Was it really such a good idea for the DNC to put their final two candidates on a channel and in front of an audience where they were forced to embrace illegal immigrants? Maybe so, but that is what happened last night. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, in Miami and on Univision, delivered numerous sound bites pledging not to deport undocumented immigrants and vowing to build a pathway to citizenship for them, all in a effort to compete for Latino voters. What happens in the general election against Republicans who are competing to do just the opposite, a pro-deportation position that most voters (and the Obama Administration) support?
What Bernie Needs Tonight
Two things happened in the debate before the recent Michigan primary that Bernie Sanders surprisingly won: His attacks on Hillary Clinton’s trade record worked and her specious attacks on his auto bailout voting record did not work. Ergo, he needs to do more of the same and she needs to do something different. Join our chat thread now for tonight’s debate (CNN 9pm ET) in Florida, where Clinton is far ahead, but he will be aiming at Ohio, where he has the best chance at replicating his Michigan success. (And don’t forget Illinois & Missouri, also voting March 15.)
Take Me To Your Leader
By sjwny, a Trail Mix Contributor
I wasn’t a Trail Mix member back in 2008 & from what I’ve read of the experience, sorta glad I wasn’t. I am a member now, proudly, & enjoy all the people who comment. I don’t take any negative comments personally. Heck, I’m happy when anyone replies because I know they took the time to read what I wrote. I respect that. Thank You.
What saddens me is when people leave or threaten to leave because of something written about a Candidate. Don’t leave. Now is the time to offer up the best defense for your Candidate. Do your best to convince me to support & vote for the person you feel so passionately about. Take Me To Your Leader. You have the power of persuasion on your side. Every person who comments on this site is intelligent, decent & has integrity. This is why I joined. This is why I stay.
Cruz To Block?
Here is your Tuesday vote watch thread. Michigan, Mississippi top the list. At issue: Will Cruz trump Trump? Is Bernie burnt? Hillary has well earned the $250,000+ she is apparently paying herself from her campaign funds (good luck figuring out the prevarications on this latest mess).
If it’s Tuesday it must be Trump
More vote counting today. Michigan is the big one, testing whether Mitt Romney made a difference against Trump in his so called home state. Trump is way ahead in Michigan and Mississippi, also voting today. Handicappers are saying that anything less than double-digit leads will be a sign Trump is losing momentum.