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4 years ago


and they’re voting

Marlette cartoon: Florida Seniors ready to dump Trump

4 years ago


TALLAHASSEE — Florida shattered its opening day record for in-person early voting Monday, with at least 350,000 people casting ballots and election officials continuing to count statewide late into the night.
The trend continues a record-setting pace in the battleground state that is viewed as a must-win for President Donald Trump. Voting by mail, which started earlier this month, racked up more than 2.5 million ballots headed into Monday, more than double the 1.2 million during the same timeframe in 2016.
More than 350,000 voters, some of whom were treated to pizza by singer Ariana Grande while they waited in line, easily surpassed 2016 numbers when 291,000 people voted on the first day of in-person early voting, which includes 52 of Florida’s 67 counties. All counties begin early voting on Saturday.
Democrats have a significant pre-Election Day lead, built by a more than 450,000 vote-by-mail lead, through Monday, but Republicans insist they are just “cannibalizing” their in-person vote. Put another way, they say Democrats are not gaining additional voters, but that voters in candidate Joe Biden’s party are just changing how they participate because of Democrats’ greater emphasis on voting by mail during a global pandemic.

4 years ago

more from politico story above:

Early in the day, there was anecdotal evidence across the state that signaled there could be record turnout. Lines formed in some of Florida’s largest counties before polls opened at 7 a.m., even as rain soaked portions of South Florida.
In Broward County, Parkland Mayor and incoming Democratic state Rep. Christine Hunschofsky posted a video of long lines at a polling site in that county, one of Florida’s bluest.
“It is the longest line I have ever seen at early voting in Parkland,” she tweeted.
Pinellas County, a bellwether that has voted for every winning presidential candidate but one since 1980, also quickly amassed record-setting numbers.
“Over 6,300 people have voted so far in Pinellas County during a record-breaking first day of early voting!” Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections Julie Marcus tweeted at 3:30 p.m.
The Orange County Supervisor of Elections office tweeted just before 4:30 p.m. that it had already seen more than 11,000 votes with more than two hours to go. In 2016, the county saw 16,912 total votes on the first day of early voting.

A couple stands in line as it rains before their precinct opens on Monday, the first day of in-person early voting in Florida, in Miami.


4 years ago

note the metaphorical glass on the floor over which they crawled (via walker) to vote to dump D’ump


4 years ago
4 years ago

Any Republican Senators want to prove they don’t support tRUMP?  Stop the Amy Phony train.

4 years ago

4 years ago

LP’s latest 


4 years ago

pogo, jeffrey’s oops moment explained according to cbsnews:

Toobin told Vice that he “made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera,” adding, “I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers.” 

“I believed I was not visible on Zoom,” he said. “I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video.”


heck,  that was nothing compared to what D’ump has exposed these last 4 centuries years or that cat licking his rear on PBS newshour last night during lisa desjardins report on congressional doings.

4 years ago

Nice bit of editing


Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Glancing through the news headlines I saw that former rnc head, M. Steele, has finally jumped the rope into stating he is voting, or voted, for Biden/Harris.  I don’t know how many others who had moved away from the party over the last three years, but not many of them stated they would vote for any Dem.  Next up is how many will declare they are members of the Democratic Party?

4 years ago

Kristi Noem, attractive homicidal maniac and governor of SD, is hosting a sold-out 10,000 person capacity INDOOR concert, this weekend.


4 years ago

When’s the last time you heard of a governor hosting a concert?  If you’re like me, never, because it’s not in the gubernatorial job description.  Kristi Noem is finding creative ways to kill her own citizens.
A hearty “WTF”, i do say.

4 years ago

Nitwit, murderer, blunderer, creep.
(Posthumous novel by John leCarré)

4 years ago

But what nitwit kind of band would take the gig?    Oh, a nitwit band.    I see.

4 years ago

“Boys,  we can’t pay you nothing but you’ll get all the Swedish Meatballs you can eat, and PLENTY of free exposure.”

4 years ago

A holiday we can all appreciate today:

National Sloth Day


4 years ago

1,256 musicians, with their axes and starved for a gig, begin lining up outside the venue at 4 AM. 

Moo-Jicians ain’t noted for making wise choices.

4 years ago

patd,  Toobin – I really don’t understand why he felt the need to (I’m guessing) start diddling himself just as he thought he had turned the Zoom meeting off.  Must have been one hell of an exciting meeting.  

4 years ago

This is a campsite at the Glastonbury Festival. Not what I’d call a prime campsite. (Hmmm, I wonder if Noem is offering similar luxury accommodations to the musicians at her gig).

4 years ago

I always figgered I’d play anywhere they’d pay me, but I see that there ARE limits, after all.

Ubiquitous Narrator:
“…and DEATH was the door prize.”

4 years ago

Musicians at Jim Jones’ Kool-Aid fest look on with knowing sneers as yet another gig has ended in disaster. 

4 years ago

Yeah, if you follow international news, you’ve noticed the British and French are as dumb as us, so that’s good news, i think?

4 years ago

Toobin was tubin’

4 years ago

Brits and French got a long history of murderous nitwittery. 

4 years ago

FYI…  the Debate Commission has said that the microphones will be muted for one candidate as the other candidate is giving their 2 minute opening statement….   only.  The mics will be open during the debate itself.
So far… it looks like Pogo has the bragging rights….  but there is still time.

4 years ago

I’d like to see the two of them in Cones of Silence, raised only for the one who is talking.

4 years ago

“The Jerk-Off Report with Jeffrey Toobin”, coming this fall, only on Zoom.
(only Toobin joke i’ll make, had to get it out of my system.)
[Ok, that’s the last Toobin joke i’ll make, lest i diddle while Rome burns]

{i take it all back, i’m doing Toobin jokes, exclusively, henceforth}

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

You have to give it to media types to get the most out of their fifteen minutes and a few seconds of fame.

4 years ago

I do have to chuckle that Toobin is now “spending more time ith his family”  ALLEGEDLY.

4 years ago

…his family is like, “can you please just go away, Dad?”

4 years ago

All the KFC talk made me crave fried chicken, so i took a drive for lunch… not a single trump sign👍

Did trumpcampco funnel too much campaign money to Kimberly Guilfoyle to not afford yard signs, or something?

4 years ago

Not muting a mic is to have repeat of that absolutely pointless debate that I heard from the other side of my bedroom door.  Only tRUMP voters will watch…any that demographic gets smaller by the day.   If they want ratings, they need to guarantee that I can mute my TV while SFB is lying and then they will mute his mic while Joe speaks, so I can hear a rational human speak.

4 years ago

Listening to MSNBC while out picking up  lunch and heard that this year voter registrations in FL were at about 550,000, with R’s getting 350k and D’s getting 200k.  They reported that a similar pattern was reflected in PA registrations this year.  That’s not good news for Nov. 3.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

We are having lunch with friends who live in sf but have a cabin  not too far from us.   This is their first time out of SF and out of their house sinceMarch.  Their neighbors do all their grocery shopping.  They have a lovely house in Bernal Heights.  great views and a small yard.  So not terrible to be there but still.   Next to them we feel like flagrant violaters

4 years ago

BiD, you’re going to wear your remote out with all that muting and unmuting.  

4 years ago

While I’ve never seen anything as bad as what Toobin did, I have noticed in neighborhood zooms that people forget  they can be seen and do all kinds of private stuff from picking their noses, scratching private parts, putting on makeup and so on.
That is why I blocked my lap top camera with a piece of paper when all I wanted to do was listen. I don’t trust computer software.

4 years ago

Good move, Jack.  

4 years ago

if jeffrey has an agent, can you imagine what sort of PR statement was being considered in addition to the “oops forgot to mute the zoom”

doctor’s note for unexpected virulent case of crabs?

spewed extra hot coffee down pants when wolfe blitzer cracked a joke?


4 years ago

BTW, that exhibitionist newshour cat’s name is rocky and not the only scene stealer on pbs

4 years ago

BB, michael just didn’t announce he voted for joe, he made an ad for LP to publish it 

This election, former RNC Chair and a lifelong Republican, Michael Steele, is voting to restore the soul of our nation.

4 years ago

I went thru GRIT channel immersion therapy for a few months back a ways….nowadays I just drop by now and then for the occasional gunfight.

A stockpile of music, bad-guy actors, saloon ladies with hearts of gold, hero actors, directors, and character actors all over the place. And vests. Oodles of vests.

4 years ago

Toobin? Really? How did he manage that?  I’ve Zoomed and the camera is always shoulders up. Unless he was talking out of his ass, I dunno.
Does there now have to be a rule in this Alice in Wonderland world we’re living in saying DO NOT  point your camera at your crotch? Especially during a work Zoom meeting.  OMG…LOL…he cam join Anthony Weiner and sit  in the dunce corner.
On the other hand, is it just boys being boys?

4 years ago

Ok, that’s enough Toobin jokes!  We’ve milked it for all its worth.

4 years ago

“Since we can’t be together, this Thanksgiving, we’re all going to join up on Zoom, as a family!  Jeffrey, you’re not invited.”

4 years ago

Just think of the mess Biden will inherit. trumpity removed a lot of information from many .gov web sites that should be replaced. All the executive orders to be cancelled. The economy is on the verge of a depression, AGAIN, after the repubes, hery big spender, leave. And all the rest.
Bush, who tortured people,  9/11, and great job Brownie left a huge financial mess…because he was a repube.  Remember Moscow Mitch wan’t going to approve anything Obama did?  And still Obama pulled us back from the edge of a depression. Remember too big to fail and the housing crisis?  Evictions are starting, AGAIN, this week. 
The repubes seem to hate this country and its people and only love their own money.

4 years ago

When we’ve seen Toobin doing his legal analyses over the years Mrs. P and I generally refer to him as the Toob.  I suppose we need to revise the spelling.

4 years ago

The Zoom played right into Toobin’s hands


4 years ago

Jamie, LMAO!!!  You go girl!

4 years ago

I hope Biden will have the good sense to invite at least temporarily all the Obama department heads with one mission:  Put it all back the way it was when you left.  


4 years ago

It seems that  Toobin has, by his own hand, caused himself to come under extreme scrutiny. 

4 years ago

Jamie, yes, that’d be the most efficient way to restore the government!

4 years ago

I hope for another stimulus package.  It’s hard to work at half-staff (no Toobin pun intended, but there it is) and things are getting tense between folks at the office.   Not I, though. I just work there until they tell me I don’t and if I can’t do the work of three or four, see if you can find someone else. I do curse when I get in the car because I’m tired of being exposed to it (there’s Toobin, again) and want a no-drama office.

4 years ago

Blue in Dallas – “the photography gene” – LOL, I caught that!

Pat D – glad you liked the pic. “Red Wave” cartoon – Excellent

Huge amusement that my pumpkin pic led to a blog debate re: reclaiming Orange.

Jamie – nice Bitch sign!! 

4 years ago

“…reclaiming Orange.”
i wear orange all the time.  It looks fine as long as you don’t smear it all over your face🤷‍♂️

4 years ago

Wonder what the last question was that made him high-tail it out of there?  Maybe he just forgot to take his Adderall and lost focus.

4 years ago

We should have known that this shit would happen – orange being the color used to indicate danger – orange diamonds on buoys indicating hazards in the water; orange traffic cones to indicate “don’t drive your car here or it’ll get fucked up”; orange vests to indicate “don’t drive your car here or it’ll fuck me up”; OSHA biohazard warning (now there’s some irony for ya);  infectious waste (higher level of irony); Class 1 explosives (we’ve seen it at press conferences and the first debate); and the list goes on.  Orange is a bad idea – we should have known.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?

4 years ago

trump deep into the tilting at windmills phase of his campaign

4 years ago


This is from today’s Fareed Zakaria’s daily news letter.
Trump’s Enduring Appeal


At The Atlantic, Sarah Longwell of Republicans for the Rule of Law writes that she’s been conducting focus groups with Republicans throughout the Trump era. Looking at suburban women, Longwell writes that some kept supporting the president though much of his term despite disliking him, out of a greater antipathy toward Democrats. But while President Trump’s trampling over norms and institutions proved too abstract to change minds, the pandemic hasn’t, and some suburban women who stuck with Trump have now turned against him. (“The most common response is—seriously—a variation on the term shit show,” Longwell writes, of reactions in the last six months.)“Nevertheless, the story isn’t a wholly good one for Democrats,” Longwell concludes. “Some meaningful number of voters who are clear-eyed about Trump and his manifest failures—even those who think he is plainly doing a bad job—will stick with the president because they believe Democrats are worse and the media aren’t to be trusted. And these aren’t voters who are glued to Fox News and reading Breitbart News. Often they don’t think about politics at all—and they certainly don’t follow the daily machinations of Washington. They’re typically not on Twitter. Instead they swim in a cultural soup of Trumpism, surrounded by friends, family, and social-media acquaintances who do live more exclusively in a right-wing-media ecosystem. Even if [Joe] Biden pulls off a landslide victory, that ecosystem will remain. And so will the dislike of Democrats and distrust of the mainstream media. Getting rid of Trump won’t end the opposition’s problems.”

Trump is now one point behind in PA according to Steve Kornacki. He’s narrowing the gap in some key states and democrats have to stop taking victory for granted.

4 years ago

There’s this weird thing on TV.  They’re calling it the World Series.  

4 years ago

Is RBG raising the roof?

4 years ago

WTF?  tRUMPsky complained about Leslie Stahl not wearing a mask.  He complained because he has it in for journalists who aren’t there to create propaganda for him.

4 years ago

As if D’ump gives shit about masks. 

4 years ago

The electoral college is complete bullshit, and we’ll never be rid of it, grrr 😡 

4 years ago