Trump Booed At World Series
Crowd chants “Lock Him Up” at 2:27

WASHINGTON (USA TODAY, 10/27) — President Donald Trump was greeted with a thunderous chorus of boos from the sold-out crowd in attendance at Game 5 of the World Series between the Nationals and Astros. Trump, who showed up shortly after the first inning, was introduced to the crowd after the third inning during the Nationals’ salute to veterans, a regular feature at Nats’ games. As the next inning began, fans chanted “lock him up,” a nod to the motto that Trump supporters directed at Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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Author: craigcrawford

Trail Mix Host. Lapsed journalist, author & retired pundit happily promoting nothing but the truth for Social Security checks.

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5 years ago

Excellent!  Of course we didn’t hear the booing during real-time broadcasting.  Was this a Nixon-on-the-lawn moment?  I hope so.   Go Nationals, but they seem dead…another Houston slaughter last night in D.C.  

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Nats have choked.  Can they shake it off?  History says no.
Did the booing and chants get to the narcisst? No.  If anything he heard chants of support, the few brain cells converting everything into his loyalty support oath.

5 years ago

in case you don’t have time to watch the above, Time recaps some of it:

John Oliver Accuses Donald Trump of Betraying the Kurds on Last Week Tonight
On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver once again turned his attention to Donald Trump—specifically Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of Syria, abandoning the U.S.-allied Kurdish forces that had been helping Washington contain ISIS. It was a move that alarmed political leaders around the world and in the U.S., including Trump’s own supporters.
The situation in Syria is incredibly complex, according to Oliver, unless you’re Trump. “I had forgotten that Trump spent the ’90s as senior fellow of Middle Eastern Studies at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and not as I clearly wrongly remembered, losing all his dad’s money and trying unsuccessfully to bang Madonna,” Oliver said.
Trump’s decision to forsake the Kurds was a surprise, Oliver explained, because they had been allies of the U.S. for years, including in the Gulf and Iraq Wars. “The Kurds fought with the U.S. military in at least two more wars than Donald Trump ever did,” Oliver said. In Syria, the Kurds were such close allies to the U.S. that, according to Oliver, at one point the Kurds could call in American airstrikes in the region.
Trump also insisted the U.S. leave the region very quickly. The withdrawal was so rushed that, according to video captured by a reporter who visited the bases after the troops left, fridges weren’t even emptied of drinks. “America left the region the same way you leave a party right after you clog the toilet, quickly, leaving everything behind, and causing someone else to deal with all the s–t,” Oliver joked.
In the power vacuum created by Washington’s departure, Russia got a foothold in the region, over 100 ISIS prisoners managed to escape, and Turkish-backed militias launched attacks on the Kurds. While Oliver admits that it’s hard to get anything right in the Middle East, “it’s genuinely hard to get it this wrong.”

5 years ago

Before:  You are introduced

After:  The Crowd Boos

5 years ago

What a difference a game makes.  Obama at a Raptors game


5 years ago

He heard the boos. He’s no trouper—send him home.

5 years ago

imagine not taking your little son to the World Series game.    What a slug.

5 years ago

If he attack-tweets the Nats……you know he heard it.  Though most likely will say there were rousing cheers.   It’s easy to fill a stadium with a bunch of yowling yahoos, but if you’ve lost baseball—Oy.

5 years ago

One interesting point in time is how the cheers changrd to boos immiately as the Jumbotron went from the guys before him to him.  I have heard that phenomenon in real life once when after being stuck out in right field in little league there was a very high pop up to right field, coming down right at me.  If I caught this ball we won the game.  The ball came right down into the palm of my glove to roaring cheers from the crowd…….then the ball bounced out into the ground. The cheers instantaneously turned into Groans…..the ice cream turned to shit.  lol

5 years ago

I blame it all on that absurdly crappy Nellie Fox glove I had.  It had no pocket. 
Of course, I have to balance that with the old saw that it’s a poor workman who blames his tools—-Nevertheless I choose to blame the glove. It’s my right as an American.

5 years ago

NOW——it’s worth something.  Then, that glove sucked putty balls.

5 years ago

wash. examiner:

Though no U.S. forces were killed in the Saturday evening raid that led to the death of an ISIS leader, one military working dog suffered severe injuries in the line of duty.
The dog, whose name and breed remain unknown, chased Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi into a tunnel and cornered him. With no place to go, the terrorist leader blew himself up along with three of his children, who he was using as human shields. The dog’s injuries highlighted the importance of military working dogs in special operations. Often, they will enter the danger zone with a camera on their backs before the humans do so.
“The dog is a war veteran and a valued member of the team,” a currently serving soldier assigned to Delta Force told the Washington Examiner. The soldier did not provide details, pending permission from the dog’s handler and chain of command. Everyone involved in the mission is being debriefed and is out of communication for the time being, the soldier said. Within the community, he says, “The injury to the dog is an injury to one of us. These dogs are a special breed of courageous.”


5 years ago

SFB is so full of utter nonsense it is maddening. He just had a successful raid based on intelligence from the Kurds – specifically, providing information of al Bagdidi’s location, and he act slike that was of little help. He’s shifting the focus of US special ops in Syria to guard oil he acts as if it belongs to us – which it does not. And finally, he dismisses our European allies’ rejection of his offer to return ISIS fighters, over whom we have no control, to them. If the man had a brain I fear he’d take it out and play with it. Oh, and if I had been at the game, you know I would have joined in with the boos.

5 years ago

Sturg, that mitt looks a lot like my first one – and I was no more adept at using it than you apparently were.  There’s a reason I turned to football, trak and cross country.  Skinny fast kid who could catch a football but not a baseball. 

5 years ago

Wow…  thanks for that clip, Craig.  Have watched only 10 minutes of baseball since the football season began.  I don’t really care which team wins….   but it’s great to hear that “welcome” for our “glorious” leader.

5 years ago

i was just challenging her assertion in a public forum- she can handle herself. 
Bink…   ahhhhh…  it’s good to have one’s world view challenged at times.  Yup…  I be white…  and I can only come at anything from that perspective.  But then…  so isn’t Bernie.  Plus…  he represents a state that’s even whiter than mine.
ps…  my favorite football team, the New England Patriots, are still undefeated.  Just thought you’d like to know  🙂

Katherine Graham Cracker
5 years ago

49’ers  undefeated also

5 years ago

Craig, I would phrase it as …where his position demanded respect.

5 years ago

The man we hated was McNamara.

5 years ago

The Browns have an unblemished record

5 years ago

I don’t ID as white. Too much West – Central- So West Asian & other smatterings in me. I’m just glad that Whites don’t treat me as West – Central – South West Asian & other smatterings. 
And, yeah Jamie can handle herself in a fray. 
And yeah, mcnamara was a murderous creep for 8 solid years. But he made the Kennedy/Johnson Admin bi-partisan.

5 years ago

How quaint of Senator Coons.  Although… I do understand his reasoning of showing respect for the office of the presidency.  Still… I’m glad that some ordinary citizens aren’t normalizing the jerk.
Democratic Senator Chris Coons Disagrees With ‘Lock Him Up’ Chant Directed At Trump

5 years ago

Don’t forget McNamara was a Kennedy man, which kinda blows a hole in the “if only Kennedy hadn’t been assassinated ……. There would have been no Vietnam war”  nonsense. 
Johnson was caught in the same problem that every post WWII president has faced. How do you get unconditional surrender in the age of nuclear weapons, which necessitates  limited war?  Face it WWII was an aberration that has dogged our foreign policy now for over 70 years. Don’t you think it is time to put it to bed? 

5 years ago

And as I remember Mac was also from Harvard…….
Which is just another reason to suspect Harvard grads. 

5 years ago

Trump was an idiot (of course) for showing up at a public event when his numbers are as low as they are. Just glad he didn’t force his boy to be part of the spectacle. The boy has a rough enough life as it is.

5 years ago

About Bernie and “the talk”
For an old privileged  white guy to be giving a young black man “the talk”…… lol really?  Could he find something more original to say? Of course not, he hasn’t lived the problem and he can’t empathize with those who have. 

5 years ago

Coons is one of the serious DC folks, it is what they say.
We could make a geico commercial out of that, couldn’t we?

5 years ago

The Trumpster was booed at The World serious?  Quelle surprise!  
SFB didn’t take his kid to the World Serious, and he didn’t let Spicer, the devote Catholic, meet the Pope. That’s just kinda guy he is! 

Blue Bronc
5 years ago

Fifty years ago we had so much happening all at once.  Civil Rights was a big movement.  We also had assassinations of Dems and Civil Rights leaders and activists.  Cities burning.  The anti-war movement along with the war.  And, we Baby Boomers, were stressing every place in the world.  We overwhelmed colleges, factories, and just about any store you can think of.  America was involved in every country around the world, overtly and covertly.  We were hated in many countries and tolerated in others.
The Johnson administration was ended and the Nixon beginning. Today’s maga was begun in that election.  White preachers teaching hate and bigotry contrasted with students holding sit ins opposing injustices.
Right now there is news of another greedy old pervert retiring, a Dem quitting, and another death of a Dem politician.  This is getting old.

5 years ago

I’m fine with Sen Coons. And, I’m fine with the anti-trump crowd. Mass heckling should have a much bigger effect than the fox news showing and re-showing fanatics and paid space-fillers at trump’s fascist rallies.

5 years ago

I respectfully submit to Senator Coons that while one can respect the office of the presidency, which I do, one can absolutely and with malice reject and disrespect the person holding said office, which I also do. Therefore, I further submit that fans were showing their absolute contempt for the person, not the office.

And that’s ok by me.

5 years ago

i’ve realized pro-sports keep the morons occupied (see pics, above), so i’m grateful for them, in that regard. 

5 years ago

Someone brought that up on Twitter last night that Trump got free tickets to a World Series game, but he took Mitch to the game instead of his 13 year-old son. People were dumb enough to think that Trump wouldn’t have gotten booed in Houston as well. I loved the veteran’s sign behind home plate during the game.

5 years ago

Bread and circuses for the yee-haws.
NASCAR proves it don’t take much to get a stadium full of them.

5 years ago

Following is the warning letter from David Norquist, Deputy Secretary of Defense to the attorney for Pentagon official Laura Cooper about responding to the congressional subpoena to testify in the impeachment inquiry.  Ms. Cooper and her attorney promptly and properly ignored it.  Good for them.  This is from your government, counseling a witness to break the law by ignoring a validly issued subpoena from Congress.  There is a very good reason the DoD did not have an attorney send this letter.  Enjoy.

Daniel Levin
White & Case LLP
701 Thirteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005-3807

Dear Mr. Levin:

I understand that you have been retained by Ms. Laura Cooper, the Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, as her private counsel for a deposition to be conducted jointly by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the Committee on Oversight and Reform, “[p]ursuant to the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry.” The Department’s October 15, 2019 letter to the Chairs of the three House Committees [Tab A] expressed its belief that the customary process of oversight and accommodation has historically served the interests of congressional oversight committees and the Department well. The Committees’ purported “impeachment inquiry,” however, presents at least two issues of great importance.
The first issue is the Committees’ continued, blanket refusal to allow Department Counsel to be present at depositions of Department employees. Department Counsel’s participation protects against the improper release of privileged or classified information, particularly material covered by the executive privilege which is the President’s alone to assert and to waive. Excluding Department Counsel places the witness in the untenable position of having to decide whether to answer the Committees’ questions or to assert Executive Branch confidentiality interests without an attorney from the Executive Branch present to advise on those interests.
It violates settled practice and may jeopardize future accommodation. Furthermore, the Department of Justice has concluded that “congressional subpoenas that purport to require agency employees to appear without agency counsel are legally invalid and are not subject to civil or criminal enforcement.” See Attempted Exclusion of Agency Counsel from Congressional Depositions of Agency Employees, 43 Op. O.L.C. (May 23, 2019) [Tab B].
The second issue is the absence of authority for the Committees to conduct an impeachment inquiry. In its October 15, 2019 letter, the Department conveyed concerns about the Committees’ lack of authority to initiate an impeachment inquiry given the absence of a delegation of such authority by House Rule or Resolution. This correspondence echoed an October 8, 2019 letter from the White House Counsel [Tab C] expressing the President’s view that the inquiry was “contrary to the Constitution of the United States and all past bipartisan precedent” and “violates fundamental fairness and constitutionally mandated due process.”
This letter informs you and Ms. Cooper of the Administration-wide direction that Executive Branch personnel “cannot participate in [the impeachment] inquiry under these circumstances”[Tab C]. In the event that the Committees issue a subpoena to compel Ms. Cooper’s appearance, you should be aware that the Supreme Court has held, in United States v. Rumely, 345 U.S. 41 (1953), that a person cannot be sanctioned for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena unauthorized by House Rule or Resolution.
To reiterate, the Department respects the oversight role of Congress and stands ready to work with the Committees should there be an appropriate resolution of outstanding legal issues. Any such resolution would have to consider the constitutional prerogatives and confidentiality interests of the co-equal Executive Branch, see Tab D, and ensure fundamental fairness to any Executive Branch employees involved in this process, including Ms. Cooper.
[signed]David L. Norquist

The Supreme Court case cited by Mr. Norquist is laughable. 

5 years ago

WI snotter ron johnson (r) is now entangled in the Ukraine fiasco. good.

5 years ago

Dumbass (me) posted this on the wrong thread. 

October 27, 2019 at 11:43 pm

I’m sure SFB expected a Pence-like reception. Too bad he got a Washington reception. 

I think a Bronx cheer would have been appropriate. 

5 years ago

Corey, nice to see you poke your nose in the tent again. That’s a pretty strong meme going around here, there and everywhere the tubes reach. What, you think Baron would’ve wanted to be seen with him in public?  “Sorry, Dad.  I’ve got an essay due tomorrow. (Yeah, that’s the ticket.)”

5 years ago

So Mrs. P wanted to upgrade our home security system, so she ordered a few extra Arlo devices. Well when installing it it updated all the software and  firmware. And I don’t know that I need security cameras that can differentiate between an animal, a human, and a vehicle, but I do find it interesting.

5 years ago

I do. 

5 years ago

Poobah,  cleanup on line 5 –  diners = Dana’s. 

5 years ago

Orkin came up with the rat list.
Hey, Corey!  I miss reading you & seeing the puppy pics on FB since I was…removed?…blocked?…reason still unknown.
Arlo home security? No, that’s music…Guthrie.

5 years ago

Happy Birthday to the star of my favorite movie (don’t judge):

“Good decision. Good decision.”

5 years ago