Romeo Romeo, Thou Art Steer Perfection

‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a [steer].
What’s [a steer]? It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a [Bovinae]. O, be some other name!
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,…

Romeo was saved from slaughter. He’s now the tallest steer of his kind | US news | The Guardian

Under the Moores’ watch, Romeo has grown into the globe’s tallest steer, eating 100lbs of hay and 15lbs of grain daily – as well as drinking a bath tub fall of water to wash it all down. Photograph: Misty Moore / Guinness World Records

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8 months ago

My grandfather had a rule with his cattle. Once he named them he wouldn’t sell them to slaughter.

8 months ago

Una mas vaca.

8 months ago

Rented a tent
Rented a tent
Rented a, Rented a
Rented a tent. 
—Kurt Vonnegut

8 months ago

Women-hating Taliban Republicans on the march: Louisiana House passes bill making abortion pills controlled substances. GOP Gov. Landry expected to sign it. free link —

8 months ago

“Trump can’t fix his birth control mess”

SALON: “If he’s elected president, Donald Trump will try to take away your birth control. We know this because he spent his first term in office attacking contraception access from many angles and, in many cases, successfully cutting people off from this necessary health care. His efforts were so dogged, it likely contributed to the alarming national outbreak of syphilis the country is experiencing.”


8 months ago

Now he’s saying DOJ was going to war against the Secret Service. This is so nuts.

I have gotten to know so many amazing United States Secret Service Agents – It has been my honor to have them protecting me and my family since our historic 2016 Victory against “Beautiful” Hillary Clinton. Shockingly, however, Crooked Joe Biden’s Department of Injustice authorized the use of “deadly force” in their Illegal, UnConstitutional, and Un-American RAID of Mar-a-Lago, and that would include against our Great Secret Service, who they thought might be “in the line of fire.” As I told Crooked Joe’s DOJ, if they needed anything, “all they had to do was ask.” They did not have to ILLEGALLY AND UNCONSTITUTIONALLY RAID my home, and rummage through my family’s, including Barron’s, private quarters. END THESE THIRD WORLD WITCH HUNTS, AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
May 23, 2024, 12:09 AM

8 months ago

Someone should tell him about the Praetorian Guard and Caligula. 

8 months ago

So I’ve been doing a little looking into the dumbass statement about the policy statement that was part of the search warrant executed at MAL to retrieve the classified documents Dumbass took with him when he went to MAL to lick his wounds following the loss to Biden. OK, it is a standard policy statement that accompanies every FBI operations order accoring to Frank Figliuzzi.  ABC

 Frank Figliuzzi, a former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, reiterated in an X post what the agency said in its statement.

“Yep, every FBI operations order contains a reminder of FBI deadly force policy,” he wrote. “Even for a search warrant. Deadly force is always authorized if the required threat presents itself.”

A motion that Trump’s lawyers filed in his federal classified documents case, also unsealed Tuesday, asserted that the August 2022 search was unconstitutional and “illegal,” misquoting the operations order as saying that “law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary.”

But here’s one of those curious things that emanate from the Orange blob. From a campaign fundraising email -“I nearly escaped death.”  Now I’m no English major (OK, I was) but doesn’t blobster understand that if you are alive, up to that point in your life you HAVE escaped death.  The ones who nearly escaped death aren’t talking – they’re dead.

8 months ago

The Naked and the Nearly Escaped Death
—Norman Mailer’s first Draft

[weird fact: I’ve never read anything by Norman Mailer. Don’t even know why. Well it might be that I took my opinion of him from Gore Vidal. Maybe.]

Ivy’s right; Haley is expecting Slump to either drop out or drop dead. It’s the only even semi-rational explanation of her venality.

Setting herself up for 2028? Well, that’s certainly semi-rational.

Ah ha….THE QUICK AND THE DEAD was Louis L’amour.

8 months ago

That is a lot of hamburger there.

8 months ago

Trailer Greene is desperately trying to use her reptilian brain (the only part she has which actually works) to reverse the damage done to her image by Ms Jasmine Crockett’s remarks about her while protesting Comer’s ruling breaking what were formerly the Rules of The House of Representatives, but every move she makes is stymied and ridiculed, leaving her even more stupid looking than before. 

Its her insides make her outsides ugly.

8 months ago

There is a great deal of bull in today’s articles.


8 months ago

Are you saying that the news today is steering toward nonsense?

8 months ago

I’d just abut put the phone down but then I thought….No, Just one more cow pun.

8 months ago

Too many cow puns, getting boared? I could sow discord by switching to pig puns

8 months ago

Ya know the Republican party is looking more and more like an old sow and her piglets. Yesterday piglet Haley, who has been doing a lot of squealing came back to mama. As long as there is a chance of slop in the trough, She ain’t going away.

8 months ago

speaking of pigs…

8 months ago

A lot of pork belly on that one, too much backfat too. Bad genetics, we are going to have to grade down a bit.
Just google this bit on grading hogs. Seems to fit.

Hams are usually very thick and full with a thick covering of fat especially over the lower part. Jowls are usually very full and thick, and the neck appears short. Sows of this grade produce U.S. No. 3 grade carcasses.


8 months ago

Ha Nikki’s big pronouncement barely created a ripple.

You wanna compare freaks, SC got some game …….

8 months ago

It got all the attention it deserved.  Pundits are interesting to listen to on its effect.  They see it as a problem for Dumbass – that her followers were really a buncha never trumpers who ain’t going back into the Dumbass tent.  Hope they are right.
So SCROTUS says it’s OK for SC to push black voters into Dem voting districts.  Guess who wrote the opinion?  Hint, it rhymes with Coleato.  And Republican senators killed the bipartisan border deal, again. Bring it up a third time. Chuck, closer to the election, and hang it around Dumbass’ fat neck.

8 months ago

Nikki was trying to slip that in under the radar before the guilty verdict is announced. 

8 months ago

8 months ago

8 months ago
8 months ago

OMG. The High and the Mighty was my favorite movie back in the day. Was the perfect movie complement to Sky King and Steve Canyon. For a year or two I was Steve Canyon – at least in my mind. 
Nikki has an eye on 2028. I hope she is successful then as she has been in 2020 and 2024.