Also, Dems would do well to re-frame trump’s treatment of immigrants into a hatred of Catholics and Catholicism. It begins with his upbringing in the Church of the Catholic-hater norman vincent peale, who in 1960 campaigned against JFK, saying that JFK would bring John XXIII to the US to rule over us according to Canon Law (as in Sharia Law) . It is this animus that creates trump’s hatred of Catholic heads of State, like Andria Merkel, Emanuel Macron, and Pope Francis. It continues through trump comments on ‘shit hole’ countries, which are African countries where Catholicism or Islam (which he also hates) or both are the dominant religions.
As Joe Biden is a Catholic, such a reframing would explain the exceptionally rude comments trump makes about his Democratic opponent. The reframing will remind people of JFK, and cast the JFK and his martyrdom upon Mr Biden, which couldn’t hurt too much. It would also hit trump hard in a spot where he is already weak – non-college White Catholics.
I think that positing an anti-Catholic bent to republican and trumpish politics could be very helpful for Dems in the violet to purple states of AZ, TX, MO, IA, WI, MI, IN, OH, PA, NC and FL. Btw, it’s long past the time to challenge the idea that Jesus lived to manage genitalia and pregnancies.