Guess what’s happening here? Democrats might wonder why Tim Kaine did not press Mike Pence for his homophobic, anti-woman, right-wing record and rhetoric. Then, consider that Pence repeatedly dodged opportunities to defend Trump. Perhaps Team Clinton went easy on Pence because they know he means to undermine Trump and run himself in 2020. Forget this campaign. It’s over. Time to plan for reelection. When your opponent thinks two steps ahead, think three steps ahead.
Veep Night
Here is our thread for the vice presidential debate, 9-10:30pm ET. Sure, it’s easy to write off running mates, but remember, there’s no other presidential decision a presidential candidate makes than choosing the person in line to become president. In my opinion, there’s no better test than evaluating that choice.
Theme Song Contest For Hillary
Never attribute to evil when stupidity will suffice
By WhskyJack, a Trail Mix Contributor
At last somebody is looking at the whole of the Clinton email scandal. While it isn’t pretty it looks way more realistic than all the accusations and rumors. (Politico: What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server)
You have a tech shy SOS working with the antiquated tech of the State Department where workarounds have long been the rule. It occurred to me that for the State Department, communication is as essential as weapons are to the military. One would think they would keep their communication devices up to date. Yet the State Department’s communication systems seem to be the equivalent of the military moving a patriot missile battery around with a team of mules.
This is a good read:
The interviews—taken together and reconstructed for this article into the first-ever comprehensive narrative of how her email server scandal unfolded—draw a picture of the controversy quite different from what either side has made it out to be. Together, the documents, technically known as Form 302s, depict less a sinister and carefully calculated effort to avoid transparency than a busy and uninterested executive who shows little comfort with even the basics of technology, working with a small, harried inner circle of aides inside a bureaucracy where the IT and classification systems haven’t caught up with how business is conducted in the digital age. Reading the FBI’s interviews, Clinton’s team hardly seems organized enough to mount any sort of sinister cover-up. There’s scant oversight of the way Clinton communicated, and little thought given to how her files might be preserved for posterity—MacBook laptops with outdated archives are FedExed across the country, cutting-edge iPads are discarded quickly and BlackBerry devices are rejected for being “too heavy” as staff scrambled to cater to Clinton’s whims.
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Sunday Serendipity
By Jace, a Trail Mix Contributor
A very nice work for a Sunday morning. (Possibly sublime) A perfect accompaniment to the second cup of coffee and the first newspaper, or just fine all by itself. Enjoy the music and enjoy your Sunday!
More Posts by Jace