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5 years ago

…but, none of the President’s wives would sign-on to such a fabrication.

5 years ago

Mr Flatus slams it out of the park.

5 years ago

Maybe it is time for Ms Pelosi and Mr Schumer to meet with pence to discuss A25.
Or, maybe it’s time they spoke with him about the congressional ball game, and then tell the media that it was all really code for A25. 

5 years ago

patd…   really great cartoon.

Of course most people haven’t read the report.  I bought it…  and haven’t cracked it open yet…  too many other books calling my name at the moment.  It’s a pretty thick book…  I imagine if most people even see it they say…   “whoa…  I’m gonna need a lot of nachos and margaritas to finish that thing”.

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Mueller plays the role, but not the role he should be doing.

5 years ago

There might be a connection to this coincidence:

States Passing Abortion Bans 1. Alabama 2. Arkansas 3. Georgia 4. Kentucky 5. Louisiana 6. Mississippi 7. Missouri 8. Ohio 9. Utah States with Highest Infant Mortality Rates 1. Mississippi 2. Arkansas 5. Alabama 8. Georgia 9. Ohio 10. Louisiana 15. Kentucky 18. Missouri 26. Utah

5 years ago

I’m such a good boy–completely through cutting the grass, blow-drying the sidewalk and driveway, cleaning the equipment, all before the temperature reached 90-deg (just now).
fwiw, I’m left incredulous and sick at heart by the White House’s and DoD’s towering disrespect of the McCain family and those of us who are humbled by the McCains’ achievements supporting the true essence of America.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Melonoma would say anything    what a worthless piece of porn

5 years ago

Flatus, I’m betting never in your life did you think you would see your commander-in-chief with such utter contempt for someone like John McCain. Am I have disagreed with him on policies, but I never dismissed his service or the sacrifice that he gave during his service.
I would love to know who the order to turn the sailors from the McCain away came from. Follow that thread and I bet it leads back to the White House.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Sounds like something the Condom would do

5 years ago

I was thinking Miller. 

5 years ago

Pogo…  I’m with you…  I had policy disagreements with McCain, but I always respected his service and what he went through.  Throughout the years of being on this blog we’ve given many a politician nicknames…  but I’ve never used one for McCain…  and I’ve never used lower case letters on his name.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Or the cretinous Mulvaney

5 years ago

Somebody must have the ‘nads to ignore orders that are morally wrong. It’s as easy as, “Gee, I missed that.”

5 years ago

I had great disrespect for McCain. I was wrong. So, okay, piss on me. 

5 years ago

Well, I was right about his trumpish sex life, anyway. 

5 years ago

It’s time for an impeachment inquiry about pence. First things first, y’know.

5 years ago

Rest in peace, Leon Redbone.

5 years ago

That shows the WHMO talking directly with the Commander of the 7th Fleet in Japan bypassing DoD, the Chief of Naval Operations, CinCPac, and the head of Pacific Naval Forces. Major faux pas. If I was the head E-9 of any of those commands, I’d be talking with my admiral, retirement papers in hand.

5 years ago

There won’t be a USS donald trump. But, maybe there’ll be a russian ship with his name on it.  

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

Sure there will be one of the ships that take our garbage to China

5 years ago

Mr Flatus,
The Navy works for kellyanne conjob now. Naval operations are just a small cog in the trumpco propaganda effort machinery, nothing more. 

5 years ago

i want some of what you people are smoking.

5 years ago

Komrad trump hiding the USN McCain was like komrad stalin airbrushing trotsky out of pictures of himself with komrad lenin.

5 years ago

Please pass Mr Bink some of this grapewood brisket. 

5 years ago

I love the smell of nebbiolo in the morning.

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

So the order came from the military office in the Whitehouse hmmmmmmm

5 years ago

Tol’ ja the thread would lead to the WH. 
Sorry to hear of Redbone’s passing. His music might have been a tad quirky but it was enjoyable. 

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

If I was a Navy E-9 sitting on the John McCain I would have called back the WH and made sure they understood that disguising and moving vessels is not something they can do.  And, OBTW, Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform.  No need to go higher in rank to end the nonsense.

5 years ago

Bink…  we don’t smoke anything in this house…  but I do have some nice hickory smoked bacon in my refrigerator if you want some…
BlueB…  and I bet there wouldn’t be anyone in the WH that would understand that message.

5 years ago

“Game of Thrones” fan-fiction is less fanciful than Dems’ impeachment dreams.

5 years ago

I might not want to go so far as to actually impeach, but I would enjoy an old-fashioned impeachment investigation and hearings. The hearings make a nice break from beach reading. 

5 years ago

Ya gotta admire  Mueller, he managed to pull a Mitch and  not smell like shit. That takes talent, to completely cave and look like the hero. Who did he catch small fry and Russians that we will never see.

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

RR – thank you for the laugh!  I never even thought of that.

5 years ago

Democrats need to shut up with the impeachment crap and start talking about the will of the people. After all the election  is less than 18 months away. Make the case against Trump and all Republicans who are too cowardly to speak up. 

5 years ago

But it ain’t gonna happen so 4 more years. 

5 years ago

I wouldn’t mind seeing some chips fall where they may, and maybe some spilt milk and crumbling cookies. 

5 years ago

The Guardian reports that gut microbes may have something to do with autism. ‘Faecal transplants’ in mice alter their social contacts. 
Well, it would alter mine, too !

5 years ago

The rippers’ll have to be under dire pain and threat to turn on trump. But, as they are a buncha squishy soft chickeshit moonbeams, the required dire pain and threat doesn’t really have to be all that harsh : job loss, parking privilege loss, lunchroom privilege loss, franking privilege loss, sell porsche and buy a used Ford, sell the fancy house and go back to trailer living, lose office staff, lose stylish bimbo, and lose health insurance. No big deal for most of us, but that’s all most ripuplicanines have to face to turn on trump. 

5 years ago

Be for health care and against russia’s rich saboteurs. That’s the ticket.

5 years ago

So we took LP & his gramma to Lincoln Center to see My Fair Lady tonight before LP graduates from college tomorrow. Good evening and night – even if it required basically forcing some culture from the past on LP. 
Luckily tonight’s storms give way to sun and warmer weather for the outdoor graduation ceremony in the morning. Looking forward to it. 
On on a different note, I don’t get the meme that Mueller’s statement is dividing democrats. To me he was clear and it sounds pretty compelling. 

5 years ago

Congrats on your son’s graduation, pogo.
Tempus fugit.

5 years ago

Dems are divided on whether or not it is appropriate to impeach, when there are other items to get done, and it appears (at least so far) that the russians in the US Senate won’t convict. 
I think it’s a false division. We can get all the work done on National Health Access, Global Warming, National Defense, Background Checks, Voting Rights, Industrial/Chemical Abortions and Banking Regs. No sweat, we can do all that in the next 100 days. At the same time we can start a couple of House Committee hearings into the trump campaign, transition and admin; the trump banking, insurance, and real estate shenanigans and falsely sworn affidavits (and possibly paying for secret families and abortions, [maybe, I hope] ); the trump trafficking, hiding, and employment of ‘illegal Hispanics’ & his own ‘chain migration’; the trump WH abuse of the armed services; trump’s violation of the emoluments/foreign pay clause and possibly bribery; AND trump’s obstructions of justice. These can be helpful in displaying the actual trump to confused fux newz addicts. trump impeachment isn’t necessary for Dems, revealing the trump corruption is.
The House Dems have hundreds of Reps, scores of committees, thousands of aides, plenty of precedent, and 17 months. This is eminently do-able.

5 years ago

Apparently king kim ate another cousin, one of his diplomatic slaves.
I wonder if kim’s family members are more tasty than other human varietals. Mine is merely an academic curiosity. Anywho, it’s no wonder that trump eyes king kim with jealous wonder and admiration. For a man who can barely force himself to shake hands with another human being, the act of putting one into one’s mouth and swallowing must seem the height of daring.