User-Supported News Commentary Hosted by Craig Crawford
The Big Story: More Than Bribery, It Was Treason
Still not coming through enough in these hearings: Trump wanted to help Putin own Ukraine.
Author: craigcrawford
Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.
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“The way they treated this Lieutenant Colonel Vindman was embarrassing even for them. They tried to smear the recipient of a Purple Heart to protect a president who doesn’t even have a red one. Jim Jordan of Ohio — this guy — he implied that Vindman was a leaker with questionable judgment. You know, questionable judgment, like, say, if you were a wrestling coach and the team doctor was abusing your wrestlers and you knew about it but you didn’t say anything. That’s questionable judgment, right, Jim Jordan?”
With the bribery charge looking very solid, next up needs to be the russian agent issue. A few recordings of stupid giving Putin the world and a few lives should help, even if those come from other countries.
SFB really hates the military. He is of such low intelligence I cannot imagine him grasping on how to destroy American military morale by pardoning murderers and war crimes. But, I can understand if Putin had told him to do it.
Gooperz who are still trying to protect Trumpsky are either of as low intelligence as SFB or dirty agents of Poo-tin themselves. Yeah, Devin Nunez looks like the latter, IMO. Jimmy J just looks like an idiot.
Lt. Col. Vindman was spectacular, putting Bone Spurs to shame. Not afraid to tell the truth. That is Trumpsky’s worse nightmare.
Today will be interesting. Will SFB’s ~friend~ (the one with the sketchy memory) fall on his sword and say it was his idea, or, will he out Trumpsky?
SFB is headed to TX today, to meet with Apple employees, and, CEO Tim Cook.
BiD I suspect he will do neither. There are seldom only 2 alternatives although we as simple beings try to force every situation into a 2 option choice. Let’s see how the hotelier handles his inconsistencies.
2. claim no recollection, faulty memory or stress caused amnesia; projectile vomit upon 1st question; faint; or feint heart attack during opening statement
The “do nothing because of impeachment” Democrat house needs to keep raising the issue of how many bills they’ve passed which McConnel refuses to acknowledge.
That Sondland was prevented from seeing all kinds of docs provides cover for him. Is this admin smart enough to figure that out ahead of time? Or is it dumb luck and spun to his advantage? Notice all these guys are from IMMIGRANT families! Kinda ironic that they make a point of bringing that up, don’t ya think?
Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified Wednesday more bluntly than he had before that President Trump and his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, sought to condition a White House invite for Ukraine’s new president to their demands that his country publicly launch investigations that could damage Trump’s political opponents.
“I know that members of this committee have frequently framed these complicated issues in the form of a simple question: Was there a ‘quid pro quo?’” Sondland said in sworn testimony. “With regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”
Trump’s U.S. ambassador to the European Union also told the House Intelligence Committee that while he never knew for sure if the White House had frozen nearly $400 million in security assistance as part of the pressure campaign against Ukraine, he operated as if that was the case.
Sondland’s account in his prepared remarks that there were conditions on the aid and that he relayed those to Ukrainian officials stands as a major reversal from closed-door testimony he provided in the impeachment inquiry a month ago. [continues]
Bid – Option 3 – change prior testimony (again) AND hang it around Rudy’s neck.
The House Judiciary Committee just approved the MORE Act on a bipartisan vote of 24-10, legislation that tens-of-thousands advocated for by sending messages, making phone calls, and meeting with lawmakers in DC and district offices.
This marks the first time that a congressional committee has ever passed a bill to remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act.
Joe Biden what a dumbass
If someone is stabbing someone else to death while simultaneously declaring that they are not murdering that person, does that mean they aren’t a murderer?
Question for the lawyers:
Am i permitted to commit a crime with impunity as long as i declare i am not committing that crime while committing it? Or is it just the President that can do that?
Jack – ever wonder why the super large black on white simple notes that SFB uses? How about this:
Can Adderall affect your eyes?
This is a very severe Adderall side effect. Double Vision: This is caused by an over active visual cortex. Blurred Vision: This results when your retina can not correctly focus in on an item. Dilated Pupil: This is a common side effect of stimulants but should not be seen in Adderall.May 8, 2018
Having had double vision I can say that a sharp black on white contrast was not necessary. Having had blurred vision I found huge letters with a sharp contrast very useful. The other version of blurred vision is needing glasses and not being able to wear contact lenses. We know from photographs that SFB needs his glasses to find his Blackberry to punch in tweets. He is so vain that he will not show “weakness” by wearing glasses.
I so long for the time we have an intelligent person as president. Someone with an IQ over one hundred.
“The way they treated this Lieutenant Colonel Vindman was embarrassing even for them. They tried to smear the recipient of a Purple Heart to protect a president who doesn’t even have a red one. Jim Jordan of Ohio — this guy — he implied that Vindman was a leaker with questionable judgment. You know, questionable judgment, like, say, if you were a wrestling coach and the team doctor was abusing your wrestlers and you knew about it but you didn’t say anything. That’s questionable judgment, right, Jim Jordan?”
With the bribery charge looking very solid, next up needs to be the russian agent issue. A few recordings of stupid giving Putin the world and a few lives should help, even if those come from other countries.
SFB really hates the military. He is of such low intelligence I cannot imagine him grasping on how to destroy American military morale by pardoning murderers and war crimes. But, I can understand if Putin had told him to do it.
Stewart, Nunes and, of course Gym and SFB were beyond despicable yesterday. Maybe they could all have fractional shares in SFB’s dacha.
Gooperz who are still trying to protect Trumpsky are either of as low intelligence as SFB or dirty agents of Poo-tin themselves. Yeah, Devin Nunez looks like the latter, IMO. Jimmy J just looks like an idiot.
Lt. Col. Vindman was spectacular, putting Bone Spurs to shame. Not afraid to tell the truth. That is Trumpsky’s worse nightmare.
Today will be interesting. Will SFB’s ~friend~ (the one with the sketchy memory) fall on his sword and say it was his idea, or, will he out Trumpsky?
SFB is headed to TX today, to meet with Apple employees, and, CEO Tim Cook.
BiD I suspect he will do neither. There are seldom only 2 alternatives although we as simple beings try to force every situation into a 2 option choice. Let’s see how the hotelier handles his inconsistencies.
sondland options:
1. amend his amended previous testimony
2. claim no recollection, faulty memory or stress caused amnesia; projectile vomit upon 1st question; faint; or feint heart attack during opening statement
3. take the 5th
however, the health gambit, #2 on my list above, requires a friendly compliant physician in waiting. perhaps trumps old doc is still available.
The “do nothing because of impeachment” Democrat house needs to keep raising the issue of how many bills they’ve passed which McConnel refuses to acknowledge.
These old white men all look like little boys who were greedy and got caught. Treason. YES, treason & SFB is a Russian asset!
Break out the champagne. Sondland has decided to save his own ass!!!!
That Sondland was prevented from seeing all kinds of docs provides cover for him. Is this admin smart enough to figure that out ahead of time? Or is it dumb luck and spun to his advantage? Notice all these guys are from IMMIGRANT families! Kinda ironic that they make a point of bringing that up, don’t ya think?
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh President Pelosi
Tip, SHHHH!!!!
From WaPo:
Bid – Option 3 – change prior testimony (again) AND hang it around Rudy’s neck.
I love that show
Pogo, I retract my Sondland comment. BAM!!! :^)
Hey, Devon, I hear your cow is in the audience holding up an vote out Nunez sign
Ahhhh…. the hearing today is super delicious!
Popcorn for everyone!
Trumpsky: Sondland? Never met the guy. He’s the worst, though. The absolute worst.
Nunez should let his cow speak for him….more intelligent for sure
I think shoulder pads left the hanger in today
Is it real or is it satire?
From Getty images taken today, Notes held by SFB.
I don’t do this often , but Renee something to go with your popcorn.
Heheheh – the sharks are beginning to feed on each other.
Something, you need to remember is that Sondland paid a million bucks for the privilege of testifying today .
Sharpie notes so he can see it. Makes as much sense as anything else.
The House Judiciary Committee just approved the MORE Act on a bipartisan vote of 24-10, legislation that tens-of-thousands advocated for by sending messages, making phone calls, and meeting with lawmakers in DC and district offices.
This marks the first time that a congressional committee has ever passed a bill to remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act.
Joe Biden what a dumbass
Sondland just said, “every White House meeting has conditionals placed upon it”.
-would like to know more.
For one thing, it corroborates the statements of the moron Mulvaney.
. . . but solicitation of a bribe isn’t a bribe, so it’s not impeachable.
Am i naive to be offended that Sondland effectively purchased his ambassadorship?
re: Trump’s “no quid pro quo” statement-
If someone is stabbing someone else to death while simultaneously declaring that they are not murdering that person, does that mean they aren’t a murderer?
Question for the lawyers:
Am i permitted to commit a crime with impunity as long as i declare i am not committing that crime while committing it? Or is it just the President that can do that?
ok, pardon me, just had some legal questions.
Ceci n’est pas une pipe
As I murder epstein, I yell, “Clinton is murdering epstein !” Ergo, she did it.
If you offer a bribe to a police officer, what’s the charge? Bribery?
Well they don’t call him Randy Andy for nothing
Jack – ever wonder why the super large black on white simple notes that SFB uses? How about this:
Having had double vision I can say that a sharp black on white contrast was not necessary. Having had blurred vision I found huge letters with a sharp contrast very useful. The other version of blurred vision is needing glasses and not being able to wear contact lenses. We know from photographs that SFB needs his glasses to find his Blackberry to punch in tweets. He is so vain that he will not show “weakness” by wearing glasses.
I so long for the time we have an intelligent person as president. Someone with an IQ over one hundred.
trump 2d charge : FARA felony.
nunes : anti-Catholic
Oh no, a Dem. debate in an hour? I can’t handle it, politics overload, brain malfunctioning, brrzzz bapppp…
NEW THREAD, another debate night