The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, arranged for Piano and Orchestra. Premiere in Berlin Philharmony – Chamber Hall with a Symphony orchestra.
Performed by Georgii Cherkin – piano
Philharmonisches Kammerorchester Berlin
Conducted by Maestro Michael Zukernik
Enjoy, Jack
“Let us remember how small our differences are in the face of this sheer threat,” Bush said. “In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We are human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together.”
“Let’s remember that the suffering we experience as a nation does not fall evenly. In the days to come, it will be especially important to care in practical ways for the elderly, the ill and the unemployed”
Music is good for the soul.
Good thing we have our Sunday post, I had lost track of the days of the week by taking Thursday and Friday off from work. A restorative break from a crummy winter and spring.
Wow. He owned 10% each of the 4 majors, selling all of it. Warren Buffet sells entire stakes in U.S. airlines:
COVID Query for today: what’s the white house protocol for protecting the health of all its denizens? does it even have one for the everyday staff? are the cooks and cleaners live-ins or do they come and go risking spread of virus to themselves and others they work with? how do they commute safely? are they wearing masks, tested everyday, limited to gathering together? and what about protective measures with regard to outsiders coming in and out – changing military guard, politicians, media, delivery folk?
AP back in march had a story mainly about prez, veep and WH press corps protection with little about staff:
Kyle Griffin
David Axelrod on Obama’s VP vetting process: “Had any credible issue been raised, you can be sure Biden would not have been the nominee. Obama would not have tolerated it, even if he and Biden were close then, which they were not.”
reposted from last thread:
silver lining: joe’s 1 accuser gives the 25+ trump accusers opportunity to be heard from again.
provides depth perspective
Who’d a thunk GW would sound like a statesman? I’m sure SFB’s response if he heard that was “chump”.
So Warren’s cutting his losses? Doesn’t see the upside the shitheads who listen to Mnochin believe will happen.
Sometimes inspiration comes from a weird path, or sometimes because the flour was on the kitchen table. Buttermilk yummies for breakfast.
Once the black lady who always took care of me showed me how to make scratch biscuits. If I had only remembered how to do it I would now be famous among the family for my Wonderful Biscuits, instead of just sitting here with a bowl of Raisin Bran and a one-way ticket to Palookaville.
Sturgeone – about the only thing I can bake are bread and biscuits. Everything else turns out to be a story others tell of how crummy my baking skills are.
Bread and biscuits—‘Nuff said 😊
Sonata #14 in c# m…….opus 27 i intend to see that my granddaughter becomes very familiar with this The piece is one of Beethoven’s most popular compositions for the piano, and it was a popular favorite even in his own day.[3]Beethoven wrote the Moonlight Sonata in his early thirties, after he had finished with some commissioned work; there is no evidence that he was commissioned to write this sonata.[3] NamesEdit The first edition of the score is headed Sonata quasi una fantasia, a title this work shares with its companion piece, Op. 27, No. 1.[4] Grove Music Online translates the Italian title as “sonata in the manner of a fantasy“.[5]The title could also be interpreted to imply “…as though improvised”.[6] The name “Moonlight Sonata” comes from remarks made by the German music critic and poet Ludwig Rellstab. In 1832, five years after Beethoven’s death, Rellstab likened the effect of the first movement to that of moonlight shining… Read more »
Tara Reade has cancelled a planned interview with Fox News today:
Her bucket’s got a hole in it.
On @FoxNewsSunday – – Dr. Birx just moved the bar on eventual death toll way beyond the 60k WH once predicted: “Our projections have always been between 100,000 and 240,000”.
So they can holler “win” when it’s fewer
If it is.
it will be much higher, because math.
Jack… LOVE IT!
The trump administration ain’t done with Biden. If Reade doesn’t stick… they’ll try again with something else. trumpty is obviously very frightened of Biden.
Go, Joe, GO!
BTW… yesterday would have been Kentucky Derby Day. NBC replayed American Pharoah’s win from 2015. The network plans on showing his Triple Crown win on the days each race would have been run. The next race is the Preakness on May 16th. And he completes the crown win with the Belmont on June 6th.
It was nice to see a competition even if I already knew the outcome.
Reade. A put up job
Nice job Jack.
Now this is a horse race!
I wish Fauci and Birx would just quit and go work for the National Governors Association. They’re accomplishing nothing where they are.
When I played piano back in the day (not well) I played Moonlight Sonata constantly, one of my favs. Thanks Jack for the memories.
I don’t like Joe Biden. I’m a left-wing liberal and he’s a conservative. He’s a weak candidate and Trump may beat him. “Establishment Democrats” are not really Democrats at all but are what used to be called “moderate Republicans.” They are liberal on social issues but conservative on economic issues. Biden is one of them, with a long record of supporting the interests of big business over the interests of workers. His son’s activities in the Ukraine are a case study in corruption benefiting a family member of a powerful politician. Sometimes Biden rambles incoherently and appears to be unable to speak in complete sentences. This intermittent behavior may be a sign of the early stages of age-related dementia, and I am not the first one to take note of it. Joe also has a creepy sexual problem: he can’t stop putting his hands all over… Read more »
So virtuous!
The voters picked Biden🤷♂️
Nash… I’ve been trying to keep things light here. The main problem that I have is that everything you post about Biden has already been hashed out here to death. We debated the Hunter Biden/Ukraine story til that poor flogged horse died a thousand times. We debated Anita Hill. We debated his touchy feeling stuff. We debated his age and lackluster debate performances. Now you come in here after a long absence and yes…. it does feel like you are lecturing us. Nothing you say about Biden is new to this blog. At this point, it’s just old and tiresome.
I will now go back to my regularly scheduled program…
The Great Realization…why hindsight is 2020.
Nash – Help or don’t, but it’s time to move on to a new topic. You’ll get no traction with that nonsense here. How about a nice, Morning Cafe one if these days?
Giant, bee-eating hornets!
Murderous hornets are the good news.
A cold front came through and it is a beautiful sunny day, I have the doors and windows open enjoying the fresh air.
Momma said there would be days like this.
Just another bug
I think Nash is good for us, just like Ping. We need to be reminded just how far out there some people are willing to venture. And I would say they probably make up a third of the electorate.
interesting reference to boston irish. far different from southies i’ve observed. as for comparing joe’s “sexual problem” to those ~~~pure as the driven snow~~~ irishmen in the past boston sent to the senate? very selective amnesia, nash.
BTW, a look back to his ancestors, especially on joe’s mother’s side, being considered “shanty irish” would have been a step up the ladder.
a very Van Morrison-esque cut from last year’s indie hotlist:
1. I like Mr Nash. Always have. 2. I also agree that ‘moderate’ Dems = old timie Moderate repubs. 3. The Ukraine story is a non-starter. Biden’s kid is not running for president. 4. Biden handled the tara reade story, starting a little late, but he may have been playing rope-a-dope with the ‘outraged’ trumpies. 5. It is unlikely that Biden will press hard to level income inequality, however that is not the most pressing issue we face, the corruption and dissolution of America’s means for solving problems is, nor is it the most dire, global warming and mass extinctions. 6. We can’t wait for the perfect candidate, but if we do, she won’t be the perfect president. We can’t wait for the perfect president, because she will be unelectable. 7. I am very sorry that Mr Nash is so unhappy and so pessimistic. I miss the old perky and… Read more »
Have I been totally unambiguous ?
Shit, Poobah, if Reade doesn’t think she and her story can withstand the withering examination of Faux, it must be very weak. (I shoulda hit refresh before posting this – I see a lot hit this place since I went out to test drive the new pressure washer 3 hours ago. BTW it gets a thumbs up)
Italian-Americans, Black-Americans, and Portuguese-Americans might have a different view of the ‘progressive’ spirit of Boston’s Irish. However, Mr Nash, Robert Kennedy, Ed Markey and Lawrence O’Donnell stand out as idealistic and generous egalitarians.
Amen! Pope Francis (@Pontifex) tweeted on Sun, May 03, 2020:
During the current crisis, we need good, free journalism that serves all people, especially those who do not have a voice: journalism that is dedicated to the search for truth and which opens paths toward communion and peace.
Nash, it’s Joe or Trump. Choose.
As today is Sunday music day I will add this link to a YouTube video by Mary Spender (wonderful young musician) talking about trying Beethoven’s daily schedule.
Nash, may I post your comment above for tomorrow’s thread? You speak for many who are fed up with corporate Democrats and this needs to get hashed out before Election Day just 6 months away.
Nash, you might consider taking the edge off your arrogance about the Democratic Party. Your complaints about establishment democrats are bullshit. I’d probably be called an establishment democrat by the exceedingly small left wing of the party, but I am not and have never been a conservative or a Republican. I’m a Democrat who hopes the party changes its rules to prevent another Bernie from trying to co-opt the party infrastructure without joining it. You Left-wing liberals’ candidate did pretty OK four years ago, but he’s not done as well this time around. And even if everything you said about Biden was true, and I dispute that, the idea that the party would likely choose someone not a member of it to be its candidate is pretty slim in my view, and shouldn’t be done at any rate. Finally, I find it odd that the liberal left is now parroting… Read more »
lizzie’s not a corporate dem
I don’t think Mr Pogo can be considered a corporatist. However, he might be comfortable sitting beside the late, lamented republican Sen Hugh Scott. Mr Pogo is a bit more outspoken and flamboyant than Sen Scott was, but the both men concern themselves with the rule of law, not personalities, and the pursuit of justice. There actually were such men in the republican party at one time long, long ago.
Is it offensive for me to discuss the character of Trail Hands, using the third person ? If so, you have my apology. I mean no offense, and would be sorry to find that I am hurting people’s feelings. That means, X is no longer the snapping, slapping, ear-biting, always pissed-off creep that he was in 2007 – 2010. X has finally mellowed into a sentimental heap of steaming bullshit. That 2d heart attack may have done it.
cbsnews: Economic expertise and crisis management skills are top qualities Democratic voters want to see in a vice-presidential pick for their party — even more so than executive or legislative experience — as concerns about the pandemic and the economy now become a lens through which voters see that selection process. Those criteria become even more important to Democrats who are very concerned about either their own job losses, or contracting the coronavirus themselves. Elizabeth Warren is well atop Democratic voters’ list of those who should be considered for vice president — with 71% saying she should be — and Warren also outpaces other possible picks by a wide margin as their first choice for the job: Warren at 36% first choice, to Kamala Harris’ 19%, Stacey Abrams at 14%, and Amy Klobuchar at 13%. No one else gets over 4%. Warren is the top pick among white Democrats and liberals… Read more »
I believe that has already happened, for better or worse, Biden is it. Bernie lucked out as the Covid-19 epidemic canceled the rest of the election. He was heading down the road to a humiliating defeat and everybody in the party knows this.
The amusing thing is if the democrats were to replace Biden it would be somebody who would piss off the left even more. Andrew Cuomo.
What Nash and the few like him need to understand is anything but voting for Biden means they are Trump supporters. If they are comfortable with that then , God bless’em. But don’t expect any respect from me.
There are times when you can make the case that it doesn’t matter but this time a rational sane person can not make that case.