No One Can Beat My Brother (or Sister) Except Me

By Jamie, a Trail Mix Contributor

It is that time of the year Trailmix and your favorite bookie is ready to take on all comers for absolutely no wealth and really negligible fame but at least some two minutes of genuine excitement following over two hours of network chit chat.

In commentary about the Derby, broadcasters often fill time with stories of which horses come from the same barn, were originally owned by the same owners but now belong to competitors and most fun of all who is related to whom.

This year’s Derby is unusually internecine in the rivalries.  People who follow horses have one place they love to go to add some weight to the scales by determining the lineage of a thoroughbred.  Pedigree Query who will let you look up the past five generations of a horse for free.  For money they will let you in on all the family gossip and any skeletons dancing in the closet.

A horse’s name will often reflect some previously famous relative.  For instance if you see a name related to Terpsichory, you can almost bet Native Dancer or his son Northern Dancer contributed to their DNA.  One advantage to being a great stallion is that he usually gets to retire at a young age to life of luxury and ease while “standing at stud” to a lot of lovely mares in hopes that money making history will repeat itself.  This year, the boys have been busy.

Scat Daddy

Sire:  Scat Daddy was a multiple grade I winner and sire of 69 stakes winners.  He unexpectedly died young in 2015, but the last of his foals will be three years old for a Derby run this year:  Justify, Mendelssohn, Flameaway, and Combatant are half brothers.  There are two half sisters who are stakes winners but haven’t qualified for the Oaks:  Daddy Is A Legend and Drunk Philosophy.

Medaglia D’Oro

Sire:  Medaglia D’Oro has both Bolt d’Oro and Enticed eligible for the Derby and Wonder Dagot in the Oaks


One of my favorite horses of all time, the beautiful Curlin is responsible for Good Magic, Solomini, and Vino Rosso in the Derby and Dixie Moon in the Oaks.

Into Mischief

If you are into Harry Potter, then take a look at Audible in the Derby or Classy Act in the Oaks, both sired by Into Mischief.

If you like to have fun playing hunches, then look for heritage that reflects something in your life.  My grandfather and his family in Scotland back many generations were miners.  You can bet I look very closely at any of the offspring of Mine Shaft.  He doesn’t have any kids in the Derby this year, but his stakes winner offspring are tied in number with Malibu Moon who fathered this year’s Magnum Moon.

Have fun researching your horse and place your bets.  They are approaching the gate and ready to run.

More Posts by Jamie


38 thoughts on “No One Can Beat My Brother (or Sister) Except Me”

  1. Louisville races more than horses during derby festival time = you pays your money and you takes your chance on everything and anything from

    beds (see above photo)

    ken-ducky derby (rubber duckies race in the ohio river)

    hot air balloons

    steamboat races

    and other competitive feats which mostly mean party-ing and partaking in bourbon bouts

  2. the guardian: 
    A 2015 doctor’s note describing Donald Trump’s health as “astonishingly excellent” was dictated by Trump himself, according to the doctor who signed the note.
    Trump made public the letter from Dr Harold Bornstein on the eve of the presidential primary contests to allay concerns about his fitness. Two days before the letter was released, Trump tweeted: “As a presidential candidate, I have instructed my long-time doctor to issue, within two weeks, a full medical report – it will show perfection.”
    The letter said Trump had shed 15lbs in the previous 12 months, said “his cardiovascular status is excellent” and concluded: “If elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”
    Bornstein, described in the note as Trump’s physician “since 1980”, told CNN on Tuesday that he did not write the letter. “He dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write that letter,” Bornstein said.


  3. from the original story by cnn:

    When Dr. Harold Bornstein described in hyperbolic prose then-candidate Donald Trump’s health in 2015, the language he used was eerily similar to the style preferred by his patient.

    It turns out the patient himself wrote it, according to Bornstein.
    “He dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write that letter,” Bornstein told CNN on Tuesday. “I just made it up as I went along.”
    Now, as Bornstein re-enters the spotlight claiming Trump’s ex-bodyguard Keith Schiller robbed his office when Schiller retrieved Trump’s medical records, the story behind the letter is becoming clearer.
    “That’s black humor, that letter. That’s my sense of humor,” he said. “It’s like the movie ‘Fargo’: It takes the truth and moves it in a different direction.”
    He said Trump read out the language as Bornstein and his wife were driving across Central Park.
    “(Trump) dictated the letter and I would tell him what he couldn’t put in there,” he said. “They came to pick up their letter at 4 o’clock or something.”

  4. Also happening this weekend, the NRA Convention in Dallas.

    I wish this body was young & strong enough to go stand outside and picket.

    Public transportation in Dallas being what it is, I would need one of those horses to quickly & reliably get there anyway.

    The local, ABC affiliate did a quick poll to see if folks were in favor of it being held here (in favor of the NRA).  Only 53% were pro-NRA, which seems low for this area.  I think some are beginning to see that The Second Amendment and the NRA are not two sides of the same coin, and just what/who the NRA actually supports.


  5. Rosenstein’s testicles have descended!  Good!  That can’t make Trumpsky happy, given his threat to get involved in the Justice Department during his Fox & Fiends rant.

    We should’ve known that doctor’s letter was fake news.  It sounds just like Trumpsky.

    But what happened to Doc Ronny?  He said Trump might live to be 200.  Humans don’t do that, so was he just reiterating Trumpsky’s garbage to suck up?  Bad move.  It cost him his job.  How many have given up cushy assignments only to be destroyed by Trumpsky’s whims?


  6. Houston chronicle:  No guns allowed at NRA convention when Trump, Pence speak


    Some students at the Parkland, Florida, high school where 17 people were killed in February criticized the NRA on social media for what they see as hypocrisy.
    “It’s ironic that they feel they need to ban guns to protect themselves especially after their main philosophy has been more guns equals more protection yet they don’t think they need to protect our kids in the same way,” said David Hogg, a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas who has pushed for stricter gun control since the shooting.

    Guns were also banned during Trump’s appearance at the NRA’s annual meeting in Atlanta last year.

    Alice Tripp, an NRA member and the legislative director of the membership-based Texas State Rifle Association, said she sees “not even a little bit” of a problem with attendees not being able to carry guns during that portion of the meeting. She noted the Secret Service has its own view on how to ensure the safety of the people they protect.

    NRA spokeswoman Jennifer Baker said the group’s policy is that firearms are permitted in accordance with local law. She referred questions about the Secret Service’s policies to that agency.
    Texas allows licensed open carry of handguns and open carry of long rifles.

  7. remember yesterday’s complaint from manafort about the Mueller questions he accused gov’t of leaking? this tidbit from wapo story on subpoena threat makes it more likely twit’s team were the leakers since they, not the gov’t, compiled the list:

    In the wake of the testy March 5 meeting, Mueller’s team agreed to provide the president’s lawyers with more specific information about the subjects that prosecutors wished to discuss with the president. With those details in hand, Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow compiled a list of 49 questions that the team believed the president would be asked, according to three of the four people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk publicly. The New York Times first reported the existence of the list.

  8. slept well enough last night, thanks to an exceptional nurse who kept the pain medication flowing. Starting physical therapy shortly, 3 sessions today, going home tomorrow.

  9. When I’ve checked out of hospitals it seems as if they never have all the paperwork ready for my departure. I give them five minutes then announce that I’m leaving, give me my prescriptions. It makes them crazy.

  10. excerpt from salon:
    Robert Mueller’s questions for Donald Trump: Who wrote them? Who leaked them? What do they tell us?
    Those questions were probably written by Trump’s lawyers, not by Mueller — and sparked a tweet-storm weeks ago

    As for the big parlor-game question of who leaked the list of questions to the Times: Who knows? Dowd swears he didn’t, the White House says it didn’t and even if Mueller’s office ever leaked things to the media, which it doesn’t seem to, these questions weren’t written by his team so that leaves him out. On Tuesday, Fox News correspondent Ed Henry reported that sources “in the Trump orbit” speculated that the president had leaked the list himself so all the possible witnesses would be on the same page and Trump’s supporters would see evidence that (in their view) Mueller is overreaching. That sounds as reasonable as anything else I’ve heard. Donald Trump is simply incapable of stopping himself from obstructing justice.

  11. Good news from Craig — you are on your way!  Keep those pain meds coming

    Will anyone be serving burgoo at their derby event?

  12. Craig…  glad to see you’re up and about…  take care.

    Jamie…  I picked Good Magic just because I liked the name.  When I found out his daddy was Curlin, I liked him even better.

    After weeks of breaking news every day… it seems it’s slowed down this week.  It’s made me wonder if maybe Mueller is about to let another shoe drop.  Here’s to hoping so…

  13. As SFB said so many times during the campaign –this is your last chance to keep the America of the 1950’s or 1850’s if you prefer.  He has shown us his plan and it stinks

    I am sure there are people who support him because of this and will continue to do so — it just go to show how much work there is to do and why education is so important —

    I think one of the things people need to do is show how/who is making money off of charter schools  people like the Walmartians, Bill Bennett, Michael Milken and other scum

  14. Gregg Jarret actually has some bona fides as a defense attorney, but looking at cases from 30000 feet is what converts defendants into inmates. There is no way he can know enough about the details of the cases against SFB to opine with any degree of certainty.  SFB’s team probably doesn’t have that level of info at this point.Plus, he probably hasn’t practiced law for over 20 years. Probably explains his Politifact scorecard.

  15. Poobah, enjoy the rehab exercises – designed to keep you from falling and busting your ass while using the walker and crutches if they are like mine were.  And get your butt home and eat some decent food.

  16. busting your ass…

    Pogo, aren’t the new mechanical parts guaranteed against busting in a simple fall?

  17. Are we talking about the abusive alcoholic, gregg jarrett, who was too drunk to see the sexual abuse of bill oreilly and roger ailes, but claimed to have seen the criminality of Hillary Clinton ?  If so, the deadbeat twit deserves this jarrett’s representation.

  18. ny times:

    Ukraine, Seeking U.S. Missiles, Halted Cooperation With Mueller Investigation

    KIEV, Ukraine — In the United States, Paul J. Manafort is facing prosecution on charges of money laundering and financial fraud stemming from his decade of work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.
    But in Ukraine, where officials are wary of offending President Trump, four meandering cases that involve Mr. Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chairman, have been effectively frozen by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor.
    The cases are just too sensitive for a government deeply reliant on United States financial and military aid, and keenly aware of Mr. Trump’s distaste for the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into possible collusion between Russia and his campaign, some lawmakers say.
    The decision to halt the investigations by an anticorruption prosecutor was handed down at a delicate moment for Ukraine, as the Trump administration was finalizing plans to sell the country sophisticated anti-tank missiles, called Javelins.
    The State Department issued an export license for the missiles on Dec. 22, and on March 2 the Pentagon announced final approval for the sale of 210 Javelins and 35 launching units. The order to halt investigations into Mr. Manafort came in early April.
    Volodymyr Ariev, a member of Parliament who is an ally of President Petro O. Poroshenko, readily acknowledged that the intention in Kiev was to put investigations into Mr. Manafort’s activities “in the long-term box.”
    “In every possible way, we will avoid irritating the top American officials,” Mr. Ariev said in an interview. “We shouldn’t spoil relations with the administration.”
    The Ukrainian investigators had been tracing money paid to Mr. Manafort and a New York law firm, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, by figures in the political party of Viktor F. Yanukovych, the Russian-leaning Ukrainian president who was ousted by street protesters and fled the country in 2014. Mr. Manafort was a longtime adviser to Mr. Yanukovych, working with him to revamp his public image and acquire a pro-Western patina that helped him win the presidency in 2010.

    In another move seeming to hinder Mr. Mueller’s investigation, Ukrainian law enforcement allowed a potential witness to possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia to leave for Russia, putting him out of reach for questioning.


  19. And now Ty Cobb is out.  I’ve come to the conclusion that Trump is just trying to wear us all down into submission with an “idiocy of the day” program that weakens opposition into a fetal position.

    Craig,  Good luck with the exercises, but enjoy at least three days of pain meds before kicking up your heels.


  20. could it be that by fox reporting

    ….sources “in the Trump orbit” speculated that the president had leaked the list himself so all the possible witnesses would be on the same page

    they are helping to make sure the witnesses know not only to tailor (synchronize shall we say) their testimony accordingly but to conveniently burn or shred any pertinent evidence they have

  21. for those of us who have no idea what fearless leader might be in for when he goes home  physical-therapy-wise here’s a hint


  22. sfb prepares for impeachment with new lawyer  Emmett


  23. Esta el tiempo por las cervezas…….

    yes at least 3 days on the pain killers, then ya gotta rub some dirt on it and ramble on…….

  24. Told you maybe about this friend who kept getting sicker and sicker and the docs knew not what to do, so he had the MRI or whatever and found he had sucked in a chicken bone which had lodged up in one of his intestines…… caused an infection all up thru his mid-section so after they went and got the chicken bone they had to cut in under his armpit and scrape out all the infection goo…..we all agreed that, horrendous as it was, it beat liver cancer all to hell and back……he did a couple days on the painers, and then got out and started working again, a little slowly at first, and building up rather quickly to full work power….he runs a couple of tractors, moving earth or gravel, bush hogging, lot clearing etc…….

    a case study on rubbing some dirt on it……

  25. Flatus,  The new parts will definitely survive the fall.  The old ones – especially wrists & elbows might not fare so well, and when the staples pull out cleaning up all that blood would not be pleasant.  (You jokingly took me a bit more literally than I intended to be taken).

    SFB keeps digging his Mueller hole deeper and deeper.


  26. One of the side effects of SFB knowing more than any other human on earth or other planet is that he does not stop making official statements/records using the twitter machine.  Of those official records, a few discuss legal strategy which his attorney(s) were talking to him about.  A-C privilege only exists if no others are “in the room”.  In other words, if you tweet out strategy you no longer have an A-C privilege.  Oopsy.

  27. I am happy to report that I just saw a Don Blankenship commercial featuring the candidate talking into the camera, and NO ONE would vote for him if they weren’t already going to.

  28. I think Trudy Juliannie was either drunk or on drugs on tv tonight  it was a pretty outrageous interview

  29. Ms Cracker, Right you are. I could smell the booze on Julie Annie’s breath and the poop in his drawers right through the tv screen. He blew the Stormy defense out of the water, and sank the campaign in a maelstrom of falsified campaign filings.

    Apparently, the Big Apple Brandy Slurper also claimed on hannity that presidents can’t be subpoena’d in their own cases.

  30. The deadbeat pussypinching russian agent should fire both Julie Annie and hannity after this.

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