A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
What do we expect from the rnc family reunion of trumps this week? I expect that the grifters will continue the tradition started by SFB and his family of scamming the cult members. Selling commercial time, or for a fee, doing live promos themselves. No matter what these will be the highlight of any convention night.
What can we expect? More beans for sale? Of course. Sleepy time bags filled with lumps? Why not? Landscaping services? Best done by the lady of the house for an extra donation. Need a purse, that might be a copy of a copy? Sure ‘nuf. Need some speeches? Get them by the dozen (professionally performed). Want to set up a “charity” for yourself? Experts are on hand. NDA’s are available in case you have someone who overheard your phone call.
Learn ways to avoid having your taxes seen by attorneys, real or surreal versions. Need a mob connection, special connections can be made. Need an attorney, a few can be on hand. Learn a new language, Russian is like a second language around the condo and fake island. Like to schedule a vacation away from it all? Learn to write special love letters to dictators. How about getting a few Chinese patents? These can be had.
There are so many other ways they can get in your wallet, just sit back and enjoy.
BB, i keep hearing behind your thread title about the upcoming goper gaggle the cole porter lyrics from “kiss me kate”
Another op’nin’, another show
In Philly, Boston or Baltimo’,
A chance for stage folks to say hello,
Another op’nin’ of another show.
Another job that you hope, at last,
Will make your future forget your past,
Another pain where the ulcers grow,
Another op’nin’ of another show.
john oliver last night on the DNC wingding
thoughts on kellyanne departure:
another (aside from family) reason for that decision is her past work on 2016 campaign with bannon and any contact with him since then depending on what she may know that’s valuable to his prosecution.
and this from wapo:
speaking of lincoln project, their latest effort:
and how colbert covered D’ump’s goodyear goof
It took only minutes for President Trump to go after Goodyear Tires on Twitter, after the company banned employees from wearing MAGA apparel at their Ohio facility. #Colbert #LateShowLIVE #ColdOpens
Looks like Claudia Conway won this round.
The next question of life is now that there is no republican party, what replaces it? rnc, greedy old perverts, have stated that it is the party of SFB now. Democrats run against SFB, not repubs. From dog catcher to Biden/Harris, all Dems run against the orange rind. The name, republican, is now tainted and may never recover.
What new name will replace rnc?
LOL. Goodyear is the sole supplier of tires for NASCAR, is the most successful tire supplier for Formula 1 (it no longer build F1 tires) and is the only American tire manufacturer in the Top 4 global tire manufacturers. 92% of its operating income is from sales abroad. Right Donnie, attack Goodyear over a no tolerance for political attire training video that showed a MAGA cap.
The “establishment”gop will attack the Loons and wrest control and then back to biz as usual, but without the racism, misogyny, cruelty, and kkk. They’ll lose for a bit but—They’ll be bach.
Failing a re-takeover of the gop they will wander 40 years in the desert, while the Loons get goofier and loonier till they eventually and inevitably fade to black. You can’t turn Americans into nazis. Not ALL of them, anyway.
so this was the reason for the breaking news breakthrough D’ump breathlessly announced yesterday after goosing the FDA
sturge, in the meantime some of those goper nomads are pitching their tent in the biden oasis.
from the hill this morning:
what are the odds that kellyanne will still speak at goper convene as scheduled on wednesday?
daily beast:
patd – She will speak. Also, this quit and spend time with family story stinks like a backed up sewer. She will show up in the campaign too. What is interesting is the parents come back to take care of family. I do not believe it. It was not the children, those two are too deep into politics for that. There had to be something else that has not bubbled to the surface yet.
BB, i agree and think some of the withdrawal has to do with her days working with steve bannon.
Idk but little Claudia really blew the roof off. She mentioned years of abuse implying that it went back beyond 2016. And it’s true that the con jobs are taking advantage of their family plight in order to extricate themselves from the looming.
Sturgeone – the mother could not have been home with the children, she has spent over four years with SFB and working at the WH is not an eight hour day. George also had long days. The children must have been raised by nannies. I know by time I was sixteen I was ready to split from home, I usually did not spend that much time there. So Claudia has already done the homework to be on her own, probably living with a nanny or friend. The parents coming back together, under one roof, and making nice is not the full story. There is more.
The Bannon thing might be possible if the investigation shows her fingerprints on it. Or, she and one of the SFB fruit of the loins decided to spend time together, off the clock so to speak, and were outted? With her heading back to the homestead and whomever told to keep quiet (NDA’s legal or not). With that bunch anything that is wild and stomach churning is possible.
How bout that. Stephan King got rich by writing about being really creepy. And actually he’s just a kind hearted bass player.
Famous bass players Dept.: Hulk Hogan
BlueB… love the photo of the RNC keynote speakers!
KGC… so glad to know that you are safe… Happy, happy birthday Mr. Cracker!
Gave up watching the people living in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge last Monday to watch the first night of the Democratic convention. Won’t do it for the republican one.
RR – thank Craig for the graphics. I was thinking of something much different.
Great piece. I love that show I saw it with Zero Mostel
KGC – it is a favorite of mine too. I have the movie DVD, which I like to show every now and then on movie night on the boat.
Considering how leaky the WH is I am sure that the “more time with the family” was created and implemented fast, as most such announcements are. Something happened. I cannot wait for the tell all books.
Possibility exists that the Conways et al fabricated, scripted, and orchestrated this whole play.
The book will be a sensafantastically stupendously blockbusteral bombshell.
It begins to look like Every time the protests die down you look for someone else to be murdered in the streets.
So here I am stuck in my car driving around East bum fuck in the immediate environment and what’s on TV what’s on the radio yeah dumb fuck at the RNC.He sounds even more stupid and dishonest and he usually does if you can believe that.
Old Man – The Mothers were a great group, especially after some Dr. Beam and a few beers.
Well Glenn Kessler may have had the week off for the most part last week trying to fact check the statemeets at the democratic convention, but he’ll have to get back to work quickly.
bbob, usatoday had a story about joe & his car earlier this month:
joe & car in 2016
BB – Spot on!
Will they mention COVID? If so, will it be in relation to the ~really great~ numbers or one of their non-cures?
I started a painting yesterday. I will turn on some music at 7pm and focus on that. I look forward to reading the comments here tomorrow.
If Orange Julius is so worried about getting a vaccine to Americans, line up you fat f**k. You first, then Ivanker, Tiff, the three boys, JarJar, and, ALL of the grandkids.
This time going after Eric as well as SFB financials
New York Attorney General Sues Trump Organization
Old Man
Rachel Maddow laid it all out in detail in her book Blowout
Blowout: Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, and the Richest, Most Destructive Industry on Earth
lincoln project about the above:
Postmaster General in House hearing can’t say how much it costs to mail a post card or anything else, says “I’ll submit I know very little about postage stamps”
Donald Trump Jr. fears his father will lose — and the Trump family will be prosecuted: report https://t.co/Zk7J52Q8mW
Let’s hope DJTJr is right for once.
Louis DeJoy……Stetson U.
geez, you guys really get around
Now on horizon……Melanie on tape bad mouthing husband and her step-children.
Melanie’s Tapes
On a jet owned by a Chinese national, to campaign for Republicans. Bannon, you naughty, naughty boy.
Just got an invite to a church where this q-razy, dumbass (Allen West) will be speaking on Sunday. Kingdom of Life Church in Frisco should lose its tax-exempt status. I don’t go to that church. I don’t go to any church during a pandemic. I wouldn’t go anywhere to listen to this moron. I got your storm right here (crotch grab), you disgrace to the military.
The Republican National Confederacy
Say his name: Jacob Blake
I hope the noise from the GoOperz doesn’t drown this man’s story.
Trump’s use of overtly racist tropes is best understood as the inevitable end of “the Southern Strategy” road, paved brick by brick through 13 presidential election cycles since 1968, and blessed by cons white Xns. I unpack this history in #WhiteTooLong:
Robert P Jones
Jerry Falwell Jr. has stepped down from Liberty University.
From Instagram yesterday.
GOP convention thread coming at 8pm ET. C’mon folks, gotta know thy enemy, grab a stress toy and watch. See the humor, gonna be like Nazis producing Hee Haw.
Excellent title today! LOL
Falwell Jr insists he hasn’t stepped down…yet. He’s trying to hang in there until the Republican/Russian klan meeting has concluded. So far, the details are grosser than I had anticipated. I can barely watch tRUMPsky on the news, lying about COVID, lying about Joe, lying every time he opens his mouth.
Know the enemy better?
I want dirt on tRUMP’s drug habit. I want to see his medical records. I want to see his taxes. And, most of all, I want to see him get struck by lightning on the golf course.
All religious folks are sex fiends. Broad enough brush? Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, et. al.
Just noticed the mayo picture and took a look at the rest of this week’s police line-up.
tt21 – of course they are. The forbidden fruit. The denied good feeling of sex. The denial of earthly pleasure which actually is not very deniable. Wasn’t there a move titled I want to watch? Can I make a case of burn in hell for Fallflat jr? Sure. But, he has a kink in his pleasure world. So what. At least he was not hurting anyone.
His politics are another matter! He needs to rot in hell for being such a ass.
Speaking of Mickey C, I don’t know if this helps or not. Is anyone really still on the fence about tRUMP? It seems that the only ones left in his camp are racists and evangelical racists who are hiding behind the Bible. Suppressing the vote is the only chance Orange Julius has to retain power. Heads up to Moscow Mitch, Devil Nunes, and, the rest who continue to prop up Donny’s fat, white backside. You’re going down hard and history will not remember you kindly. Also, you’re not getting any younger, either, so that blood money will be worthless.
OM – Love that original theme!
Don’t you just love these fakes! The pool boy meets the President. His sex partners in tow!
Hey old man, how about “let’s kill most of the lawyers”?
Vernon Jones – become a Republican if you think ASSHOLE is a better option than the Democratic Party.