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4 years ago

Chaos reigns supreme. As always lately.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

No one believes a word anyone Trump related says….  He isn’t going to be working he’s a sicko

4 years ago

He walked on and off, so was the chopper ride necessary?  Did it make a better show?  
They wanted to keep it low-key when he went to Walter Reed last fall.  Now, they are playing it for attention (distraction) and sympathy.   
JarJar was unmasked and with Hopey. Lots of virus was spread at Amy Culty’s coming-out party.  

4 years ago

Sanjay Gupta agrees with you, Poobah. This isn’t just precautionary- it’s a result of progressing symptoms. 
So now can we call it the Trump Virus ?

4 years ago

i’m reading he spread infection to 100 donors in NJ before his positive test.

4 years ago

just asking….

4 years ago

So Bobble announced this afternoon that BLOTUS and FLOTUS were doing well and would convalesce at the WH. Really?

4 years ago

Remember 4 days ago when none of these jerks except Melania wore masks at the debate?
Now they want prayers🙄

4 years ago

rr – That’s great.  Where is our meme king, Corey? 

4 years ago

Biden campaign pulls down all negative ads against Trump. Ha, Trump won’t do the same. Piss on Trump. Show no kindness cause Republicans will never show any. 

4 years ago

CNN just ran a clip of dumbass saying “We can see the end of the virus, and next year yada yada yada yada yada. “ He can see it from the inside now. Stupid shit.

4 years ago

Tony, May I associate myself with your 7:38 PM comment?

4 years ago

Good one, RR.
tony, yep to the ads.  I doubt the repubes would do the same.
Jon Meacham presidential historian just listed all the Presidents who lied to the people about their medical issues. Apparently it’s a tradition. 

4 years ago

11 positive coronavirus tests traced to presidential debate, Cleveland officials say The city's announcement came shortly after the Cleveland Clinic said there was a "low risk of exposure to" debate attendees.

4 years ago

VP debate, they want 12′ distance.  Should include Plexiglas like stores do.

4 years ago

Chamber poll shows Joe Biden winning Florida by 5 points Voters split evenly on right track-wrong track numbers for the state.

Joe Biden holds a solid lead among likely Florida voters, according to the latest poll from the Florida Chamber of Commerce.
A survey by Cherry Communications for the Chamber shows if the election were held today, former Vice President Biden would beat President Donald Trump by 5 percentage points in Florida.
The Chamber was guarded about the details, not even releasing the level of support for each candidate or the number of undecided voters still in play.
Regardless of who wins, Chamber leadership said it’s important commerce in Florida has the ear of elected leaders.
“The 2020 General Election results will impact Florida’s future as we work to become the 10th most diverse economy in the world by 2030,” said Mark Wilson, Florida Chamber president and CEO. “Our statewide poll helps give us a look at voters’ alignment to the competitiveness and pro-business agenda supported by the Florida Chamber.”


The organization also noted that as Florida goes, so goes the nation. The winner of the state’s electoral votes won the Presidency in 11 of the last 12 elections, the exception being Bill Clinton’s 1992 victory without the help of Sunshine State voters.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

What. No hydrochwhatever. 

4 years ago

4 years ago

craig, you asked last thread why they waited so long to take him to hospital.  they wanted the stock market to close first.  i’m not the only one who thought that, some talking head said it around 5 pm.  i bet the docs wanted to whisk him off to walter reed much much earlier – like thursday night-  but were overruled probably by him.

jack, i agree with you that he should  stay alive at least until he has to face up to our customary peaceful transition of office on jan 20th.   rather that he not show up at the ceremony, but the country needs assurance that our institutions are intact.   as you say after that, whatever.  

Oregon Democrat OD
Oregon Democrat OD
4 years ago

2020 is such a bizarre year…I will be glad when it is over!🇺🇸

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

If he is so fine why did he have to fly?

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

The next few days should be interesting.  So often we read about a senior citizen going down with the virus and rapidly failing and within a week going room temperature.  Other elderly types do okay for a few days, go home, and then collapse.  These and many others stories are why I am hiding out in my various pods.

4 years ago

if before the election D’ump does shuffle off this mortal coil, a lot of people will not make the effort to vote.  polls show big percentage are voting only to get rid of him and have no incentive otherwise. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

If you want institutions saved hope he dies tomorrow 

4 years ago

KC, I’m guessing he couldn’t tolerate a 15 minute ride in a limo.

Enough of this COVID shit. NBA time. 

4 years ago

Patd, the adherents aren’t going to vote in any numbers for someone other than D’umbass. 

4 years ago

Hopefully, this will wake-up the mask-scofflaws and science-deniers and make our communities safer.

4 years ago

…the angle on Mike Lee (R-UT) spreading COVID around the senate and the implications of it on potential Comey hearings is interesting.🤔

4 years ago

Mike Lee looks like he’s wearing his suit from 40 pounds ago. 

4 years ago

From twitter

It’s so obvious screenwriters… The third act turn was foreshadowed by Herman Cain’s death. They always kill the Black friend first.

4 years ago

Senator Tillis has the virus.  Feels fine but isolating.  Let’s hope this rolls through slowly and keeps them out of commission for a SCOTUS hearing.  Or, would some of the other Republicans have the balls to say no to a hearing if SFB isn’t around? 
Dems will show up to vote for Biden/Harris.  Still gotta flip the Senate, too.   Republican dirty-tricks to stifle/steal the election are still in play. A lot of folks have already voted.  

4 years ago

Lakers looking good. 14 points at the half. 

4 years ago

Kelly Anne is positive.

4 years ago

i thought she quit?
Re: debate microphones-  The debate commission doesn’t have to give the moderator a “switch”, just put the mic on a timer.  When your two minutes (make it 5 minutes if needed) is up, your mic goes off.  Very simple stuff, no cause for accusations of moderator bias.

4 years ago

One more person at the Amy Barret kickoff event in the Rose garden Saturday, Kelly Anne Conway tests positive.
Some super spreader was spreading the love that day.

4 years ago

“…superspreader event that turned our White House into a petrie dish to celebrate stealing RGB’s seat is looking like one of the worst coronavirus vehicles this year.

-Mr. Crawford

…believe it or not, that fits on a T-Shirt.
Print it! (i’ll take two)

Oh, ok i see you are attributing that gem to Joy Reid

4 years ago

That event is one of the best demonstrations of Repugnican stupidity yet. Infect bunches of your own folks as you show your absolute hypocrisy and potentially remove votes you need to steal the SCOTUS seat. Corona karma can be a bitch. 

4 years ago

The article I posted earlier today said not all people infected with covid-19 spread the infection to anybody about 20%  of those infected account for most of the spread. People with large and active social networks. So it was just a matter of time with a room full of politicians.  They have pictures of Mike Lee running around hugging everybody.

4 years ago

We’ve switched from “Law and Order” to “ER”.
Someone on Twitter said it was the “Super Bowl of Karma”.

4 years ago

Bob Gibson RIP
If you were a Missouri boy growing up in in the 60’s  your baseball team was the Cardinals and their pitching Ace was Bob Gibson. 52 years ago I remember setting in our  family car listening to Game one of the World Series on the radio. Gibson set a record of 17 strike outs against the Detroit tigers. I remember the sound of the ball as it hit catcher Tim McCarvers mitt. A loud pop one after another. 
There are very few player that cause the powers that be to change the game. But  Bob Gibson is one. The next year they lowered the pitching mound to give mere mortals a chance to hit his fast ball.

4 years ago

Reckless behavior despite having access to the best medical minds in the world, and now an incapacitated executive branch.  Kinda scary.

Was the super-spreader event OUTSIDE?? Even scarier!

They turned the White House Rose Garden into the Wuhan Wet Market.

Mike Pence can’t leave the house, now. Might end up with Pelosi making the SCOTUS nomination if he catches COVID.

(edit: Pence plans on resuming campaigning, next week🤨)

4 years ago

Bob Gibson
He was something
Rest in peace big guy

4 years ago

4 years ago