to have a woman nominated by one of the major political parties in this country. Most young women today don’t remember (maybe don’t even know) that not so long ago there were actually laws on the books stating that a man could beat his wife…and how big a stick he could use in some cases. The sad thing is that there are still countries where that kind of thinking exists, so there’s still a long way to go. Human trafficking has become a global tragedy and a much too common practice. Abuse against women hasn’t gone away, it’s just gone underground and become a lucrative form of organized crime. Watching some of the virulent attacks that have been directed at Hillary I can clearly see the fist of male domination being raised! So, don’t be fooled by those who think it’s a level playing field…it’s not! I am extremely proud of Hillary for standing up and “playing the woman card”! As we used to say back in the day “Uppity women unite!” Men will have to get used to a new style of doing things and since most of them were raised by women it should be like comfort food for the soul if they open their minds and hearts.
Jack, my educated guess on what happened is based on her track record with big speeches — she is known for reaching out to get lots of advice from her vast network of pals and then tries to work it all in (have heard many a staffer gripe about this), sometimes to flatter those who recommend something and sometimes because she really likes it. She probably got a tight, well-crafted draft in the beginning, and then started loading it up with ornaments like an overburdened Christmas tree.
jack, wapo says what I meant above:
Hillary Clinton had something for everyone.
If you already support the former Secretary of State, you loved her speech to the Democratic convention last night. If you’re skeptical of her but trying to convince yourself to get to yes—whether because you backed Bernie Sanders or you’re uncomfortable with Donald Trump—there was plenty for you.
Trump’s acceptance speech in Cleveland was all about shoring up his base. He could have given it last summer. Clinton’s speech here was about winning the general election. That will require shoring up recalcitrant Bernie Sanders boosters, making gains with independents and running up the score with women.
In an attempt to accomplish all three aims, Clinton carefully threaded the needle on issues big and small
You nailed it GrannyMumantoog
Young women have no clue and those who do no know their history….
Granny, I kept thinking last night how I wish Ann Richards had been around to help with that speech, one of the great orators of all time.
The white males demographic is misleading. Clinton leads in the 18-34 white males. That means the 35-death white males are extremely anti-Clinton. I think that a lot of them never had a female boss, and believe that having a female above would be demoralizing, demeaning, or anti-Pauline. That part of the demographic is way out of sync with the other 4/5 of America, and being so small a group and so fringey, they aren’t worth bothering about. No evidence or suasion can call them back to the actual world. Save resources; blitz around them.
GrannyM… bravo… great post!
BTW… did you work for Rosie’s Place?
“Yes, women do things differently. We don’t beat and bully people into submission. We use reason, diplomacy, compromise, determination, common sense, and love. We use our minds, our words and our hearts. We get laws changed and find ways to change other people’s minds and hearts. We educated police and judges and the public at large. Slowly, things change…”
granny, well said except you left out ” or we nag, nag, nag until they do”
at least that’s the most used word (fit for print) I’ve heard thrown at me.
but xr, those “35-death white males” are the ones in power and control what is heard and therefore thought by the rest of us.
I had to sign-in to honor grannymumantoog (love your name)…thank you for your service and you are a goddess to me, sincerely.
I have had time to get some coffee and digest last night’s speech. I am dubbing it the “All you can eat buffet” speech. Something for everyone to nosh on. It was not meant to appeal only to the exclusionary tastes of either the left or right. It was also a very large buffet…we all got our fill if we wanted to. I think Clinton is the best chance we have had in years to get some compromising work done in DC. End this gridlock from the negators of the extremes on both sides.
Bink, my loins are still girded…or maybe they should be girled!
Critics of her speech should understand that if she didn’t touch all the different constituencies that she has courted over the years, it would be a tremendous slight of the long term supporters who wanted to share in her acceptance. If the completed product resulted in a somewhat disjointed effect for incoming supporters, so be it; when they vote for her reelection they’ll understand.
Whatever you think about Clinton if you are throwing her under the bus for that speech you were just looking for an excuse.
And in comparison to the Strumpettes acceptance speech – her speech was a grand slam home run by a pitcher
and really MSNBC lose Brian Williams he is an ignorant right wing fool
The speech was waaay too long & jumped around a lot. ‘Something for everyone’ meant she wasted time appealing to people who will never ever vote for her. This may be calculated to show what an open and welcoming person she is, however, it diluted her other points.
I confess that I not a great Clinton fan. I’m not so much alienated from Hillary, as from Bill and his coterie of blatant men on the make. I also confess that she impressed the hell out of me as a senator. My senator, Paul Wellstone, took better positions, but Hillary Clinton got things done.
As SoS, Clinton showed guts when she went for the grand slam in the Middle East. She missed by two tricks, with Libya and Syria. Humans can’t read the future very accurately. She thought that grand slam was both possible and worth taking a chance. Think what a safe and happy Middle East we would be seeing if only those Libya and Syria gambits had worked ! Anyway, she showed guts and initiative, and I can’t fault that.
Opposing her is a man that I consider a dangerous maniac & demagogue. He combines the worst traits of mccain, romney, and nixon.
As Ms Clinton is the only person capable of defeating trump, and as she has an an acceptable track record, how can I not love her ? I repeat, how can I NOT love her ?
Okay, I wrote too long and jumped around. Errare humanum est.
Thank you all for the kind words (blushing)!
Jamie: A couple of the ship jumpers spoke last night. I think we can expect to see much more of that. “The times they are a changin”
Love the graphic 🙂
Craig: As you can imagine I was a huge Ann Richards fan! I agree that she was an amazing speaker and I wish she was with us today! RIP
RR: Hampden County Women’s Center and Womanshelter Compañeras (one of the founding organizers)
The one I mentioned in ’77 was in Hawaii and had a very long name that I don’t entirely remember. Rosie’s Place was the first that we know of and the place in HI was said to be the second at that time, I don’t think it exists anymore. Of course there was no internet back then so there may have been others.
PatD: LOL! “…you left out ” or we nag, nag, nag until they do” at least that’s the most used word (fit for print) I’ve heard thrown at me.”
Yes, I’ve heard that too…and much more.
Blonde Wino: “I am dubbing it the “All you can eat buffet” speech. Something for everyone to nosh on. It was not meant to appeal only to the exclusionary tastes of either the left or right. It was also a very large buffet…we all got our fill if we wanted to.”
My feeling exactly!
KGC: “and really MSNBC lose Brian Williams he is an ignorant right wing fool” …
fooltool! 😀that edit works for me
I commented last night about the trump campaign does pr and the clinton campaign does marketing. All news is good news for trump, the uglier, the more press worthy…he thinks free press is his first amendment right. Any negative slogan, reference that is repeated and chanted gets the headline. Especially in a twittered world. I assume most low information humans will gravitate to that type of mantra. Clinton is in it for the long term brand of the dems. She keeps repeating marketing brands most citizens are used to…consumption for the families who are actually the middle class, the working class. I do understand the need in this country to head back to the middle for there is no hope of convincing the extremes on both sides. It is their immobility and obstructionism that must be broken…not the two party system. Clinton is our only hope.
The extreme left and the extreme right are mirror images of themselves…what happens when we pass through the looking glass? Distortions and morphing. No compromise, no eating at the common buffet. The elite and picky eaters. I would love a five star meal, but I can settle on the buffet.
“I repeat, how can I NOT love her ?”
Nobody’s asking you to love her–just don’t leave a hanging chad after you vote for her. 🙂
Granny, next time you’re moved to write such thoughtful post send it to me as a new thread post. Or post it yourself, email me for the simple directions:
A really exciting week for me…I was a captive, live audience. To round out a good week of tv viewing? The Preacher finale is on Sunday eve.
Dvitale, also inviting you to write thread posts. Email me for instructions:
We have recently acquired some great voices, and I hope they will all stay … variety makes things spicy
Big thank you to Dvitale & Granny
Nate Silver: Where The Election Goes From Here
Good general article with links to various commentary from the convention
from ynet:
Bill Clinton wears Hebrew ‘Hillary’ lapel pin
Former president received pin from aide and reportedly wore it in response to the burning of Israel’s flag outside the Democratic National Convention by Sanders supporters.
Orly Azuolay|Published: 28.07.16 , 10:19
PHILADELPHIA—Former US President Bill Clinton cheered on curent President Barack Obama during the latter’s speech at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday, wearing quite a unique decoration on his lapel—a “Hillary” pin in Hebrew.
According to reports in the US, one of the former president’s aides, Steve Rabinovich, gave him the pin and he wore it as a response to the burning of an Israeli flag outside the convention the previous day by supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders, who protested the fact the former candidate declared his support of Hillary Clinton.
and for drumpf supporters here’s forward’s “Hillary Clinton Isn’t the Only One with Hebrew Swag” [but I don’t think it’s for the same reason]
Big relief. Hillary bus tour kickoff speech so much better than last night, conversational, funny, endearing
I hope people keep repeating no taxes no coverage
Right now I have some right wing nut on Twitter telling me that having a cabinet that is half women would only be because of their vaginas (you know that thing we use to vote). I pointed out that the current cabinet had 7 of 15 women and that 7 women served under Bush. Then I pointed out that there were 150 million women in the US and I was sure we could fill all 15 seats with qualified individuals except she wanted to be fair to the men. He’s not happy.
The tweets at the end of the article are worth reading.
Yahoo. Appeals Court strikes down NC’s voter ID law.
Finally a bit of sanity in a voter ID case.
Just for you.
“Read my lips, no taxes no coverage”
people should turn-off media that continues to cover Trump without taxes
Thank you Jamie!
Anyone know when we should see the first round of completed polls after the DNC? RCP has their aggregate as Trump up by 1.2 pts right now. I would guess that a significant bump for Clinton is on the horizon and Trump is bound to have a Twitter conniption! I was hearing the MSNBC talking heads yesterday using numbers around the 8 to 10 pt range.
Guesses on the bump? I’m saying 5 to 6 points.
Twelve points
DV, should be some Sunday, or more likely Monday. Actually, RCP’s aggregate is a tie right now. Reuters just posted a Hillary +5 that covers Monday through today that they picked up. Previous Reuters poll was +4 through 7/20 after a string of +10 or +11.
I am not, was not, have never been, on trumps tweet list. Thank the Benevolent Buddha
Yes KGC: No Taxes No Coverage. This is unacceptable!
We’re going to win this election. The people are most dissatisfied with the US Congress. We need loads of energy and hard work to blow the republican majorities out of the House and Senate. We need loads of energy and hard work to toss out the corrupt and loathsome republican governors, who demagogue pissoirs while ignoring lead paint in baby’s food, and mercury in baby’s water.