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4 years ago

sturge,  copper hoppers?  either great paint job or a very very expensive piece of work.

4 years ago

by George again at 


The Supreme Court agreed unanimously that Jones could proceed, and, like the op-ed, quoted from the Founders’ debates about the status of the president: “Far from being above the laws, he is amenable to them in his private character as a citizen, and in his public character by impeachment.” Which meant that while a president could be impeached for official misconduct, he “is otherwise subject to the laws” — and therefore could be sued — “for his purely private acts.”
I couldn’t have imagined then that another president would challenge that proposition. Then again, I couldn’t have imagined President Donald Trump.
But here we are. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear telephonic arguments in three cases addressing whether Trump can keep his tax and financial information from being disclosed, whether from Congress or criminal prosecutors. In Trump v. Vance, which involves a New York state grand jury investigation, Trump’s lawyers argue that, even when it comes to purely private conduct, the presidency insulates him from the legal process.
But Trump’s case is even weaker than Clinton’s. At least Clinton was being sued personally. He ultimately had to give evidence himself, which he did (infamously) at a deposition. But because the suit had nothing to do with presidential duties, the Supreme Court said it could proceed.
Here, Trump hasn’t been charged with or sued for anything. He’s not being required to do anything. The subpoenas have been directed at his company and his accountants. They don’t require his time or attention.
Trump’s position stupefies. In essence: Authorities can’t investigate anything touching his personal affairs — including, ahem, payments to pornographic actresses — because he’s president. Think of the logic: Not only does the president enjoy a personal constitutional immunity — his businesses do, too

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Looking like the WH is growing some virus.  Good for them for showing the rest of the U.S. how to deal with it.

4 years ago

craig, there’s a bun in the oven for next week if you need it.

4 years ago

Well, I Pithture this – CV19 spreads through the WH. SFB and the White Angel of Death die and leave for hell.  GSA disinfects the WH before President Pelosi moves in from Blair House where she was residing while presiding over the funerals, assembling a cabinet and during the disinfection process. 

4 years ago

Bid, you asked about ms reade’s putin praise.  bill provided it last night in one of his more “colorful” screeds.

4 years ago

Little Richard passes away at 87


4 years ago

For those who consider Stephen Miller a vampire, the tweet of the day:

Stephen Miller’s wife has tested positive for coronavirus. Further proof that it jumps from bats to humans.

4 years ago

Love those frogs!
A tiger couldn’t kill Roy…  but covid did…
Roy Horn of Siegfried and Roy duo dies of coronavirus

4 years ago

For a great interview with a virus scientist, please listen to The People’s Pharmacy on NPR…or better yet, listen to their podcast for a longer interview.   Most of our viruses have come from bats; one came from cattle.   Pigs have gotten SADs (the D is for diarrhea); proximity means it may have come from someone working with bats in the lab, but China will never let us in; those who collect bat poop or bats for food are immune (they have antibodies, as do the villages they live in), but they may have come into contact with city folk.   Science, son!
For those of you who missed it yesterday,  the virus is found in the reproductive tract.   It’s an STD, too.

4 years ago

 11 Secret Service agents test positive for COVID-19: report https://t.co/JtHRkrliCH

4 years ago

To the Crackerses, Happy Anniversary!   I think the frogs are serenading y’all! 

4 years ago

Las Vegas legend Roy Horn (half of Siegfried & Roy) has died from coronavirus. https://t.co/nlXtDRM0OU

4 years ago

George Conway is a national treasure. 

4 years ago

The horrible governor of South Dakota is doing the 21st century equivalent of handing out smallpox-infected blankets!

4 years ago

Read the thread before posting, c’mon now

4 years ago

Sturg, not all frogs are created equal. 

4 years ago

another frog – this one playing guitar. 

4 years ago

I got sent to Twitter jail for twelve hours.  Made a snarky remark in response to a Trump jr tweet and they decided I was plotting personal harm to the President.  I am a very dangerous woman.  

4 years ago

And if he does this, will it impact the turnout of black voters?  

4 years ago

Really?  Cuz it sounds to me like they are isolating and trying to keep folks away unless necessary, while the gov hasn’t mandated a state lockdown.   They should be able to make sure anyone who passes onto their land isn’t sick.   

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Biden has a lot of good choices. I hope picks Stacey Abrams

4 years ago

“I got sent to Twitter jail for twelve hours.“ -Jamie
…am impressed, good job. 💪❤️🇺🇸

4 years ago

CDC director Robert Redfield will self-quarantine for two weeks after being exposed to someone at the White House who tested positive for Covid-19, a CDC spokesman confirmed https://t.co/Y7LAq3fwjv

4 years ago

The one that really got me was Lucille. The scales fell from my ears.
Now we hear through a gas darkly, and then face to face.
You don’t do your daddy’s will is almost the King James of Rock & Roll.

4 years ago

Crime doesn’t pay, but criminal defense does, and criminal prosecution pays like clockwork. – Stuart Goldbarg Bootleggers on Ice

4 years ago

There ain’t nothin’ to yuh,
But I-I-I love you still.

4 years ago

I wasn’t slapped upside the earbone like that by a lyric until,
Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose – Very Buddhist, that.

4 years ago

The ‘elders’ would have preferred The Browns singing about little Jimmy Brown. Or (maybe this is a bit of a stretch for the elders) The Chapel of Love by the Dixie Cups.

4 years ago

The elders would hate,
I got a 38 pistol on a 45 frame.
How can I miss him,
when I’ve got dead aim ?
I’m gonna ride, old Railroad bill.
At least, my old man hated it.

4 years ago

gonna not goona

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

BID. Sturg
Thanks for the. anniversary greetings
We are about to do some serious eating and drinking

4 years ago

Well, so much for payroll protection.  The IRS now says it’s taxable.    That will, once employees are kept on the rolls for the allotted time and the loan is forgiven, cause even more folks to be laid off because businesses will have to meet their tax burden.   When did this happen?  April 30th, after most of the loan money was distributed.   Talk about a bait and switch.

4 years ago

Mr Sturgeone, if you can do Lucille perfectly, I assure you that I am impressed all the way down to my deepest darkest chakra. 

4 years ago

I can hear the influence in Elton John’s piano playing on “Saturday Night Alright.”

4 years ago

In honor of the Crackers blessed event, I think I’ll pour myself another.
The drinks are on Mr Pogo. 

4 years ago

Happy to purvey the drinks for the Cracker celebration. Best of wishes to the happy couple. 
Little Richard. Damned shame. Well, his music didn’t die today. 

4 years ago

This from the New York Times article on Little Richard’s death. Sturg should find it interesting and more than a bit funny. 

If uniting black and white audiences was a point of pride for Little Richard, it was a cause of concern for others, especially in the South. The White Citizens Council of North Alabama issued a denunciation of rock ’n’ roll largely because it brought “people of both races together.” And with many radio stations under pressure to keep black music off the air, Pat Boone’s cleaned-up, toned-down version of “Tutti Frutti” was a bigger hit than Little Richard’s original. (He also had a hit with “Long Tall Sally.”)


Pat Boone. 🙄😂

4 years ago

I know everyone is either asleep or drunk but I thought I just had to share this from the WaPo article entitled As deaths mount, Trump tries to convince Americans it’s safe to inch back to normal 

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany also backed the administration’s response, saying, “President Trump is committed to a data-driven approach to safely reopening the country. His steadfast leadership has saved American lives, and the American people recognize his leadership.”

First, they left out the fact that 2 staffers tested positive, 11 Secret Service officers tested positive and members of the CV task force are doing a quarantine thing while “As deaths mount, Trump tries to convince Americans it’s safe to inch back to normal.“  Oh, and apparently the name should be spelled McENinny.