Time Warped

Lost track of time? Days of the week same-o same-o?
If it’s fires in CA and hurricanes in FL, it must be August. If political ads and robo calls are 24/7, it must be an election year. Grasping at hints in this unbrave new world.

We seem to be lost in a COVID19 worm hole, a viral groundhog day movie where everyone is masked.

Along the way, here’s one north star to help keep track timewise. The link ticks off the days and hours and minutes left until you know who leaves the White House (or gets unceremoniously dragged out the door).

In the meantime, enjoy

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4 years ago

Love that cartoon. 

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

The drought, if there was one, along east coast is ending.  Isaias is a wet one.

4 years ago

Dance in the streets like they did during the plague.  Who knew Sudanese jazz was a thing?   Well, the Sudanese.   Crazy saxophone.   Enjoy!
What I dread is the onslaught of text messages asking for my vote.   

4 years ago

Dotard is Lardius gets my vote for dumbest Mothertf@&ker in the world. WaPo reports 

In an interview that aired Monday night, President Trump asserted that the pandemic is “under control as much as you can control it” in the United States and seemingly questioned the accuracy of South Korea’s reporting when asked about the disparate death rates between the two countries.

During the interview with “Axios on HBO,” Trump acknowledged that people are dying from the coronavirus, saying, “It is what it is.”

“But that doesn’t mean we aren’t doing everything we can,” he said. “It’s under control as much as you can control it. This is a horrible plague.”******

During the Axios interview, which was recorded last week, Trump sought to make the case that the United States is “lower than the world” in “numerous categories” by presenting several charts to reporter Jonathan Swan.

One that apparently showed deaths as a percentage of cases showed the United States faring well. But Swan pressed Trump on per capita deaths, a measurement by which the United States is faring far worse than countries in Europe and elsewhere.

“You can’t do that,” Trump said, insisting deaths as a percentage of cases is the more important number.

When Swan cited South Korea as an example of a country doing far better than the United States on per capita deaths, Trump said, “You don’t know that.”

Trump also continued to press a discredited argument that the United States is faring worse than other countries because of its testing.

“Because we do more tests, we do more cases,” Trump said, adding: “You know there are those that say you can test too much.”

Trump did not cite any health experts who have said the country can test too much. Most have argued for far more extensive testing.

How about, wear a mask, socially distance and Develop a fucking federal program to develop and give forcible guidelines to the states to stop the spread of the damn virus?

4 years ago

wtf is Lincoln Project doing with that shite?
Just turn over that operation to Claudia Conway, please.

4 years ago

He’s treated so badly, , more than any president ever, because he’s more vulnerable and incompetent than any president ever.   That Axios shows it clearly, on top of everything else for the past 4 years. The last 20-40 years also.

4 years ago

So, Jamie, turns out that dipshit answered the question, “what didn’t you know and when didn’t you know it”:

“‘It was never brought to my attention, and perhaps it was never brought because I didn’t consider it to be real,’ Trump said during a visit to Orlando, Fla., adding, ’If it did take place, it would have been brought to my attention and I would take very strong action.’”  -Patient Zero Donnie



4 years ago

Yeah, the guy that mocks disabled people, rates women on their looks, and disparages Gold Star families is treated “unfairly”, sure thing.
Party of Man-children
ok, pardon me, as you were✌️😭🇺🇸

4 years ago

The total ignorance displayed by Donald Trump in the Axios interview is terrifying



4 years ago

They let you do anything if you’re a star.

4 years ago

Between Noel Casler and Mary Trump he’s really getting a tag-team of doom.

4 years ago

patd….   thanks for that….  I LOVE that movie!
I’m still friends with some trumpers….  the stuff they are posting on facebook is hilarious!  Man… are they obviously getting nervous…    good!

4 years ago

who lives in a bubble (under the sea)…

4 years ago

I’m “friends” with a couple of strumpers and the stuff they are posting are not funny at all. “Locked and loaded“  comes up a lot, stuff along those lines…..they actually believe they might be turned loose at some point to begin shooting liberals.

4 years ago

They used to get comments of reality from some of their more level-headed friends, but they all seem to have given up.

4 years ago

Sturg…  it’s probably makes a difference that my friends are women.
Guys tend to talk about that “loaded and locked” stuff.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

He just gets worse and worse  Who are those people who support him.  WTF are they thinking.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I have no friends who support SFB

4 years ago

I’ve made a decision that I will not act with intolerance.  I live in a very purple area.  And in a small town, we all know one another and depend on one another.  I’ve made a decision that I will try to act with kindness….  no matter a person’s gender, race, religion, or political stripe.  If that bothers some here…  tough!  I will respect whatever you all choose.  I also readily admit, that being human, sometimes these decisions are hard.
now who said don’t choose to do things that are easy, but choose to do things because they are hard (paraphrase)…

4 years ago

It’s only fair that he be allowed to keep Air Force One if he leaves prior to serving eight years. Same with Marine One.

4 years ago

I was tolerant of Trumpies until their response to pandemic became an immediate existential threat to me, personally.  30’ is too close, now.

4 years ago

Yes, let’s get rid of John Cornyn, please!
Gov. Abbott is currently talking about the supply of PPE in Texas.  ???  
So many Friday, midnight movies during college; mostly just “Rocky Horror.”   

4 years ago

Jimmy the White Supremacist is a really nice guy, if you take the time to get to know him!  His wife, Linda the Facebook Disinformation Promulgator makes a delicious casserole, also!

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

I haven’t intentionally excluded trumpers   there aren’t many here and I don’t know them

4 years ago

I’m related to ‘em; most of them are in California.  

4 years ago

Intentionally excluded for me, KGC.  i have no time for people with so little regard for my well-being that they can’t put a piece of cloth over their mouth for 10 mins.
Their behavior demonstrates they genuinely don’t care about me, at all, so why the heck would i go eat a hot-dog with them?   

4 years ago

In other news,  our sales force continues to get axed this morning. Just waiting to see what else happens here. 

4 years ago

Bink… one of my trumper friends is also very good friends with a gay guy.  She also wears a mask.  I got my kittens from her last year….  she loves animals.  She will go shop for food and clothing for old people that have trouble getting out.  She knows I’m a Democrat.  Her best friend is my neighbor…  also a Democrat.  She’s been a Republican since I’ve known her…  over 30 yrs.  I admit I don’t get the trump thing…  but  if I eschew her over her choice of politics….  IMO, that makes me the intolerant one.

4 years ago

Yeah, well, conservatives hijacked the meaning (as conservatives will do) of “tolerance” in a socio-political context, from “respecting the civil-rights of marginalized people”, to “condoning stupidity and willful ignorance”.  It’s just Orwellian hogwash, now.
Hey, if you can build those bridges, go for it.  i’m done trying, and frankly made earnest efforts in that regard, in the last 3 years.  Not worth breathing in their viral load, now.
Ok, enough outta me, behind at work✌️

4 years ago

The few relatives I have left are  my Central California cousins none of whom speak to me any longer.  I made the mistake of having the mother who left for the big city of Los Angeles and raised a moderate to liberal daughter.  Obviously I have eventually going to hell and they don’t want to take any chances being close to me when it happens.  


4 years ago

I have a few friends who are trumpers – well, really they are conservative repubes and trump is their only choice – and here in East Bumfuck, in the heart of deep red WV, you aren’t likely to have friends who aren’t trumpers if you have more than a couple of friends. 

4 years ago

During the evening news time, 5-6 p.m. CST, there are still PSA’s about not smoking.  Not one PSA about Covid and wearing a mask and wearing a mask when you sneeze, etc. It’s been 6  months. My nephew in NJ says there’re on there. Guess they’re local.  So, no national COVID protection ads, eh?  Hope Biden does that.

4 years ago

I have a couple of trumper friends – husband and wife. They are trumpers because of one issue, which they misunderstand. Otherwise, they’d be McCain repubs.

4 years ago

They are both PhDs in history, so their republicanism is VERY mysterious.

4 years ago

LA Times published an article today with polls re: Kamala H and Karen B –  and Kamala had significantly more support by California democrats – 68% favorable for Kamala and 46% favorable for Karen.  12% had no opinon re: Kamala and 44% had none for Karen.  Bass did better in LA County – at 56%, but Kamala did about the same as her statewide numbers.  The poll also pitted Biden against SFB – Biden has a 28% margin over SFB – 56% to 28%.  Sorry, but I can’t copy the link to the story – it’s through Apple’s News feed so it doesn’t display the address of the story.

4 years ago

Pogo, I have a list of many reasons why Apple products suck, you just gave me another. 

4 years ago

PatD, yes of all the remarkable moments in that Axios interview his doubling down on the whistle to Maxwell was so telling 

4 years ago

Wow.  Maxwell should just start spilling before tRUMPco figures out a way to get to her.  Poo-tin always finds a way.

4 years ago

I think my branch of the family has a birth defect.  The tongue is firmly planted in the cheek.  This one from my granddaughter who is in lockdown with five daughters in her one room school house:


4 years ago

They gotta cool it with the hurricane names.  You know, it’s bad enough worrying about the huge-ass wind and rain storm without having a damn tongue twister for a name they say 10 Thousand times a day. 
I’ll take hurricane Bert 

4 years ago

Unless……..the hurricane namers are just fuckin with the broadcasters…….
”Try THIS on for size, ya Dimwit!”

He’s a he-ass.

4 years ago

Here’s what’s left for this year,

4 years ago

Next they’ll have Hurricane Biteme  

4 years ago

Well those are all just good old fashioned hurricane names.  Good for them.

4 years ago

I know what the bands will all be playing come Sally time.  

4 years ago

Sturg…  I call it the I-storm.
It’s pretty much over here.  We were lucky… lots of rain… no really big winds.

4 years ago

Sturg – Thanks for the memorable pronunciation lesson.

4 years ago

“Pathetic.” That’s what SFB called Dr. Birx.  I wonder if she’ll keep going back to her abusive boyfriend or try to protect her medical reputation?  

4 years ago

Great, you don’t exclude anyone. Most of my clients are all Republican and Trump voters. I just don’t go there. Lol, no way could I have a relationship with a Trumper or even a hot romance, haha. Quitting Facebook for me got me out of my Republican Uncles and Aunts timeline just in time in 2016. Now, Grace and I parted ways when 5 months after the election she referred to Hillary as “crooked Hillary”and said she should be locked up.
 She knew all too well, attack Hillary and we have a problem. Yes, a hero to me since the ’90s and The CHIPS program which Ashley greatly benefited after a head injury accident. I’m happy not to have the negativity in my life. Best to steer clear :0)

4 years ago

The yellow peril.   Horsefeathers. 

4 years ago

william randolph hearst was the yellow peril. His only positive was employing Ambrose Bierce. 

4 years ago

Tony… the secret to Jeanne’s and my relationship is we just don’t discuss politics…  but we do know we are on opposite sides.  If she tried to convince me to see things her way, that would change things.

4 years ago

Exactly Renee. That’s for the best. I don’t as a rule talk politics with most. I do have some Democrats as clients and friends and we do. Nothing is civil in the age of Trump so it’s for the best :0)

4 years ago

Poobah, yeah. LP kinda drove our Apple direction. I was happy with Android, but from my end the difference is minimal. Biggest impediment is the photo issue – can’t post photos here and the fuckin apps that say they shrink photo size are goddam Rubik’s cube-like. 
im with you on Hurricane names. How’s about Hurricane Fuku, or Hurricane Killingus? Hurricane Weirfuked?  

4 years ago

Yesterday, the US Census Bureau shortened the timeframe to respond.  The window now closes at the end of September.   

4 years ago

Waiting for everyone’s grandma, hurricane Nana, to be a cat 5.

My godson wanted a computer when he was about 11 or 12.  They put it in an old Apple box and he cried when he unwrapped it.  He already hated Apple. 

4 years ago

Hurricane Dipshit

4 years ago

We named something after you, Donnie!  Well, two things…

4 years ago

So, i’ve taken in a family member from a hotspot that lost their job, so now, i’ll be functioning at home like you do at work, and i’ll be sleeping outside for the foreseeable future.
Yay, 2020!😭

4 years ago

i went from a nice house to a fucking tent. Thanks, trump.

4 years ago

If this idiot becomes ambassador to Germany, can they refuse him entry?

4 years ago

Can you make your relative quarantine in the tent for two weeks? (Very good of you to take them in.)

4 years ago

Leading by example means i get the tent.

4 years ago

If the host country doesn’t want the particular Ambassador, it drags its feet in issuing the Agrément. After a while it becomes obvious that the Agrément is not forthcoming, so the country quietly withdraws the Ambassador back. This type of soft refusal does not happen often but it is not that rare. It is done quietly so that it doesn’t cause embarrassment to the country where the Ambassador is from.

4 years ago

Jamie – Thanks.  I really think tRUMP’s pick is like, well, let’s send an ugly American to sleep-away camp.

4 years ago

The German government could pay mcgregor & trump what they are due by refusing the former’s appointment on grounds that he is an russian agent. That’d be great optics just before the election.

4 years ago

Mr Bink gets the Fort Benning experience, minus the 25 mile trots, and the live fire ducking.
Wishing you dry, but soft, ground and no mosquitos !