Uh, me thinks White House and Trump focusing attacks on John Bolton’s book as illegally releasing classified information is an acknowledgement the book is accurate.
In a phone interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity last night Trump didn’t dispute Bolton’s revelations, instead said, “He broke the law. It’s very simple. I mean, uh, as much as it’s gonna be broken. This is highly classified, that’s the highest, it’s highly classified information, and he did not have approval.”
Washington Post White House Bureau Chief Philip Rucker: “There has been no effort so far by the White House to litigate or fact check any of the specific allegations and anecdotes contained in the book.” (MSNBC)
SFB – the gift that keeps on giving comics material. Looks like the majority of the violence at the George Floyd and other protests are coming from the right wing deplorables – who support SFB of course. WaPo.
As always, SFB on the wrong side of the issue, on the wrong side of history. Once again he’s just wrong – again. Yogi’s iconic statement applies perfectly. It’s deja vu all over again.
So far none of the excerpts describe SFB as someone with the IQ of a brick. But the words are about a person who does not grasp what being president is all about. The descriptions make him to the the man-child which when two was told to use his enemies as friends, and he kept it in his little head all this time. It will be interesting for a future tell-all book to let us know if he was taught that hitler was a good and great man.
One good thing about the book is advance copies were widely distributed to the media. No stopping the power of the press now.
The more leaks from the Bolton book the more obvious it becomes, the GOP as it currently exists is a criminal operation only concerned about greed and the lust for power.
Jean Kennedy Smith Dies at 92
Ms. Smith, the last-surviving sibling in a family that wrote itself into U.S. history, was the first Kennedy woman of her generation to take on a serious political role.
There’s factual information in that book, it can’t be released! Er, I mean, it’s lies, all lies! We don’t call him SFB for nuthin’
Based excerpts from Mary T’s, it sounds like Fred Sr. was a POS, too.
They all have to go the tRumps and the Kuschners. They want a presidential dynasty. They deserve, at best, a family cell block.
Gosh, he’s going to crush the hopes of 8 million ticket holders if the meanies make him cancel. To get even he will no longer plan on having a great economy.
bbronc, from a 2015 article in business insider:
and from that vanity fair piece: Is Ivana trying to convince her friends and lawyer that Trump is a crypto-Nazi? Trump is no reader or history buff. Perhaps his possession of Hitler’s speeches merely indicates an interest in Hitler’s genius at propaganda.
the vanity fair story also talks about his relationship with his father.
Anyone who didn’t think the stuff in Bolton’s book wouldn’t get out… well… they’re morons like trump.
And Bolton blames the fact that he didn’t testify in trump’s impeachment hearing on the Democrats. Says they botched it all up. Fuck You Bolton! You belong in Russia too!
an oped back in 2017 NYTimes warned us:
Well, we know he didn’t keep a Bible by his bed to read.
On a trip in a rental car. Car has a touch screen on the dash. I can set up my telephone so that the car shows me on the screen the roadmap of where I need to go and the radio tells me which lane I need to be in to make my turn….. if I still miss the turn, it tells me “You turn! You turn now!” Meanwhile, I can pull up pandora to play big band music, or New Orleans/Chicago blues/jazz, all of which will shut off for me if the telephone should happen should happen to ring. I can talk to them over the car radio. My dad would’ve actually shit a gold brick to have had something like that.
renee, I foresee Bolton’s lawyer coming out (falling on the sword) saying he was the one at fault for Bolton not voluntarily testifying because he had counselled him that a subpoena was necessary due to the NDA Bolton had signed at WH. Bolton through his lawyer did let house and senate know that he would testify if they would just issue a subpoena. no one took him up on it.
I guess the closest he ever came to it was that portable hand-held CB radio with the magnetic antenna which stuck up on the roof. Damn thing still works. We used to laugh about Dick Tracy’s two-way wrist radio.
Maggie H at NY Times has a column about SFB, it is about SFB possibly blowing off reelection. Here is my comment:
Bolton’s books is another tiny, momentary distraction from the worldwide pandemic. The orange bucket of lard likes that. .It’s only 2 days before his next distraction in Tulsa.
Someone asked me if I’m going to read the book, meaning also buy it. NOPE. He could have, should have testified at the impeachment. No, he held out for $2,000,000.00 instead. Another greedy repube and a war hawk to boot. Don’t know if his testimony might have helped prevent the hideous chaos since then. Probably not. But he’s part of the problem, not the solution.
TT – you bring up something very important, and due to the farce factory is buried deep, Bolton was never the right fit. I cannot remember who it was that wanted him in the WH, but there was republican opposition to the guy. Bolton probably thought he was going to get to bomb and destroy the world, but with the mess that is the administration he could not. His screed should put to rest that the guy is a good guy, he is not. He was a warmonger who could not get a war. I faintly remember there was something about his mustaches that SFB did not like too.
I recently had a rental car that had the dashboard rear view feature. Drove me crazy that I couldn’t look in the mirror to see what was going on back there.
Dame Vera Lynn the best of the WWII spirit has passed away at 103
keep on dreaming. Wow what has happened to the Supremes
The Supremes, unlike SFB, don’t suffer from acute narcissism and of course, have a conscience. It almost appears, with the activity over the past few weeks, that Trump is becoming somewhat irrelevant. That’s a scary thought.
What KC said. Now let’s see if dumbass tries to circumvent this ruling with an EO.
Just came back from the local Dunkin Donuts where Rick and I and an old friend ate breakfast on an outside table. So nice to see the friend… haven’t seen him since the middle of February. We did a lot of trashing trump.
And Happy Birthday to Paul McCartney
KGC – we will see the Supremes year with abortion and SFB taxes. Those should strain them a little bit too.
Thank God that Bolton had the courage to testify in the impeachment trial, when something could have been done about it.
Oh. Wait.
Getting concerned about WhskyJack. Emailed a couple days ago, no response.
Jack just said “ hello” , here, yesterday- he’s fine.
Layoffs, again, this week. I am safe, so far. More PPP, please. Congress seems to think it’s all opening up and A-OK, but no.
We need contact tracing, too, please.
Oh, 2 in the other side of the building have returned from 2-week quarantine because they knew they were exposed to someone with COVID. DIY, we are responsible for reporting and staying home.
Lock Ivanka Up
Craig… Jack posted this on Tuesday the 16th…
Craig, I’m ok, I visited my older sister and found myself on to wrong side of the digital divide and too dumb to use a smart phone. I forgot that not everybody has google fiber. Another reason for not moving to the country. Thanks for covering on Sunday next time I’ll plan better. Jack
BiD, the orange bucket of lard didn’t like Bolton’s mustache optics. He didn’t fit the visual profile.
Facebook took down SFB campaign ads which were nazi themed. Wow, finally an action.
If you use Facebook you support a business that not only facilitated manipulation of our electoral process but also willingly provides safe-harbor for hate-speech and calls for violence against vulnerable people. But hey, the grandkids!
“Facebook took down SFB campaign ads which were nazi themed. Wow, finally an action.” Great news! Hooray! Finally they did a little more than a little something!
Blow #1 to the #NotWell orange bucket of lard = LGBTQ ruling. Blow #2 = DACA! HOORAY!
Every so often even Facebook gets it right. From Wapo:
Amen Bink: “If you use Facebook you support a business that not only facilitated manipulation of our electoral process but also willingly provides safe-harbor for hate-speech and calls for violence against vulnerable people.”
I deleted my Facebook account the minute years ago we learned about their complicity with Russians. Now we learn their algorithms actually drive people to murderous hate sites.
Thanks RR, I missed that. So glad whysky OK
Wow, they took down an ad. Meanwhile it’s the internet’s #1 for meeting-up with fellow violence-seeking racists.
If you use Facebook, you might as well just directly donate to the trump campaign- same net result.
Thank you, Craig💪❤️🇺🇸
For contrast: perennial socially-inept douchebag and wanna-be evil Overlord of Everything Mark Zuckerberg, who quite frankly just got lucky with the timing of his release of Facebook, leading to his wealth, actively seeks to undermine Progressives while courting and appeasing the trump administration.
Jack Dorsey, similarly lucky in his internet business fortune, uses his wealth to advance social-justice causes, denounce racism, and doesn’t seem to be seeking some powerful social position among the elite class.
Point being, being rich is no excuse to be on the wrong side of history.
(…by the way, most of my friends and family are on FB [not all], i say all this same stuff to them, and love them regardless. The picture of their dinner and their baby at the park isn’t worth throwing away our society, imo, call me crazy)
Was he mentioned or were we just thinking it?
Ok, enough shaming from me for one day. i promised i wouldn’t post anymore music until Jack did, and he did! Wish i knew you when i was younger🤷♂️
Keep your head down, your mask on, your eyes forward, your mouth shut, and your mind right🧠❤️🇺🇸
Now for the other opinion. Yup… I’m on Facebook. I get to talk to my sister in Queens… all my relatives in Canada… relatives here in the USA… I’m in a private chatroom with my fellow League of NH Craftsmen …. I’m in a private chatroom for people who live in my town (it’s how I keep abreast of what’s happening), etc. etc. You can call me a nazi lover… a trump lover… or any other name you wish. I will continue to use Facebook.
and oh yeah… I still love football…. so bite me!
…biting people is a Covid risk, no thx
bbronc, your 10:12 is why I didn’t & don’t like Bolton. plus he’s probably responsible for us pulling out of the iran deal. I am glad though that he wrote the book if only to unsettle the faux news world and to help open a few eyes in their viewing audience. he used to be one the darlings of that world.
what joy there must be right now in many a DACA family.
Thank you for being reasonable, Chief Justice Roberts.
patd, finally the Supremes pulled through. DACA’s are probably both happy & wary and worried. Trust. I don’t blame them.
more proof that trump can’t read…
speaking of Bolton & fox, the hill:
Former Trump national security adviser John Bolton will be interviewed by Fox News “Special Report” anchor Bret Baier on Tuesday to discuss his new memoir on the Trump administration.
The interview is set to take place on the same day that the book, “The Room Where It Happened,” is set for release.
Bolton was a longtime Fox News contributor before joining the Trump administration.
His interview with Fox will air on Baier’s weekday program at 6 p.m.
Lin Manuel Mirada tweeting to make lemonade out of the Bolton Lemons
The real “Room Where It Happens” from Hamilton
I think he’s in for a bad case of harpies.
Kudos to Mr. Miranda. Well done, sir, well done.
Bolton was a weanie who cashed in rather than do the country a favor and trash tRump before the House. If the House had issued the goddam subopoenas and he fought his this would be a very different discussion. I think I may be entering the better late than never camp on Bolton’s book but I won’t buy it so that neither he nor the government will get money from its sale to me, depending on how the pending cases against Bolton transpire. I’ll see enough of it in the press, what with over 100,000 copies already out there.
And I have a Facebook account that I last actually posted anything on in March 2018 in response to a message from Jamie after peeking in to CB’s site. Hard to get steered if you don’t play on the site. A buddy from HS posted this at that same time, and it’s apt. “Its against Larrys code of ethics for West Virginia lawyers from Alabama to goof off on FB more than twice a year (three times if Mississippi State plays Bama close)” Pretty much sums it up. And yeah, in the real world Pogo is called Larry.
And yes to football. No need to worry about anyone biting you, Renee, at least not me. But that is 1/3 of one of my favorite “bite me” sayings – “Beat me, bite me, make me write bad checks.”
One of my favorite quotes from Space Camp
“Whip Me, Beat Me, Take away my credit cards”
A ….caravan……of white South Africans?
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Just now released on FOX
As TX has re-opened, there is a spike in COVID in daycare centers.
Schools are opening in August, but will offer an alternative to those who don’t want to physically have their kids in school. And why would they? They will not require students to wear masks nor check for symptoms. I would not want to be a teacher or a student in TX.
OVER 3,000 NEW CORONAVIRUS CASES IN ONE DAY! And this fool, DeSantis, keeps saying full speed ahead on reopening Florida. Says he going to reopen public schools in August. Wish he could be recalled.
Life is good. This week brings a lot of outside pressure on the WH. Something that has not occurred before. There were a few single things, such as the Women’s March. But most of the crazy originated from the East Wing. Now we are seeing, in a single week:
LGBTQ rights
Bolton tell all
Niece tell all
So much hitting all at once from outside the fool cannot keep up with his tweets. He is staggering and it is fun to watch.
Kellyanne Conway on FOX right now, looks really different
Defund Ohio
John Cornyn to file a bill to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, but he questions systemic racism.
It looks like Kellyanne got her face shot full of fillers and Botox…or maybe she’s just allergic to bees.
Clueless. This is a disaster in the making. https://www.texastribune.org/2020/06/18/texas-schools-reopening-fall/
If Gov Cuomo wants folks traveling from FL to NY to self-quarantine, does that mean tRump can’t go anywhere in NYC except his gold toilet building if he’s coming from Mar-A-Ego?
Instead of giving Bolton money for info, maybe a nightly book reading, as so many have done during quarantine. Just use the free copies given out to prime the pump. One page a night.
Anybody got a post for tomorrow?
Tomorrow is Juneteenth, which I believe we had all head of before SFB “made it famous.” I wonder how many other crazy, self-congratulatory things he’s said?
Kellyann has certainly been “refreshed” courtesy of nip and tuck via botox and other forms of plumping.
craig, a bun is in the oven
That photo of the condom is going unbelievable. And what does she have in her mouth. Is that where they blew her up
Mabbe she’s preparing for the witness protection program.
LMFAO that no one’s heard of Juneteenth. Well, I knew about from the 1970’s. When ever the orange bucket of lard says no one’s heard of it, we all know he means him.
BiD, it’ll be interesting to see just how many teachers either quit or retire in Tejas due to Covid-19. Too too bad the preschoolers have it.
Hard to know why folks don’t understand that it’s a freakin’ virus! GAH!
Mabbe SCOTUS grew a conscience or morals or a backbone and did the right thing.
It ain’t just Botox and fillers to move Kellyanne from that rode hard and put up wet to good looking enough to get picked up after midnight but before last call. Just don’t listen to her or she’s still a closing time date.
I’d have to have consumed a got a pint of Weller’s Barrel Proof to pick that thing up. She must have a portrait hidden in her attic. Or, she’s that shape-shifter from out of Lovecraft’s Mythology.
Meanwhile, Lukovich nails the xtian scribes and pharisees perfectly :
For Trump supporters, admitting they are wrong should not be this hard. But it is.
Roberts ruling : trump admin DACA docs are lies, sloppy lies, and bare-faced undisguised lies.
Pretty sure a lot of women would sell their souls to look as good as KellyAnne at that age. Don’t fault her just because she did.
Listen: we can agree or disagree, politically, without tearing down women, based on appearance. It all comes down to one fundamental question:
Do you support LOCKING INNOCENT CHILDREN IN CAGES or don’t you?
If you do, you’re pure fucking evil, and should vote for Trump.
…guy dies, goes to heaven, meets God:
God: “Hello, my child. This is My Kingdom. Before I let you in i have a few questions.”
guy: “Ok, but isn’t this St. Peter’s job? And are you Jesus, or God, or…”
God: “I’m the one asking the questions, here!! And just to be clear, I’m “God”, here, “Jesus” down there, and the “Holy Spirit” everywhere else.
guy: “Shouldn’t there be a comma between ‘everywhere’ and ‘else’?”
God: “How dare you correct my Grammar?! Just me saying it makes it correct!!”
guy: “Sorry, God/Jesus…”
God: “I forgive you: it’s what I do. Not saying I’m a great Guy or anything, although i’m literally the Greatest Guy. Anywhoo…
Were you a good person?”
guy: “I tried, Lord.”
God: “Good. Did you go to church every Sunday?”
guy: “No, Lord, but i always had you close in my heart.”
God: “Good. Did you ever swear or take my name in vain?”
guy: “Yes, Lord, and for that I’m very sorry.”
God: “Good. I forgive you. I just threw in that ‘name in vain’ thing to keep you on your toes, anyway. When you did go to church, did you tithe?”
guy: “No, Lord. But one year, when I was doing very well, I put a thousand dollars in the collection plate.”
God: “Yes, I remember. I was very proud of you. What about the ‘unborn’? Did you make sure to defend the defenseless?”
guy: “Yes, Lord. I only donated to Pro-Life causes and even attended a Pro-Life demonstration , once, in my nation’s capital!”
God: “Wow, that’s great. I remember looking down on you at that protest. So, Here’s the final question, before i welcome you to eternal paradise:
Did you knowingly vote for a guy that, as a matter of policy, punitively LOCKED INNOCENT CHILDREN IN CAGES?”
guy: “Yes, Lord. I was trying to help make America great, again.”
God: “You fucking idiot. Go to hell.”
Holy shit (pardon the pun), and this is independent of my previous posts:
We all probably knew that sunflowers face the sun, during the day, twisting and turning throughout as the sun changes position in the sky. Well, i just noticed that they face east BEFORE SUNRISE. Not only can these flowers predict the future, but they modify their behavior based on that information.
i may now be able to make a defensible argument that flowers are smarter than people.
OK, have a good day.