User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
And Now It Begins
Tonight’s debate begins a new and final phase to the most bizarre presidential election I’ve ever seen. Will it be a reboot, or more of the same? Here’s our debate party thread.
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
Speaking of hands, MSNBC just flashed a picture of Hillary debate coach Philippe Reines waving that Donald finger to thumb gesture & face pursed smirk that I find so nauseating.
Sorry Craig, I agree Wino 100%, I agree the media would have gone crazy, but can you imagine what Trump and his pundits would be saying “If she can’t handle a debate with Donald Trump, she cannot handle the presidency!” They would keep this mantra up until election day.
Chris Matthews just uttered one of my nails on blackboard assumptions. i.e. it counts against HIllary because more than 2/3 of the country thinks we are going in the wrong direction.
Why do media types always assume that those people are upset with Liberals. Couldn’t at least half of them be pissed at GOP doing nothing to help regular people?
mamaknows, disagree, public wouldn’t care if she ducked. they’d rather watch CIS or whatever. Nothing but risk for her, but it’s a done deal so whatever.
I agree, Hillary had to do it. As a women she would have been smeared with to weak (sick) to face her opponent.
I do think your probably correct though, don’t see how it can be considered a win for her if he just keeps his cool and doesn’t implode.. Now on issues and knowledge she wins but do the media or his supporters care who knows the facts?
trump wants to undo the entire Obama years and Clinton is more of the same, tonight she has to convince fringe deplorables that her America wants them, too. She has the sane humans who have families and concerns about the stability of the future, her loyal supporters…she has to be prez for all. She is correct about the deplorables, however, but she killed her lead by talking about them. I still think a big donor asked her to say it.
Because MSNBC went to him briefly for a comment. I can’t watch CNN tonight because they have that horrendous “fight club” music as if this were a sporting event. Since it’s no commercial interruption, I don’t need to switch to C-SPAN. I am keeping Twitter open for running remarks.
Except for invited guests, they are all students of the college. It is a learning experience not a circus. Oxford has been doing debates for centuries. We can manage a few nights without being dumbed down into oblivion.
Unfortunately, the low info GOP voters dumped this monstrosity on the country and we are stuck with rules as usual. She is not allowed to break rules and no one insists that he follow them. Decidedly double standard.
Yes Trump did call climate change a hoax
9:24 p.m. Now he’s talking and shouting over the moderator. He’s out of control. “She’s been fighting ISIS her entire adult life”? Again, what is he talking about?
Andrew Sullivan
9:27 p.m. I can’t quite understand what he’s talking about. And what strikes me is his insistence on shouting over her. He will not let her answer – but she has not told him to stop interrupting.
9:30 p.m. He’s now full bonkers – attacking the Federal Reserve. And then repeating the absurd lie that he cannot release his tax returns because of an audit. He’s just doubling down on the bullshit. If this performance works, it’s the end of any kind of rational discourse in a liberal democrac
Most of the focus from the media has been on whether The Giant Orange Carny could maintain his composure during tonight’s debate. So far he appears to be in typical rude and physically overactive form. The snorting is a nice touch.
Jamie, et al, try to watch this as a non-partisan, he’s coming across as the renegade, she’s status quo — he’s doing a better job of attracting change voters
The race question should have been HRC’s wheelhouse, but she is not selling the answer. This was a fastball down the middle of the plate she should have knocked it out of the park. Damn!
I guess the voters just like assholes. Because that’s what Trump is doing. He is showing that he’s nothing more than a sold not a single fucking figure at his finger to back up his bullshit.” A beautiful thing. ” WTF does THAT mean?He’s just blabbering.
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago
In less than 5 minutes, Donald could not control his revolting behavior…
Sorry, Blink, i don’t watch these things based on what i want to see, instead what I actually see. And what I see is that Trump got his message out in the first hour, and she was on defense.
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago
Craig…she is letting the jackass bray…hope I spelled bray correctly…
I have faith the change voters aren’t idiots. Quite frankly, I don’t think you are watching non partisan simply because the general agreement everywhere (other than right wing commentators) is that she is totally in control and he looks like a fool.
I can see why Hillary supporters want to see the best in her tonight, but she blew it in my view, letting him take over in the mistaken view that giving him rope he’d hang himself. Maybe that’s correct. I don’t think so.
I think I’ve developed great relationships with the African American community. Right. I think you can look around and see it. Right. I’m guessing you can’t see it in the African American community.
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago
One thing that surprises me is that Don has no new material…
We’re a bit more than halfway through, and I’m deliberately trying not to do much theater criticism, but if you buy the notion that candidates’ body language betrays their confidence level, it’s remarkable how much stiller Clinton is than Trump, whereas Trump is flailing around a lot more. To me — and evidently to betting markets — that reads as confidence amid a strong performance, but we’ll see what the voters think.
Trump said, during a longer exchange over the birther claims that President Obama was not born in the United States, “When you talk about healing, I think that I’ve developed very very good relationships, over the last little while, with the African-American community.”
Actually, Trump’s favorability ratings among African-Americans compare — unfavorably — with bedbugs. He told Bryant Gumbel in 1989, “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. … If I was starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today,” and he’s made many other racially questionable remarks between that year and today. This election season, while Trump has focused his attacks on Muslims and Mexicans, black Americans don’t seem to be buying what he’s selling.
He just lied about ICE endorsement. Government agents can’t endorse. He was endorsed by a union that represents a small percentage of ICE employees. Vast difference.
The Fact Checkers are going to go crazy tomorrow. He has been one lie, exaggeration, and distortion after another.
“he’s doing a better job of attracting change voters”
Good, except for right wing Republicans this isn’t a change election. Over and over the incumbents are winning. The Senate probably won’t change hands because of it.
I know that was difficult for you. I just wished some GOP friends of mine better luck with a better candidate in 2020 no matter how this election goes.
Just take the oil, even if it doesn’t belong to us. Talk about winning friends and influencing enemies. Jesus Donald, that’s a winning formula! For fuck sake!!!
Oregon Democrat
8 years ago
I encourage Trump supporters to vote for anyone other than Don…
I’m officially done with the “she’s so flawed but she is the lesser of two evils” rhetoric. Cause, you know,
I’m flawed. And you are flawed.
And Bernie Sanders is flawed
and Barack Obama is flawed
and even Michelle Obama is flawed.
But the difference between all of them and me–and probably you, is that they have all given their flawed lives to public service. And now, they are all working together in their inevitably flawed ways, to save all of us, and the whole world from a sociopathic narcissist.
And every day, Hillary puts a hopefully unflawed bullet proof vest on her flawed and aging and sometimes unsmiling self and stands up in front of people who have been incited by her opponent to shoot her, and she says calm and rational and intelligent (and sometimes flawed) things about how to make a difference. In my book that makes her a rock star.
And in the words of another flawed and resilient rock star. There is a crack in everything. That’s where the light gets in.
Pam Houston
United States Citizen
Hillary gained nothing tonight, perhaps lost ground. Why the hell they gave him this platform is beyond me. Especially since she stood there silently while he repeatedly insulted her.
Oh I’m so glad Hillary debated Trump..She stood tall to a bully..Trump is bat shit crazy.. It won’t matter to Trumps supporters but hopefulliy it will to enough women and young people. .
I am going to spam this forum with literal nonsense for an hour and a half. By Craig’s logic, I will be the most successful participant in this thread. Here I go, start your watches…
Blah blah blah, “I say nothing”. “Semi-exact”. “I didn’t pay federal taxes because I’m smart”. “It’s all words”. Blah blah blah…
Twitter can’t stop talking about Donald Trump’s #sniffles. It’s a good reminder that flu season is upon us. Also, climate change, which is real, is making pollen and allergies worse.
Thank God Hillary is not drinking water like the Donald, otherwise the media would be saying she is still not feeling good. So glad she is so strong tonight, physically and so presidential.
Tony, got to get the picture of Hillary that you have in your front window, thanks for sharing.
It’s kind of surprising that Clinton isn’t reacting with a little disbelief to these long rambling not-quite-coherent answers from Trump, which seem designed to persuade listeners that he has something to say about a subject without quite saying anything. As in, “Donald, I have no idea what you just said.”
Craig, you’ve got more history with this than i. I know what I see. An assholian and a serious candidate. He would be a disaster as president. As I said, god help us.
Graham Cracker I totally agree …. so many times I was wanting her to say “I have no idea what he is saying …. some of his sentences just don’t make sense!_
Now is the time to turn off the TV, radio, etc where the spin-meisters & pundits roost. Trust yourself & your intelligence. You’re smarter, better & prettier than they are anyway.
Amusing to see those here citing media personalities you usually trash suddenly say what you want to hear. Oh and what happened to the prevailing view here that the media is pro Trump.
I’m trying to figure out what demographic(s) will be more favorable to Trump after tonight than they were before? Women, African American, Hispanic, oh perhaps Muslims, or college educated? Just can’t find one. Hillary might have done better, but there was no game changer for the Donald tonight.
Going out on a limb here …. but the pro-Republican Nominee folks will say he won & the pro-Democratic Nominee folks will say she won. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
(And psst… the sun will rise in the east, the Pope is Catholic & Francisco Franco is still dead.)
The fact checkers are already hard at work, and Donald isn’t faring all that well. Guessing the next debate will be all about the ‘tall tales’ he told in this debate.
Sadly for Donald the debate lasted 90 minutes not 20. Oh those pesky tax returns, and bankruptcies. Sorry Donald. Screwing someone just because it’s legal, doesn’t make them any less screwed, nor do they find it any less humiliating.
Ha for those here who say CNN is pro Trump they’re running a poll of the debate based on 41 percent dems versus 26% repubs showing she won. Such a jole
Trump had his twitter army calling and posting into online polls but even Truly Julieannie admitted trump lost and suggested that Trump skip the next debates…..
“Funny. What happened to the griping about the supposedly anti-Clinton media?”
This has nothing to do with the media’s overall performance which has been poor in regards to Hillary and most everything else.
You used to know that before your tango with Mr. Webb.
Hell, if you hadn’t have known that all those years ago and been so different than the MSM i sure as hell wouldn’t have been at your blog back then.
I stick around now because i care about you and all the people here. I’m not here because of your coverage of the 2016 election because in my mind you really haven’t covered it. If your retired from journalism and this is all just about personal opinion (yours as well as ours), ok… Your def entitled to that. Although, I’m simply very concerned how someone with your unique journalistic abilities could change so much? If i’ve overstepped my apologies..
Now that it’s a done deal, against my inclination that Hillary should not be doing this, my thought is that she should take a wire brush to his ass.
train wreck begins…keep an eye on trump’s hands. Craig, as a woman, if Clinton had backed out of the debate? Political suicide.
Disagree Blonde, media would have gone nuts, public wouldn’t care. Moot point however. Its happening.
Speaking of hands, MSNBC just flashed a picture of Hillary debate coach Philippe Reines waving that Donald finger to thumb gesture & face pursed smirk that I find so nauseating.
While we wait…debategate.
My fear is that Clinton camp, particularly Philippe, focused too much on Trump hate, risk making the whole debate about him, not her positive agenda.
Interesting tidbit though I’m not sure who decides these things:
The Doomsday Clock is at 3 min to midnight, as close as it has been per If Trump wins it moves to 1 min.
The game should you choose to participate
28 minutes to go time
Sorry Craig, I agree Wino 100%, I agree the media would have gone crazy, but can you imagine what Trump and his pundits would be saying “If she can’t handle a debate with Donald Trump, she cannot handle the presidency!” They would keep this mantra up until election day.
This campaign finale is not nearly so dramatic/toxic as Dewey v Truman in ’48. The hero won.
Hillary arriving, red dress
Chris Matthews just uttered one of my nails on blackboard assumptions. i.e. it counts against HIllary because more than 2/3 of the country thinks we are going in the wrong direction.
Why do media types always assume that those people are upset with Liberals. Couldn’t at least half of them be pissed at GOP doing nothing to help regular people?
mamaknows, disagree, public wouldn’t care if she ducked. they’d rather watch CIS or whatever. Nothing but risk for her, but it’s a done deal so whatever.
Jamie, why are you watching that nut job?
I agree, Hillary had to do it. As a women she would have been smeared with to weak (sick) to face her opponent.
I do think your probably correct though, don’t see how it can be considered a win for her if he just keeps his cool and doesn’t implode.. Now on issues and knowledge she wins but do the media or his supporters care who knows the facts?
trump wants to undo the entire Obama years and Clinton is more of the same, tonight she has to convince fringe deplorables that her America wants them, too. She has the sane humans who have families and concerns about the stability of the future, her loyal supporters…she has to be prez for all. She is correct about the deplorables, however, but she killed her lead by talking about them. I still think a big donor asked her to say it.
Why have debate audience if they’re ordered to shut up?
Because MSNBC went to him briefly for a comment. I can’t watch CNN tonight because they have that horrendous “fight club” music as if this were a sporting event. Since it’s no commercial interruption, I don’t need to switch to C-SPAN. I am keeping Twitter open for running remarks.
Debate sponsored by a beer company? Makes sense
Jill Stein escorted off debate premises
Yes, Jamie, let Trump make you see red.. Tweety off! Craig good one, nut job fits..
Jill Stein
Another nut job :0)
Craig Crawford – They don’t want partisan demonstrations. It gets in the way of learning stuff.
Clinton should have binge-watched the Celebrity Apprentice this weekend for debate prep.
Jamie, then what’s the point of having an audience?
Except for invited guests, they are all students of the college. It is a learning experience not a circus. Oxford has been doing debates for centuries. We can manage a few nights without being dumbed down into oblivion.
Melanoma shaking Bill’s hand — CREEPY!
Here we go.
Allowing him to appear on this stage with her confers legitimacy he doesn’t deserve. Wrong wrong wrong to do this.
Holt appears nervous.
Unfortunately, the low info GOP voters dumped this monstrosity on the country and we are stuck with rules as usual. She is not allowed to break rules and no one insists that he follow them. Decidedly double standard.
Hi guys. I’m here for the Grub! ?
First 20 minutes set the story.
Welcome Sheila
Red pants suit? dunno
I am so embarrassed that she has to stand next to that fool!
Hola, Sheila. Red looks good with the background.
Hi Sheila / OD
He’s already fidgeting. It’s going to be a long 90 minutes.
Hillary first answer, empty rhetoric
thanks Craig!
trump stump speech with soft voice
Trump hits hard on China and Mexico first answer, advantage Trump
trump is snorting…ronald reagan name invoked.
He’s empty too
She did specific. He did his stump speech.
Hey Sheila
Eat up ♡
Craig are you watching the same debate?
Hillary launches the first personal attack, Trump’s father.
Hey Tony. Im grubing on chinese
she got under his skin about his father
Trump says the same 4th grade repeats
still snorting…holt?
Trump spent two minutes not answering the question…
They’re leaving and they’re leaving and they’re leaving.
And we have to stop them from leaving.
We are only a few minutes in and he couldn’t help but interrupt her…
trump is talking about jobs, she’s talking about him
Hola OD!
Yes, she’s under his skin about hI’m making money off real estate collapse
trump fact checking!
Tony…are you out there???
Hi Tony…
Taking the bait, amateur hour, 😛
I better not back-read this thread later and see a certain someone drawing false equilvalencies, o_O
Trump putting her in the position of protecting the status quo
He’s blanket blaming her for everything
rude pout face on trump
Mrs Jack thinks Trump is on coke, all his actions say so.
Jesus forking Christ. Is anyone buying this bullSHIT?
Snap! Laugh at donald!
“Semi-exact” -new TRumpism, actual quote.
Trump attacking NAFTA huge with luring working class votes — her response weak
No Coke.
He’s going for her throat…can she with stand his crap?
Trump is in jackass mode full force…
Trump keeping her on defense, not good for her
Yes Trump did call climate change a hoax
is holt there?
Remember my rule? Most people against TPP don’t understand it.
She wasn’t ready for this, should not have done this.
Jesus Hillary, did love the own reality comment.but it’s official – Lester’s a pussy. (Apologies to anyone who this offeds)
Did he call her Missy…
Come on Clinton!! ZING HIM
Trump is a full of shit and she is calling him on it
I think this a bad night for Trump so far
I cower under Bink’s spooky scary eye-thingy symbol.
He’s doing the hand thing again.
Hopefully the rest of America isn’t is as enamoured by bullies as you, Craig. A temperament not fit for office.
You have been fighting Isis y our whole adult life…what a nut…
screams from the crowd…trump crossed the line…he is getting hyper.
Hillary has lost the first 20 minutes of this debate, that usually sets the result.
His old trickle down won’t work
Trump lying like a rug post debate spin will be most important
Jack’s wife is on to something…he seems like the classic coke head.
All the sniffing indicates something
but I could not disagree with Craig more ..he sounds crazier than usual
You bet he’s a bully.. Lester is a big nothing.. At least he won’t offend.. I despice him.
she is doing a better job against trump than any of his repug challengers.
“Hillary has lost the first 20 minutes of this debate, that usually sets the result.”
-you’re out-of-touch.
Dude is a child.
I don’t think she lost the first 20 Craig…. He’s a bully and he showed it. He’s a blanket blamer….
after another woman….Yellen….he is hysterical.
the tax question??
Trump is a brut… Not diplomatic. .it shows, he lost..
9:24 p.m. Now he’s talking and shouting over the moderator. He’s out of control. “She’s been fighting ISIS her entire adult life”? Again, what is he talking about?
Andrew Sullivan
9:27 p.m. I can’t quite understand what he’s talking about. And what strikes me is his insistence on shouting over her. He will not let her answer – but she has not told him to stop interrupting.
9:30 p.m. He’s now full bonkers – attacking the Federal Reserve. And then repeating the absurd lie that he cannot release his tax returns because of an audit. He’s just doubling down on the bullshit. If this performance works, it’s the end of any kind of rational discourse in a liberal democrac
Her condescending laughs, tho justified, not helpful to her. He is dominating this debate, just what I feared.
Thanks Bink, exactly what I was thinking, Craig, what the hell is going on with you?
craig…are you giving the deplorable read on the first twenty?
These showboats aren’t about substance folks, wish they were. Trump is winning the show.
you do not like her Craig…I really do not see it, but what matters is that you do.
Onward…don’t eat too much.
I am really enjoying this…
Hillary just kicked his ass on his tax returns.
She is letting him take over
take a tour around the blogosphere he is not winning
if you don’t learn much from tax returns, why not release them?
Must have missed some of those third world airports.
Holy Cow Craig what are you seeing.
His constant interruptions, his lying, the smirking, Jesus. She has his ass in a sling.
“i’ve met people you refused to pay?
good one, but 40 minutes in too late
Really is killing it. You tell him Hillary. .
This is going quickly…
Trump is doing much more poorly than I expected…
Just took down his business acumen. Take advantage of laws that allow him to screw people.
Wow, she really drew him out into crazy town.. The guy is temperamentaly unfit. We see that Donald.
from around Facebook
Most of the focus from the media has been on whether The Giant Orange Carny could maintain his composure during tonight’s debate. So far he appears to be in typical rude and physically overactive form. The snorting is a nice touch.
Holt is a dud, not really a surprise.
Jamie, et al, try to watch this as a non-partisan, he’s coming across as the renegade, she’s status quo — he’s doing a better job of attracting change voters
The race question should have been HRC’s wheelhouse, but she is not selling the answer. This was a fastball down the middle of the plate she should have knocked it out of the park. Damn!
Agreed, Holt is a dud.. So far the debate has surprised me. A good showcase for Hrc. Trump has shown himself an undiplomatic bully. Good night so far
Oh Trump just said “a judge a very against judges”
Don’t be “condescending”, Craig. 😛
Honestly, I can’t take you seriously if you are comfortable asserting Trump is winning. Sorry 🙁
Take care, brush your hair.
Stunned how much she and Holt letting Trump own the time.
I guess the voters just like assholes. Because that’s what Trump is doing. He is showing that he’s nothing more than a sold not a single fucking figure at his finger to back up his bullshit.” A beautiful thing. ” WTF does THAT mean?He’s just blabbering.
In less than 5 minutes, Donald could not control his revolting behavior…
again post debate fact checking will be the most important
the Clinton spin room better be whirling dervishes and the media better do its damn job
She is more presidential
Sorry, Blink, i don’t watch these things based on what i want to see, instead what I actually see. And what I see is that Trump got his message out in the first hour, and she was on defense.
Craig…she is letting the jackass bray…hope I spelled bray correctly…
He is nodding agreement with her – she is crushing him
Where is Craig…someone has taken over his keyboard…call 911…
I have faith the change voters aren’t idiots. Quite frankly, I don’t think you are watching non partisan simply because the general agreement everywhere (other than right wing commentators) is that she is totally in control and he looks like a fool.
This is why the debate was a bad idea for HRC you can’t trump bullshit with policy positions.
She is making him look like the uninformed hot head he is
Agreed, she has crushed him. Trumps so called message is bluster and bullying.
When did Trump meet any reporters that were ‘highly respected’?
I can see why Hillary supporters want to see the best in her tonight, but she blew it in my view, letting him take over in the mistaken view that giving him rope he’d hang himself. Maybe that’s correct. I don’t think so.
I think I’ve developed great relationships with the African American community. Right. I think you can look around and see it. Right. I’m guessing you can’t see it in the African American community.
One thing that surprises me is that Don has no new material…
he is Mr Bluster
We’re a bit more than halfway through, and I’m deliberately trying not to do much theater criticism, but if you buy the notion that candidates’ body language betrays their confidence level, it’s remarkable how much stiller Clinton is than Trump, whereas Trump is flailing around a lot more. To me — and evidently to betting markets — that reads as confidence amid a strong performance, but we’ll see what the voters think.
“Sorry, Blink, i don’t watch these things based on what i want to see”
Apparently, you do.
Let’s leave it there.
Cyber security. Let’s see what happens with this topic.
OD, thanks for the laugh!
Oh my, Trump is really stinking up the stage
This my fellow Craig list fellows is simply embarrassing
I throw in the towel
Lessee, the issue is cyber security. . His answer is admirals, generals and ICE (or was that ISIS?). Excuse me… i call bullshit.
Once again, this event allowed Trump to be seen as a viable competitor. Shouldn’t have happened.
More from the 538 staff blog
Trump said, during a longer exchange over the birther claims that President Obama was not born in the United States, “When you talk about healing, I think that I’ve developed very very good relationships, over the last little while, with the African-American community.”
Actually, Trump’s favorability ratings among African-Americans compare — unfavorably — with bedbugs. He told Bryant Gumbel in 1989, “A well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. … If I was starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really do believe they have the actual advantage today,” and he’s made many other racially questionable remarks between that year and today. This election season, while Trump has focused his attacks on Muslims and Mexicans, black Americans don’t seem to be buying what he’s selling.
Thank you for your honesty, Ping.
Even Trump thinks HRC would be a better president, lol.
He just lied about ICE endorsement. Government agents can’t endorse. He was endorsed by a union that represents a small percentage of ICE employees. Vast difference.
The Fact Checkers are going to go crazy tomorrow. He has been one lie, exaggeration, and distortion after another.
Ping, do I detect a bit of sarcasm?
Mama…you are welcome…
Well there is always Gary Johnson
what’s up with the sniffing?
I guess he can see the African American community from his front porch.
Hey, dumb-ass, Obama and Clinton did not go into Iraq. That was some asshole idiot that we refer to as Shrub.
I am gagging over some of her statements but he is such a failure that he should be kicking her &%÷#\
Gary Johnson?
Jace, no. He can see Harlem from his penthouse.
Hillary was better in debates against Bernie, she let Trump get away with owning this show.
“he’s doing a better job of attracting change voters”
Good, except for right wing Republicans this isn’t a change election. Over and over the incumbents are winning. The Senate probably won’t change hands because of it.
Thank you Ping
I know that was difficult for you. I just wished some GOP friends of mine better luck with a better candidate in 2020 no matter how this election goes.
Just take the oil, even if it doesn’t belong to us. Talk about winning friends and influencing enemies. Jesus Donald, that’s a winning formula! For fuck sake!!!
I encourage Trump supporters to vote for anyone other than Don…
From Chef Sheila’s Facebook page:
SNL will hit The Sniffing
Is he taking credit for NATO “opening” a terror, what, division? Honest to god.
The audience is laughing at his temperament comment.
“WHEW, okay.” That was beautiful.
Hillary gained nothing tonight, perhaps lost ground. Why the hell they gave him this platform is beyond me. Especially since she stood there silently while he repeatedly insulted her.
Live Fact Check from NPR
Oh I’m so glad Hillary debated Trump..She stood tall to a bully..Trump is bat shit crazy.. It won’t matter to Trumps supporters but hopefulliy it will to enough women and young people. .
I am going to spam this forum with literal nonsense for an hour and a half. By Craig’s logic, I will be the most successful participant in this thread. Here I go, start your watches…
Blah blah blah, “I say nothing”. “Semi-exact”. “I didn’t pay federal taxes because I’m smart”. “It’s all words”. Blah blah blah…
“Why the hell they gave him this platform is beyond me.”
Um, because the Republicans nominated him for POTUS?
This is aimed at the 15% in the middle who will go to one of the 4 candidates, not at me, not at you. The $64,000 question is what do they see?
Great night…
Twitter can’t stop talking about Donald Trump’s #sniffles. It’s a good reminder that flu season is upon us. Also, climate change, which is real, is making pollen and allergies worse.
Hillary could have defeated Isis by never letting it get going in the first place. I bet she is kicking herself now that Trump has pointed that out.
He can’t answer the question.
STamina. … God save us.
Better when it comes to being in charge of our nuclear weapons:
Trump 25%
Clinton 51%
(NBC/WSJ, RV)#debatenight
7:27 PM – 26 Sep 2016
Thank God Hillary is not drinking water like the Donald, otherwise the media would be saying she is still not feeling good. So glad she is so strong tonight, physically and so presidential.
Tony, got to get the picture of Hillary that you have in your front window, thanks for sharing.
Pogo, they see a traditional politician versus an iconoclast.
“This is aimed at the 15% in the middle …”
Believe you are correct. Judging from the people I know, work with, work for & take care of, their decision may not be made until November 8th.
It’s kind of surprising that Clinton isn’t reacting with a little disbelief to these long rambling not-quite-coherent answers from Trump, which seem designed to persuade listeners that he has something to say about a subject without quite saying anything. As in, “Donald, I have no idea what you just said.”
Craig, you’ve got more history with this than i. I know what I see. An assholian and a serious candidate. He would be a disaster as president. As I said, god help us.
Graham Cracker I totally agree …. so many times I was wanting her to say “I have no idea what he is saying …. some of his sentences just don’t make sense!_
Interesting night…
Tweety thinks she KO’d Trump
commentator on NBC “his face and demeanor were indecipherable from a Sat night live skit”
Tweety called it a 5-0 shutout for Hillary. Steve Schmidt said Hillary looked terrific, trump looked like he was between incoherent and babbling.
Frank Luntz
Hillary Clinton has had the best debate training I’ve seen in years… She knows when to attack and when to explain. #DebateNight
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He got tired in the second half– couldn’t get in a line during the debate sniff sniff
Now is the time to turn off the TV, radio, etc where the spin-meisters & pundits roost. Trust yourself & your intelligence. You’re smarter, better & prettier than they are anyway.
Even Nicolle Wallace gives it to Hillary. He is a protest vote in and of itself.
Paul Begala
So much for my theory that Trump would be sedated. He looked like he’d had seven cups of coffee.
3…2…1…. Who will be the first 400lb computer hacker to make the rounds tomorrow morning?
Amusing to see those here citing media personalities you usually trash suddenly say what you want to hear. Oh and what happened to the prevailing view here that the media is pro Trump.
The Daily Edge
Trump walked into so many traps tonight. Not a good look for a would-be Commander-in-Chief #debates…
All America will be sniffin’ tomorrow
I trash luntz, but not begala……lol
oh Craig just quoting people you like to prove the point to you
young people we know thought she did well
I’m trying to figure out what demographic(s) will be more favorable to Trump after tonight than they were before? Women, African American, Hispanic, oh perhaps Muslims, or college educated? Just can’t find one. Hillary might have done better, but there was no game changer for the Donald tonight.
He fired his biggest guns to little effect.
Going out on a limb here …. but the pro-Republican Nominee folks will say he won & the pro-Democratic Nominee folks will say she won. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
(And psst… the sun will rise in the east, the Pope is Catholic & Francisco Franco is still dead.)
Summarizing tonight’s debate
I’m reporting what I’m hearing. Those are the MSNBC token Repugs. Christie showed as the FATuos ASS he is. Even Chuckie gave it to Hillary.
Craig, you and Mike Murphy agree about the 1st 20 minutes. So far no one has given trump the edge.
I’m sure Trump was a hit at the Frat house, I’m jut not sure how many frat boys vote.
Trump looked bizarre and didn’t look like a person who could lead this country.
I think Trump did a good job of solidifying the women’s vote for HRC.
Best post game comment was by Brokaw about Trumps walk through the spin room. Paraphrase
That was not a Trump who was confident he had won”
And he was right Trump didn’t look cocky as he does when he is on top
The fact checkers are already hard at work, and Donald isn’t faring all that well. Guessing the next debate will be all about the ‘tall tales’ he told in this debate.
even republicans thought it was bad
Still think the most important question asked of any candidate would be: Name your Mayor, State Senator & Congressional Representative.
Quote from an 18 year old friend: “Trump sounded like me in political science class trying to bullshit my way through an essay.”
Funny as always how pundits, hand-picked audiences and fact checkers choose the debate losers.
HRC did what she needed to do.
Stick to her talking points aimed at her target audience
Don’t let Trump rattle her into something stupid
Don’t get down in the mud with him
She did all of that.
Carville sez she was solid, knowledgeable, well spoken. What came across was how awful he was.
Craig, we’ll see what the polls do. Maybe you’re right. I don’t think so, but I think I’ve been wrong before. .. once … maybe.
Sadly for Donald the debate lasted 90 minutes not 20. Oh those pesky tax returns, and bankruptcies. Sorry Donald. Screwing someone just because it’s legal, doesn’t make them any less screwed, nor do they find it any less humiliating.
That is for certain in the past, but I was hearing large numbers being tossed around about viewers. So it may be different this time.
Face it, Trump learned what he knows about debating during the republican debates. Not a very high bar in retrospect.
Hillary has slugged it out over the years with some rather capable opponents. Experience pays off.
Feeling disappointed: if the Debates were going to draw Super Bowl ratings, then why no razzle-dazzle halftime show? No wardrobe malfunctions?
Ha for those here who say CNN is pro Trump they’re running a poll of the debate based on 41 percent dems versus 26% repubs showing she won. Such a jole
even republicans thought it was bad
and not just pundits think he sucked ..lots of people in general thought he was bad
I guess that makes up for the CNN poll that shows Trump winning
based on a sample of voters that favors trump and no one thinks is accurate
Trump did his best to try and rattle Clinton and except for one brief moment, he failed. But he really got frustrated about it at the last.
Grading on a curve: Clinton, B+; Trump, D.
Beware media debate verdicts, public often disagrees.
Thanks Pogo, Jack, Sturg for letting us know what some of the other media types had to say…
Oh man
Funny. What happened to the griping about the supposedly anti-Clinton media?
Howard Fineman…”the worst debate performance ever”…
Trump had his twitter army calling and posting into online polls but even Truly Julieannie admitted trump lost and suggested that Trump skip the next debates…..
as for the media even a broken clock is right twice a day
“Funny. What happened to the griping about the supposedly anti-Clinton media?”
This has nothing to do with the media’s overall performance which has been poor in regards to Hillary and most everything else.
You used to know that before your tango with Mr. Webb.
Hell, if you hadn’t have known that all those years ago and been so different than the MSM i sure as hell wouldn’t have been at your blog back then.
I stick around now because i care about you and all the people here. I’m not here because of your coverage of the 2016 election because in my mind you really haven’t covered it. If your retired from journalism and this is all just about personal opinion (yours as well as ours), ok… Your def entitled to that. Although, I’m simply very concerned how someone with your unique journalistic abilities could change so much? If i’ve overstepped my apologies..
Jerry Springer
Hillary Clinton belongs in the White House. Donald Trump belongs on my show.
7:55 PM – 26 Sep 2016