but only an idiot persists in his error. — Marcus Tuilius Cicero
By Blue Bronc, a Trail Mix Contributor
What happens when your leader is run out of a foreign country by people with torches and pitchforks?
If you are from the United States you are thinking “at least he was not around here”.
There is nothing a guy who has a frame of reference the width of his outstretched arms can do to understand what is going on in a world that is outside his fingertips.
He is a man-child (sorry children) who has a problem with understanding anything in any language. He has a short temper and is always looking forward to being slighted. His need to “pay back” is so strong he will take out his closest relatives.
What we are dealing with is a man who might have an issue with dementia, and is 70 years old, but that is an excuse and the guy does not allow excuses in his “I always win” world. Now that he is loose, allowed to roam the world and demonstrate he has all the brain cells, firing just as they did when he was a baby, we can expect lots of good stuff.
We do not expect him to do good. Many of us are waiting, wearing out our popcorn machines as we cannot leave to go to the kitchen, for him to deliver his Love Muslims speech, which is written by his friend, the Hate Muslims leader.
Oh, the world stage awaits a loser who only wants to stay in his hotels. He will be staying in all sorts of hotels. And, eat all sorts of meals, which are not American junk food. And, go places he – oh no he won’t land there. It has to be a be hit to his ego to be told “NO” and there is nothing he can do about it. He refuses to take the tram to the top like all humans do.
Try to figure out the odds. Air Force One can probably send out his tweets, but what if the flight crew forgets to tell the guy? Maybe someone tells him he cannot tweet from anywhere other than the U.S.? Considering he is low on the uptake, he might believe them.
More Posts by Blue Bronc
Pogo says drip… drip… drip….
I say tick… tick… tick….
Six of one, half dozen of another.
Fun fact for today: Alexander Butterfield is still alive & living in Florida.
“Let foreigners deal with his sorry ass.”
craig, hint hint at wiki:
Amin was forced to flee into exile by helicopter on 11 April 1979, when Kampala was captured. He escaped first to Libya, where he stayed until 1980, and ultimately settled in Saudi Arabia, where the Saudi royal family allowed him sanctuary and paid him a generous subsidy in return for his staying out of politics.[14] Amin lived for a number of years on the top two floors of the Novotel Hotel on Palestine Road in Jeddah
pogo, here it is
Published on May 16, 2017
We live in a world of alternative “facts” where the President makes statements almost every day that aren’t always based in fact. We are raised to believe the President tells the truth, but since that isn’t necessarily the case anymore, and to bring children up to date on the new American way, we took a cue from Schoolhouse Rock to explain how it all works now.
Published on May 19, 2017
Bill Maher recaps another week of bombshell revelations surrounding the Trump presidency in his Real Time monologue from May 19, 2017.
Saturday, May 20 142nd Preakness Race 13 at Pimlico
P P Horse Jockey Trailmix Odds
1 Multiplier Joel Rosario 30/1
2 Cloud Computing Javier Castellano 12/1
3 Hence Florent Geroux 20/1
4 Always Dreaming John Velazquez Blue Bronc 4/5
5 Classic Empire Julien Leparoux Renee/Pogo 3/1
6 Gunnevera Mike Smith Patd 15/1
7 Term of Art Doug O’Neil Jamie 30/1
8 Senior Investment Ken McPeek 30/1
9 Lookin at Lee Corey Lanerie Jamie 10/1
10 Conquest Mo Money Jorge Carreno 15/1
a Hiaasen double hitter for you today
Carl Hiaasen May 19, 2017 6:02 PM
‘With friends like this, I could get myself unelected!’
Carl Hiaasen May 12, 2017 8:33 PM
Let me show you how it’s done, Mr. President. Signed, ‘Tricky Dick’
Last night on Bill Maher’s show, David Frum said the media would be talking about something else come Monday. He said there was a second carrier cruising toward the Korean peninsula. Maher asked him if this meant that trump was about to start a war. Frum didn’t answer the question.
Would anyone here be surprised if the stupid orange one did start a war just to take the attention off of his Russian troubles…
Put me down for Term of Art..I like company
I think that dog is too tired to wag anymore
Pogo… we watched the Celtics/Cavs game through the first quarter. At that point Rick and I saluted the Celtics for a fun season and turned the game off. I find blowing out games to be boring even if it’s my team doing the blowing out. I hope the Warriors give them a run for their money. I don’t care which team wins the Championship… but if it isn’t competitive, I won’t watch.
Congrats to your Cavs who will obviously sweep.
Renee, thanks. Having witnessed quite a few epic collapses by the Cavs I had to watch. Finally in the 4th with a 50 point lead Ty pulled the starters. After that it was just a cruise to the end. I have no doubt the warriors will be favored and it will be a minor miracle if the finals goes to 7 games.
Patd thanks for posting the I’m Just a Lie. Lmao
Marcus Tullius, of course, being known for having persisted in any number of errors, all of which culminated with Fulvia piercing his dead protruding tongue with a hairpin in the senate house.
thanks to Marc’s negotiations, Cicero made the list.
The biggest error was dithering and dawdling while he should have been on a slow boat to China.
Major long shot, but for some reason I like that horse ….
The Orange One is quite busy collecting gold necklaces and selling the nation’s soul again for unneeded Saudi oil. The medal is gorgeous. He’s going to be pissed when he finds out he’s not allowed to keep it.
I mean, if you’re 77, and your biggest problem is that you might have to go live somewhere else for awhile, and can no longer go down to the factory and tell everybody how it should be done…….why would you not just go?
addicted to power.
No life at all outside the circles of power and the game.
Sturg, take your own competencies. People will look at you and say, with a big wow!, that you can do all that cabinet making and make music on top of it? Has nothing to do with age. In fact, if like in my case, people admire Rosie to the point that they want details about preventive maintenance and repairs, I tell them that no one touches it except me and my grandson, their admiration borders on fawning. That has everything to do with age.
One always must have a transition plan.
Came across this old feller outside the breakfast joint the other day
In-line 8 with 4 carbs
If you look closely in the background you’ll see my white ford……in-line 6 with, um, 1 carb.
oh……that’s a 1929 Bentley
The right wing is making a big deal out of the fact that Melanoma and Real Donald Jr are not covering their hair while in the Kingdom. Attacks on women wearing a hijab are on the increase. They are tone deaf.
During the campaign Pussy G attacked the Kingdom on the issue of gay and womens rights now they are his very best friends and can do no wrong.
SNL season finale tonight. They’ve had Bobby Moynahan’s Drunk Uncle character is mothballs since Trumo showed up. As he’s leaving the show, maybe he will make a final appearance…except that all of the ugly things that character said are now in office.
Nice practical Ford. I had an olde 4wd Suzuki Sidekick 4-dr 4wd same color. Put a trailer hitch on it and would go out to Ft Jackson and cut down trees for firewood. The trailer I bought would carry a couple tons of logs and I would split them behind the house. Gave it to my granddaughter; it got totaled. Also had a really nice Tracker. Gave it to my grandson; it got totaled. And a Chevrolet Celebrity which we gave to Alice. It had a similar fate.
The Bentley is really interesting. It’s nice seeing it being enjoyed and driven–they need that. I don’t see any Bentleys of that vintage listed in the membership of our owners club for SC. Did you happen to see where he was from?
No didn’t check the tag, but he had a britishish accent…..
when he cranked it up the sound was like motors probably sound like up there in heaven…..
He cranks it at about 1:30 in
Flatium…….that’s why I make sure no automobile survives me…….I am the caretaker at the fabled Automibile Graveyard…….where the cars go to die……
I guess you could say I’m like the St. Theresa of automobiles in that I stay with them as they leave this earth……
Often……if perhaps there is a great stillness in the air……I’d almost swear there is an audible sigh of resignation from the exhaust system when a car passes into my ownership.
Great Post BB
You capture Pussy G so well.
Perhaps………just perhaps……..the children are trying to cover for the advancing Alzheimer’s …..they were concerned, but then….he kept winning….What could they do? I know how it is when the old man has the Alzheimer’s but still holds all the reins….
Them’s rough seas, ’em is.
And the big A Dont pop up overnight-like……it creeps up on em.
I saw the old man go from being the fixer, the protector, the fireman, the ball field maker, the send lawyers guns and money guy, to being a kid who simply wanted to have control of the garden hose next to a burn pile…….
The in-between part was no picnic…….
But even there at the burn pile and him being about 6 or 7 yrs old, he managed to show me something……we were burning there next to the shed and I was manning the hose to tone down the fire every now and then and because there were some possibly exposed wires on the roof of the shed there I didn’t want to give him the hose, because every time I’d shoot the hose into the fire to tone it down, he’d say, “Sqirt it on the roof!” So, I was fighting him off for control of the hose and finally he says, “I had the fire FIRST!” Couldn’t argue with that so I gave him the hose and just figured I’d interfere somehow with him squinting that damn hose on the roof.
He turns the nozzle to a gentle shower and just sprays it above the fire so it just rains down on it and the fire just kinda lays down a bit ……the roof of the fire, not the roof of the shed………
In that very same spot many years before the old goof and I sank 60 feet of 4″ well pipe with a pile driver he’d made himself which was powered by a rear wheel PTO made by welding 3 wheels together and mounting that on the back of a jacked-up and idling ’60 Bonneville……
Mount…….THEN idle……..very important
our second of 5 consecutive daily small group parties for Dad’s 90th birthday festival (he is center top in striped shirt)
At this point one candle is enough
Don’t know if you’ve heard or not but sinking 4″ pipe is mighty ambitious……
Happy Birthday, Pop…….may you continue to thrive
Jamie, not sure but I think fearless leader was still looking at lee to win. might not now that he’s off his column in nola….. robt e that is, not craig.
The rope goes from top of the pile driver thru a pully at the top of the tri-pod and goes then to a couple of loops around the slowly spinning Pontiac wheel….., when you want to raise the driver you take up slack and up it goes….. When you want it to go down with all the force of gravity it can muster, you give it some slack
And yes, should you fail to allow sufficient slack in a timely manner it will certainly pull down the tripod…..
Beware: Lest ye pull down the tripod upon thee and be forced to go back quickly…..
is Patch still an option?
Many small birthday parties –great idea
Many happy returns to Mr. Crawford and many more happy birthdays
mr. c deserves 9 parties at least.
one for each decade.
Happy birthday Pop! He looks like he’s got a lot of miles left in him.
For…..if you are forced to abandon your position and post as rope-man……the loose cannon of a pile driver could surely wrinkle some Pontiac……
That old Pony-ack was a miracle child……A lot of the wonder years were spent in that buggy………
Old White Lightening…………RIP
That………was a car among cars……….289?
very robust.
I’m one of those kill-joy bastards that goes around huffing and harrumphing about birthdays because I stylistically think that every day should be a birthday, etc etc but it still is nice to see special ones…..
It’s time to put boots in the saddles
and attach all our Spurs to
our shields…..act now lest ye be forced to also serve while you stand and wait.
Sturg, here is something for us to consider. It is the availability of the Armed Forces Retirement Homes in DC and Gulfport Miss. Admission is only available to reasonably healthy enlisted and warrant officer veterans. Cost is 50-% of income (max of $1454) which includes private furnished apartment and meals. Search at AFRH-W and -G
Sorry about disappearing for the day. I am getting Gale Storm accustomed to being on board a sailboat and spent the day on board without even logging in. Another visit or two and she will understand the issue of paws with claws not working well on a fiberglass floor.
If you can catch any of the tweets about the bloater doing a curtsy for the king of Saudi, do so.
If Pimlico closes and the Preakness moves to Laurel, that will be an easier drive. And a much nicer track.
Although cloudy and low 70’s with dry pavement you would have thought everybody around Virginia and Maryland were driving in the Colorado mountains with three feet of snow. Crashes everywhere. It took an extra ninty minutes to get home today. Uck. And tourist season does not start for another week.
Time for a shower. Nothing like working on a diesel engine in a sailboat to smell like the run for roses. Or perhaps the “roses” are euphemistic hyperbole.
Flate it sounds pretty nice for those as needs it……I can only hope more of them get to see it…..I’ve known a few who could have used it
20 minutes ago Rick said “there’s a horse named Cloud Computing… I gotta root for him”.
Speaking of which, Gordon’s rose died in the pot and so I buried it in a sacred corner and mourned it’s loss but then noticed an oak growing in the pot……it’s now Gordon’s oak.
It’s going to the Catskills
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt streaming tonight. Although manic and madcap, it is fun. It also brings memories of the pace and strangeness of Pee Wee Herman’s Play House. And an extra martini is good too.
No one was riding Cloud Computing so no bragging rights for the Preakness.
Bowing to receive the medal he will have to turn over to the National Archives, unless he wants to break that law as well.
All the best to everyone.
You are the wisest voice of all.
You are a true gentleman.
Never let anyone silence you.
Mr Crawford,
Thank You for your hard work & vision.
Ms NY, I hope that wasn’t a farewell.
Hey, Mr Crawford !
Happy Birthday to You.