How Hillary Beats Trump

Are Democrats about to make the same mistake Republican leaders made, underestimating Donald Trump, ridiculing his supporters and dismissing what appears to be the political phenomenon he has created?

Well, Dems did it those many years ago when laughing off Ronald Reagan, as his own party elites had done to their dismay.

Trump won the optics last night against Hillary and that should be a warning sign for Democrats, commanding far more TV air time by taking sometimes hostile press questions in his victory appearance, compared to Clinton’s reliance on a teleprompter speech obviously written by aides who were plagiarizing the Sanders message.

If the apparent failure of Republican elites to stop Trump is a lesson for Democrats, get this: ditch the teleprompter, forget the conventional empty rhetoric and understand, replicate the colloquial language of the modern TV age. And most of all do not indulge in the personal insults against him that only seem to strengthen him.

In other words, don’t fight his game. Create your own, so long as it is outside the box.

Optics that communicate traditional politics are deadly in a marketplace of voters who truly despise the status quo of our brain dead institutions.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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9 years ago

Of course, Clinton could make mince meat of trump intellectually. Look at Old Sea’s post : trump can’t even put subject and predicate together to make sense. God only knows what the old john is actually saying. However, it appears that he is communicating to American people who can’t understand their birth language, and so his lack of precision is no disadvantage to him.
I want some candidate at the next publican ‘debate’ list the republican movie heroes, actors, John Wayne, Clint, Steven Segall, Gary Cooper, etc, who were strong silent types, and then pointing at trump say, “Donald’s an actor of the weak noisy type.” This would be a great line for kasich, ‘cuz he can tower over the makeup, hair dye, and perfume guy in a way that rubio can’t. Maybe Clinton could use it when she debates the beast.

Click to EditDelete 

9 years ago

“that is what is so brilliant about Trump … keeps the cameras rolling. Making news instead of reading rhetoric.”

yep, boss, man bites dog, if it bleeds it leads and who wants to watch boring shows like nova…   no matter what she does -high road or low, answer press questions ’til she’s blue in the face – she’s criticized, she’s called a liar.

suggested amendment for last line in thread: “Optics that communicate traditional politics are deadly in a marketplace of brain dead voters who truly despise the status quo of our brain dead institutions.”

9 years ago

And, Craig is right about trump fielding questions. He fielded them and then jabbered around the topic until he could make HIS point. He didn’t answer the Qs, but that is beside the point. He is making himself the point of this election.

Blonde Wino
9 years ago

When Trump announced his run last summer, I told hubby we are looking at the next POTUS.  He assured me that voters would never be that stupid.    I accepted his advice.  As Trump moved forward and he began with campaign finance reform?  I thought this guy will be popular with the lower info humans.  Trump has a success formula.  He is a diplomatic disaster, just what the mob likes.   Trump is fighting against some big money, pac money.  So is Hillary.  Bern has benefited from Rove’s Crossroads ads in the more liberal states like Colorado, Minnesota, etc.   Bern benefited from the NRA many years ago…the conservatives love to run him.  He ruins the moderate.  The dem voters fancy themselves as intellectually superior to the repug base.  Repugs claim the dems call them troglodytes.  But, in reality?  Dems voters are just as gullible and stupid especially because they think they are so smart.   That arrogance may cost them in this election cycle.

I believe HRC will win with the minority vote.  White people of all ages will go to Trump.   In such a violent year, it may be a long summer.  Maybe that Supreme Court will be called on again to decide the POTUS in November.   Let us hope that during this time, Obama and Biden stay very safe…Ryan could be prez.  That would really change the election dynamic.   Secret service?  They are already working for Trump as his body guards.

9 years ago

bw- amen.


9 years ago

Yesterday Hillary won every single imaginable demographic except one:  Older White Men.  Unfortunately, this is the group that sees everything they ever thought was stable or assumed to last forever in their lives slip away.  Their natural home is the GOP.  What does Hillary do for the General to convince them that voting for her really is in their best interest?

9 years ago

Good morning.

 Amending the line to brain dead voters plays right back into the alienation factor. In a way both the Republican & Democratic Party officials have been brain dead. Both have misread or not been tuned into the mood of many citizens. A number of people feel dismissed by their government. A vote for Mr Trump may be questionable, but to many, it is an opportunity to send an FU message to the Party hacks & Corporate Candidates.

9 years ago

Craig, “Pogo, at least he took questions. Cant remember the last time Hillary held a press conference, certainly not in a victory speech”

Poobah, I have to give you this one.  The simple truth is that Hillary likes conversations.  She doesn’t care how difficult the question is as long as it is actually a fair one rather than some right wing invented meme.  It is why she does so well in debates.  She is a quiet test taker, “I know this” not a rah rah cheerleader.

Modern politics assumes the need for a gaggle of reporters hollering at the politicians each of them trying to get their fame jollies and scoring points by asking a “gotcha” question.  This is a fairly recent political development.  Is there some way to run a “different” campaign by going back to the future.  Take any question from anyone in small groups where thoughtful, informed answers can be given no matter how tough the subject.


9 years ago

The Clintons were up to their usual, unethical-if-not-illegal tricks, by having Bill visit a polling station in Massachusetts.

The disdain for the status quo, as well as Hillary’s poor judgment in the jobs she’s held in the past,  and, her ties to Goldman Sachs, etc., are the reasons some won’t vote for her.

As different as they are, the Bernie contingient won’t show up for Hillary in November.

Right-wing conservatives showed up in force for Ted Cruz in Texas, but if Trump is the nominee, that is the group you can count on to show up to vote against her in the fall.

The Trump supporters, on the other hand, who knows how they would react to the RNC pushing Trump out?

The exciting part is that this might just shake up (or expose to the masses) the disfunction of both party’s machines.

I do wonder if the RNC is stupid enough to try to corinate someone else and tick people off.


9 years ago

9 years ago

Love Colbert’s line “It makes sense if you don’t think about it” which can be applied to every right wing meme about Hillary that I’ve seen up to now as they assume evil no matter what the actual facts might be.

9 years ago

according to pbs newshour chart the drumpf didn’t get a majority in any of the super primary states (came closest only in mass. with a 49%) which means so far the majority of gopers voted against him.

media never mentions this.  why would they?  kill the gross goose who lays the gold-plated eggs for them?  step right up ladies and gents.  see the friggin freak show, our next president drumpf who keeps us in business (that is until he rigs the scotus and buys the congress to upturn press protection laws) .

9 years ago
9 years ago

meanwhile, other news other than super screwsday

trevor noah  on the iowa state house bill to allow children under 14 to have handguns.   the terrible twos just got terrible-er.

9 years ago

Gerald O’Hara: [the other men protest] Now gentlemen, Mr. Butler has been up North I hear. Don’t you agree with us, Mr. Butler?
Rhett Butler: I think it’s hard winning a war with words, gentlemen.
Charles Hamilton – Her Brother: What do you mean, sir?
Rhett Butler: I mean, Mr. Hamilton, there’s not a cannon factory in the whole South.
Man: What difference does that make, sir, to a gentleman?
Rhett Butler: I’m afraid it’s going to make a great deal of difference to a great many gentlemen, sir.
Charles Hamilton – Her Brother: Are you hinting, Mr. Butler, that the Yankees can lick us?
Rhett Butler: No, I’m not hinting. I’m saying very plainly that the Yankees are better equipped than we. They’ve got factories, shipyards, coalmines… and a fleet to bottle up our harbors and starve us to death. All we’ve got is cotton, and slaves and… arrogance.
Man: That’s treacherous!
Charles Hamilton – Her Brother: I refuse to listen to any renegade talk!
Rhett Butler: Well, I’m sorry if the truth offends you.
Charles Hamilton – Her Brother: Apologies aren’t enough sir. I hear you were turned out of West Point, Mr. Rhett Butler. And that you aren’t received in a decent family in Charleston. Not even your own.
Rhett Butler: I apologize again for all my shortcomings. Mr. Wilkes, Perhaps you won’t mind if I walk about and look over your place. I seem to be spoiling everybody’s brandy and cigars and… dreams of victory.

9 years ago

my question is why is he being kept so close to the drumpf, paraded so publically like the adoring political spouse?  perhaps it’s a “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” (mario puzo, The Godfather) thing or perhaps he’s really a mole for the powers that be. you know, the deep cover or sleeper agent tasked with who knows what October surprise. 

could be as simple as they think it makes drumpf look good/better by comparison: that old mean girl trick of befriending the less pretty.

9 years ago

nytimes:  ‘Donald Drumpf’ Is Beating Rubio and Cruz for Second in Google Searches

[….] And so I’m led to conclude — with my tongue somewhere in the vicinity of my cheek — that Mr. Oliver and his #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain movement has executed a more successful campaign than either Mr. Rubio or Mr. Cruz.

9 years ago

Trump disavows White Nationalists and then gives them press credentials

Jamie, this takes me to the touchy subject of neo-Confederacy. The current issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report continues to list organizations having rhetoric not too distant from some of Trump’s more outrageous remarks which they characterize as ‘neo-Confederate’.

9 years ago

Jesus….  I’m gonna have to buy more popcorn…

9 years ago

Official: Bill Clinton shaking hands does not violate election law.

No one said anything when Trump went to several caucus sites in Iowa.

9 years ago

Pretty sure Bill Clinton knows what’s legal and whatnot.

9 years ago

9 ways dave barry and carl Hiaasen  would change the presidential race

9 years ago

Truly strange tweets  similar to the one below from Bernie supporters calling for Elizabeth Warren to be primaried because she didn’t endorse him.  They blame her for the MA loss.  So they would like to destroy someone who shares their beliefs and is taking actions that they like because she isn’t moving lock step in time to Bernie’s march music.

There are 48.1% of the Democratic Voters in #MaPoli who need to organize to primary @SenWarren in 2018.

9 years ago

Jake Tapper Asks Rubio: ‘Are you in denial’?

“Is it possible that your quarrel is not so much with Donald Trump as it is with Republican primary voters?” Tapper asked Rubio Tuesday night.

9 years ago


Your Post brings up the silliness & ugliness of social media (which tends to be anti-social.) The latest tweets re: primary out Senator Warren remind me of the French Revolution. The accusers met the fate of the accused.  In the end, the guillotine was amazingly democratic, wasn’t it ?

9 years ago

campaign hints from steve denning in forbes:  Why rubio lost

None of them seems to have the panache and stage presence to deliver one-liners about:

Trump’s campaign To Make America Racist Again,
Trump’s plan to save the nation’s crumbling roads and bridges by building giant wall (as suggested by Andy Borowitz)
How Trump is well-placed to rescue the institution of marriage given his own multiple experiences with it.
And how nice to receive financial advice from a quadruple bankrupt who launched a mortgage firm on the eve of the financial crisis!
How Trump is the disease of which he purports to be the cure.    [….]

Finely tuned satire is a blend of love and truth. It is directed at all and everyone, including even the storyteller. It is important to be sure that you are making a valid point through your satire without causing cruel laughter or blame.

That’s the message that the Trump’s opponents in both the Republican party need to convey: Donald Trump just isn’t serious.

Oregon Democrat
Oregon Democrat
9 years ago

Real Clear Politics…

Popular Vote





9 years ago

from politico

Trump was asked about the congressional leaders’ criticism at a news conference after he racked up big wins on Super Tuesday. “I’m going to get along great with Congress, OK?” Trump said. “Paul Ryan, I don’t know him well, but I’m sure I’m going to get along great with him. And if I don’t? He’s gonna have to pay a big price, OK?”

what’s he gonna do to’em, send in christie his enforcer?


9 years ago

We went around on this one last night.

Trumps appearances are often doing him as much damage as they are helping.

In the current Republican party Racist behavior is a feature not a bug.

But in the general it is very much a problem, fortunately Trump has provided tons of examples.

For Clinton the way is clear, you can see it in her speech.  Yes it was boring but it hit the points it needed to.

Thanks to Trump and Bernie  HRC looks like a sane rational alternative to the crazies. That plays very well  in the suburban battle grounds where life right now is pretty good.

BTW The number of people who totally loath Trump is large and not just Democrats. 42% of independents and 25% of Republicans.  Then there are those who just dislike and are uncomfortable with him.


Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

Trump says he is a unifier  — apparently it’s true he has united the goopers against him

I agree Clinton cannot campaign against Trump as though he is not a real threat (if he ends up the candidate)Y
She should let others point out his deficiencies  -the goops have provided enough material for years to come — where is that super pac –they should be the ones to take on Trump.
She can’t argue against him because he is a liar and shape shifter and the media always gives him a pass.  I heard some journalist working for the new hard news msnbc say it’s not her job to point out Trump contradictions –that’s the job of the campaigns    Journalism dies again

What hard questions did anyone ask of Trump — they were all softballs and probably had to submit the

Wonder where his merican flags were made?


Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

Democracy Now is now just a megaphone for Bernie!

Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

Interesting voting statistics  only group which has not decreased in voting strength  black women

9 years ago

rachel puffs up tweety during segment:
Trump wins too strong for GOP to override with delegate games
Rachel Maddow notes the historic breadth of Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday victories and the fact that his lead is so commanding that if party establishment figures have no grounds to reject the will of the Republican voters with delegate maneuvers to replace Trump at the convention. … more Duration: 2:28

Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

There are lots of repeated stories about who is more excited and has more voter

even with the depressed numbers more Democrats are voting  because up until now Republicans were in the toilet *edited because that is not true for just super Tuesay

as for who is more excited — who gets to decide that?

9 years ago

from alexandra petri’s  Chris Christie’s wordless screaming

Soon he must return to the plane onto which Trump humiliatingly sent him before. Soon he must return to the small cupboard under the stairs where he is kept and occasionally thrown small slivers of metaphorical raw meat. When he asked to be part of Trump’s cabinet he never thought to specify “presidential cabinet, of course, not a literal cabinet underground where the ventilation is poor and there is no light.” It just did not occur to him. Why would it?

And now it is too late.

Nobody is coming for you, Chris Christie. Nobody is coming to save you.

9 years ago

The nine Republicans who voted against naming the post office after Maya Angelou were GOP Reps Mo Brooks of Alabama, Ken Buck of Colorado, Michael Burgess of Texas, Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin, Andy Harris of Maryland, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Alex Mooney of West Virginia, and Steven Palazzo of Mississippi. Rep. Don Young of Alaska voted present.

9 years ago


My favorite tweet re Christie so far:

Christie looks like the battered woman threatened to stand by her man or else.  Someone get him to a safe house.


9 years ago

but Jamie, the critters actually worked at something for a change.  8 out of 9 somethings agreed to.  wow that’s a record…. probably wore the poor little babies out. time for another recess.

wapo: The House of Representatives spent its legislative day Tuesday naming nine post offices. Only one generated any opposition: A proposal, from Rep. Alma Adams (D-N.C.), to name a post office in Winston-Salem, N.C., for the late poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou.

9 years ago

I thought Christie looked decidedly uncomfortable at the presser; I wouldn’t be surprised if he finds a reason/excuse to split with Trump. Obviously, he won’t have the courage to relate what it’s like carrying Erik’s bags.

9 years ago

warning alert: rough

wonkette does bill o’reilly on family values


9 years ago

also from  wonkette: Some Chick ‘Made History’ On Super Tuesday, We Guess

A hundred years ago, women couldn’t vote. Fifty years ago, women couldn’t have credit cards in their own name. On this very day, in the year 2016, a mostly male Supreme Court will hear arguments about whether the state of Texas, and thus the country, has the right to make it all but impossible for women to receive reproductive healthcare because male legislators consider vaginas inherently icky, and they believe women’s medical decisions are far too important to leave up to women. For their own good, of course.
Now, Democrats are this close to nominating a woman for president. And she is going to win. And that — even if you don’t like her or her husband or her politics or her hairstyle — is a hell of a thing.

9 years ago

The thing I noticed in Trump’s presser last night was his inability to say “I disavow the KKK.”….   all he kept saying was “I disavow.”   Disavow what…  dishwasher hands…  diarrhea… people who fart in public places.  Com’on Donald… you can tell us…

9 years ago

please, would someone who has his email address contact tony and tell him to get his a** back here.  today of all days.  might be a tough time going forward, but he should relish the happy trails of today.

9 years ago

“I disavow.”

He did all but wink.

Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

The open primary states and other factors means you can still vote in the primaries even if you don’t register with a party.  I think both political parties and particularly the local branches don’t do much to relate to their communities I think people only reluctantly identify themselves with either party.

The laws setting up the regulation of participation of political parties on the ballot etc need to be changed to allow for parties besides Dems and goopers.


9 years ago

patd…  I talked Tony into coming back the last time…  but not this time.  IMO, that responsibility belongs to Craig.

Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

Even Nixon-Bush era hacks said they wouldn’t even remain in the room if any white racists showed up.   Now the front runner grants official campaign press credentials to the white supremacist media (sic)

Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

Clinton should never engage Trump..just point – most republicans don’t want him to be president and why should she even talk about him

9 years ago


in re: to your christie article I like the Paragraph in front of your quote.


Someone just told Chris Christie that there is no God. Or Chris Christie has just discovered that God does exist but She is an enormous snake who hates or is indifferent to mankind. Or Chris Christie has just discovered that there is no God but that Hell is real.
“When are they coming to airlift me out?” Chris Christie’s eyes are pleading. “Please tell me that they are coming and that it is soon.” But then his expression hardens. Chris Christie knows that they are not coming back for him.
This is his life now.


Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

In 2008 a lot of the excitement was getting rid of Bush

Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago


If you are boycotting —-please come back!

9 years ago

The Chris Christie stuff on the web today is just priceless. ?  The Onion is falling down on the job, though.  I thought a guy like that from NJ would at least have thicker skin than mine.  Well, I guess this election is serious business for him and entertainment for me.

9 years ago


Christie had his chance for salvation back when President Obama came to New Jersey and gave him that hug. Even though he saw the light at the time, he has regressed. This time, there is no stopping at purgatory. Bye, bye Chris.

9 years ago

He was here last night.  Hope he comes back.  Maybe he’s just busy.

Katherine Graham Cracker
9 years ago

Tomorrow’s debate is a great opportunity to show up Trump.  Rubio and Cruz should stick to issues no personal attacks but keep pointing Trump either has no plan or an unworkable plan or several plans.

9 years ago

blueindallas- He is not just busy.  He left in part due to your persistent negativity as well as Craig’s.

9 years ago


Yep, Bad mistake on Christies part. All of the “Strong ” Republican bench is looking really light weight. With a number of them coming across as badly flawed.



9 years ago

MSNBC Parts Ways With Program Host Melissa Harris-Perry
Weekend show won’t return following weeks of pre-emption

By Joe Flint
Updated Feb. 28, 2016 5:20 p.m. ET
MSNBC is parting ways with an anchor who criticized management for pre-empting her show in recent weeks in favor of presidential-campaign coverage.

Melissa Harris-Perry, whose weekend morning program often focused on issues of politics, race and culture, had been frustrated that her show hadn’t aired since Feb. 7 and with the network’s general shift toward more coverage of the election.

“Our show was taken—without comment or discussion or notice—in the midst of an election season,” she told staff in an email Friday that was subsequently posted on the website Medium. “After four years of building an audience, developing a brand and developing trust with our viewers, we were effectively and utterly silenced.”

On Saturday, a senior NBC News executive said Ms. Harris-Perry’s show wouldn’t return and that her four-year hosting relationship with the network was over.

MSNBC is owned by Comcast Corp.’s NBCUniversal. On Sunday morning, Ms. Harris-Perry tweeted “Farewell” and thanked her viewers for both support and criticism.

A professor of politics and international affairs and the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University and a contributor to The Nation, Ms. Harris-Perry had a self-titled show with a small but loyal audience. In January, both the Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m.-to-noon telecasts averaged fewer than 400,000 viewers, according to Nielsen.

Her program was one of the few remaining opinion shows on the network, which has been moving away from liberal talk to straight news coverage for the past year.

Although MSNBC had scheduled Ms. Harris-Perry to appear on the network this weekend as part of its coverage of the South Carolina Democratic primary, she said in her email that she wouldn’t, seeing the move as an empty gesture on the part of management.

“MSNBC would like me to appear for four inconsequential hours to read news they deem relevant without returning to our team any of the editorial control and authority that makes ‘MHP Show’ distinctive,” she said.

Ms. Harris Perry told her staff she wouldn’t return unless certain terms were met. In her email to staff, she charged that by scheduling her for the weekend the network was looking to give itself cover for her absence, “not to provide a voice” for her show. She said she wouldn’t be used as a “tool for their purposes” nor is she a “token, mammy or little brown bobble head.”

MSNBC insiders were taken aback by Friday’s email, which was earlier reported by the New York Times, and claimed there were no plans to cancel Ms. Harris-Perry’s shows. The pre-emptions were merely a reflection of the heavy cycle of political news during primary season, the network said, adding that hers wasn’t the only show that was put on hold for politics.

“In this exciting and unpredictable presidential primary season, many of our daytime programs have been temporarily upended by breaking political coverage, including MHP. This reaction is really surprising, confusing and disappointing,” the network said in a statement.

Ms. Harris-Perry didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Write to Joe Flint at
From the Wall Street Journal

9 years ago


Tony made his own decision, nobody caused it, it is nobodies fault. BiD wasn’t out of line with her comments but then again neither were you or Tony. I though everything was fairly peaceable  No blood on the floor or brains on the wall, just a good family discussion

If you*generic*  are so thin skinned that you can’t hang around this place then you probably should throw your computer away.

Some times though one does need a break and if that happens then take one and we will see you later.



9 years ago

jack- that was from tony, his reasons, not just my opinion.

9 years ago

jack, ahhh yes. a delightful paragraph by ms petri.  so real you can feel his pain and angst.  almost pity the poor pol.

9 years ago

from ap delegate count

While Trump has racked up 10 wins through the first 15 contests, he’s won only 46 percent of the delegates that have been awarded since the voting began last month. It takes an outright majority of delegates to win the nomination.

To win enough delegates to claim the nomination, Trump would have to win 52 percent of the remaining delegates — a difficult feat in a race with three or more candidates.

9 years ago

from wapo:

Ben Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who briefly led the Republican presidential race before his campaign began an extended public implosion, told his supporters in a statement Wednesday afternoon that he does not see a “path forward” and will not attend Thursday’s debate in Detroit.

But Carson did not formally suspend his campaign. Instead, he said in the statement that he has decided to make a speech about his political future on Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, just outside Washington.

9 years ago

calling out christie, gingrich, k st as enablers of drumpf, wapo’s rubin also blames even the media:

In the opportunist camp one must include the fleet of TV executives and cable TV hosts who crave ratings the way others crave liquor or cigarettes. Les Moonves says, “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS.” Charming. CNN gooses its ratings with 24/7 Trump coverage, treating him like just another disaster story (missing airlines, cruise ships adrift, etc.). Add in the radio talk show hosts, the bloggers and the magazine editors who might know Trump is selling snake oil but nevertheless want to keep up with the mob as it surges toward the newest provocateur.

9 years ago

patd…  as Coreen used say…  it’s always about the money.

As for Trump and the delegate count.  If the GOP establishment doesn’t want him as their presidential nominee, then it behooves them to keep funding Cruz’s and Rubio’s campaigns.

IMO, BlueinD was most gracious in her congratulations over Hillary’s really good Super Tuesday.

9 years ago

blueid,  I think this was tony’s last comment yesterday early morning .  sounds like he thought he was being blamed for all the rancor and that he had been called intolerant.  we do get a bit rambunctious in our passions here and unintentionally say things hurtful to others.  I hope he comes back. and I hope you forgive us hillaristas for any hurt we caused you.

9 years ago

from  msn and nytimes

The White House is vetting Jane L. Kelly, a career public defender-turned federal appellate judge, as a potential nominee for the Supreme Court, as President Obama closes in on a decision that could reshape the court for decades and create an election-year showdown with Republicans. [….]

If selected and confirmed, Judge Kelly would be the only public defender to serve on the high court, bringing the perspective of a criminal defense attorney to a bench dominated by academics, prosecutors and other government lawyers.

She is an Indiana native. She graduated in 1987 from Duke University, won a Fulbright Scholarship to study in New Zealand, and attended Harvard Law School, where she was a classmate of Mr. Obama’s.

She clerked for Donald J. Porter, a United States District judge in South Dakota, and later for Judge Hansen, before spending a year teaching at the University of Illinois College of Law and then joining the federal public defender’s office for the Northern District of Iowa.

Five years into her tenure there, she was nearly killed in a brutal attack while jogging on a popular trail in a Cedar Rapids park. Discovered by passers-by lying facedown in a pool of blood, she spent several months recovering and endured multiple surgeries.

9 years ago

Flatus, I posted something like this before, but I hate to see MHP gone.  I’m not a big Saturday morning politics program watcher, but when I’ve caught her program I’ve enjoyed it.

Had a hearing in an adjacent county so I listened to a bit of MSNBC on the trip – seems that there was a meeting of bigwig pugn donors who were talking strategy to field a sacrificial candidate in a 3rd party run to try and give pugns who couldn’t vote for trump a place to be so they could vote for senate and reps in hopes of saving control of those bodies. Be interesting to see if they follow through.

Gotta agree with Tony about the HRC bashing – strikes me as a bit over the top, but not enough to make me think about going elsewhere to chat.  I am trying to learn not to react to every Wall Street reference by mocking Bernie’s political revolution and million kids in the mall statements.

9 years ago


Go back and re-read Craigs comments:  To me he was saying that we all had the right to post what we wanted pro or against any candidate….i think that you asked him twice if he way signaling you out personally….he was not……

If someone  decided to be a Hillary voter, fan, on her side, bandwagon…….they already know that it is going to be a rough ride no?…..She needs though, thick skin voters, just like  her..

A cpl of life long friends, die hard indies have just accused me of being traitor…..nothing i  could say or do about that except tell them my reasons that for once, for once i can see that  Voting for the Lesser Of Two Evils……is the way to vote for me.  Hillary did just not do a few things wrong….she has calculated each and every move that she has ever made (we all know this)…..her mistakes were not mistakes….but career and power calculations…….some of them, like her husbands, hurt the country very much, and continues to do so……what ive just said in not picking on her, but the truth or reason for not voting for her……at the time, now im on her side…

Here is one big reason: two people were prosecuted by the government for accidentally doing something that is against the rules……..she was guilty of the same thing….but ten times worse….. she divulged some very damaging photos , ………nothing happened to her….

So we are faced with the choice of electing her, or trump.  People will come around imo….if this is too much criticism of her now, how does anyone think those two people feel know that Obama gave her a pass…….its going to be a bumpy ride….so just buckle and enjoy the ups and down of this roller coaster ride (There is no popcorn left…it all went to some scarf makers house, or something) that the two party system has given us……sometimes i wonder if there really is a two party system………but only one…..and we are the suckers that are played by it……

Tony, U know that im your pal…..and b/c of that i feel that i can say this: its your call to come back, or stay put for awhile, but don’t let friends feel like they are responsible for your decision……later, half out of breath, typing while exercising, and this post, took some of the air out…..