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3 years ago

the roaring twenties are certainly back

“…there’s nothing’s surer, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer…”

3 years ago

See the source image

3 years ago

10 years ago, warren buffett wrote in

Opinion | Stop Coddling the Super-Rich – The New York Times (nytimes.com)

“My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice”

3 years ago

Pollution tax for their rockets.  Landing tax to come back to Earth.  Double the tax if there’s a billionaire riding in that rocket.

3 years ago


“A small group of ultra-wealthy individuals could help solve world hunger with just a fraction of their net worth, says the director of the United Nations’ World Food Programme.“

It’s more than just money, it’s societal structure/mindset. How do you get it to those in need without others taking it for themselves to control things?

Some of that money could be used for PR to help women in impoverished countries. Women in power, especially over their own bodies, will solve a lot of problems in the world.

3 years ago

those who will be working in the smoke-filled rooms behind the curtain

Bottom line | TheHill


Netflix, Inc. hired Covington & Burling LLP to lobby on tax reform legislation. Ed McClellan, former GOP tax counsel for the Senate Finance Committee, will work on the account.

The National Retail Federation hired Invariant LLC to monitor tax proposals, supply chain issues and vaccine mandates. Mary Stanton, former Democratic policy director for the Senate Special Committee on Aging, will work on the account.

Intuit Inc. hired Jake Perry + Partners to lobby on issues related to financial technology and the tax preparation industry. Jake Perry, former senior adviser to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), will work on the account.

Bath & Body Works hired O’Rourke and Associates LLC to lobby on issues relating to tax reform and international tax policy. John T. O’Rourke, former GOP professional staff member for the House Banking Committee, will work on the account.

​Shrink the Tax Gap, Inc. hired Van Scoyoc Associates to lobby for stronger IRS enforcement. Thad Inge, former associate administrator at the Small Business Administration under former President Obama, will work on the account.

[continues with defense and labor lobbyists hirees]

3 years ago

For any would be biographer out there who thinks Ted Cruz might be a good subject, I have the title for your book. 

From Harvard to Sesame Street (By Way of Cancun)

You’re welcome. 

3 years ago

And anyone paying attention knows I’m no AOC fan, but Paul Gosar is a dick. 

3 years ago

here’s an interesting chart 10 years ago from a mother jones article which now must be even worse.

It’s the Inequality, Stupid – Mother Jones See the source image

3 years ago

A good WaPo piece from Jennifer Rubin from yesterday about countering GQP lies.


The more fervently the GOP leadership rises to Trump’s defense and attacks truth-tellers such as Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the more they reestablish his dominance as the driving force behind the party. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Cheney wisely cautioned, “I think the only way the Republican Party can go forward in strength is if we reject the lie, if we reject what happened on Jan. 6, if we reject the efforts that President Trump made, frankly, to steal the election.” For such sage counsel, her party has practically excommunicated her.

While the media marvel at Youngkin’s finesse in keeping Trump hidden from view, Republicans who continue to tie themselves not only to Trump personally but to his anti-democratic, vaccine-skeptical and virulent anti-immigrant messaging should consider how they will win over non-MAGA voters in 2022. Freshmen Republican House members posing as practical moderates who flipped seats from blue to red in 2020 might find the balancing act especially tricky.
If Democrats are smart, they will present midterm voters not only with a record of success but with a question: Do they reallywant to be governed by MAGA Republicans who routinely gaslight voters, undermine elections, wink at violence, demonize immigrants, operate in a fact-free universe and incite white grievance?

And one from a couple days ago.

There are many factors that may have played a role in the Virginia governor’s race — President Biden’s current political woes, a less-than-scintillating Democratic candidate, the Republican’s phony critical race theory ploy or some combination of these. Whatever the precise explanation, Democrats are playing defense — and not effectively — when it comes to Republican rhetoric on race and education.

This week, deputy White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierreshowedhow to start fighting back against Republicans’ contradictory and deceptive stance.

Asked about critical race theory in the Virginia contest on Thursday, she began with a full-throated defense of accurate history in instruction: “So, look, America, as you heard the president say before, is a great country,” she said. “And great countries are honest, right? They have to be honest with themselves about the history, which is good and the bad. And our kids should be proud to be Americans after learning that history.”

Democrats, Jean-Pierre explained, have allowed themselves to be painted as teaching the “bad” stuff about America. She correctly framed the issue as teaching kids to be proud about overcoming our challenges. Eliminating the story of individual and collective struggles to form a more perfect union is not only disinformation, but also unpatriotic.

Jean-Pierre then made an argument Republicans used to invoke: “Fundamentally, we believe a school’s curriculum isn’t a federal decision. It’s rightly up to communities around the country — the parents, the school, the school board, the teachers and the administrators. And that means that politicians … should not be dictating what our kids are being taught.”

Jean-Pierre next pivoted to offense, with a much-deserved takedown of Republicans’ blatantly dishonest rhetoric. She declared that when it comes to nonexistent critical race theory instruction, “Republicans are lying. They’re not being honest. … And they’re cynically trying to use our kids as a political football.” If only every Democrat let Republicans have it with such vigor, we might have a fact-based discussion about education.

Most critically, Jean-Pierre made the case that Republicans are the last people to be lecturing on support for education:
They’re talking about our kids when it’s — when it’s election season, but they won’t vote for them when it matters. You know, Republicans did not vote for the American Rescue Plan. … In that plan, it had funding to make sure that schools were open, to make sure that our kids got back to school. And they didn’t vote for that, and that was a key component of the American Rescue Plan. We know how important it is to make sure that our kids have in-person learning for their mental well-being and also so that they can actually learn. And so that is something that the Republicans refuse — absolutely refuse to vote for.

It’s a truism that no matter how deceitful Republicans may be, Democrats cannot afford to ignore voters’ concerns. If voters hear CRT is a real issue or believe Democrats are dismissive of parents’ concern about their children’s education, it’s up to Democrats to push back — forcefully.


Get it?  Push back. Point out their lies.

3 years ago

Twitter Flags GOP Rep. Paul Gosar’s Tweet Showing Him Killing AOC (businessinsider.com)

Twitter flagged Republican Rep. Paul Gosar’s tweet of an edited animated video showing him killing Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and brandishing swords at President Joe Biden. 

A spokesperson for the platform said the tweet violated Twitter’s rules concerning “hateful conduct” so the company placed a “public interest notice” on the message. The company, however, said it wouldn’t take the post down because it “has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible.”

The video Gosar shared is apparently an altered version of the opening credits of a Japanese animated series called “Attack on Titan.” In the edited version, the faces of Gosar, Republican Reps. Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ocasio-Cortez, and Biden are superimposed on the bodies of the characters. Gosar’s character stabs Ocasio-Cortez’s character in the back of the neck and kills her before brandishing two swords at another character with Biden’s face. 

“Any anime fans out there?” Gosar wrote in the Sunday tweet sharing the 90-second video.


“This is sick behavior from Rep. Paul Gosar. He tweeted out the video showing him killing Rep. Ocasio-Cortez from both his official account and personal account. In any workplace in America, if a coworker made an anime video killing another coworker, that person would be fired.”

[ted lieu tweeted]



Ocasio-Cortez condemned Gosar and GOP leadership in a series of tweets on Monday from Glasgow, where she’s attending the international climate summit with a Democratic delegation. 

“A creepy member I work with who fundraises for Neo-Nazi groups shared a fantasy video of him killing me,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “And he’ll face no consequences bc @GOPLeader cheers him on with excuses.”


Other Democratic members of Congress also condemned the tweet and Republican leaders’ apparent non-response. 

“Happy Monday in America, where @GOPLeader McCarthy’s colleague just posted a video of himself swinging two swords at President Biden,” Rep. Eric Swalwell tweeted. “These blood thirsty losers are more comfortable with violence than voting. Keep exposing them.”


old man
3 years ago

The largest delegation in Glasgow was the fossil fuel boys –
Meanwhile, in Siberia :

The world’s coldest city is on course to be up to 20C milder than usual for this time of year, says the scientific director of Russia’s Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand.
This may see Yakutsk – Russia’s diamond capital – at minus 4C (24.8F) early next week, still cold to many people, but for locals this is balmy compared with the expected minus 24C (-11.2F).
Elsewhere in Siberia and the Russian Far East other extreme anomalies are expected in temperatures. 
‘Very warm weather, simply huge anomalies of up to 14-17C (57.2F to 62.6F) degrees are expected in Krasnoyarsk region, the west of Yakutia and Magadan region at the beginning of next week,’ said Dr Vilfand.
‘The streams of warm air from the south and west determine this situation. This is an amazing situation,’ he said. ……………………………………. Magadan region in the Far East of Russia has seen unseasonal November wildfires; usually unthinkable, but the lack of snow had left the tundra – starved of precipitation – vulnerable to flames especially with high winds. 
A weather map shows the abnormally warm air temperature in Western Siberia where traditionally air cools to at least minus 15C at the beginning of November. 
Residents of Sakhalin, Russia’s largest island took to social media to share their surprise over blossoming flowers and ripening strawberry.



3 years ago

I laughed my ass off at the following comment from pacificwhim to Jennifer Rubin’s last column of the day on the MAGAtariat believing disinformation from the MAGAtocracy about the vaccines to their own detriment.

This just in: The nation’s Strategic Schadenfreude Reserve is now depleted. The president is discussing importing schadenfreude from other countries to cover the short-term needs of Americans who can’t stop giggling about this story. 

I wish I’d have thought that one up.

3 years ago

And in response to the same piece PrisonerTrump said:

Darwin strikes the stupid in the shallow end of the gene pool again.

Another great one I didn’t think of.

old man
3 years ago

Data  not Dada –
Texas government study found that unvaccinated people were 20 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than the fully vaccinated throughout most of September, providing further evidence backing the vaccines. 
The research, published by the Texas Department of State Health Services on Monday, determined that 81.3 percent of COVID-19-related deaths between Sept. 4 and Oct. 1 occurred among unvaccinated people. In comparison, 5 percent of these fatalities occurred among the partially vaccinated, and 13.7 percent involved fully vaccinated patients. 
In that time period, unvaccinated individuals in their 40s were 55 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than others who were the same age and fully vaccinated. Among those aged 75 and older, the unvaccinated were 12 times more likely to die.


old man
3 years ago

The 10 Weirdest Ways Climate Change Is Screwing With Our World

Darker Earth? Bigger crabs? Shifting poles? Yup, they’re all tied to climate change.

old man
3 years ago

Arizona expected to add more than 720K jobs by 2030
I wonder what they will be drinking ? 

old man
3 years ago


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says that the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which cleared Congress on Friday and is awaiting President Biden‘s signature, is a “godsend” for his state.
McConnell spoke in Morehead, Ky., on Monday, noting the Bluegrass State has “a lot” of infrastructure needs after touring a facility for indoor farming company AppHarvest, according to CBS News affiliate WKYT.
He pointed to Kentucky’s infrastructure report card from the American Society of Civil Engineers, which gives it a C-minus.

Note where he was  …………………… ” after touring a facility for indoor farming company AppHarvest,”

old man
3 years ago

These days I’d jump out the window  after reading the news , but I’d only fall five feet into the bushes. 

old man
3 years ago

Night all –

3 years ago

…will click on Gap Band, every time

lol that might be the most offensive video ever made, besides Paul Gosar’s anime

3 years ago

Pat, Craig, 
I’ve got the next 2 Sundays  covered. Pick which ever one you want to start first.
Tonight was my last neighborhood meeting,  I’m going to be busy moving the rest of the month. 
I will drop in when I have time

3 years ago

jack, gotcha, thanks.  take care and remember to wear a back brace and bend your knees not your back in all that heavy lifting.

3 years ago