I Know How History Will Remember Me

By SJWNY, a Trail Mix Contributor

No one will ever pass a Purity Test: for every one part angel you’ll find two parts a-hole in each of us. Especially in regards to Politicians …. but some are preferable over others.

VoteThe 2016 Presidential Election is shaping up to be a turning point in American history. Not only for the candidacy of Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton but for the choice by the voter of what America will become. It is no exaggeration to stress just how important every vote is this year.

Senator Sanders took a path of positivity with his endorsement of Secretary Clinton. The Democratic Party chose unity & inclusiveness over division & exclusiveness. The Republicans have a presumptive nominee whom they would like to leave by the side of the road.

There are a number of voters who do not like or trust Secretary Clinton. I understand. Whatever my misgivings, though, I know she is sane, intelligent & has a clue about most everything. I would not be worried if she answered “that call” at 3 am. I would if her Republican opponent did.

Please vote November 8th. Vote for down ticket races, vote for President – even if you have to hold your nose & swear while doing it. And vote for the Democratic Candidates. Because if you don’t, Donald J. Trump & the Republicans win.

So how will history remember you? I already know my verdict. And I’m OK with it.

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8 years ago

sjwny, thank you for writing that.  I’ve always wondered how many nader voters regretted their “principled” vote. would’ve been hard not to watching the caskets and the wounded come back from Iraq.

am afraid this time there’ll be more not voting or voting other because the polls say she’s got it in the bag so their other-vote/non-vote won’t matter.  but it will. big time. and it won’t be a pre-emptive war on a far off shore.

8 years ago

sturge, like solar and the rest of us heathens who tend toward panentheism and pantheism, the kjv rendition in luke 17:20-21  “the kingdom of God is within you” probably works better .

8 years ago

1. She’s nailing up the sign with a double action colt revolver. I hope she lived through the photo op.

2. Koinic Greek and Aramaic/Syriac agree : within you. It’s not within the Greco-Roman political or religious systems, or any marble statue.

8 years ago

sjwny, some of the no-shows are like the athletes opting out of rio, to avoid infecting themselves and others to a disease that causes brain shrinkage.

8 years ago

8 years ago

from cnn:

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are now running neck-and-neck in Florida, as well as Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to a Quinnipiac University survey that took stock of three swing states.
The poll marks an 11-point difference from a month ago in the Sunshine State. Now, Trump leads Clinton 42% to 39%, within the margin of error; a month ago Clinton led 47% to 39%. With third-party candidates included, Trump’s edge extends to five points, 41% to 36%.

In the two other states polled, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Clinton and Trump are in as tight a race as other pollsters have documented. They are tied at 41% each in Ohio, and Trump leads by 2 points, 43% to 41%, in Pennsylvania.

Katherine Graham Cracker
8 years ago

There is somethingwrong with the Quiniipac poll this year

every other metric shows her wiping up the floor with him
Trump is not getting college educated white voters –Romney carried them by 11points – Trump not so muchdown 2
so how is he competitive or carrying states I say the Q poll has a sample problem

8 years ago

Women Are Mopping Up Britain’s Brexit Mess 

 Their solutions differ; their ambition doesn’t. Theresa May is preparing to become the U.K.’s second female prime minister and has promised to take Britain out of the European Union. In Scotland, where the leaders of the three biggest parties are women, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will be one of the most pivotal figures in any Brexit settlement as she threatens a referendum on independence. And Northern Ireland’s assembly is co-headed by a woman.

Interesting read it seems in Britain woman equality issues are also conservative issues.



8 years ago

I believe Justice Ginsburg has been misquoted. I don’t think she said ‘faker’. I think the word was ‘fakir’.

8 years ago


I suspect it all boils down to who is a likely voter.

As you said college educated whites are breaking toward HRC, for the first time since 1952 as I recall. she is even among men and  mops up the floor with donnie among women.

Trumps strength is with working class whites.

The college educated folks vote but but the lower class voters  aren’t as reliable. So do we asssume they will turn out as they did in the primaries for trump? or not. Then there is Trumps problem of being a world class idiot in managing his campaign. It looks as if the usually great  Republican ground game won’t be very much.

The have been a lot of polsters  looking red face so far in this election, old assumptions haven’t proved valid,. Even Nate Silver has said he has been humbled.



8 years ago

Then there is the study that determine the most unreliable political polls are those taken this time of year. Wait till after the conventions when the whole thing feels real and better  number will show up. Then you should worry.



8 years ago

Oh and there was a baseball game last night

Final score: Royals 4, National league 2

8 years ago

Xrep – Ha! Didn’t notice what the photographer had her use as a hammer.

Berniecrats still very disappointed that Bernie will be campaigning for Wall Street’s candidate. (That is exactly how how it is being viewed.)

Voting my conscience (or not voting) is not a waste if there is no difference between candidates.  Hill & Don are cousins…”identical cousins…”?

Still think folks are worrying about him for nothing.  Somehow, Kasich or someone else will be their nominee.  If Trump does happen to be the nominee, get out the whiteboard with Florida written on it.  How long would it take for him to be removed from office for overstepping boundaries?

8 years ago

The (G.O.P.) Party’s Over
Thomas Friedman

That is the best thing that could happen to America, at least for the next two years — that Donald Trump is not just defeated, but is crushed at the polls. That would have multiple advantages for our country.
First, if Clinton wins a sweeping victory, we will have a chance (depending on the size of a Democratic majority in the Senate) to pass common-sense gun laws. That would mean restoring the Assault Weapons Ban, which was enacted as part of the 1994 federal crime bill but expired after 10 years, and making it illegal for anyone on the terrorist watch list to buy a gun.


While Thomas is not a favorite of mine i couldn’t agree more with this piece.I know, i know the Graces and BID’s of the world will ignore the very real differences in the candidates and what they will or will not do (gay rights, women’s rights, minorities of all races and so on). Can’t waste time on those who do not look at the greater good for our country.. Thankfully most of the Bernie supporters have chosen to see reality and back the only real chance we have to move this country forward in a positive way.. Bernie and Elizabeth Warren have chosen Hillary (unity). We are destined to win and hopefully big 

8 years ago

speaking of lizzie, here’s an “ahhh” warm and fuzzy for you from boston:

In a tweet Tuesday, the Massachusetts senator wished her “sweetie” a happy anniversary.
Bruce & I got married 36 yrs ago today. I’m sure glad I asked — & sure glad he said yes. Happy anniversary, Sweetie!

Warren shared more about the couple’s love story and her proposal in a Facebook post to celebrate their anniversary last year.
By the time I was 30, I thought my life was settled. Granted, not quite what I’d expected—but settled. I was a single mom with two little kids, and I’d just started teaching law in Houston. And then I met a guy from Massachusetts named Bruce. I was completely crazy about him, and I still am. When I proposed to him, he said yes. I bought a sundress that could double as a wedding gown, and 35 years ago today, I married Bruce.

Bruce has about a million good qualities, but I want… to mention one: Throughout my career, and all the unexpected twists and turns, he has never once discouraged me from taking on a fight. He’s always believed that if I wanted people to listen to my ideas, I might as well shout from the highest mountain I could find. This anniversary, I’ll celebrate living in America where everyone can marry their own Bruce – their best friend, biggest supporter, and love of their life. Happy anniversary, Sweetie! I love

8 years ago

another lizzie story in today’s texas tribune:  How a Decade in Texas Changed Elizabeth Warren

8 years ago

huffpo re goper convene:

BuzzFeed plans to invite journalists from outlets being denied press credentials to its “Red, White, & Blacklisted” party in Cleveland. The guest list also will include journalists from non-blacklisted outlets, as well as other convention attendees.


“We haven’t let the campaign’s decisions about access affect our aggressive coverage of Trump,” a BuzzFeed spokeswoman told HuffPost. “And as an OG blacklisted media outlet, we might as well celebrate that coverage, and invite some reporters who find themselves in similar situations.”

Nearly a dozen news organizations have been denied press credentials for coverage the Trump campaign has claimed is unfair, including The Washington Post, Politico, The Daily Beast, Univision, Fusion, and The Huffington Post. The Trump campaign doesn’t have the authority to ban news outlets from the convention.

8 years ago

PUMA! (Both parties.)

8 years ago

XRepub, congrats, was wondering who would be the first to notice that. You were fast!

8 years ago


8 years ago

So, Bernie caved/endorsed Clinton…but he didn’t suspend his campaign and I guess that means he hasn’t released his delegates.  Floor fight?

8 years ago

patD – Probably enough of us in both parties to make a third party…not that we’d agree on anything.

8 years ago

back in 2013: “Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, possibly the most outspoken judge in the history of the Supreme Court, has no problem with airing his political opinion in or out of court.”
Scalia’s Two Cents: Justice Draws Criticism For Political Views in Decisions

this year:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Doubles Down on Donald Trump Criticism


bet she misses her old pal nino in times like these

8 years ago

“enough…..to make a third party”

bid, and being so pissed-off  your new puma party could rightly be called the pee pee party for short

8 years ago

good point about Scalia, PatD — conservatives celebrated his outbursts

8 years ago

ah yes, british stability

8 years ago

Dallas TV affiliates are airing public services for two officers this morning.

8 years ago


The tradition of cats being resident at the heart of British government is a tradition which dates back at least to the reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547). Only during recent years, however, have they emerged out of the shadows into the public gaze.

Cats which have lived at the British Prime Minister’s house at No 10, Downing Street in London have been treated as employees of the civil service. Their official role was to control the rodent population in what is actually a maze of old buildings dating back to the 1700s located in the part of London known as Whitehall.

8 years ago

SJ – On the other side of that coin, I don’t want partial responsibility for giving her more power.

Yes, all candidates are flawed because they are all human.  However, we have two of the most flawed, presumptive-nominees in our history.

Attempts to make me more for fearful of her opponent will not work, as she seems equally problematic to me.

I am not alone.  That is her challenge. Her past is her challenge.  Changing her positions/pandering/lying is her challenge. If she can not blow enough smoke and maneuver enough mirrors to distract us from what she has been, what she is, and, what she will be, she will lose.

8 years ago

sorry, forgot to give you the link to that enjoyable history on Downing Street cats

note: they are treated like other civil servants and they also get free medical care unlike us or our cats.

8 years ago

Is that Rosalind Russell in the pic?

8 years ago

Vote for Donald Trunk!

8 years ago

So, was she married 35 years ago today, or 36 years ago today ? She’d better get her story straight if she’s going to run for VP.

Blonde Wino
8 years ago

The Pope has taken a swipe at trump, too.  More free press.  Good luck asking the Pope to resign over those remarks.  Planetary stress is making a mockery of sane dialog and older humans have lost their social filters regarding sick, rich humans like trump.

This country doesn’t want everyone to vote or otherwise we would be Australian-style.  I am glad some people stay home.  Like the Brexit vote, there is no do-over.    I DO want to hear about the effort to get the citizens registered.  I just read tens of thousands registered voters were rejected because of not providing proof of citizenship (many states come to mind).  Get the vote out and HRC can count on early voting to help her…states like Pennsylvania do not allow early voting.  It shows.  Bern never complained about this.


Blonde Wino
8 years ago

Project Vote



8 years ago

Hillary’s “house divided” speech today in illinois was very serious, somber and sensible.  I hope media and pundits don’t trivialize it into making it sound like she was only trashing trump.   it was a good speech, but  probably too long and too thoughtful for our multi-tasked, biased, anti-deferred gratification and lazy selves to listen to or to heed.

8 years ago

bw. vary very happy that a year ago, Hillary proposed automatic, universal voter registration at the age of 18 and repeated the policy at the Bernie hug-in yesterday.  too bad few people have picked up on it.  not only is it an inclusive move, imo it would save a lot of local/state money.

8 years ago

Just been looking at my weather station control panel. Right now it’s 105 with a heat-index of 116. Glad I did the yard this a.m.

8 years ago

I thought I heard her say a 20-day window for voting; that seems quite long–perhaps too long.

8 years ago

eek! 107 and 119

8 years ago

109 / 122

8 years ago

It’s tropical here, but nothing like where you are, Flatus. I hope your A/C and ice maker are working.

8 years ago

I have a late afternoon dentist appointment that Sweetie is making me attend. I guess it is the price I pay for having some fangs.

8 years ago

boris johnson is the new British foreign sec’y. Expect war with Ireland. Maybe even Scotland.

8 years ago

Flatus, have a cold beverage and stay inside.  Yikes!!

8 years ago

Flatus, by the way, I don’t think she said faker or fakir.  Something that sounds very close to both perhaps?

8 years ago

Um, yes, Bernie most certainly did complain about problems getting registered, problems getting turned away at the polls, and, with provisional ballots being given and not counted before, ta-da, they miraculously knew who won certain counties.   It’s a mess and Clintonistas were pooh-poohing Bernie.


8 years ago

A fey gear, perhaps.

8 years ago

South Sudan is coming undone, again.  

8 years ago

Click this link and get ready to piss yourself laughing.  It’s WaPo with Doonesbury archives re: Trump.  OMFG!

8 years ago

Methinks she’s much too much of a lady for that. But, just maybe…
Seriously, I really do favor fakir as it exactly falls into context. Do you have her fone number?

8 years ago

If the worst thing you can call someone is a “Bernie Sanders supporter”, they’re doing ok for themselves.  As for falling in line?  Fuck falling in line.

8 years ago

Why would somebody want to call somebody the worst thing they can in pisant political circumstances such as these?

8 years ago

sj, I thought it but didn’t type it.  Good post and good points.  And as I’ve said before, SCOTUS, SCOTUS, SCOTUS. PUMA? Screw PU – it’s meaningless. If you like a court that rules more like Scalia, vote for Trump.  If you like a court that rules more like RBG, vote for Hillary.  If you vote for Trump & he wins, and if he replaces the 1 con and 2 libs who could retire in 4-8 years with 3 cons and you see the rights you think you have under Amendments 1, 4. 5. 6, 8, 14, 15 & 24 start to disappear, cry to someone else.

8 years ago

You do know what it takes to add/remove an Amendment to The Constitution, right?  Cuz it kinda doesn’t sound like it.

8 years ago

UT will allow students to carry a live round in their guns.  Professors will be allowed to post a sign denying admittance to their offices to anyone carrying a gun. Yep.  That outta work.

8 years ago

Pogo, don’t you realize that those enumerated rights are too important to be entrusted to the people?

8 years ago

My oxymoron for the day: “eco-friendly pesticide”

Blue Bronc
8 years ago

Trump.  I consider him an extremely dangerous person.  Anyone who wants to survive this year needs to vote for HRC.  The DT is another in the string of “business MEN will run the country better than a “politician””.  Running a government is not running a corporate beast.  Business is a profit or loss battle.  Running a country is more than business, politics and out right brass gonads.   The DT has only running a television show.  Similar to a carny back-trailer show.

Running a country is many levels above a television show where the chief asshole “fires” someone.  West Wing “the beloved political television show” is on Netflix and it has a lot of scenes which are close to real politics.  More than what carny  trump knows.

8 years ago

Ms Dallas, If you have a supreme court that ignores the Amendments, you don’t have to repeal them.

8 years ago

“…survive this year…”? Exaggerate much?

Bernie has not suspended his campaign.  Taking it to the floor?

8 years ago

“taking it to the floor”?

Ha, and give up his day 3 primetime slot?  Come on Bernie is too much of a prima donna, He does love the spot light. He is that much of a politician anyway.



8 years ago

Unless he suspends his campaign and releases his delegates, isn’t his half-hearted endorsement kind of pointless? The only ones excited by it were Clintonistas who thought it meant we’d be supporting Hill. Nope. It certainly didn’t hand her a huge group of new supporters. He also isn’t handing over his donor list. There are (or were) rallies scheduled outside of the convention.  People are pretty disgusted with his endorsement and Hillary will benefit very little from it.  Is Bernie holding back to make sure Hillary’s henchmen (Debbie & the DNC) don’t stab him in the back after they get what the want from him?

8 years ago

Ya think Obama isn’t pushing a SCOTUS nom through just so Dems can employ the ever-dusty SCOTUS threat, as evidenced above?  Is that cynical, or obvious?

8 years ago

bink, when there is a vacancy it’s his duty and responsibility as prez to nominate someone ….obviously not cynical. so you like 4-4 decisions?


bid, I think bluebronc is very serious about “…survive this year…” for him personally and for tony and for our fearless leader it isn’t an exaggeration.  just consider for example some of the language in the republican platform.

8 years ago

I agree with you, Pat.  The Dems have the Presidency and the opportunity to nominate someone; hypotheticals aren’t valid.  Appoint someone, already.  If not confirmed, repeat.

8 years ago

bw, you might enjoy watching this from tonight’s pbs newshour


8 years ago

“Appoint someone, already”

bink, have they adjourned so that he can?  last I heard was they were keeping him from the opportunity to do so.  plus what will happen to the appointee come the lame duck session while the diehard anti-obamas are still there?

8 years ago

Fivethirtyeight.com has a great little article about the odds of Clinton winning or Trump winning under different scenarios. I’d post a link but I can’t get it to post on my phone.

8 years ago

pogo, is this the one?

Election Update: When To Freak Out About Shocking New Polls
Trump has gained in our forecasts on stronger swing state polling.

8 years ago

Blue, you do know what the court does, don’t you, because it doesn’t sound like it. Perhaps you should take a high school civics class or maybe constitutional law if my comment about rights starting to disappear is above your understanding. And those amendments were not chosen randomly.   They are rights the RW state legislatures are seeking to limit and the court will review likely within the next 20 or so years. Do the math.

8 years ago

Patd, no.  It’s the 2016 General Election Forecasts article. Thanks for linking that one though!

8 years ago

Flatus, love your 630 comment.

8 years ago

XR, thank you for your 7:41 post about ignoring amendments.  Of course it is actually allowing laws that restrict the rights embodiedin the amendments to stand.  During the Rhenquist years the 4th, 5th and 6th amendments came under fire and criminal defendants’ rights were severely restricted.  Voting rights are on the block now.  Women’s rights are under constant threat and have been since Roe.  No changes to the Constitution needed. No, SCOTUS isn’t a good enough reason to vote for the dem candidate – unless you give a shit about little things like privacy, voting rights, those sorts of minor issues.

8 years ago

…the Constitution only applies to those who can afford a good lawyer.

8 years ago


Terrific comment.. Words of wisdom to live by..

8 years ago


Retired four-star Navy Admiral James G. Stavridis is being vetted by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign to be her vice president, a source with knowledge of the vetting process told The New York Times.

Stavridis, 61, currently serves as dean of Tufts University’s Fletcher School and previously served as the 16th supreme allied commander at NATO. During his four years in that job, he oversaw operations in the Middle East, in countries including Libya, Afghanistan and Syria and also oversaw piracy off the coast of Africa and in the Balkans.

His biography at The Fletcher School says Stavridis speaks French and Spanish.

he sounds like a good prospect for sos on the order of colin powell.  on my usual rant about the media’s faovoring drumpf, notice how much of the story is about drumpf and his military veep possibility.



8 years ago

pogo, looks like you’re not alone in your argument with bid:

ACLU Director: We will defend the constitution against a President Trump

Anthony D. Romero is executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Donald Trump’s proposed policies, if carried out, would trigger a constitutional crisis. By our reckoning, a Trump administration would violate the First, Fourth, Fifth and Eighth amendments if it tried to implement his most controversial plans.

8 years ago

new thread