User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
Trump’s Deadly Bargain
What’s really happening which Trump isn’t saying: Pay lip service to virus testing and take the hit for more dead Americans to prioritize reopening economy by Election Day.
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
View all posts by craigcrawford
msn: Trump was asked during a White House news conference on Monday whether an American president deserved to be re-elected after losing more Americans in six weeks than died in the Vietnam War. Approximately 58,000 U.S. troops were killed during the Vietnam War. The number of dead in the U.S. from COVID-19 surpassed 55,000, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. Trump said the nation has lost a lot of people. “But if you look at what original projections were — 2.2 million — we’re probably heading to 60,000-70,000. It’s far too many. One person is too many for this. And I think we’ve made a lot of really good decisions. The big decision was closing the border or doing the ban, people coming in from China.” Trump added: “I think we’ve done a great job. I will say this, one person is too many.” Trump is relying on… Read more »
craig, hope you really meant to run this thread today instead of august 25th (date originally scheduled). if not, sorry to jump the gun, but took the chance that we might not all be here 4 months from now and would appreciate the wisdom imparted today.
Schumer was on MSNBC this morning discussing the fact that money was not getting to small business. It immediately made me think that my son has spent the last 35+ years in the Army for 20 of those years in supply of all kinds including money, material and services and now with a contractor doing pretty much the same thing. I mentioned this an he immediately started rattling off where to go for all those things. I doubt Schumer will see it, but sent a message to him: Saw @MSNBC interview. The US Army is at the disposal of the President & Congress. They are all currently working not to mention their contractors. The one thing they are very, very good at is logistics on money, material and info. There is a whole supply chain available to move stuff. You might want to contact someone able to command that chain… Read more »
I talked to my son, finally, after a few weeks. He’s OK but still sounds tired. He said that it’s lightening up some and says it’ll come back in the fall. They’re looking into the clotting thing and are prescribing blood thinners prophylactically. He just heard about the Pepsid thing and had no opinion.
SCOTUS has asked for additional briefing (by letter) about whether the political question doctrine will allow them to hear the House’s request for SFB’s tax returns. Hard to read those tea leaves.
i was exhibiting (what i thought could be) symptoms, yesterday, so i looked into testing in my area. One must make an appointment, wait in the car, go INTO the office, and present insurance (tests aren’t free).
Well, i’m glad i woke up feeling better, because getting a test would have been an anxiety-inducing hassle, which is the opposite of what testing should be.
Report from Bloomberg (no link yet) that SFB is going to use the War Powers to require the food processors (meat plants) remain open regardless of the COVID-19 infections. Some how he needs to find people to do the work who are not sick or dead.
Regarding the poll showing by a 64-31% margin that Americans think trump is untrustworthy, I state without hesitation that I trust trump completely. The maniac’s out to kill us all.
There are now over one million Americans who have tested positive for Covid-19. Blame the tests! If there were no tests, there would be no confirmed cases of the virus!
Bink -Glad you are OK. Folks are getting medical bills for treatment. Wasn’t the Fed supposed to take care of that (and testing), so folks wouldn’t go untreated and spread it even further?
TT – Glad you got to talk to your son, the doctor. How is the other son doing?
It’s about to get windy here tonight, not that it isn’t already blowing like crazy. I had no idea there was so much wind energy in TX. Will depressed oil prices actually make green energy less of a bargaining chip?
If you want healthcare costs to go down across the board, stop eating animals. Although Rudy Giuliani mistakenly thinks you catch diabetes, heart disease, and cancer by a cough, it’s the chronic diseases we bring on ourselves that drive up healthcare costs for everyone. Instead of “meatless Monday,” if folks would try meatless May, they could realize how much more economical it is, and, that eating meat is just a bad habit. It’s absolutely unnecessary to sustain life and thrive. Trailer for “Game Changers” movie about professional athletes giving up meat.
A friend got an I-want-credit-for-the-stimulus-deposit letter from Trump. I didn’t realize she was excited about it. Ummm, I guess I had a friend who got a letter from Trump. I’ve known her for decades, but we’ve never discussed politics.
I can live on the rabbits, squirrels, and muskrats. Beaver, opossum, and armadillos are for someone else. At least the Chesapeake Bay crabs are out there for the taking.
Trump press conference just now: I realize it’s tough for WH reporters to counter every #TrumpPlague in Chief’s lies but will someone please confront his claim we lead the world in testing, truth is per capita testing behind many countries.
BB, Someone doesn’t understand the War Powers Resolution (1973). It limits the president’s ability to commit troops without the consent of Congress. It does not enlarge his powers to allow compulsion of the civilian population to fight what he is characterizing as a declared war against an invisible enemy.
Looking at oil prices, the US’ best is apparently in California – it’s $17.11 & 12.43/bbl, above all other US sourced crude. Others in the US run less than half that with a few exceptions. Reading the prices at is fun – to see what’s coming up, what’s going down, and inferring what was worth less than zero a day ago.
Pogo – a lot of that oil from CA looks like a thick tar. It needs to be steamed to make it out of the ground. I used to work at fields west of Bakersfield and a bit north of Paso Robles. I never got to work on the Los Angeles fields.
Texas is 49th in testing! Woo-hoo! The Dallas county judge is doing a presser. He’s reminding folks that just because some businesses will be open, you don’t have to go; personal responsibility.
BB – If hot sauce kills the virus, I think you’re good. 🙂
bId – the hot sauce thing started back when I was working outside of Bakersfield. There was a little restaurant that we went to for lunch. It was Mexican, all Mexican. At the time I was very different looking with blonde hair and blue eyes. No matter what I ordered I was given the hottest chilis and peppers. So, I learned to eat the stuff and still do to today. The Shiracha is jalapenos and vinegar, the Tapatio is sweet with different chilies. I like the ying-yang. Sisu is a Catalina 30, she weighs in at twelve thousand pounds. Buena Ventura is a Ocean Yachts 46 Sunliner. She weighs in at forty three thousand pounds. The boats are my life. Having to separate due to the surgery makes me anxious. Getting down this last weekend calmed me down a lot. I will be going down this coming weekend to… Read more »
Tucker Carlson says there is no scientific justification for quarantine, says the curve flattened but quarantine had nothing to do with it, “the virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was”
Pogo – you should hear the phrase “light Texas crude” that is almost gasoline liquid crude. Sweet is free, or almost free, of sulfur. Sour is something that is nasty and requires processing to remove the sulfur. I have worked in both environments. I would always prefer to work in fields where I would not die before I hit the ground if I breathed the air. Oil comes in all sorts of flavors. The lighter, or more fluid, it is the better. It takes less processing to turn into gasoline. The West Texas crude is different from the Oklahoma crude, which is different from the Pennsylvania crude. What is pumped around the U.S. varies considerably in how it flows and what gases are in it. The same around the world. North Brent is a very good oil, the stuff pumped out of San Ardo California needs a lot of… Read more »
Fluffy Carlson is a worthless, little punk. He’ll say anything. He wishes he was as beloved to Trump as is Hannity. Has Fluffy been out in public, without a mask, rubbing elbows and inhaling the exhales of protestors? He’s all talk, no action. Giving marching orders from Orange Julius to his lemmings, while he hides inside.
That argument of cheap oil was used against solar. Small problem now that more and more people are using solar, they have discovered that no electricity bills monthly, higher property values etc not only are better environmentally but financially as well.
I watched Speaker Pelosi on MSNBC around 4:30pm EDT. Her whole thing came down to denying SFB anything. Anything good, anything bad, anything in between. She is creating the meme that SFB does not exist.
The bobble-head invading Mayo Clinic with his “holy and pure breathing” was down right nasty. Mayo should have walked him in circles and then thanked him for his support as they kicked his sorry ass into a meat wagon.
I walked from park-to-park today. Ending up at Holland State Park. Holland State Park was packed today. I barely even went into the park. There were cars all the way to the edge of the entrance to the parking lot. I didn’t wanna see how crowded it actually was.
BB, your 7:04 re Pence, yes, they should have marched him out – Stupid fuck that he is. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t people in the hospital there because they’re SICK? He’s as bad as, make that worse than, SFB. SFB doesn’t believe a deity informs him – he believes he is that deity.
Bink, glad you’re OK. I’ll ask my son. It’ll probably weeks before I hear from him. My sister, my nephew, and I …all have had a little something. And the first thought is….the virus. My sister & I it’s basic allergies. My nephew is cooking at home and should have thrown out the sausage.
BiD batten down the hatches, again! It’s into the closet tonight.
msn: Trump was asked during a White House news conference on Monday whether an American president deserved to be re-elected after losing more Americans in six weeks than died in the Vietnam War. Approximately 58,000 U.S. troops were killed during the Vietnam War. The number of dead in the U.S. from COVID-19 surpassed 55,000, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. Trump said the nation has lost a lot of people. “But if you look at what original projections were — 2.2 million — we’re probably heading to 60,000-70,000. It’s far too many. One person is too many for this. And I think we’ve made a lot of really good decisions. The big decision was closing the border or doing the ban, people coming in from China.” Trump added: “I think we’ve done a great job. I will say this, one person is too many.” Trump is relying on… Read more »
craig, hope you really meant to run this thread today instead of august 25th (date originally scheduled). if not, sorry to jump the gun, but took the chance that we might not all be here 4 months from now and would appreciate the wisdom imparted today.
Schumer was on MSNBC this morning discussing the fact that money was not getting to small business. It immediately made me think that my son has spent the last 35+ years in the Army for 20 of those years in supply of all kinds including money, material and services and now with a contractor doing pretty much the same thing. I mentioned this an he immediately started rattling off where to go for all those things. I doubt Schumer will see it, but sent a message to him: Saw @MSNBC interview. The US Army is at the disposal of the President & Congress. They are all currently working not to mention their contractors. The one thing they are very, very good at is logistics on money, material and info. There is a whole supply chain available to move stuff. You might want to contact someone able to command that chain… Read more »
Buy local!
People eat too much meat anyway
I talked to my son, finally, after a few weeks. He’s OK but still sounds tired. He said that it’s lightening up some and says it’ll come back in the fall. They’re looking into the clotting thing and are prescribing blood thinners prophylactically. He just heard about the Pepsid thing and had no opinion.
“Re-opening” the economy too soon will just cause greater economic losses.
Trump and the Republican Party will turn a recession into a depression.
SCOTUS has asked for additional briefing (by letter) about whether the political question doctrine will allow them to hear the House’s request for SFB’s tax returns. Hard to read those tea leaves.
i was exhibiting (what i thought could be) symptoms, yesterday, so i looked into testing in my area. One must make an appointment, wait in the car, go INTO the office, and present insurance (tests aren’t free).
Well, i’m glad i woke up feeling better, because getting a test would have been an anxiety-inducing hassle, which is the opposite of what testing should be.
Report from Bloomberg (no link yet) that SFB is going to use the War Powers to require the food processors (meat plants) remain open regardless of the COVID-19 infections. Some how he needs to find people to do the work who are not sick or dead.
BlueBronc… the only people who work in those plants are brown…. of course SFB doesn’t care.
Went to the local small grocery store this morning. To my surprise they had packages of crystallized ginger slices…. YUM!
Bink… glad you’re feeling better.
or undocumented. SFB probably doesn’t realize how much of food supply is actually performed by the people he is trying to throw out of the country.
Thanks PatD, that’s what I get for posting on my phone, hard read the little scheduling calendar
i’ll repeat the thought- this country will have no more deer by next year. It will be like the great bison extermination.
Thanks, RR- likely all psychosomatic😒
Can you ask your son if swollen lymph-nodes are typical in covid patients, if you talk to him and think of it? Just curious. Thanks either way.
Regarding the poll showing by a 64-31% margin that Americans think trump is untrustworthy, I state without hesitation that I trust trump completely. The maniac’s out to kill us all.
Allegedly man’s best friend.
Mr Bink, I’ll sacrifice Bambi, if my fellow Americans will eat all the rats and squirrels.
Yeah, i pissed-off a lot of friends and neighbors in the past weeks by asking them not to touch or pet my dog.
I’m joking, of course. America shouldn’t be like China.
single-party rule, rabid consumers, environmental damage, despotic leader, widespread poverty, irresponsible development…
US and China seem rather similar to me
There are now over one million Americans who have tested positive for Covid-19. Blame the tests! If there were no tests, there would be no confirmed cases of the virus!
Bink -Glad you are OK. Folks are getting medical bills for treatment. Wasn’t the Fed supposed to take care of that (and testing), so folks wouldn’t go untreated and spread it even further?
TT – Glad you got to talk to your son, the doctor. How is the other son doing?
It’s about to get windy here tonight, not that it isn’t already blowing like crazy. I had no idea there was so much wind energy in TX. Will depressed oil prices actually make green energy less of a bargaining chip?
If you want healthcare costs to go down across the board, stop eating animals. Although Rudy Giuliani mistakenly thinks you catch diabetes, heart disease, and cancer by a cough, it’s the chronic diseases we bring on ourselves that drive up healthcare costs for everyone. Instead of “meatless Monday,” if folks would try meatless May, they could realize how much more economical it is, and, that eating meat is just a bad habit. It’s absolutely unnecessary to sustain life and thrive. Trailer for “Game Changers” movie about professional athletes giving up meat.
Here’s a cool, moving graphic showing how we got to be number one. ~USA, USA~
A friend got an I-want-credit-for-the-stimulus-deposit letter from Trump. I didn’t realize she was excited about it. Ummm, I guess I had a friend who got a letter from Trump. I’ve known her for decades, but we’ve never discussed politics.
I can live on the rabbits, squirrels, and muskrats. Beaver, opossum, and armadillos are for someone else. At least the Chesapeake Bay crabs are out there for the taking.
Trump press conference just now: I realize it’s tough for WH reporters to counter every #TrumpPlague in Chief’s lies but will someone please confront his claim we lead the world in testing, truth is per capita testing behind many countries.
Here is some of the video from this last weekend. The storm damage was a surprise. But Buena Ventura was very good inside.
BB, Someone doesn’t understand the War Powers Resolution (1973). It limits the president’s ability to commit troops without the consent of Congress. It does not enlarge his powers to allow compulsion of the civilian population to fight what he is characterizing as a declared war against an invisible enemy.
Looking at oil prices, the US’ best is apparently in California – it’s $17.11 & 12.43/bbl, above all other US sourced crude. Others in the US run less than half that with a few exceptions. Reading the prices at is fun – to see what’s coming up, what’s going down, and inferring what was worth less than zero a day ago.
Pogo – a lot of that oil from CA looks like a thick tar. It needs to be steamed to make it out of the ground. I used to work at fields west of Bakersfield and a bit north of Paso Robles. I never got to work on the Los Angeles fields.
BB – I’ve never seen a boat lift like that on land. Storms aside, it seems like a peaceful place.
Texas is 49th in testing! Woo-hoo! The Dallas county judge is doing a presser. He’s reminding folks that just because some businesses will be open, you don’t have to go; personal responsibility.
BB – If hot sauce kills the virus, I think you’re good. 🙂
bId – the hot sauce thing started back when I was working outside of Bakersfield. There was a little restaurant that we went to for lunch. It was Mexican, all Mexican. At the time I was very different looking with blonde hair and blue eyes. No matter what I ordered I was given the hottest chilis and peppers. So, I learned to eat the stuff and still do to today. The Shiracha is jalapenos and vinegar, the Tapatio is sweet with different chilies. I like the ying-yang. Sisu is a Catalina 30, she weighs in at twelve thousand pounds. Buena Ventura is a Ocean Yachts 46 Sunliner. She weighs in at forty three thousand pounds. The boats are my life. Having to separate due to the surgery makes me anxious. Getting down this last weekend calmed me down a lot. I will be going down this coming weekend to… Read more »
BB, I’m ign’ant about crude. I have a sense that light, sweet is more desirable than sour to refineries, but beyond that, bupkus.
Trump world ramping up desensitization campaign:
Tucker Carlson says there is no scientific justification for quarantine, says the curve flattened but quarantine had nothing to do with it, “the virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was”
Pogo – you should hear the phrase “light Texas crude” that is almost gasoline liquid crude. Sweet is free, or almost free, of sulfur. Sour is something that is nasty and requires processing to remove the sulfur. I have worked in both environments. I would always prefer to work in fields where I would not die before I hit the ground if I breathed the air. Oil comes in all sorts of flavors. The lighter, or more fluid, it is the better. It takes less processing to turn into gasoline. The West Texas crude is different from the Oklahoma crude, which is different from the Pennsylvania crude. What is pumped around the U.S. varies considerably in how it flows and what gases are in it. The same around the world. North Brent is a very good oil, the stuff pumped out of San Ardo California needs a lot of… Read more »
More dead than Vietnam. Hey hey Trump Plague how many did you kill today?
Fluffy Carlson is a worthless, little punk. He’ll say anything. He wishes he was as beloved to Trump as is Hannity. Has Fluffy been out in public, without a mask, rubbing elbows and inhaling the exhales of protestors? He’s all talk, no action. Giving marching orders from Orange Julius to his lemmings, while he hides inside.
Thankfully Pelosi can succeed him.
Like a turkey drowning in a rain storm.
That argument of cheap oil was used against solar. Small problem now that more and more people are using solar, they have discovered that no electricity bills monthly, higher property values etc not only are better environmentally but financially as well.
Patd & I did our shared brain thing awhile back and came up with
Hey, hey Donald J.
How many people did you kill today?
Question about oil. How do you make plastic? What is the source of the phrase, “Too valuable to burn”?
Is there away to use oil without burning it as a fuel?
I watched Speaker Pelosi on MSNBC around 4:30pm EDT. Her whole thing came down to denying SFB anything. Anything good, anything bad, anything in between. She is creating the meme that SFB does not exist.
The bobble-head invading Mayo Clinic with his “holy and pure breathing” was down right nasty. Mayo should have walked him in circles and then thanked him for his support as they kicked his sorry ass into a meat wagon.
The bloke what tweeted mask policy to the great and powerful pence is in for a bit of a hard time, I guess.
I walked from park-to-park today. Ending up at Holland State Park. Holland State Park was packed today. I barely even went into the park. There were cars all the way to the edge of the entrance to the parking lot. I didn’t wanna see how crowded it actually was.
BB, your 7:04 re Pence, yes, they should have marched him out – Stupid fuck that he is. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t people in the hospital there because they’re SICK? He’s as bad as, make that worse than, SFB. SFB doesn’t believe a deity informs him – he believes he is that deity.
Bink, glad you’re OK. I’ll ask my son. It’ll probably weeks before I hear from him. My sister, my nephew, and I …all have had a little something. And the first thought is….the virus. My sister & I it’s basic allergies. My nephew is cooking at home and should have thrown out the sausage.
BiD batten down the hatches, again! It’s into the closet tonight.