Just So POTUS Can Have A Rally

To accommodate Trump’s sudden decision to speak at West Point cadets will be called back to New York from around the country, tested off campus, then isolated for 14 days in rooms with masks. They’ll eat in segregated groups. No decision on whether family members may attend.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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4 years ago

may I suggest the direction and at whom they toss their hats –  and better if the hats be cow pies in disguise.

4 years ago

boris about tide turning tide while trump touts tide pod-like treatments

4 years ago

Trump’s ego is a great danger to our nation, as is the virus.  He is a narcissistic, old turd.   Shame on him and those who continue to prop him up.  

4 years ago

I’d say he is a virus. I’m holding out for a vaccination to emerge in November and am hoping for something to treat the symptoms (primarily depression, anger and incredulity) between now and then. 

4 years ago

pogo, how’s this for a cure? 

4 years ago

When we go back to “normal,” I have a feeling there will be a lot of pent up anger unleashed.  Folks are driving like aggressive idiots.   When someone is cluelessly ignoring the distancing requirements and I have to step aside or change direction to avoid them, I find myself getting incredibly irritated.   It’s a beautiful morning and I let the behavior of a few others get in my head.   The he thing is, there seem to be more space invaders every day.    

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Craig – it would be interesting to see how many of his “friends” would spend a few days at Mar whatever with him.  Sit at his table and enjoy his blatherings.

4 years ago

When Trump holds his rally at West Point, I don’t think very many cadets or their families will object as the vast majority of them have conservative values.   This will be an audience of Trump voters.   Even if they are privately worried about infection, most of them won’t say anything because the military culture is “Shut up and follow orders.  You aren’t paid to think.”

4 years ago


Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley’d and thunder’d;
Storm’d at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the six hundred.

4 years ago

You are correct about aggressive drivers these days.  My local newspaper has reported that the number of people being arrested for speeding has recently gone way up, along with the number of fatal traffic accidents.  Several local police chiefs have speculated that the cause is “lock down anxiety.” 

4 years ago

Gas is $1.29 at the Shell station.  I don’t need gas, but I drive a bit every few days.  I have never seen so many magnolia blossoms.  Only a couple are open, but in a few days it should be a magnificent show.   There also seem to be an abundance of cone-flowers on the pine trees. 

4 years ago

Do you know a lot of current West Point cadets and their families, Nash?  Let me guess, you know zero of them.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

our gas prices remain high    Over 3.50. What’s up with that?

4 years ago

patd, THAT’S IT!!!!
Sturg, is that Tennyson or Spanky?

4 years ago

”our gas prices remain high    Over 3.50. What’s up with that?“
CA state taxes on gas

4 years ago

KC, beats me – here regular is about $1.79.9 – 1.95.9 (I’m guessing Exxon is higher) and premium is $2.09.9 and up.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

They are high but not that high

4 years ago

I’m thinkin’ it was Alfalfa…..it was Spanky or Buckwheat lit the firecrackers.

4 years ago

You are right, Mr. S.  My bad (too many miles and minutes since I last saw that episode).


4 years ago

Dang………it was Porky all along!

4 years ago

I’ve never heard of conspiracy theorist, George Webb, before but it sounds like he has been shouting fire in a theater for quite some time.   Here’s a conspiracy theory for ya: The Chinese state is benefiting from the lies of George Webb, so he seems to be working for them.  Maybe someone  at the IRS should go up his bum with a microscope.  

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

Thanks Bink
So it’s a mystery.  Lovely a case of let’s see how high we can make the prices before everyone buys electric cars.

4 years ago

Our gas here in NH is $1.69- $1.89…   haven’t bought any for about 3 weeks and my tank is still 3/4 full.

4 years ago

No Covid rally in the WH press room today.  Trump’s fragile ego can’t handle questions and his popularity can’t take another hit.  Instead, he’ll have a video conference with governors after lunch.   TX gov, Abbott, will hold a presser at 2:30 to let us know when he expects us to go back to work and contaminate each other.   The latest outbreak in TX was at a Chik-Fil-A.  I’m waiting for the big spike in cases in Colleyville, which has been open for several days.  ~Happy Cinco de Mayo~

4 years ago

Oooo, Neiman-Marcus missed a $78 million interest payment.  That was just the interest!   

4 years ago

Pepcid trial in Covid. Huh? Heartburn med that is being discouraged because it can cause  kidney failure might treat Covid.  I guess they are just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.   If you use Pepcid for heartburn, you might want to go to the pharmacy now, ‘cuz there’ll be a run on it…even though they warned folks not to take a bunch of it orally.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago

It’s Prilosec that causes kidney failure and Zantac causes some cancers 

4 years ago

from Andrew to andy with love as reported by the hill: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) praised Kentucky Gov. Andrew Beshear (D) on Monday for pushing back against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) call for states to be given the option to file for bankruptcy.“Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear stood up, said to his senior senator in the state, Mitch McConnell, that Mitch McConnell was wrong on saying that he wouldn’t provide funding to state and local governments, and wrong in saying states should go bankrupt,” Cuomo said in his daily press briefing.“It’s hard for a governor, especially Andy, who is a relatively new governor, to stand up to a senior official and speak truth to power,” Cuomo said. “It takes guts, it takes courage. And you don’t get that from a typical politician. So it warms my heart to see an elected official who is not a typical… Read more »

4 years ago

The South shall <rise> er, flop again. 

4 years ago

Mike Pence is probably telling Trump that he doesn’t need to practice social distancing.
He’s probably saying, “Get out, meet people, hold rallies.  And you should visit some hospitals and nursing homes.  Get yourself photographed hugging some ICU patients.  Every Republican in Congress agrees with me on this.”

Blue Bronc
4 years ago

Well the mail looks like it will be very crummy, the IRS notice 1444 showing up.  In case you do not know, it is a campaign mailing from SFB tell us that he gave us money out of his own bank account.  I think it is really a landing platform for cat hairballs, one of mine finds paper to upchuck the latest hairball on.  Or perhaps I need to clean up a pile of doggy land mines with it.  But, we taxpayers paid for it.

4 years ago

Ivanka is also probably telling Trump that he doesn’t need to practice social distancing. 

She’s probably saying, “Get out, play golf, hold parties at Mar-A-Largo.  Visit some big cities like New York, New Orleans, Chicago, and Detroit and ride on public transport.  Get yourself photographed hugging customers at a re-opened nail salon in Georgia and on a beach in Florida.  Jared, Don Jr., and Eric and all the employees of the Trump Organization agree with me on this.” 

4 years ago

so is mass. gov appointment only an interim appt limited to just a few months? and would it be a sure enough  thing for joe kennedy III to win, drop his challenge and leave markey safe?

from wickedlocal:

If Warren were to end up vice president in a Biden White House, Massachusetts would lose its senior senator, triggering a wide open race to be her successor in a state that usually sends Democrats to Washington.
The junior senator, Ed Markey, is up for re-election this year, and is facing challenges from fellow Democrat Congressman Joe Kennedy III and Republican Kevin O’Connor.
A special election for Warren’s seat, if it opened up, could trigger a round of political dominoes.

Katherine Graham Cracker
4 years ago


4 years ago

It’s Kamala….fahgeddabaddit
I’ve run all the numbers, crunched all the chocolate bunny ears, asked the Magic 8-Ball, smoked all the tea leaves, had my palm reddened, and consulted what remains of the oracle…..it keeps coming up Kamala…history in the making.

4 years ago

Either Stacey or Kamala is fine with me.  I don’t see Liz in the #2 spot, but then again, there’s a lot I don’t see.
Nash, I hear that Melanoma told SFB she thinks tattoos are sexy and she wants him to go get an arm done up in a sleeve.  

4 years ago


About three hours after relaying that President Trump would not hold a scheduled coronavirus briefing on Monday, the White House announced he would “brief the nation” at a news conference.

“UPDATE: The White House has additional testing guidance and other announcements about safely opening up America again,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted. “President @realDonaldTrump will brief the nation during a news conference this evening.”
(Blathers on)


4 years ago

Ms Cracker,
Thanks for the tip on Prilosec/Omeprazole. I take it for my Barrett’s Syndrome – one of several cancer watches I’m on. I’ve been on 2 tabs/day for about 4 years now. 

4 years ago

PTSD is a mother, especially for those who think they are strong enough to deal with it. Like emergency room doctors.
From the NYtimes

Dr. Breen, 49, did not have a history of mental illness, her father said. But he said that when he last spoke with her, she seemed detached, and he could tell something was wrong. She had described to him an onslaught of patients dying before they could even be taken out of ambulances. 
“She was truly in the trenches of the front line,” he said.
He added: “Make sure she’s praised as a hero, because she was. She’s a casualty just as much as anyone else who has died.”

Tiptoe, I was thinking of your son as I read this, tell him to take care of himself and we are thinking of him. 



4 years ago

The Covid presser is back on today.  What will Trump say?  Hmmm.    Just take Tums and the virus will go away.

4 years ago

This evening the Corona Virus Mask Farce will be pitching trump as the cure to all that ailes ails the USA. Dr’s Fauci and Birx have the day off, and the national healing message will be brought to us by Drs benny hinn and peter popoff.

4 years ago

Liver Pills ! Swamp Root Juice. Eye of Newt and Wing of Bat uh . . . Badger ! 

4 years ago

General trump’s Olde Time Medicine Show

Step right up and see the Eighth Wonder of the World, a nostrum to cure all that ails the WHITE race

4 years ago


4 years ago

TX Gov Abbott letting stay-at-home expire on April 30th.    May Day, mayday! 

4 years ago

Maybe they actually have some actual new information. Nahhhh.