The Week That Was

but shouldn’t have been.

Attribution: 4 years of Trump Survival Guide by Dave Whamond, Canada,

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1 month ago

Trump and minions seem to be engaging in a predetermined host of petty cruelties with no purpose other than to be doing them because they have the power to think they can get away with them. It’s as if the US has gotten into an abusive marriage with no immediate way of getting out!

1 month ago

Thanks Pat
Double the fun when two people have the same idea.

1 month ago


Enjoyed the jazzman’s quote. While in England, the only pub I entered just happened to be in Macclesfield. This is my personal endorsement that it was quite nice and possibly a good reason to move there.

Blue Bronc
1 month ago

“Shock and Awe” “Carpet Bombing” “Hit ’em hard, fast and with overwhelming power” “Superior strength and they will not respond” Do you need anymore? The 2025 plan is working very well. It is just what was promised. The Dems reliance on Twentieth Century presidents fail once again to respond with anything that is a show of power. The magats showed how to rule from a minority and those lessons are not at the Dems elders screens and may not be until they are gone. 

What will Dems do to stop 2025/sfb? The idea to wait for the orange blob to stroke out will take way too long. The House has a couple too many cult members to be successful with impeachment, and the Senate is a joke, unable to even do a perfunctory reading and vote on D.C. judges before losing that opportunity to magats.

What suggestions do I have? Almost nothing. Dems have missed so much and continue to block so much. I do know what I want to see as a first step, let Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loose. Put her in a Democratic leadership role.

1 month ago

The cruelty is the point.

1 month ago

Here’s an angle I hadn’t seen, showing the finger code.

1 month ago

Why isn’t it headlines that this man is a raving lunatic?

Trump yesterday in LA:

“We shouldn’t be in a position where you have tumbleweed that’s dry as a bone. Even tumbleweed can be nice & green & rich & & it’s not gonna burn. You don’t even have to remove it. It’s not gonna burn. But it’s just dry. So I hope you can all get together & say I’m so happy with the water that’s gonna be flowing down.”

1 month ago

While dissing FEMA, putting irrelevant conditions on disaster aid and other policy fiascos are getting coverage, when he goes on these unhinged rants about windmills and tumbleweeds media folks just roll their eyes and move on. But that should be a story of its own — “Is Donald Trump actually insane” would get more attention.

Last edited 1 month ago by craigcrawford
1 month ago

Nick Fuentes dined at Mar-A-Lago, so giving a n@zi office space in the WH, and releasing yt supremacists from prison isn’t surprising.

Elon bent the thumb, not the knee, and folks are slowly accepting that. Adolf is taking away their cheap insulin and food prices are increasing as chickens die and crops rot in the field.

The one chance we have is that this is too much for most MAGAts and they start screaming at their congressional critters. The threat of money from MuskRat to be primaried has to be less than the threat of folks voting for Dems, or not all, and losing their seats anyway.

It’s sad to see what so many in Congress would do if this were n@zi Germany in the 1930s. It’s exactly what they, and the media, are doing now. Turning a blind eye, equivocating, enabling, climbing on board the ship to hell. Shame on them.

Orange Adolf could be impeached and removed, but that leaves us with Vance. So many yt supremacists in line for the throne. That does get rid of the cult leader though, and it is a cult of personality.

The Christo-fascists have not won. This is not about Jesus nor nationalism, it’s about fear of others masquerading as being better than others. If you are afraid of equality, you are not a person of quality. You are weak and afraid. You are willing to use power structures like the church to marginalize some, while empowering others to take away civil liberties and speech and education and livelihoods and even health/lives.

Bird flu is a thing, but nobody will be told about it by our government. If an actual journalist asked someone at a government agency about it, they could say anything. How effing sick is that?

Noticed that the yt supremacists in DC yesterday were wearing masks. The same incels who railed against masked for health concerned masked up to conceal their identities…so they don’t lose their jobs on police forces and fire departments, most likely. They mask up because they know they are in the wrong. They mask up out of fear. They have not won yet.

Last edited 1 month ago by blueINdallas
1 month ago

By the way, our Trail Feed cookbook is coming along. Added Pogo’s Sweet Potato Casserole last night:

Trail Feed

1 month ago

Anyone who might be interested in trying the casserole I posted on Trail Feed, be aware that I (idiot) left out the first step. It is …

1. Peel and cook sweet potatoes. Mom always cut the sweet potatoes into 1-2” cubes, covered them with water and boiled them until fork tender. That’s the easiest way to prep them, but as long as they are fork tender you can boil, nuke or bake them. 

If you tried to mash sweet potatoes before cooking them and were able to do so without cooking them you’d probably have forearms like Popeye, and the cooking time would be well over an hour.

1 month ago

It will be interesting to see if Elon’s n@zi salute will help or hinder the sales of teSSla douche mobiles.

1 month ago

Ha, Pogo, I added your first step, no prob:

Pogo’s Sweet Potato Casserole

1 month ago

Aaand everyone in that photo seems pretty jazzed about Elon’s n@zi salute. Audio of applause, but some will try to say they were disgusted by it down the line. There are visuals of some in the crowd. Filthy, effing n@zis. Their grandparents would be rolling over in their graves.

Blue Bronc
1 month ago

bId – German companies have cancelled purchase orders for the flaming hot tesla cars. Musk imagines have been removed from public spaces. Musk is threatened with bad things by France, and they mean it. There is much more, I see these on twit but have missed them somehow on BlueSky. The videos of him doing the nazi salute have either been edited or a black block over it. But, he is not European, South African of nazi backgrounds, so the good people of EU have no need to hold back to cover one of their own rich kids.

1 month ago

Craig – More folks are leaving all Meta platforms, and it will increase once BlueSky gets photo sharing in line. No need for the ‘gram if creators can move their followers. I also heard someone suggest using Craigslist instead of FB marketplace. Apparently, that Craig does community good with his money, too. There are alternatives. What we need are subtle ways to ID each other in the wild.

1 month ago

But not my maid!

Republican congresswoman wants exceptions for deportation..

1 month ago

Maybe Democratic enablers should get this clue:

‘Hit Him Back Twice as Hard’

— Canada’s No. 1 Populist

Last edited 1 month ago by craigcrawford
1 month ago

I still say MuskRat should be denaturalized, dispossessed of his companies (because how many taxpayer-dollars be it subsidies or infrastructure actually made them possible), and deport the SOB.

Unfortunately, that would also give Orange Adolf a tiny bit of cover, distancing himself from the enemy his followers’ grandfathers fought.

The higher insulin and food prices…what to do? If Adolf wanted to be loved, he could be Santa Claus and undo the past five days, tax the front row at his Inauguration, give everyone free healthcare and college with the billionaires’ taxes. Eh, screw everyone is his mantra.

1 month ago

Salazar is an idiot. Those folks who came here under Biden’s program would by and large be coming in and applying for asylum – legally. She apparently doesn’t realize she’s arguing to keep the asylum program in place.

1 month ago

“Trump calls on the federal government to recognize North Carolina’s Lumbee Tribe”
Why? So he can then say they are not citizens. This 14th Amendment thing isn’t over.

1 month ago

I’m still using X btw — got over 400,000 views for this post that drove a bunch of followers to my Bluesky link on my X profile (surprised X hasn’t blocked that).

1 month ago

For those ready to cash in on America, I did some research: The best option I’ve found is Costa Rica — only $50 a year for retirement visas so long as you deposit $1,000 a month in revenue in a local bank (Social Security counts). Unfortunately, Canada has no retirement visa, must renew guest visa every 6 months, and they don’t make it easy.

Blue Bronc
1 month ago

This is an oldie, but reappearing on twit yesterday.

1 month ago

Trump’s second term is off to a rollicking, red flag-filled start, complete with Nazi salutes and executive orders pardoning the January 6th insurrectionists broadsiding DEI inclusion, making Mount Denali white again while resurrecting drill, baby drill and trying to rewrite the Constitution to exclude birthright citizenship. Holy Sitting Bull! And that was just the first few hours!

As thousands of military troops descend on the border in the wake of the president’s promise to deport immigrants, and as shown by his attempt (already blocked by a federal judge) to eliminate birthright citizenship, Trump is not hesitating to target People of Color right out of the gate. 

As defined by the Fourteenth Amendment, birthright citizenship simply means that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” The attempt to call the belonging of mostly brown people into question despite a constitutional guarantee is wholly consistent with Trump’s history of using any means necessary to forward an agenda. A supermajority right-wing Supreme Court might even help him find success with this one. 

But to keep people happy as the ramifications of these policy decisions become clear, control of hearts and minds — and the means to accomplish that — will be equally necessary. On that note, it’s telling who got the good seats at the inaugural proceedings. If you watched, you may have noticed that the three richest Americans, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg, sat together in a VIP section up front. Two of those people also control enormous media empires. Draw your own conclusions.

All of that said, we can and should retain hope for the future of our democracy and our world. Overreach can have consequences. Together, let’s keep watch and stay ready for action. After all, nobody knows better than us who is a real American. We invite you to stand with us by investing in us. We are the original peoples of this land, and we’re not going anywhere.

Wopila tanka — thank you for reading.
Tokata Iron Eyes
Spokesperson & Organizer
Lakota People’s Law Project
Sacred Defense Fund

Last edited 1 month ago by Jamie
1 month ago

Couldn’t get the paragraphing to work. Tokata Iron Eyes writes a newsletter and I couldn’t find a direct on line link.

Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

i really didn’t want to criticize this format, Mr. C, but i heavily dislike how it compresses people’s longer posts into one huge block (on my phone)

Good post, BiD, your writing flourishes while totalitarianism blooms 👍

(i’d actually like the “read more” truncation function if it didn’t compress what was shown)

Last edited 1 month ago by Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

…googled Pompeo to see what he did to piss of trump because i only remember him being a loyal toadie, and all i can find are pics showing him obviously on ozempic, but no cause for Fear Leader’s vendetta

1 month ago

Sprinkle, I dislike that long comment breakage also. It was a default setting and I just found how to disable it.

Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

Yeah, you did, Mr. C, thanks

Thank you for the ad-free forum 🫡

1 month ago

Somebody wrote tech bros break shit for no reason other than they like to see what’s inside the turd.

(I’m paraphrasing.)

Last edited 1 month ago by IvyGreen
1 month ago

If anyone needs an egg alternative to bake all of those cakes and things, Bob’s Red Mill works pretty well. It’s just potato starch, tapioca flour and baking powder.

Last edited 1 month ago by blueINdallas
1 month ago

Craig…. as I’ve written numerous times on this blog…. Canada is not interested in allowing American baby boomers to emigrate into their country. They want people who can contribute for years to their economy. Thinking that anyone can just move to Canada is so much American hubris.

1 month ago

today’s meme…

1 month ago

today’s meme….

1 month ago

I quit cooking years ago when I went back to school and was also working full time. Mr. Ivy took it up in my stead and he enjoyed it, so he’s still doing it. My only contribution is the annual holiday lasagna from a recipe I got in Home Ec class in high school. Everyone goes nuts over it. Its secret is to use Swiss Cheese in place of mozzarella.

PS: this year Mr. Ivy improved it further for me by making a homemade sauce that he was taught in Pizza Class at Ginger and Baker in FOCO. It’s our base sauce for every pasta dish now. His best pizza ever, by the way.

Last edited 1 month ago by IvyGreen
1 month ago

Most noteworthy is how the shock-value of fucks has clearly declined. We’re gonna need a bigger word.

As POLITICO’s Dasha Burns and Holly Otterbein report in their buzzy behind-the-curtain piece, Trump and his team were supposedly “furious” at Musk after the DOGE leader took to X to trash the administration’s newly announced $500 billion deal on artificial intelligence. The reasons for Musk’s objections were notably petty — Musk has a long-running feud with Open AI CEO Sam Altman, who was involved in the deal — but they still landed in a big way at the White House.

“It’s clear [Musk] has abused the proximity to the president,” one Trump ally told Dasha and Holly. “The problem is the president doesn’t have any leverage over him and Elon gives zero fucks.”

1 month ago

Musk is an entitled ketamine-head. He said he liked to party on it. What did they expect? Probably needs more and more. He thinks there’s no limit to how much K he can do. I hope he tries to prove it. Such a dumbass n@zi.

Last edited 1 month ago by blueINdallas
Blue Bronc
1 month ago

Normal people, including most billionaires, do have some thinking process. The orange idiot is so mentally deficient he can’t think. In a battle wits with a fried potato, I would give the edge to the potato.

1 month ago

The sweet potato dish looks good, I’m with you on the pecans.
Yep, Southern cooking, lots of sugar.
Which means before I can make it I would need to call my doctor and tell him I need another vial of insulin this month.


1 month ago

Bluesky is getting its own photo-sharing app, Flashes

“More good news for those looking to exit Meta’s social app ecosystem in favor of a more open alternative: An independent developer is building a photo-sharing app for Bluesky called Flashes. The soon-to-launch app is powered by the same technology that underpins Bluesky, the AT Protocol, and has been built using code from the developer’s earlier Bluesky client, Skeets.

When launched, Flashes could tap into growing consumer demand for alternatives to Big Tech’s social media monopoly. This trend has led to the adoption of open source, decentralized apps like Mastodon and Bluesky, among others, including the recently launched Pixelfed mobile apps, built on ActivityPub protocol, also used by Mastodon. It’s also, in part, what’s fueling TikTok users’ shift to the Chinese app RedNote ahead of the U.S. TikTok ban — that is, U.S. users are signaling that they would rather use a foreign adversary’s app than return to Meta at this point.”

Congratulations to Cuckerberg. Everything that tRUMPsky touches dies.

Like the idea of good, old Craigslist instead of FB marketplace, too. I haven’t been on FB in a dozen years, but since we’ll need to buy second-hand/barter/lend in the future, Craigslist is already there.

Last edited 1 month ago by blueINdallas
1 month ago

Whsky, me too on pecans. Anxious to try that. Always thought marshmallows too much

1 month ago

“Noem won confirmation in a 59-34 vote, making her the fourth person confirmed to Trump’s cabinet.”

I would like Dems who voted for her to explain themselves. I am so disappointed in Fetterman. WTF? Andy Kim. Tim Kaine. Slotkin. Jeez!

Last edited 1 month ago by blueINdallas
Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

Spend 5 mins in Pennsylvania anywhere besides Philly and you’ll understand Fetterman’s self-preservation MO

…culture of proud ignorance

They’ve been stuck in 1953 since 1985

Last edited 1 month ago by Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago


Happy Burns Night! Today, Scots around the world gather to pay homage to the legendary lyricist and poet, Robert Burns, known fondly as the ‘Ploughman Poet’

A traditional Burns Supper often kicks off with a moment of thanks. One of the most famous graces, attributed to Burns, is the Selkirk Grace:

“Some hae meat and canna eat,

And some wad eat that want it,

But we hae meat and we can eat,

Sae let the Lord be Thankit!”

1 month ago

Craig – I wouldn’t be surprised if expats getting Social Security find that it is only paid if they move back to the US, to keep those dollars (and the bigger money from retirement accounts) in the US.

Blue Bronc
1 month ago

Bouncing around the intertubes is the news that sfb CoS kicked ellen out of the WH over to the Old Executive Building. Seems he had overstayed his welcome. The CoS must be a tough old bird to tell sfb that his co-prez is gone. Meidas Touch reports that she restrictions on his access to the demented senile old orange idiot too. Including if Muskie wants to talk to the idiot he has to go through her. Sounds like things are going smoothly in the home of 2025.

1 month ago

“The Air Force has removed training courses with videos of its storied Tuskegee Airmen and the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs — the female World War II pilots who were vital in ferrying warplanes for the military — to comply with the Trump administration’s crackdownon diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.”

Anti-DEI includes erasing history.

1 month ago

“US tech billionaire Elon Musk gave a video address to a campaign rally of Germany’s anti-immigration AfD party Saturday, his latest show of support ahead of the country’s election next month.”

“I even read Julius Caesar was very impressed (by) the German tribes,” he said, urging the supporters to “fight, fight, fight” for their country’s future.”

*Inciting the right-wingers to riot, just like Orange Adolf did on J6.

*I also saw the video where he said he couldn’t hear the audience and asked them to raise their hands if they could hear him, and then did that little cuck-chuckle he does.

*I hope massive numbers of Germans show up to crush AfD, and send fascists around the world a message.

*ps – By video? Had he been denied entry to Germany or will he be arrested if he does?

Last edited 1 month ago by blueINdallas
1 month ago

“The president signed a pair of executive ordersFriday reviving two anti-abortion policies from his first term – despite his pledges that abortion should be left to the state’s discretion. 
To end his first week, Trump resurrected the enforcement of the Hyde Amendment, which bars federal funds from being used to pay for abortions. Former President Biden had reversed the policy after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022.”

“In a second order, Trump reinstated the so-called “global gag rule,” that prohibits U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding foreign organizations that provide abortions.”

Last edited 1 month ago by blueINdallas
1 month ago

So……do roughly half of the voters in the USA think we were mistaken for not siding with the Nazis in 1940?

Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

my gen was zoned-out in history class

1 month ago

Lemon good to go.

1 month ago

I don’t give a shit. The only element that matters is FFFF failed and fucked up in his duty to stop the virus from entering and spreading throughout the country. If anything, he spread it himself by his ineptitude and cowardice.

The Central Intelligence Agency said Saturday that it’s more likely a lab leak caused the Covid-19 pandemic than an infected animal that spread the virus to people, changing the agency’s years long stance that it couldn’t conclude with certainty where the pandemic started.

Blue Bronc
1 month ago

The fight against fascist was very real. Our parents and grandparents fought them in WWII. One of our high school teachers had his arm tattooed by the nazis in a concentration camp. He survived and he does not know why, the rest of his family were gassed and burned. Very nice guy, I can’t imagine his PTSD.

1 month ago

Media is pissing me off. It is their job to point out the incredible ignorance of Trump on just about every subject under the sun.

I’ll be adding my super easy lemon cheese pie to the cookbook.

1 month ago

BB or anyone in the know, How do you feel about the Signal app?!

1 month ago

If cholesterol took out Adolf, Elon took too much ketamine, the yt boys didn’t accept JD because of his wife, then Hakeem could be SOTH until MAGAt Mike lost the presidency for an impeachable offense & Hakeem would be POTUS.
There. I fixed it in my mind. I feel better.

1 month ago

Jamie, your Lemon Cheese Pie is on the Feed, looks delicious..

1 month ago

Sturg, your Lemon Cheese Filling also on the Feed:

1 month ago

The important paragraph in you link on covid origin

“We have low confidence in this judgement and will continue to evaluate any available credible new intelligence reporting or open-source information that could change CIA’s assessment,” an unnamed CIA spokesperson wrote in an email sent to reporters Saturday.

In other words they still don’t know but the boss prefers it this way.

The people who might know(epidemiologists) are still arguing over it.

1 month ago

Joe Rogan already off the reservation, calls inauguration “bizarre” despite attending. “The idea that I have to ignore things that make sense to me because it’s coming from the wrong team is just stupid…These are bad faith arguments”..

Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

i had high hopes for Rogan, posted his early podcasts here, and whether he considers himself neutral or not, he got used or played along

too late for second thoughts

…still glad he’s having them, i guess? 🫤

Last edited 1 month ago by Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

In other words they still don’t know but the boss prefers it this way.” -Jack

Mr. J gets it

Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

i actually blame the GOP congressional grunts and media influencers for coaxing trump to be irresponsible about covid, because he could have gone either way with it before his handlers encouraged him to oppose anything Dems supported (as Joe Rogan just this week realized, where the fuck ya been, Joe 🫤 🫤)

1 month ago

The three most responsible for filling my family with nonsense here are Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, and Charlie Kirk. However, they were saying what they wanted to hear. So much straight-white-man victimization; they can’t say anything anymore or it’s taken the wrong way; everyone is getting ahead.

I’m concerned about Dems breaking rank and voting for Noem. I’m just flabbergasted. Everyone needs to ask themselves what they would’ve done at the start of Hitler’s takeover and realize that that’s what they’re doing now.

Sprinkle Stuff
Sprinkle Stuff
1 month ago

For the first time i’ve ever experienced, USPS tracking is down

…been using it for years, never once was it down, until…

1 month ago

I have a copy of the US Constitution; added it to my Y2K bag after 9/11. SNL on now