Earth Day 2024

Celebrating the day with an Apple ad released back in 2019:

According to ‘Don’t Mess with Mother’, Apple warns with dramatic video this Earth Day | Options, The Edge (

The one-minute video was recorded on an iPhone XS and set to the fierce tune of Last Rites by heavy metal band Megadeth. It was commissioned to Camp4Collective, a filmmaking outfit co-owned by directors Renan Ozturk, Anson Fogel and Tim Kemple.

The beautiful scenes of wildlife and nature include clips of snow-capped mountains in North America, South Africa’s Namib desert, sharks from the Bahamas and a sandstorm in Australia. Apple also released a behind-the-scenes video of the making of Don’t Mess with Mother through the eyes of the filmmakers.

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9 months ago

Michael Jackson’s Earth Song was a masterpiece…

9 months ago

Finally, a hint of an argument actually defending the charges — he was paying for real “legal services rendered”. The next step: Argue that paying Stormy was the legal service Cohen was paid for, and he’s got a chance to beat the false filing charge, which would beat the whole rap. It’s a stretch, but a better tactic than attacking the judge’s daughter.

Donald J. Trump
The Corrupt Soros Funded District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who has totally lost control of Violent Crime in New York, says that the payment of money to a lawyer, for legal services rendered, should not be referred to in a Ledger as LEGAL EXPENSE. What other term would be more appropriate???  Believe it or not, this is the pretext under which I was Indicted, and that Legal Scholars and Experts CANNOT BELIEVE. It is also the perfect Crooked Joe Biden NARRATIVE – To be STUCK in a courtroom, and not be allowed to campaign for President of the United States!
Apr 22, 2024, 12:05 AM

9 months ago

Another sign RFKjr takes more from Trump:

Biden 51% (+3)
Trump 48%
Biden 43% (+5)
Trump 38%
RFK Jr 14%

9 months ago

Legal services … let’s see the detailed bills. At $500 per hour that would be 260 hours. That aside, a problem with that theory will be the gross up to reimburse Cohen for the income tax on the payment to Daniels. We’ll see how this pans out. Oh, and WTF does Joe Biden have to do with a state criminal case in NYC?

9 months ago

Pogo, but query: what if jury could be convinced that covering the cost (and taxes) of Cohen’s payment to Stormy was a legitimate fee for legal services? As trial starts it is the only potentially feasible defense I can think of.

9 months ago

Yes Pat. But if prosecutors don’t prove the misdemeanor filing fraud I don’t think they can invoke the felony campaign violation. And we gotta remember paying hush money is not a crime. I just don’t want to go into this trial assuming it is a slam dunk for the government.

9 months ago

Pumpkin on his way to court 

9 months ago

Nice to see Kamala finally getting some good press…

CNN: After rocky start, Kamala Harris emerges as the Biden campaign’s lead prosecutor on top issues

“CNN’s conversations with two dozen aides to the vice president, the reelection campaign and other top Democrats also show the paradox that even the most Biden-centric aides have been forced to grudgingly admit: There is another swath of voters turned off by the president — and their internal data shows Harris will be critical to getting them if Biden wants to win a second term.”


9 months ago

For Earth Day and hence forth:

Nature is now an accredited musician

The sounds of nature abound in recorded music, from the twittering bird inThe Beatles’ “Blackbird”to the backdrop of chirping crickets inMissy Elliott’s “The Rain.”And now, the contributing artist is being officially recognized by the industry.

Read more on the link.  

9 months ago

At the rate we are killing off the pollinators, we may be doomed before global warming wipes us off the map thanks to overpopulation fouling up the joint.


9 months ago

Trump’s grumpy face on these mornings always cracks me up. He is not used to suiting up for work until around 11:00 a.m. These 9:00 a.m. appearances not in his nature.

9 months ago

He puts on his much-practiced mug face for the first image of the first day of the first ever criminal trial of a former president.

9 months ago

9 months ago

“Hush, Li’l Baby”Almost everyone my age seems to know or be familiar with the lullaby song “Hush Little Baby,” residing in their memories alongside Mother Goose, “Row Row Row Your Boat” and other ditties and simple songs that self-propagate in some type of collective cultural memory. “Hush Little Baby” appears to have a different provenance than those songs, and like some others such as “Go Tell Aunt Rhody,” it seems to be an example of a “farm-raised” rather than a “wild” folk song. It did not thrive or spread widely on its own, but because of specific actions of folklore collectors and professional folksingers, it is now known by millions and has become a part of their cultural inheritance. There is no sensation of there being a variety of ways to sing the melody, with only tiny differences among the words various people sing. Every version of it I have ever seen or heard is labeled “Public Domain,” but has nearly identical melody and words, about Papa buying the mockingbird, diamond ring, looking glass, billy goat and the cart and bull. The reason for the lack of diversity is likely that they all stem directly from the version “collected” in Montgomery, Alabama in the second week of March, 1937 when an African-American woman named Annie Brewer sang into a recording machine operated by folklorist John Lomax, who was working for the U.S. Government-funded Works Progress Administration (WPA) at the time. [Listen to her version.] Brewer learned it somewhere, and perhaps modified it or added verses before she passed it on to Lomax, though nothing seems to be known about her. Guido van Rijn said in 1997 in “Roosevelt’s Blues:African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on FDR” that Brewer was a school teacher. I am by no means a skilled researcher, but I cannot find a photograph or any other geneological or biographical information about her, nor any discussion of the fact that there isn’t any such information available. Her name is common enough that birth or death information is not precise, especially from that part of the country in that time… Read more »

9 months ago

today’s meme…

9 months ago

FOX barely covering the trial but they’ve cornered the market on 5-day-old video of anti-Israel protests 

9 months ago

The Prosecution’s Opening:

“This case is about a criminal conspiracy. Trump orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election. Then he covered up that criminal conspiracy by lying in his NY business records over and over and over again.”

9 months ago

Time to ban masks for anyone under 50

Go join Hamas if you want to wear that terrorist headscarf

******s would rather shut down schools. On brand

9 months ago

“I have a spoiler alert. There’s nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. It’s called democracy.” — Trump atty Todd Blanche opening. Did he just admit the hush money was intended to influence the election? 

Blue Bronc
9 months ago

So much could affect all the court cases and filings. First is the outcome even his cult talk about, the guy goes stone cold. The majority of the talk is him stressing out.  I will go with a different guess, he OD’s. Possibly on legal meds, there are enough quacks in his cult to just give him what he wants to “calm him down”.  His issue is withdrawal during the day (and trial).  Another is he just cracks and goes babbling brook in the room. Nuttier than peanut butter and just as brown.  Stroking out or heart attack leaving him with brain damage, even worse that what he has now.
And, speaking of cult, some one is buying the hell out of the penny stock.  SEC needs to find out who is doing it and ensure that sfb never sees a penny of it.

9 months ago

Was Cohen a house attorney/on a permanent retainer?
If not, where is the invoice for billable hours?  
If there is nine, was it in the normal course of business to pay a  “legal expense” to Cohen without an invoice?  
Is the defendant’s attorney now admitting to the crime today?

9 months ago

BB – What’s funny is that they (tRUMP Media) claimed manipulation based on the plummeting stock price last week.  It’s the reverse that seems to be true.  Some one/state is making sure he comes out smelling like a rose.  Based on the securities fraud already associated with DWAC, how did they ever get the go-ahead after the merger.   The whole thing smells.

9 months ago

nothing wrong with trying to influence an election.

Exactly. Influencing by moral persuasion is the main idea. Manipulation by bullying and bribery is not “influencing” and not kosher.

9 months ago

“In a sign that Trump Media is worried about its share price, the company took the unusual step last week of telling its shareholders how to avoid their stock from being loaned to short sellers betting against it.”

“Trump Media updated a FAQ section on its website to include the short-selling prevention tips.”
“That is highly unusual,” said Peter Byrne, a securities lawyer at Cooley who focuses on companies going public. “We don’t typically see companies publish information like this.”
“According to SEC filings, Trump Media can issue additional shares to pre-merger shareholders such as the former president if the dollar volume-weighted average price equals or exceeds $12.50 for any 20 trading days within any 30 day trading period beginning on March 25.”

“The full earnout of 40 million shares would be triggered if that price metric equals or exceeds $17.50 over the same timeframe.”

Where did that influx come from late last week?

9 months ago

An interesting Earth day problem. Too much solar generated electricity.
I suspect it is more of an infrastructure problem and ultimately a storage problem.

But now, the state and its grid operator are grappling with a strange reality: There is so much solar on the grid that, on sunny spring days when there’s not as much demand, electricity prices go negative. Gigawatts of solar are “curtailed” — essentially, thrown away.

9 months ago

I read an article on Bloomberg a few days ago that said there really wasn’t much shorting of DJT because the fees that folks were asking was like 5 times the value of the stock. According to the article it was possible for the stock to go to zero and a shortseller would loose money. As a result the falling off a cliff that DJT had been doing was  mostly from nobody wanting to buy the stock. 
So if it is going up then you are probably right about manipulation. It does seem to be a way to funnel money to Trump to avoid either taxes or reporting.
But then again, I’m a carpenter who reads a lot so wtf do I know? 😉

9 months ago

I may be lost here but nobody is trying Trump for election manipulation. The issue is simple, He declared the hush money as a business expense. If I understand it right this is pretty simple. As  self employed person I understand  that a lot of us a few dollars here and there in the books calling them business expenses, and we all know we shouldn’t do that. Also if we get caught we all know we will pay a penalty. Unless our name is Trump. I do hope that the shit has caught up with him.

9 months ago

electricity prices go negative.

Regional utilities don’t like their monopolies threatened
Trump up on 34 counts of falsification of business records.  DA is alleging the intent was election regulation avoidance

District Attorney Bragg Announces 34-Count Felony Indictment of Former President Donald J. Trump

9 months ago

If that is it then Trump wins, That is a Ticky-tac foul.  there will be a least one person on that jury who will understand the overreach. 

9 months ago

join his defense team
law degree not required, be prepared to work pro bono

9 months ago

His are the Russian nesting dolls of crimes. 

9 months ago

Just be prepared, I actually thought they might be charging him with something. not charging up felonies with the original crime being a ticky-tac misdemeanor. When this one goes down then his real stuff disappears. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would wonder about Trump and the New York prosecutor. There is a reason Trump has got away with all the Sh– he has for years. 

9 months ago

Let’s see how it plays out. One juror can cause a hung jury. That’s a mistrial. Rinse and repeat until the prosecutor cries uncle. Keeps Dumbass’ fat smelly ass in Atlanta 

9 months ago

Maybe larger crowds will show up to the jailhouse. 

Donald J. Trump was evidently not happy with what he saw out the window of his chauffeured S.U.V. as he rode through Lower Manhattan on Monday morning for the beginning of opening arguments in his first criminal trial.

9 months ago

One juror can cause a hung jury

Before that, the juror risks getting hung by his fellows. Been there, done that. 

9 months ago

Just be prepared

i’m not pinning my hopes on sleepy-guy being convicted before November

i’m not even pinning my hopes on a conviction keeping him out of office
vote blue, bring a family member

9 months ago

preview of a possible 2nd trump admin: