Trump Killing Kids

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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4 years ago

4 years ago

D’ump and GOPers seem to consider pro-life is for fetuses only, forget about the child once it’s born, the hungry, the sick, the uneducated and the homeless child.

4 years ago

from realclearpolitics this morning:

Some are calling Donald Trump “the most pro-life president ever.” He’s definitely been anti-abortion. But he’s hardly pro-life.
The “consistent life ethic” gets closer to the heart of what this means. Originating in the Catholic Church, it expands the pro-life concept to include opposition to capital punishment, humane treatment of immigrants and even the wearing of face masks during a pandemic. Trump subscribes to none of the above.

“Why aren’t all pro-lifers pro-maskers?” writes James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at large of America, a Jesuit magazine. “This should be a no-brainer.”

He goes on: “Some people think these precautions are not just inconvenient but an infringement on their civil liberties. I could give you all sorts of arguments about all sorts of other public health measures designed to protect people — food-safety rules, turn signals on cars and so on — that people seem fine with. But in these politicized times, even caring for the other person has become political.”

A true pro-life stance would also recognize the moral duty to care for the Creation, a stance many religious leaders do take. This would extend to concern over the threat that global warming poses to life on our planet, including human life.
The National Bureau of Economic Research predicts that if climate change is left unchecked, higher temperatures could lead to 85 deaths per 100,000 people globally per year by 2100. Counting from today’s world population, that comes to a hard-to-imagine half-billion lives lost.
Trump doesn’t give a rat’s tail about climate change or health coverage or protecting Americans from a deadly pandemic. Accusations that he is running a death cult may sound overheated but are not without basis.
That’s who Trump is. Americans claiming to be pro-life should ask whether that’s OK with them.

4 years ago

I just watched the Brad Parscale interaction with the police. 1) They didn’t put their knee on his neck. 2) They didn’t shoot him.  3) Surprisingly, they showed the whole police video  .  Interesting!

4 years ago

trumpity’s inner circle has either been sent to prison or they’re going crazy now. Once dysfunctional person can wreck havoc on they whole country.

4 years ago

That Parscale video is fascinating.  Considering he had weapons, was threatening others as well as himself, and had already beaten his wife, the police were so gentle and considerate of his welfare.


4 years ago

Here’s the costume we all should wear for Halloween.  Plague doctor!

4 years ago

Poobah, did you get any notification about a data leak compromising passwords for the trail?  I got such a notification of that and it told me Google can provide a strong password. Not going there until you tell me you as site administrator have been notified of that leak. 

4 years ago

Those are fetching Tip. But where would we wear them?

4 years ago

pogo, next time you and mrs p venture out to dine

4 years ago

One cousin is back home from college, with COVID, and is very ill/breathing problems for a kid who is a runner.  Why are they sending kids back home?  Now, her sister has it and others have been exposed.
My manager is to n quarantine because she went to visit her grandson for his birthday on Saturday.  Yesterday, she found out the kid’s teacher tested positive for COVID on Tuesday (not sure if it just took that long for results or what), but that goodness she found out and didn’t come into the office. 
It is not a hoax.  Only racists can make themselves believe tRUMP’s lie.   
Oh, and my 80-year old dad is now afraid that white supremacists in his little town are going to target him because he’s not a MAGA.   They have come out of the woodwork. 

4 years ago

LP latest

4 years ago

Pat,  that may be quite some time from now. Perhaps it will be when the symphony and opera begin performing in person again. 

4 years ago

yeah, those plague outfits might meet formal opera attire requirements.  sorta black tie in a way.

4 years ago

above from minnesota’s star tribune

4 years ago

Pogo we wear the plague doctor costume as we throw candy across the lawn at the two teen aged kids who are trick-or-treating this year.
BiD, sorry to hear all that.  But that’s what happens when there’s NO leadership anywhere on this virus thing.  It’s each person for themselves.

4 years ago

4 years ago

Sully has a good voice.  He’s been flying for 53 years and is 69.

4 years ago

patd, LOL… no dough! 

4 years ago

Kessler’s summation of his review of both candidates’ campaign falsehoods.  

The Bottom Line

Both Biden and Trump have provided lots of fodder for fact-checkers. But Biden’s falsehoods tend to occur once — hence they are termed “gaffes” — or are withdrawn or dropped after criticism. Some of his errors are strange, but they generally do not have a nasty edge, and he does not engage in ad hominem attacks. Biden also exaggerates in broad strokes on complex policies to make himself appear smarter. Depending on your perspective, Biden is in the middleweight or welterweight class.

Trump, however, is the heavyweight champion of falsehoods. Trump repeats false statistics on everything, almost as if to will them to be facts. He frequently seems to inhabit a world of his own creation, spreading conspiracy theories and assuming the worst of his foes.

When the fact-checking is completed after tonight’s debate, it likely will not be scored as an even match.

If we chose presidents for the falsehoods they generate, D’ump would always win.  

4 years ago


4 years ago

Re-watching The West Wing from Season 1.  It premiered 11 years ago.  A little discouraging that the issues are still the same.  Last night’s called for free college for everyone who wanted to attend.


4 years ago

Poobah, it was not an email – it was a pop-up notification when I logged in this morning from my phone.  It went away when i ignored its suggestion and logged in with my saved login info. 

4 years ago

If the jokes posted under this screen-name are ever unfunny, you’ll know i’ve been hacked.  THAT will be the give-away.

4 years ago

Thank God it’s a slow news-day.
Enjoy it!✌️❤️🇺🇸

4 years ago

There is only one of you
and no matter the name you go under your Lordship is easily identified. 
If some one hacks your account we will know it.

4 years ago

If you ever see a post under the Pogo name that seems smart, well informed or witty, you’ll know I’ve been hacked- or kidnapped- pay the ransom or suffer with smart, well informed or witty comments purportedly from me. 🤪

4 years ago

I’m curious to know how they will adjust SFB’s meds for the debate.  Will he be sleepy, slurring tRUMPsky?  Will he be amped up like a toddler who’s been given a super-sized Mountain Dew and a sack of candy?   Either way, it will be all lies, meanness and absolute nonsense.   The mute button on the remote will surely get a workout.
tRUMPsky is losing and not even his cheating will keep him in office and out of jail. 

4 years ago

God bless Sully, Vote Vets, and, The Lincoln Project!
Run that during the debate!
I hope they ask Cadet Bone Spurs about his disrespectful attacks on our military.  He’ll just lie, of course, but make him squirm. 

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

if it as bad for Trump as we hope. Do you think  Trump will refuse the two remaining debates?

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Just a debate factoid.  In the Kennedy Nixon debate. People who listened on the radio thought Nixon won.  On tv people thought Kennedy won.

4 years ago

Yeah, i was writing obituaries for the GOP, four years, ago.

4 years ago

Yeah, Bink, so was I.  I’ll not be doing that prematurely this time around.

4 years ago

Bink, Pogo
Don’t remind me, We were going to be in DC for the inauguration. Had hotels room booked and plane tickets. Mrs Jack and I were all set to celebrate big time. Then it all came crashing down.

4 years ago

Craig will you be doing a debate blog tonight?

4 years ago

You’re getting called back up, Mr. C.

4 years ago

I’m letting youtube throw up selections, wonder of wonders, it came up with someone from the 21st century.
Worth a listen


4 years ago

C-Span twitter person is like, “Summon Crawford, he is needed!”

(it’s animated if you click on it🤷‍♂️. Ok, clearing the battlefield for Gen. Crawford, have go gird my loins, ✌️4real)

4 years ago


The lead attorney representing former National Security Advisor and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn admitted to bringing President Donald Trump into the loop on the high-profile case–immediately after purporting to invoke “executive privilege” on the matter.
During an oftentimes cantankerous portion of a technology-deficient hearing on Tuesday, Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell stunned U.S. District Judge for the D.C. Circuit Emmet G. Sullivan into silence when the issue of Trump’s direct involvement arose.
Sullivan began his questioning of Powell by referring to a controversial letter she penned to Attorney General Bill Barr prior to her work on the case. The letter predicted Brady violations would come out and asked for the removal of all attorneys connected to the Russiagate investigation led by former special counsel Robert Mueller.
The judge then somewhat interrupted himself and asked, as a threshold matter, if Powell had ever spoke to the president about the Flynn case. A few beats passed before the attorney answered.
“I’m sorry your honor, I can’t discuss that,” Powell eventually said.
A bemused Sullivan pressed Powell as to why she couldn’t answer his question.
“I would think that any conversations I have had with the president would be covered by executive privilege,” Powell replied.
“You don’t work for the government,” Sullivan noted.
“I don’t think executive privilege only applies to people who work for the government,” Powell replied.
That’s not quite how executive privilege works–as noted by University of Michigan Law Professor Leah Litman:
“So you’re purporting to invoke executive privilege?” the increasingly astonished judge asked before attempting to ferret out additional details as to the general nature of the conversation. Powell eventually conceded that she personally gave Trump the outlines of her representation of Flynn so far.
“I provided it in person, before counsel for the president,” Flynn’s attorney clarified.
“Who did you speak to?” Judge Sullivan asked.
“I spoke with Jenna Ellis and I spoke to the president himself to provide him with a brief update on the status of the litigation in the past couple of weeks.”
Ellis is the Trump campaign’s senior legal advisor. She currently worked as a constitutional attorney and advocate for right-wing evangelical Christian interests.
“Did you make any requests?” Sullivan pressed.
“No, only that he not issue a pardon,” Powell said.
“How many discussions?” Sullivan demanded.
“That’s the only one I recall,” Powell demurred.
Sullivan again appeared distraught over the attorney’s response–asking whether or not she would remember a conversation with the president.
“What did you ask him to do in connection with this case?” Sullivan reiterated.
“I never discussed this case with the president until recently when I asked him not to issue a pardon and when I provided him with a general status update about the litigation,” Powell said–effectively ending this discrete line of inquiry.

4 years ago

The polling gets analyzed group to group by gender, race, ethnicity, education, etc.  There is only one of those that will actually show how the race will end up – gender.  If Biden wins a higher percentage of women than trump wins men, Biden wins.  All the rest is interesting, but at the end of the day more women vote than men and that is the only binary metric out there.  Looks pretty good at this stage of the game.

4 years ago

Love Rob Reiner

There’s nothing to debate. Either you want someone who would let 200,000 of US die or you don’t. Either you want a Racist who cheats on his taxes or you don’t. Either you want a Lying Criminal or you don’t. The choice is simple. Vote Trump Out.



4 years ago

pat, that Law and Crime site is great.  Nice catch. Doesn’t sound like Sullivan is buying what Flynn’s lawyer is selling.  It will be a while before Flynn is done paying legal fees. 

4 years ago

1996? Hmm, I had been retired for 14-years.

4 years ago

Just saw a comment under Phil Bump’s piece at WaPo referring to D’ump as the $750 man.  RFLMAO!!!🤣

4 years ago

So what was that about guitar players


4 years ago

Hillary on MSNBC at 5:00 pacific 


4 years ago

Craig – You haven’t changed a bit.
Monarch butterflies in DFW!   So many flying around today.

4 years ago


Hope there are Rowan Trees and cottonwood around to make them happy. 


4 years ago

I’ve been worried about them with the California fires.  Hope they find their way through.


4 years ago

Don’t wrestle with a pig.

4 years ago

Can’t possibly invoke executive privilege when the other non-governmental employee, ellis, was present. The fact that ellis is an attorney for the campaign rather than for the tyrant means that there is no protect for the conversation. Period. Treat them like immigrant children, your honor, and they’ll spill their guts.
If I’m wrong, bring out the rack and thumb screws.

4 years ago

There’s a wooded area/walking trail nearby…and there are definitely cottonwood trees. 

4 years ago

If you’re going to fight with a pig, do it from a distance. Bait a trap :
The corn cob should be tied closely to the pineapple with one rawhide lace and the pin should be tied to the closely to rebar hammered into the ground. 

4 years ago

About that debate drinking game…..
Maybe you shouldn’t do that, just continue at the  pace you have done for the last 6 months. 
any more might cause alcohol poisoning.

4 years ago

Insects all around the globe are becoming endangered.  Can we make using anything from Monsanto a capital offense?

Just some of the disappearing.  


What can you do to save insects?
In your back yard avoid plants that need a lot of fertilizers and water. Plant native trees, shrubs, and flowers.

Do not buy flowers that have “double” blooms; insects cannot access their nectar because their mouthparts are not adapted to do so.

Avoid using “bug zappers” because they are very damaging to insect diversity including all beneficial insects and usually failed to attract mosquitoes.

Do not use pesticide and artificial fertilizers. Organic fertilizers (e.g., manure, compost from kitchen) favors insects. Check Beyond Pesticides for the least toxic control of pests in your home.

Leave areas with natural ground covers (e.g., leaves) in your backyard.

Buy organic cotton clothes, sheets, and towels. Conventional cotton uses an enormous quantity of pesticide with significant negative impacts on insects.


4 years ago

As I’m off the antibiotics for the first time in the last month, I get to drink. It has been a rough month to be sober.

4 years ago

My neigbor planted milkweed in his front yard and raised a whole bunch of monarchs. They just chewed those milkweeds to pieces. We are going to expand our planting next year.

4 years ago

The cottonwood is for fine dining.  The Rowan Trees are their favored place to hang the cocoons.  

Rowan is the perfect species tree.  Birds eat the berries, nectar diners like the flowers, and as above butterflies and moths hang their baby manufacturing.


4 years ago

I grew a bunch of yellow swallowtails, they love my fennel plant. Their caterpillar looks a lot like a monarch caterpillar. Just different color stripes.

4 years ago

Are we doing a debate thread?


4 years ago

Exrep, I see where the Twins just set a play off record. 17 post season losses in a row. The most in any major pro sport.  The previous record holder was the Black Hawks, the record had stood for 40 years

4 years ago

jamie, craig said at 8:30 edt.  start popping the corn now, have your preferred beverage and lap cat/dog nearby and nothing dangerous that you might throw at telly in uncontrollable rage. 

4 years ago

Amazon prime has “oh brother where art though” I’m not that interested in the debate. I’ll read about it on twitter later.

4 years ago


4 years ago

jack, enjoy