Twitter isn’t a total wasteland of bickering tweets and Russian bots. Todays selection appeared in my twitter feed Friday. with the comment that “you don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy this”
From the video
“Taken from “Compassion” – a song cycle for voice and orchestra written by Lior and Nigel Westlake. Performed by Lior and the SSO at the Sydney Opera House Sep, 2013. Conducted by Nigel Westlake.”
Avinu Malkeinu “Our Father, Our King”) is a Jewish prayer recited during Jewish services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur,
I will leave any other comments to someone more qualified than I am, except to say it is beautiful music
Enjoy, Jack
jack, thanks.
Pogo – I was able to watch the last hour of the stage yesterday. That was edge of the chair racing. The new generation of riders are awesome.
The passing of Justice Ginsberg has tremendous ramifications for the continuance of our country. I spent Saturday without news. I read a minuscule amount this morning and I will once again go news free. Biden must make sure that the greedy old perverts are not mistaken that he will adjust the Supreme Court to reflect America, not the thirty percent who are white catholic anti-abortionist. That is not “packing the court” , that is the America’s Court.
Thank you Jack
To Continue the theme ADON OLAM
The Lord of the Universe who reigned before anything was created. When all was made by his will He was acknowledged as King. And when all shall end He still all alone shall reign. He was, He is, and He shall be in (charismatic) Glory. And He is one, and there’s no other, to compare or join Him. Without beginning, without end and to Him belongs dominion and power. And He is my G-d, my living G-d. to Him I flee in time of grief, and He is my miracle and my Redeemer, who answers the day I shall call. To Him I commit my spirit, in the time of sleep and awakening, even if my spirit leaves, G-d is with me, I shall not fear.
While everybody’s attention was on the Supreme Court our national mafia in chief was busy yesterday extorting 5 billion dollars to go to a nonprofit for patriotic education. I’m assuming run much like the Trump foundation.
From Bloomberg journalist, Shelly Banjo (what a name, I’m envious)
preview of what nov 3rd looks like?
these trump supporting dorks finally feel like they’re part of a club
Look deeper into a gop and you will find “Laws are for suckers”. Deeper, because the veneer is “Law and Order”, “Obey the Law” Etc,
203,853 dead and counting
Old Man – Happy Birthday!
Ugh, you wanted protest songs:
“Van Morrison to release lockdown protest songs“
You’re my 20% of lung capacity girl
The eastern world is gettin’ Covid/ droplets flying/ICUs loaded
he hill:
Protesters gathered outside Senate Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home, calling on him to delay efforts to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
I decided to follow Flatus’ example and donate my stimulus check to Democratic candidates. Part of it went to Nicole Galloway , Missouri governors race and the other to the Kansas senate race candidate, Barbra Bollier. Both have pulled up even in the polls and have a chance.
Happy birthday, Bob
71 that makes you old enough to run for President
Put on a mask and eyeglasses or a face shield. The nearsighted have an advantage; eyeglasses help to reduce exposure through the eyes.
Now, what do we do about tRUMPsky s SCOTUS scam nominee, who will probably be a woman…a female Clarence Thomas…how does this Russian-backed BS from a wanna-be dictator get stopped in it’s tracks?
jack – I don’t think CB can run for a couple of more years. Still too young.
“Now, what do we do about… SCOTUS scam nominee”
-sit back and watch the Republicans collapse in on themselves
Trying to get back in a good mood. KNBT on line is going full Willie Nelson
From the Coloradan
Trump’s plan has always been to appeal an election loss to the Courts. That’s why he needs RBG’s seat filled so quickly. He needs 5 reliable votes. He only has 4 now. He’s rigged the Justice Dept with Bill Barr, now he is rigging SCOTUS.
Jamie thanks for the willie link. right now they are playing some of the old pre outlaw classics. My sister onetime commented why does Willie sing all those old songs. I laughed and said because he wrote them, Listening to “Crazy” right now.
Patsy Cline did it better
well it’s a marvelous night to get Cohhhh-VID…
can i just have one more droplet from you, my-eeh-ai casual acquaintance
*end flute*
My sister the nurse caught covid. a mild case quick recovery. She believes she caught it from a coworker as they were trying to deal with an agitated dementia patient. The coworker had tested positive a few days later.
Interesting thing, so far no contact tracing and her husband hasn’t been tested either, not that he is showing symptoms. evidently you can live in the same house with an infected person and with reasonable precautions not catch it. Both wore mask and Steve made sure he had gloves on when he went into common areas.
She is back at work and he has passed the time limit catching it.
Just a tidbit of information
It’s generic and Merck is busy working on a pricey, new compound for treatment and a vaccine for COVID, so…
Just heard about this on NPR. COVID patients given Ivermectin have gotten better in 48 hours.
From the “We Knew This Was Coming” Dpt.:
Happy Birthday. 71 is nothing!
While I was in the hospital they were constantly asking me if I used a walker to get around. I finally told one of them “no, it gets in the way when I’m up on the roof nailing down shingles” Which is what I was doing 2 days before surgery. Not very fast anymore but it wasn’t a big roof either just a 10 by 12 storage shed.
Jeez, I’m 66 not 86.
Mr. Cracker still gets up
on ladders although not on the roof. He’s 92.
Amy Comey Barrett. Yikes. Phyllis Schafley lives
The eastern world is gettin’ Covid
droplets flying/ICUs loaded
principles have all exploded
(early in the morning)
At 73 I avoid going on or under ladders.
if you want to be an old man long, begin to be an old man early.
But then Cicero was a little twerp.
Love Bonnie Raitt particularly when her sense of humor takes wings from Bakersfield to LA
SO sad!
i hire -out any ladder work over 12’- guys who climb ladders for a living can always use the cash, i find, so win-win.
Another impeachment vote would take precedence over a SCOTUS vote.
Pelosi, House has “arrows in our quiver”
Note Trump has put 53 judges on the court. Not one of them is black.
Senators need to ask themselves if they want to be remembered for being on the side of democracy or in the pocket of a tyrant.
The toddler tyrant will not last forever, nor will the spawn who want to install themselves permanently.
This will end badly for anyone who props up the tRUMP. Make no mistake, it will end. Crack open a history book.
How do they want to be remembered? Their money and power…they can’t take it with ‘em. They can do the right thing. Honor RBG and their own legacies.
They should wash their hands of tRUMP today!
If one of these is yours, feel free to give them your opinions
17 GOP senators who promised not to confirm a SCOTUS nominee during an election year: Gardner Cornyn Cruz Graham Rubio Inhofe Grassley Ernst Tillis Perdue Tim Scott Johnson Toomey Burr Blunt Hoeven Portman
Well, it should make for an interesting question/point during the Hegar/Cornyn debate. Cornyn, so far, breaking his commitment about SCOTUS. Is he a liar? He is a liar. Do you want to re-elect a liar? Nope.
This is a final chance for Republican Senators to cut ties with Russia/tRUMP and try to save the GOP from becoming the party of neo-fascism. Save your souls.
this came out earlier this past week. hope it gets a lot of play.
Bob I don’t remember if I told you, but I took the vest to my little Russian lady alterations expert to have the buttons sewn on, she knows I bring her off-the-wall stuff now and then and is kind of used to it, but I laid out the vest on her counter, and she looked at it and then began to examine all the stitching inside and out. She smoothes it out on the counter, looks up and says, “That is very fine piece.”
She looks a lot like RBG. She pointed out something I didn’t know…..she says there’s supposed to be small flat buttons on the inside behind all the outer buttons.
Don’t forget the purple band-aids
There was a case of where the cheerleader “Fortunate Son” who skipped all his ANG meetings was actually deemed to have a greater bravery factor than the guy who actually ran Swift Boats ( I seem to remember one of those in “Apocalypse Now”) up and down jungle rivers with folks shooting at them.
Yeah, no…..that ain’t happening this time.
I pass it many times on the GRIT tv channel…….Kirk Douglas, Randolph Scott, Audie, Johnny Wayne, etc It pops up here and there.
The Supreme Court may be closed to the public, but it is still following a tradition that dates back at least back to 1873 by draping Ginsburg’s seat and the Courtroom doors with black wool crepe. Flags half staff for 30 days.
It’s good to have friends
Y’all come on back when you’re out this way again. Good company’s hard to find.
Reminds me of Lazy Susan and Cow Chopper.
I heard someone say. Anita Hill is too old
She is three years younger then RBG was when appointed
Five billion to build a wall of lies.
Cruz and the rest don’t understand shame. They should, however, understand that the fury of the American people will not stop with this election, because we will remember those who propped up Russian-backed puppet and wanna-be dictator, Orange Julius.
I’d go with Anita hill just to put her there with Thomas.
She could leave coke cans around…..
if she were appointed, i bet thomas would retire soon thereafter