A Remembered joke From “Boy’s Life” magazine:3 elderly ladies are walking down the street. The First Lady says, “It sure is windy today.” The 2nd lady says, “No, it’s Thursday.” The 3rd lady says, “So am I, lets get a cup of tea.”
Having finished my lunch, I was ambling down the sidewalk towards the Hotel in Champagne, Ill. I found myself blocked by 2 elderly ladies, each carrying 2 bags of groceries. So I was just ambling along behind them a ways. I came into hearing in the middle of their conversation, and the First Lady says, “ They was going to give him the gas chamber, but the judge, he changed it to life.” And the other says, “mm-mm-mmm.”
Not wantin to scare them, I passed them before I found out what the story was, but it sounded like it might have been a good one.
Dorothy was right. I used to get lost in the library leaping from subject to subject. Now getting stuck on google is a similar condition. She was also right about other things:
thankfully i’ve been fascinated by the study of virology, alleviates some of the boredom. The behavior of viruses and how scientists fight them is really interesting.
I’ve got too many yet to be completed “projects” around the Pogo homestead to be bored. I substitute avoidance for boredom and talk about getting them done. Then I hit the recliner, turn on the TV and ice my knee, thinking about which project I should tackle next.
I don’t get boredom either… wish a day lasted 48 hrs to begin to do all I’d like to do.
I trust everyone had a good Memorial Day. Rick and I planted our garden and spread some loam around our woodshed. Gonna grow some grass there. I made fried chicken. It was too cold for a barbecue… but beautiful weather for the work we did. Gonna be in the high 80s for the next 3 days…. time to get my shorts and sandals out.
Renee, that weather hit here a day or so before it got to you. Yesterday was 92 and sunny here (a record for the date) and is following it up with another hot, sunny one today – forecast for 90. Weekend looks to be shaping up nicely though – sunny and low 70s.
Like you and Rick I’m trying to get grass to grow where it doesn’t generally – I may have to try loam or something – problem is it’s one of those deep shade areas with really crappy soil. Ah, the projects never end.
If something needs doing, some dang fool will invent a machine to do it.
I had one of those jobs way back for a few weeks…..they’d pallet truck up to my station at the single bit drill press a pallet stacked 4’ x 4’ x 4’ with little blocks of wood, about 15” x 4” x 3/4”……it would be the two ends of a wooden co-cola crate. It needed 2 holes on each end and 2 left of center and 2 right of center. Little marks for where the piece was placed to drill each hole. So my gig was take a piece off the full pallet, drill the 8 holes, and begin to stack the drilled pieces on an empty pallet on the other side. Full pallet to the left, empty to the right. When the left was empty, and the right fully stacked ( there was allegedly a method of stacking which prevented teetering and crashing to the floor hundreds of co-cola crate end pieces.). Someone would pick up the full pallet and truck it to the next station where they’d cut in the handles
We came up with a two-bit music job in some ungodly hell hole and I bid them a fond adieu.
The thing about this one job was the guy—he may have been mildly retarded or something—he didn’t talk, but the thing around there was someone would ask him a question so he’d talk, but in order to talk he’d first have to find a scrap of wood , not hard in a place which made ladders and co-cola crates, get out his pencil and scribble on the wood the whole time he was talking. Near as I remember it wasn’t writing or drawing, just scribbling. But it never got old with the guys.
Poll after poll in battleground states show 65 voters abandoning Trump over virus handling. Who are their kids? Baby boomers worried sick, many (like me) can’t visit their parents, also fed up with Trump Plague in Chief.
My production line gig was short, too – about 6 weeks of 2nd shift work at a little manufacturing plant in Southside – it made a bunch of different geegaws from wire and washers – mine was making snap ties. Before I worked there I didn’t know what the hell a snap tie was. A friend from HS got me the gig in summer of about ’71 or ’72 during the steel strike and the plant shutdown. I’d get a box of wire, bent to shape by someone who worked day shift, and I’d put washers and plastic hickeys on it and would crimp a washer on each end so the gizmo wouldn’t fall apart. I’d throw it in the bin beside the press and do it again. Best thing about that job was the soda machine – it had RC Cola with lemon. Not sure why that wasn’t a huge success. I loved it. It was also a cool challenge to get home and not get caught by any traffic lights – which was a pretty good feat that I mastered after a week or so – no traffic on 1st and 4th avenues South that time of night. Took me just over a half hour to get to work, and just over 14 minutes to get home. Had a Fiat 850 fast back I thought was a sports car and just loved racing to get past one and creeping not to get caught by another.
Poobah, love to see a NC poll after SFB’s threat to mover the RNC convention this August. Not sure whether it would energize the frustrated NCarolinians to support him or prompt them to tell him to fuck off and go to Joe. It’s a very close margin there right now.
North Dakota would be a good place for them to go and infect each other. The U.S. and world is still facing the eighty percent of this novel coronavirus. From the best guesses less than twenty percent of the population has faced the disease (that includes the percentage that took it to their graves). We are just beginning to feel the effects. What did happen was where simple face masks and two meter spreading kept it from getting worse. You can see that and it vividly demonstrated by those good church goers who hold hands, hug and sing loudly together. They get sick and die. The other good church goers who watch on the telly do not get sick and die.
Jim Clyburn just nailed it to the wall on “The View” about Biden’s black remark, and whom he should pick for VP. Many would do well to follow his lead.
I am curious as to why two men in my company, both managers, refuse to wear masks and stay away from others? I just walked by them bitching about how all of the models were wrong and they didn’t need those ships or medical tents. One spits when he talks and will not back up when I tell him to (through my masked face), except for the day he walked into my office and threw mail onto my desk. I hate this place! Make the managers behave! Mine works from home most days. I’ve complained. Nothing will get done until someone gets really sick. The death of a former co-worker’s husband wasn’t a close enough call for the magaTs.
For tRump, asses in pews is about conservative voters backing a racist, rapist, liar. For churches, it’s about keeping their power-base…and the collection plate.
What I was taught in confirmation class at the Methodist church was that a church is not a building, it’s the people. It’s each person. You do not have to go to a building to commune with God. Pray in your closet, not in public like the hypocrites.
It is also a hostile work environment.
If you don’t want to take it up with HR
Treat them like I do my cats. Get a squirt gun. If they get with in 6 ft of you with out a mask squirt them and tell them to back off until they have a mask properly in place. By their behavior they are obviously high risk covid candidates.
Then again if you do that you may be the one getting fired, so maybe not.
I believe the bible quote goes something like this.
“Where ever 3 people are gathered in my name” no mention of a building as I recall. That doesn’t mean you can’t be religious by yourself. It is just by definition a church takes more than one person.
I know some goobers in Dallas from music days and they’re all over it, freedoms stolen, hoax, gonna have to start shooting soon, masks are bullshit, the whole nine yards….they’re sickening, but I keep em on just to keep up with the situation…….despicable cretins
It is the Highway patrol, trooper sunglasses that do it.
Someone else pointed out that He was the Winter Soldier from the Captain America franchise
I’m not for sure if that was a positive or not but it is bad ass.
This is as optimistic for Dems as I’ve seen Ron all year. The dude knows his numbers: Ronald Brownstein (@RonBrownstein) tweeted: After Nov, Dems are poised to control all 8 Senate seats in NM/NV/CO & AZ for the 1st time since 1941. Biden could become 1st D to win all 4 since Truman in 48. That would be a milestone in the reconfiguration of the electoral map accelerating under Trump. https://t.co/GtR0m6Q0PR
here’s how politico reported Clyburn critique: “I cringed, no question about that,” the South Carolina congressman said of Biden in an interview on “The View.” But Clyburn chalked the remarks — which were rebuked by President Donald Trump, his GOP allies, and even fellow Democrats — up to a misstatement by Biden. Clyburn argued that everyone says things they don’t mean from time to time. “They come out a little bit wrong, and that’s what happened here,” he said. […] He noted that Charlamagne, who shares the same South Carolina hometown as his late wife, aims “to push the buttons” of his interview subjects, “and he does that very well.” “In this instance, Joe did not do as well as I had hoped in responding,” he said. “But I will say this: I go about my business every day comparing Joe Biden to the alternative, not the almighty. He is not a perfect person. None of us are.” Asked what his message to black voters offended by Biden’s comments would be, Clyburn invoked the same explanation he’d given when endorsing Biden back in February. “I think all of us know Joe Biden. I’ve said that. I know him. And he knows me. He knows the African-American community very well. I’ve done a lot of stuff with Joe Biden over the years, and I would not have supported him if I did not think he was best suited to be the next president of the United States,” he argued. “It’s just… Read more »
good time to start a pool on what state gets the GOPers convene. my bet is on floriduh, as close to (if not at in a limited reservation pre-pay cash only) mal an ego so IMpotus can just waddle down some fool’s gold stairway
It’s crazy. trump wants desperately to change the conversation from the 100,000 dead ‘milestone,’ and inadvertently offends a big swing state. Everyone would have ignored this in ’16, but today, he’s bleeding votes whatever the topic. If you think about it, this is as bizarre as a Twilight Zone story. An nutty crank & amateur to politics makes half the nation angry on his way to the White House, but none of the garbage sticks to him. He waddles successfully onward, smashing rules, codes of conduct, admin law, felony law, constitutional law, leaving mobster whim as the law of the land. The most stable and powerful country on earth is reduced to debating whether or not facts are true, or even facts. Then suddenly, a deadly pandemic sweeps the world; the Destroying Amateur screws up the government response to the disease. Suddenly this deadly virus, only a half-alive ultra-primitive bundle of proteins, does what the House, Senate and American courts can’t do. It unmasks and unmans the pseudo-messiah. Suddenly he can’t get away with anything. He suggests that people inject themselves with bleach. He confesses that he takes a drug that triggers psychoses and death. Even his planned apotheosis, deep in heart of his formerly supportive Confederacy blows up in his orange face. In the end, a deadly bundle of proteins, the lowest form of life, if it can even properly be called alive, saves the nation from the Destroying Amateur. It’s a great story, but even… Read more »
Excellent Biden interview on CNN just now: “He’s a fool, an absolute fool to talk that way,” Biden about Trump belittling his wearing of a mask. “This macho stuff … It’s costing people’s lives.”
Biden in a black mask and dark aviators! He looks cool & that’s gotta be killing tRump. It’s the smart thing to do, but SFB is superficial and that won’t matter to him. But Biden looking like a badass…that will get to him. Ha!
patD – We need a Joe Cool (Peanuts) ‘toon! please.
There are two folks at work who were supporters of SFB but they are wearing masks when they come to the office and work from home most of the time. Here’s the deal. They are women. Do you suppose that SFB is losing some of the female demo?
Biden on CNN about Trump: “This is a fella who looks like he’s having trouble controlling his own emotions…What worries me, he seems to get more erratic the more he feels like he’s behind the curve.”
Who does tRump think will buy his claim that he had anything to do with the ~low~ death toll? The governors were the ones who held down the death count. In Texas, it was actually the Dallas county judge who got out in front of this thing while Greg Abbott waited for an OK from tRump. tRump also said he wasn’t responsible, at one point. Send the toddler tyrant to his room. Never let him out.
Waiting for tRump to have a sputtering aneurysm over that one. No, he can’t control his emotions. Mommy emasculated him. He was the loser, second son; daddy only loved Fred Jr. He was never able to accomplish anything without paying for it and lying about. A joke, a loser, and a wanna-be tyrant.
That lady in Central Park That’s some sad stuff right there, all the way around. Down here, just a few miles down the road this lady walked down to see the alligator on the bank, took some pics and some selfies. 9 1/2 foot gator. Neighbors and other people are screaming at her to get away but she decides to pet the alligator and the alligator got her by the leg, drug her out into the pond. Cops are there by now. When the gator surfaced one time with the drowned woman in his mouth, they shot him and retrieved the body. Strange world we live in, Master Jack……
John Kasich on CNN about Trump dissing masks: “Be a leader. Leaders have to set an example. There’s no example being set here. It’s just extremely disappointing. You’ve got to be responsible. It’s terrible. There’s no excuse for it. Unbelievable to me.”
That’s pretty brutal on the front page losing a VP level job living in NYC by the park.
That’s Tonya Harding level sad. With Tonya, it was like overnight all the skater glitter fell off, and what was showing thru was just a mess of tawdry.
sturg – That’s just my armchair psychology. He could also just be a spoiled brat with “affluenza,” unable to know right from wrong. All I know for sure is that the orange boy ain’t right.
Twitter has now invented a woman that Trump supposedly murdered because she was pregnant. It has its own hashtag #justiceforCarolyn. It started a few hours ago and has now gone completely bonkers with people enlarging and adding more rumors.
I don’t have a clue how Twitter could stop it, but it definitely proves that a lie can race around the world before the truth gets its shoes on.
· 7h
Donald Trump killed his personal assistant, Carolyn Gombell, in October 2000. He strangled her because he’d gotten her pregnant and was threatening to tell the press. Then he bribed NYPD Police Chief Bernie Kierik to cover it up. IT’S TIME TO INVESTIGATE. #JusticeForCarolyn
I used to have a tiny desk theory about boredom, which was that creativity springs from boredom.
ie Boredom is the field in which creativity grows.
A Remembered joke From “Boy’s Life” magazine:3 elderly ladies are walking down the street. The First Lady says, “It sure is windy today.” The 2nd lady says, “No, it’s Thursday.” The 3rd lady says, “So am I, lets get a cup of tea.”
Having finished my lunch, I was ambling down the sidewalk towards the Hotel in Champagne, Ill. I found myself blocked by 2 elderly ladies, each carrying 2 bags of groceries. So I was just ambling along behind them a ways. I came into hearing in the middle of their conversation, and the First Lady says, “ They was going to give him the gas chamber, but the judge, he changed it to life.” And the other says, “mm-mm-mmm.”
Not wantin to scare them, I passed them before I found out what the story was, but it sounded like it might have been a good one.
Dulce et decorum est pro oeconomia mori.
est oeconomia = patria?
When he died I posted Mori Amsterdam.
I was bored.
above video not much different from this weekend’s pool and beach scenes i
Dorothy was right. I used to get lost in the library leaping from subject to subject. Now getting stuck on google is a similar condition. She was also right about other things:
“Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
a medley of Exterporanea
And love is a thing that can never go wrong.
And I am Marie of Romania”
thankfully i’ve been fascinated by the study of virology, alleviates some of the boredom. The behavior of viruses and how scientists fight them is really interesting.
I’ve got too many yet to be completed “projects” around the Pogo homestead to be bored. I substitute avoidance for boredom and talk about getting them done. Then I hit the recliner, turn on the TV and ice my knee, thinking about which project I should tackle next.
Stupid people that need to be told what to do get bored- it is known.
(no academic studies needed)
i say a lot of dismissive and insulting things about trump-supporters. Here’s a vid that demonstrates all such castigation is justified:
^that’s the company you’re keeping, trumpies. Pathetic.
I love the little toy bullhorn. That’s precious.
I don’t get boredom either… wish a day lasted 48 hrs to begin to do all I’d like to do.
I trust everyone had a good Memorial Day. Rick and I planted our garden and spread some loam around our woodshed. Gonna grow some grass there. I made fried chicken. It was too cold for a barbecue… but beautiful weather for the work we did. Gonna be in the high 80s for the next 3 days…. time to get my shorts and sandals out.
Who radicalized Ronald Reagan?
Renee, that weather hit here a day or so before it got to you. Yesterday was 92 and sunny here (a record for the date) and is following it up with another hot, sunny one today – forecast for 90. Weekend looks to be shaping up nicely though – sunny and low 70s.
Like you and Rick I’m trying to get grass to grow where it doesn’t generally – I may have to try loam or something – problem is it’s one of those deep shade areas with really crappy soil. Ah, the projects never end.
Test (if it works, here’s the origin of the iconic Pogo saying)
Uh, oh, looks like you may have created a monster, Poobah.
How to
If something needs doing, some dang fool will invent a machine to do it.
I had one of those jobs way back for a few weeks…..they’d pallet truck up to my station at the single bit drill press a pallet stacked 4’ x 4’ x 4’ with little blocks of wood, about 15” x 4” x 3/4”……it would be the two ends of a wooden co-cola crate. It needed 2 holes on each end and 2 left of center and 2 right of center. Little marks for where the piece was placed to drill each hole. So my gig was take a piece off the full pallet, drill the 8 holes, and begin to stack the drilled pieces on an empty pallet on the other side. Full pallet to the left, empty to the right. When the left was empty, and the right fully stacked ( there was allegedly a method of stacking which prevented teetering and crashing to the floor hundreds of co-cola crate end pieces.). Someone would pick up the full pallet and truck it to the next station where they’d cut in the handles
Right? i hear people are bored under quarantine and think “does the threat of impending apocalypse not compel enough to do?”
We came up with a two-bit music job in some ungodly hell hole and I bid them a fond adieu.
The thing about this one job was the guy—he may have been mildly retarded or something—he didn’t talk, but the thing around there was someone would ask him a question so he’d talk, but in order to talk he’d first have to find a scrap of wood , not hard in a place which made ladders and co-cola crates, get out his pencil and scribble on the wood the whole time he was talking. Near as I remember it wasn’t writing or drawing, just scribbling. But it never got old with the guys.
Poll after poll in battleground states show 65 voters abandoning Trump over virus handling. Who are their kids? Baby boomers worried sick, many (like me) can’t visit their parents, also fed up with Trump Plague in Chief.
My production line gig was short, too – about 6 weeks of 2nd shift work at a little manufacturing plant in Southside – it made a bunch of different geegaws from wire and washers – mine was making snap ties. Before I worked there I didn’t know what the hell a snap tie was. A friend from HS got me the gig in summer of about ’71 or ’72 during the steel strike and the plant shutdown. I’d get a box of wire, bent to shape by someone who worked day shift, and I’d put washers and plastic hickeys on it and would crimp a washer on each end so the gizmo wouldn’t fall apart. I’d throw it in the bin beside the press and do it again. Best thing about that job was the soda machine – it had RC Cola with lemon. Not sure why that wasn’t a huge success. I loved it. It was also a cool challenge to get home and not get caught by any traffic lights – which was a pretty good feat that I mastered after a week or so – no traffic on 1st and 4th avenues South that time of night. Took me just over a half hour to get to work, and just over 14 minutes to get home. Had a Fiat 850 fast back I thought was a sports car and just loved racing to get past one and creeping not to get caught by another.
“ Near as I remember it wasn’t writing or drawing, just scribbling. But it never got old with the guys.”
-that’s the kind of cruelty trumpies want back in our society.
Poobah, love to see a NC poll after SFB’s threat to mover the RNC convention this August. Not sure whether it would energize the frustrated NCarolinians to support him or prompt them to tell him to fuck off and go to Joe. It’s a very close margin there right now.
North Dakota would be a good place for them to go and infect each other. The U.S. and world is still facing the eighty percent of this novel coronavirus. From the best guesses less than twenty percent of the population has faced the disease (that includes the percentage that took it to their graves). We are just beginning to feel the effects. What did happen was where simple face masks and two meter spreading kept it from getting worse. You can see that and it vividly demonstrated by those good church goers who hold hands, hug and sing loudly together. They get sick and die. The other good church goers who watch on the telly do not get sick and die.
Jim Clyburn just nailed it to the wall on “The View” about Biden’s black remark, and whom he should pick for VP. Many would do well to follow his lead.
It’ll be on the internet soon.
I am curious as to why two men in my company, both managers, refuse to wear masks and stay away from others? I just walked by them bitching about how all of the models were wrong and they didn’t need those ships or medical tents. One spits when he talks and will not back up when I tell him to (through my masked face), except for the day he walked into my office and threw mail onto my desk. I hate this place! Make the managers behave! Mine works from home most days. I’ve complained. Nothing will get done until someone gets really sick. The death of a former co-worker’s husband wasn’t a close enough call for the magaTs.
…you’re describing domineering behavior: that’s a power-move they’re making.
Never did get bored when I was a kid. Summer days lasted forever. Here’s something for all you kiddos.
For tRump, asses in pews is about conservative voters backing a racist, rapist, liar. For churches, it’s about keeping their power-base…and the collection plate.
What I was taught in confirmation class at the Methodist church was that a church is not a building, it’s the people. It’s each person. You do not have to go to a building to commune with God. Pray in your closet, not in public like the hypocrites.
It is also a hostile work environment.
If you don’t want to take it up with HR
Treat them like I do my cats. Get a squirt gun. If they get with in 6 ft of you with out a mask squirt them and tell them to back off until they have a mask properly in place. By their behavior they are obviously high risk covid candidates.
Then again if you do that you may be the one getting fired, so maybe not.
I believe the bible quote goes something like this.
“Where ever 3 people are gathered in my name” no mention of a building as I recall. That doesn’t mean you can’t be religious by yourself. It is just by definition a church takes more than one person.
I know some goobers in Dallas from music days and they’re all over it, freedoms stolen, hoax, gonna have to start shooting soon, masks are bullshit, the whole nine yards….they’re sickening, but I keep em on just to keep up with the situation…….despicable cretins
The kingdom of god is within you
Luke 17- 20,21
X-r…….this an example of learning something way back that kinda just sticks with ya.
Bad Ass Biden
Eubie playing
Before our very eyes the wax is melting under the hot glare of the presidency.
It is the Highway patrol, trooper sunglasses that do it.
Someone else pointed out that He was the Winter Soldier from the Captain America franchise
I’m not for sure if that was a positive or not but it is bad ass.
The Winter Soldier
This is as optimistic for Dems as I’ve seen Ron all year. The dude knows his numbers: Ronald Brownstein (@RonBrownstein) tweeted: After Nov, Dems are poised to control all 8 Senate seats in NM/NV/CO & AZ for the 1st time since 1941. Biden could become 1st D to win all 4 since Truman in 48. That would be a milestone in the reconfiguration of the electoral map accelerating under Trump. https://t.co/GtR0m6Q0PR
here’s how politico reported Clyburn critique: “I cringed, no question about that,” the South Carolina congressman said of Biden in an interview on “The View.” But Clyburn chalked the remarks — which were rebuked by President Donald Trump, his GOP allies, and even fellow Democrats — up to a misstatement by Biden. Clyburn argued that everyone says things they don’t mean from time to time. “They come out a little bit wrong, and that’s what happened here,” he said. […] He noted that Charlamagne, who shares the same South Carolina hometown as his late wife, aims “to push the buttons” of his interview subjects, “and he does that very well.” “In this instance, Joe did not do as well as I had hoped in responding,” he said. “But I will say this: I go about my business every day comparing Joe Biden to the alternative, not the almighty. He is not a perfect person. None of us are.” Asked what his message to black voters offended by Biden’s comments would be, Clyburn invoked the same explanation he’d given when endorsing Biden back in February. “I think all of us know Joe Biden. I’ve said that. I know him. And he knows me. He knows the African-American community very well. I’ve done a lot of stuff with Joe Biden over the years, and I would not have supported him if I did not think he was best suited to be the next president of the United States,” he argued. “It’s just… Read more »
good time to start a pool on what state gets the GOPers convene. my bet is on floriduh, as close to (if not at in a limited reservation pre-pay cash only) mal an ego so IMpotus can just waddle down some fool’s gold stairway
Check it out. Pence gets a mini-me podium.
Florida strikes me as the most likely candidate, and I’d think he’s want it at Bedbug Palace, errr, Doral. I’m betting the RNC stays in Charlotte.
We have tables with 2 chairs at them set up like this in our lunchroom at work. We also have barrier-free tables with just one chair at them.
Maybe Trump is taking a cue from the Andy Kaufman talk show?
It’s crazy. trump wants desperately to change the conversation from the 100,000 dead ‘milestone,’ and inadvertently offends a big swing state. Everyone would have ignored this in ’16, but today, he’s bleeding votes whatever the topic. If you think about it, this is as bizarre as a Twilight Zone story. An nutty crank & amateur to politics makes half the nation angry on his way to the White House, but none of the garbage sticks to him. He waddles successfully onward, smashing rules, codes of conduct, admin law, felony law, constitutional law, leaving mobster whim as the law of the land. The most stable and powerful country on earth is reduced to debating whether or not facts are true, or even facts. Then suddenly, a deadly pandemic sweeps the world; the Destroying Amateur screws up the government response to the disease. Suddenly this deadly virus, only a half-alive ultra-primitive bundle of proteins, does what the House, Senate and American courts can’t do. It unmasks and unmans the pseudo-messiah. Suddenly he can’t get away with anything. He suggests that people inject themselves with bleach. He confesses that he takes a drug that triggers psychoses and death. Even his planned apotheosis, deep in heart of his formerly supportive Confederacy blows up in his orange face. In the end, a deadly bundle of proteins, the lowest form of life, if it can even properly be called alive, saves the nation from the Destroying Amateur. It’s a great story, but even… Read more »
Excellent Biden interview on CNN just now: “He’s a fool, an absolute fool to talk that way,” Biden about Trump belittling his wearing of a mask. “This macho stuff … It’s costing people’s lives.”
Biden in a black mask and dark aviators! He looks cool & that’s gotta be killing tRump. It’s the smart thing to do, but SFB is superficial and that won’t matter to him. But Biden looking like a badass…that will get to him. Ha!
patD – We need a Joe Cool (Peanuts) ‘toon! please.
There are two folks at work who were supporters of SFB but they are wearing masks when they come to the office and work from home most of the time. Here’s the deal. They are women. Do you suppose that SFB is losing some of the female demo?
Biden on CNN about Trump: “This is a fella who looks like he’s having trouble controlling his own emotions…What worries me, he seems to get more erratic the more he feels like he’s behind the curve.”
Who does tRump think will buy his claim that he had anything to do with the ~low~ death toll? The governors were the ones who held down the death count. In Texas, it was actually the Dallas county judge who got out in front of this thing while Greg Abbott waited for an OK from tRump. tRump also said he wasn’t responsible, at one point. Send the toddler tyrant to his room. Never let him out.
Waiting for tRump to have a sputtering aneurysm over that one. No, he can’t control his emotions. Mommy emasculated him. He was the loser, second son; daddy only loved Fred Jr. He was never able to accomplish anything without paying for it and lying about. A joke, a loser, and a wanna-be tyrant.
Wish Colleen was here to really give us the full poop on what’s wrong with tRump’s tiny brain.
Those people making fun of trump’s golf outfit are just lampooning the great wide wales.
That’s very sad.
Face of brass; feet of clay. He’s been prophesied. Repeatedly. There’s one in every age.
The Historical arc of Reagan.
40 years, with a couple of democratic hiccups.
That lady in Central Park That’s some sad stuff right there, all the way around. Down here, just a few miles down the road this lady walked down to see the alligator on the bank, took some pics and some selfies. 9 1/2 foot gator. Neighbors and other people are screaming at her to get away but she decides to pet the alligator and the alligator got her by the leg, drug her out into the pond. Cops are there by now. When the gator surfaced one time with the drowned woman in his mouth, they shot him and retrieved the body. Strange world we live in, Master Jack……
100,136 dead.
Worse than the Battle of Gettysburg.
John Kasich on CNN about Trump dissing masks: “Be a leader. Leaders have to set an example. There’s no example being set here. It’s just extremely disappointing. You’ve got to be responsible. It’s terrible. There’s no excuse for it. Unbelievable to me.”
That’s pretty brutal on the front page losing a VP level job living in NYC by the park.
That’s Tonya Harding level sad. With Tonya, it was like overnight all the skater glitter fell off, and what was showing thru was just a mess of tawdry.
Oh, those golden parachutes.
Book of the Month:
Ethan Frome
sturg – That’s just my armchair psychology. He could also just be a spoiled brat with “affluenza,” unable to know right from wrong. All I know for sure is that the orange boy ain’t right.
xrep – Rod Serling couldn’t have come up with that one.
Twitter has now invented a woman that Trump supposedly murdered because she was pregnant. It has its own hashtag #justiceforCarolyn. It started a few hours ago and has now gone completely bonkers with people enlarging and adding more rumors.
I don’t have a clue how Twitter could stop it, but it definitely proves that a lie can race around the world before the truth gets its shoes on.
· 7h
Donald Trump killed his personal assistant, Carolyn Gombell, in October 2000. He strangled her because he’d gotten her pregnant and was threatening to tell the press. Then he bribed NYPD Police Chief Bernie Kierik to cover it up. IT’S TIME TO INVESTIGATE. #JusticeForCarolyn
Am I wrong in thinking that the poor woman was cremated before all these charges surfaced?
Hertz paid top executives $16 million in bonuses ahead of its bankruptcy filing”
Four Minneapolis officers are fired after video shows one kneeling on neck of black man who later died”
Finally, Twitter did a little something. A very little something with the dictator’s Tweets.
for BiD